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Sinner Realized

Page 38

by Morgan Kelley

  ‘You’re safe. I’m sending my own blood. He’ll bring you in. Not in the FBI--only a detective. He will have backup. Are you okay with waiting together?’

  She hit send.

  Then, Maura waited.

  Luke could see the nervous tension in her body. With gentle fingers, he began working out the knots in her shoulders. They were hard as a rock.

  Yeah, someone was holding up the world on them.

  ‘Coordinates to follow in code. I trust my Marines. We will have each other’s backs. Watch for traps. Standard ones. Give me ETA.-- Red’

  Maura waited and watched. When the coordinates came in, she translated them into directions for Luke, who then proceeded to call Quinn. He wouldn’t send them by text. He would make sure they were safe.

  ‘I’m six hours out minimum on foot. Won’t make it until nine hundred hours. Expect me for breakfast. I hope you have food. I’m starving, cold, and wet. This is like boot camp in a horror movie.’

  It made her laugh. Even though this was the direst of situations, her men were still being themselves. When she was forced to think about them being out there alone, it made her sick to her stomach. Maura focused on the facts, so she could get through the next six hours.

  They were trained.

  They were tough.

  They were Marines.

  They would hold up under the weight of it all.

  She sent one last text before shutting down her phone to preserve battery life.


  When Luke hung up the phone, he could see she was having a crisis of conscience. It was clearly written all over her face.

  “You’re not to blame,” he said.

  Maura hated and loved that he understood her. “I feel like I am. What should I do, Luke?” she asked, hoping that the man in front of her would help navigate this mire of emotions. Normally, she was a rock in the storm.

  Now, she was scared.



  “We’re going to head to bed, get some sleep and once more stay safe. We both know that the men, who follow you, need to know that their leader knows what she’s doing. They’re going to follow you anywhere you tell them to go.”

  Yeah, but was that a good thing?

  “If they trust you while you’re out transporting Oracle, surely they’ll trust you with two men picking them up.”

  He had a point, but still…

  Her heart ached.

  “Come on, honey. You and I are going to go to bed, get some sleep, and face tomorrow with a new perspective. By the time we get up, Nate and Quinn will have your men, and it’ll all be good.”

  She trusted him.

  Taking Luke’s hand, she knew there would be no sleep, but just curling up beside him was cathartic enough. Maybe she could find a little peace.

  Letting him lead the way, Maura rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  “I’m here for you, Maura,” Luke promised. In order to get her distracted, he asked an important question. “Your place or mine?”

  She glanced up at him.


  “When this is over, do you want to move into my condo or live in your house?”

  She stared at him. “Are you crazy? This isn't a good time, Lucas.”

  It made him laugh. “Sure it is.” If she was worried about their relationship, then she wasn’t dwelling on her men.

  It was a win-win for him.

  After all, now she wasn’t thinking about the nutjob stalking her and the men she called family.

  It was only a little peace, but it was the best that Luke could do.

  For now…

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Two hours Later

  Five A.M.

  Moving through the shadows was easy. Not being seen, never heard, and always hiding until needed.

  This was a calling, along with punishing the sinners who hid among the corp.

  They were wicked.



  They didn't deserve to wear the uniform or be called Marines. In fact, they didn't deserve life.

  They were men who fornicated with the wrong sex, embarrassing their fellow mankind, and broke all the codes of moral conduct.

  They were the boastful and arrogant, forgetting that there was no ‘I’ in ‘team’. While they cheated their way to the top, they left the deserving at the bottom.

  They were losers who couldn’t keep their vows. From cheating on the women they proclaimed to love, to the team they spilled secrets about.

  When the corps allowed women in, it damaged them further. They paraded them around, pretending they were equals, when they obviously were not.

  Instead of keeping safe, they hurt, injured, and struck out against the weaker of humans.

  That wasn’t what a Marine was meant to be.

  ‘Semper Fi’ meant something.

  At least it did for some people.

  Now, justice needed to be done in the shadows. While in the light, the leaders looked away, someone had to do the dirty work.

  Someone had to stand up and take a stand. It began weeks ago, and it was close to the end. It would be finished, and then life would carry on.

  Creeping through the trees, the farmhouse loomed up ahead. It had been easy to find him. Hiding out in a home that you grew up in wasn’t exactly smart. It would be the first place that would be checked.

  It was obvious.

  It was amusing that the Marine had set up tripwires. Someone should have told him that there were better ways to catch a ghost.

  The man deserved to die not only for his sins, but now his lazy stupidity.

  He deserved his fate because of his secret. Like the others, they had weaknesses, and now it was time to show the world his.

  As he crept closer, he could see him in the window. From the looks of it, Redmond Churchill was nervous.

  When he got like that, he would smoke.

  When he’d wander the base, he was watched. There were slight tells that would give him away. Like when he met a new woman, he’d light up. When he’d have to qualify, he’d have a smoke to steady his nerves.

  If he wasn’t nervous now, then something was definitely wrong.

  This was all playing out perfectly.

  As motion behind the window drew all the focus, it made a smile form on wickedly twisted lips.

  Here he came.

  Right on schedule.

  As the man exited the house, it was time to move. Watching him carefully, the shadow crept through the darkness. Dawn would be breaking soon, and it was time to get this done.

  The list was almost complete. True Maura Gaines had escaped, but that was only temporary. She would be the last Marine standing and more exciting to hunt down.

  Glancing down, the shovel sat against the house as if it was meant to be. It would be the perfect weapon. When the Marine was out of commission, the fun would begin.

  With a light, warbling whistle in the calm predawn light, the man turned.

  At that moment, he had an untimely accident.

  The shovel smashed into his face.


  When he was no longer moving, that was when the killer decided to finish the work.

  “Let’s step inside. We need to get you dressed. Won’t the world be shocked to know the truth? You’re a disgrace to the uniform, Marine.”

  Dragging Red into the old farmhouse, it was time to wrap it up.

  One more was gone.

  This duty was done.

  The next target was already in sight.

  It was time for victory.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sunday Morning


  W hen he woke, the first thing that he noticed was that he was alone. Immediately, an overwhelming wave of panic set in. Luke didn't know where Maura was, but he did know that he needed to find her.

  Racing from the bedroom, he came to a halt. Th
ere, in the small cabin’s living room, she stood.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, pulling on his jeans and shirt. If she was running, he was going to be right beside her. After all, he had promised not only Quinn, but his heart.

  “I have to go.”

  Yeah, it wasn’t like he didn't see this one coming. After falling asleep, he hoped that she would calm down, but it didn't seem that was the case.

  “You can’t leave, Maura. You know that.”

  “What choice do I have, Luke? My men are out there alone. I have tried to live with that and stay here hidden like a coward, but I can’t do it. It’s not who I am.”

  “A coward?” he asked, moving toward her. “Is that really how you see you?” Luke inquired. How was it possible that this woman really believed that?

  There wasn’t a braver woman around.

  “I’m their leader. It’s my job to lead, not to play chicken and hide. If the killer wants me, then so be it. I’d rather die honorably, than live as a coward.”

  Those words alone made him sick to his stomach. The mere idea of Maura dying was enough to make him retch. He could tell right away that something needed to be done. It looked like he was going to have to take drastic measures, and no doubt they would have big ramifications.

  “You’re not going, Maura. Quinn and the rest of the team gave us our orders. We’re to follow that directive. You may be in charge of Bravo Ghost, but here you’re not. We’re equals in this battle. I have my orders and I can’t let you go.”

  “What are you going to do? Keep me locked up, Luke? Do you really think that’s going to work? I’m trained to disappear. The only reason I’m telling you to your face is because you deserve honesty. After what we shared, I couldn’t hurt you with just vanishing. Now that I’ve told you, I have to go.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, his eyes filling with pain.

  It caught her off guard. “For what exactly?” Maura inquired.

  Without warning, Luke struck. He had her pinned to the couch and her wrist locked to the heavy wood frame with one of his handcuffs. When she was secure, only then did he get up.

  “Luke! Knock it off! This isn't funny!”

  He wasn’t laughing. In fact, his heart ached at what he’d just had to do.

  “You can’t hold me hostage. This isn't some third world nation, and I’m not your property.”

  Yeah, he was well aware of all of those things. At that moment, he wished the opposite was true. If he could lock her away and keep her safe, he would.

  Now, her biggest enemy would be herself. It was time to protect Maura from doing something dangerous and stupid.

  Luke would sacrifice anything to keep her with him.

  Apparently, he wasn’t above tanking their relationship too.

  “Give me the key, Lucas,” she demanded.

  There was no way he was giving in. At some point, rational thought had to show up to keep them both safe. “Not happening, Maura. I’m sorry.”

  She was angry.


  And now irritated.

  “If you don’t unlock these cuffs, we’re done.”

  He had been waiting for just that. By strong arming her, he saw it coming a mile away. Maura had just tossed their relationship too.

  Well, in for a penny…

  “That’s fine. I don’t care if you hate me for the rest of your life. I just care that you live a long one. So, if I mean that little to you, that you can walk away, then so be it. I get it. I was someone to occupy your time and nothing more. The truth hurts, but I’ll get over it.”

  It was lies.

  He was dying inside.

  “I have a job, too, Maura. You’re not the only one who has a responsibility and duty. I’m in the fucking FBI, and I can’t let you walk headfirst into your death. You’re my job now, since you don’t want a relationship with me.”

  His words stung.

  Maura could feel the emotion coming off him in waves. In her frustration, she managed to hurt him.


  What was wrong with her?

  “Luke, you have to understand…” she began. Before Maura could say anything else he pointed at her.

  “Choose. Us or the Marines. I need to know.”

  What he was asking was impossible. The man before her owned her heart, but she was a Marine. How did she peel that from her life, becoming something new?

  When she said nothing, he got the picture.

  “That’s fine. I won’t ever expect anything more from you. If you wanted to prove who was tougher, Maura, you just did it. Had you asked me ‘you or the FBI’ you would have won hands down. But then again, that’s what makes me far weaker than you. You’re the only way to break me. I only wish the same was true for you. If you wondered if it was really love, there’s your answer. The truth is in your actions.”

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  “You can hate me all you want, but I love you. If this is how we’re supposed to end, I’ll deal with it. What’s coming is a huge battle, Maura, and acting like this, you’re not ready to win the war. A good soldier does anything to survive. Going back is cowardly. Staying here and holding up under the pressure is what would have made you a good leader.”

  His words stung, especially because she knew he was right.

  Suddenly, she couldn’t bear to face him.

  Lying down, her one hand restrained above her head, Maura hid her face in the cushion of the couch and said nothing. She’d already broke the man she loved.

  Her heart was slowly emptying of everything that had once given her peace.

  “You don’t have to talk to me ever again. You won’t be the first woman who walked away, but you will be the last. I may not be a Marine, Maura Gaines, but I’ve fought a few wars when it comes to love.”

  With that, Luke couldn’t take anymore. He headed toward the door, letting it slam behind him.

  He wasn’t mad, but he was hurt and frustrated.

  Just when he finally believed he’d found love and peace in his life, it had come back to bite him in the ass.

  His chances were shot to hell.

  Maura was his only chance at love, and now it was gone. Right now, he needed to be alone.

  There was mourning to do, and it was time to face the cold hard facts of reality.

  Lucas Mars was unlovable.

  And… he was going to die alone.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Two Hours Later

  Nathaniel’s Condo

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Quinn asked for what had to be the umpteenth time.

  Callie was about ready to write it on a piece of paper. She was getting tired of telling him she was perfectly safe inside Nate’s condo. There were guns, an alarm, and neighbors right next door.

  What trouble could she possibly get into?

  “Honey, I’m good. I’m going to sit here and pick through the last few personnel files. I want to make sure all of our bases are covered, and we’re not missing something. You and Nate are the ones who need to worry about being careful.”

  He dropped a kiss to her forehead and ran his palm over her stomach. “I know I’m irritating you, but you’re pregnant, and I need to worry about that more than anything else.”

  “Yeah, I can kill you and blame it on the hormones if you don’t stop.”

  Nate couldn’t help but snicker.

  Quinn looked horrified. “Callista!”

  “Go get those Marines. You have an hour drive and need to get this handled.”

  “Stay in.”


  “Don’t open the door to strangers.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Carry your gun.”

  She stared at him. “Sure thing.”

  “If the big bad wolf comes calling, don’t let him in,” Nate added, teasing Quinn. “Unless he huffs and puffs.”

  It earned him a slap to the back of his head. “Son, one day you’re going t
o find a girl, or purchase one from the internet, and you’re going to worry too.”

  That amused Callie.

  “You’re funny,” Nate said, clipping on his gun. He dropped a kiss to the top of his sister’s head before he got ready to go. “I’m driving,” he stated, grabbing the keys before Quinn could object.

  “Fine, you can drive.”

  Quinn opened his arms and immediately his wife rushed into them. There was no way he wasn’t taking this one minute to hold her.

  Just in case.

  “I love you, Callie, honey.”

  Without caring what his brother-in-law thought, he lowered his mouth to hers, allowing his lips to glide silkily across his wife’s. The rush of heat, love, and need swamped him. When her hands slid up his shoulders and to the back of his neck, Quinn found himself lost.

  Callie let him control the kiss, and when he was finished, she stared up into his eyes. “I love you, big guy.”

  “I love you too, Callista. Be safe for me, and stay out of trouble or I swear to God, I’ll put you over my knee when I get back.”

  “That’s not a deterrent,” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Oh, Jesus! Knock it off you two. Let’s get this done,” Nate muttered from not far away. It was hard to be irritated with the couple. It made him happy that his sister had found someone to love.

  As they headed out, Callie reactivated the alarm, and then got comfortable on the couch. Here was where she excelled. There were facts, and she needed to dig through them.

  Callie opted to start with Private Henry Lewis. Something about the man piqued her attention. He found Leroy Walker’s body and every time they were around, he watched them suspiciously.

  It stood out to her for some reason.

  Pulling up the information on him, Callie began breaking down his life.


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