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Silent Night (Bad Boy Rockers Book 6)

Page 2

by Lexi Buchanan

  I move around the bed so that he can’t catch me. “You stay away for now. They’re expecting us.”

  “I know.” Jack groans, and even though he tries to look miserable at the thought he doesn’t quite pull it off.

  I laugh and shake my finger at him. “You can’t wait to start rehearsing at Kix, and don’t tell me otherwise.”

  He grins. “Its been too long, Thalia. I had no idea that I missed getting up on stage until Ryder came to me with the request.”

  “I know, honey.” I gently shove him backward so that he sits on the bed and I straddle his legs. Cupping his face, I kiss him, and add, “Raising money this way for the children’s home is a wonderful idea, and I’m so proud of you for agreeing to do this.”

  “I was worried at first because my commitment is to you, always.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close. When he says things like that to me I feel my emotions get the better of me. I nuzzle into his neck. “I know, and you know that if you ever want to get back into your music like before, I’ll be there to support you.” I meet his gaze and feel my heart pound with the look on his face.

  He shakes his head. “I do miss it, but I don’t want to go back to it like before. It tired me out, and now we have the kids, I want to be here with you and the girls. It’s not just where I want to be, it’s where I need to be. You know how much time it costs in rehearsals and then gigs. I don’t want that. You guys are too important to me to be away from you.” He smiles and brushes the hair from my face. “If you ask Reece and Donovan, they’d tell you the same. We’ve all moved on and it’s nice to do what we’re doing this Christmas as a one-off. I’m excited about it, but not excited enough to want it to continue.”

  As I watch emotion cross my husband’s face, I hold him tightly and seal my lips over his. He’s so damn sweet that I wonder sometimes how I got so lucky.

  “Am I going to get lucky?” Jack wiggles his brows.

  I laugh and back off his lap. “Not yet, cowboy. What’s funny is that I was just wondering how I got so lucky to have you as my husband.”

  His eyes fill with love before he smirks. “I think you need to show me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I quickly leave the bedroom and jog downstairs, hoping that I don’t fall with laughter bubbling out.

  “What’s so funny?”

  The sound of Graham, Jack’s dad, pulls me up short. I’d forgotten that he was here with his wife, Stephanie. They’d come over to mind their grandchildren for the afternoon. “Your son.” I grin, and carry on through to the kitchen.

  Ryder and Dahlia’s roadhouse is only opened Thursday through Sunday, so it’s the ideal place for the rehearsals and the concert itself.

  I don’t know about Jack but I’m really looking forward to being out without the kids. Jack’s parents babysit once a month so that we can meet up at Kix for food and drink with friends. The break is always nice and it’s an excuse to get my hands on Jack without Leigh wanting in on our ‘cuddles’.

  “You look nice.” Stephanie smiles from her position at the kitchen table while she colors with Leigh. Winter sleeps soundly in her stroller.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to be going out during the day with Jack.” I bend and kiss Leigh on the top of her head and smile when she looks up at me.

  “Mommy, look.”

  I look at the picture she’s drawn. “That’s, you, Daddy, and Winter.”

  “That’s an amazing picture. It needs to go on the fridge once you’ve finished coloring it in.” I hug her tight and straighten when Jack appears in the doorway. He leans against the doorjamb, taking my breath away.

  Hearing a throat being cleared, I glance at Stephanie and grin while I feel a blush coat my cheeks.

  Jack smirks and walks toward me. He smacks me on the ass and curves his arm around my waist. “My beautiful wife.” He nuzzles into my neck.

  “Kissy. Kissy,” Leigh shouts.

  I chuckle and Jack groans into my neck, but he kisses me on the cheek and moves to collect Leigh into his arms.

  Her dark, curly hair bounces on the top of her head as her daddy cuddles her close while kissing her all over the face.

  “Dance, Daddy!”

  Jack is lost now as I quickly find their song on my cell. Tim McGraw’s Daddy’s Little Girl filters through the kitchen. Every time I watch them dance to the song it gets me in the heart.

  I sit beside Stephanie and feel tears slip out of my eyes. It’s beautiful the way that Jack holds Leigh against him, and seeing her small hands on his face while he sings to her takes my breath away. Leigh takes in every word, and in that moment, I fall in love with Jack all over again.

  When the song comes to an end he kisses Leigh on her forehead and meets my watery gaze. He comes over and tugs me into his arms. “I love you, honey.”

  I’m not sure how long we stand like we are, but sniffles from the side causes me to turn and look. Stephanie is dabbing at her eyes.

  “Seeing Jack so happy, and witnessing your love for my son always makes me teary eyed.” Stephanie wipes at her eyes. “It gets me every damn time.” She smiles and holds her arms out for Leigh who drops down onto her Grandma’s lap.

  “I’m damn lucky to have what I have, and I’ll never take it for granted.” Jack kisses me on the side of my head. “We need to leave.”

  “I know.” I turn to Leigh. “You be a good girl, and help with Winter, okay? You know how much she loves being with you, Leigh.” I stroke down my daughter’s hair.

  “I’ll be good,” Leigh mumbles with her thumb shoved into her mouth.

  “We’ll be just fine here. You go and enjoy yourselves.” Stephanie smiles.

  “We will, and thanks again for doing this.”

  “Pfft, stop. You hardly ask us for anything, so I’m really looking forward to having them during the day for a change. Now shoo.” She moves her hand to get us out of the kitchen.

  “We’re going, Mom.” Jack laughs, and snagging our jackets from the hook by the door tugs me to his truck, which he quickly warms up.


  Standing off to one side with Reece, my eyes constantly stray to Thalia while she laughs and talks with Reece’s wife, Callie. They’ve been friends since before we met, and I guess they got lucky because they married two best friends. I love watching Thalia though when she isn’t aware that I am, and I’m sure I’ve spent many a time sitting staring at her with a big stupid grin on my face.

  “So”—Reece clears his throat, a smirk on his face—“I believe you have something to talk me into.”

  I raise a brow and grin. “Who told you?”

  “Mom.” He winces. “She read me the riot act and Ben came into the kitchen during it.” He shakes his head and chuckles. “Callie explained to him that no matter your age you have to do what your mom says. She damn well enjoyed that.”

  I roar with laughter. Reece and Callie’s three-year-old son, Ben, is a handful and he has to have an explanation for everything. I guess Thalia and I got away lightly on that front. For now, anyway.

  On a serious note, I add, “Robin is twenty-one and has a good head on her shoulders. I know it’s a roadhouse, but there hasn’t been any trouble here for years. Ryder makes sure of that. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “Hmm,” Reece rumbles, staring at the bar.

  I track his gaze and realize it isn’t the bar that holds his attention but the man behind it.

  Turning back to Reece, I comment, “Really?”

  “He’s only a few years older than Robin. I know what men his age think about, and I don’t want him having those thoughts about my sister.”

  I chuckle. “We were that age once.”

  “Fuck, don’t remind me.” Reece continues to glare at the new guy behind the bar.

  Leo, Ryder had introduced, seems like a down to earth guy, and Reece had made the poor guy nervous with his unfriendly glare until Callie elbowed him in the side before shoving him away.

Facing Reece, I tell him, “You’re over-protective of your sisters and it annoys them. They know that you’ll always be there when they need you, so just leave them to choose their own direction without you getting all hot under the collar. It will certainly make for an easier life.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “You’re so full of shit.” I laugh and watch Thalia walk toward me, looking like trouble if the pout on her pretty face is anything to go by.

  “I take it you’ve talked to Reece?” Thalia snuggles into my side and lays her hand on my stomach, causing my thoughts to shift south.

  “Jack?” Thalia looks up at me and slips her fingers into my shirt.

  “What was the question?”

  Thalia rolls her eyes and tickles my stomach with her fingernails.

  Ah, Reece and Robin. “Um, no. Cindy already laid into him about her.” I smirk. “Which Ben overheard.”

  “Oh no.” She chuckles. “Bet that gave Callie a headache.”

  “My child is so damn inquisitive that he frightens me sometimes.” Reece glances at Callie while my attention is on my wife.

  “If you keep touching me, we’re going to be sneaking out to the storeroom.” I raise a brow. “Remember our time in there?”

  “How could I forget?” She glances to make sure that Reece is out of earshot, and adds, “I’m feeling kind of horny.”

  “Well, hold that thought, babe. Donovan and Mara have just arrived.” I nod toward the door.

  Thalia turns and smiles at their arrival. She’s been itching to see them since Mara called to say that baby number one is on the way.

  I watch as Donovan accepts the hug from Reece with a huge grin on his face. I’m not surprised because he’s amazing with our children. I do understand why they waited to start their family. Mara is much younger than him and they both wanted her to finish her Master’s degree before they got pregnant. I couldn’t be happier for them.

  “I’m holding the thought, but not for long.” Thalia dashes over to Mara.

  I make my way over to greet my other best friend and partner in crime, Donovan.

  “Congratulations.” I pull him into a hug and pound him on the back. “It’s been a long time coming.”

  “That it has.” He looks back to his wife and grins. “Discovered I have some pretty powerful swimmers.”

  Surprised, I raise a brow. “You really didn’t just go there?”

  “Yeah, I did.” He smirks. “We’re having twins.”

  I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes to mind so I repeat, “Twins?” in disbelief.

  “At first I thought they were bullshitting us, you know? But when the doc didn’t see the humor in it, we realized we really are having twins. It’s scary as fuck but I’m trying to be positive for Mara’s sake.” He rubs at his brow. “She keeps panicking at the thought of having to give birth to two babies, and wondering how she’s going to manage to look after two. I keep pointing out that she isn’t alone, and doesn’t just have me.”

  “I’ve never known you to fail at anything,” I encourage. “You won’t fail now. You have this.”

  “It’s just the shock. We went into the room to see one baby and saw two.” He grins. “We called around to the house to break the news to her mom. Her mom cried laughing and only managed to get herself under control when she saw Mara on the brink of tears.” He shrugs. “Apparently Mara wasn’t the easiest of babies, which is why Cindy has told us she’ll help, and that we only need to ask.”

  “You’re not alone, Donovan, and we’re always here for you guys.”

  “I appreciate that.” Donovan turns and smiles at Mara who looks to be glowing from her seat with Thalia and Callie. “What’s up with Reece? He hasn’t taken his eyes off the guy behind the bar.”

  Moving toward the table with the girls, I whisper, “Robin starts working here tomorrow and he isn’t impressed. Apparently he knows what the guy behind the bar is going to be thinking about when he sees Robin. He’s being over-protective.”

  “Should be interesting to watch. Robin is just as hardheaded as Mara.” Donovan lifts his wife and sits her down on his lap, his hands resting on her stomach while he nuzzles into her neck.

  I don’t comment because I have a feeling that Callie will soon have something to say to her husband if he ignores her for much longer, but I can help distract her for a bit. “I thought we were here to practice.”

  “We need to decide what songs we’re going to use first. Can’t rehearse otherwise,” Donovan drawls.

  I pull up a chair beside Thalia, and rest my palm on her thigh as she wraps herself around my arm. I kiss her on the forehead. “We need to sing Hero, Tonight, and Fallen from the Sky. Those will be expected as they were our more popular songs, and then Christmas songs. Some that the kids can join in on. The concert is in the afternoon, so we need to mix it up so that we sing something for everyone.”

  “I’m down with that,” Donovan agrees.

  All eyes turn to Reece, who probably hasn’t heard a word I said.

  Callie smacks him in the chest and he turns to her only to see all our eyes on him. “I hope you heard at least some of what I said because I’m not repeating it.”

  Reece sighs. “I heard you and I’m good with that.” He cups Callie’s head in his palms and slaps a kiss to her lips. “Sorry, babe.” He kisses her again and stands. “Let’s go and sing.” One last kiss and whispered words and he jumps up on to the stage. He places his hands on his hips and grins.

  Shaking my head, I kiss Thalia and move my ass to join Reece with Donovan on my heels.

  “I think”—Reece wraps his arms around our shoulders—“that we should start off with Amazing Grace.”

  “Um, you sure?” I glance at Thalia and back to Reece. “Thalia will probably kick my ass for making her cry.”

  “Yeah, Mara cries at the drop of a hat right now.”

  “You pussies.” Reece shakes his head. “Callie cries, but she always says it’s the good tears because it’s so beautiful.” Donovan and I stay silent, so he adds, “Help a guy out here?”

  I glance to Donovan and meet his gaze. At Donovan’s nod, I agree, “Okay, but you owe us.”

  Reece grins. “Let’s do it.”


  The minute the men spread out on the stage and face us, I just know what they are about to do as Jack holds my gaze. I reach out and grasp Callie and Mara’s hands. I feel them look at me before they face their guys…and then the first words of Amazing Grace leave their mouths, and I cry.

  It’s one of my favorite songs and just hearing Deception sing it into the silence of the room really tugs at my heartstrings.

  Other than a special request from friends to sing at the odd wedding or funeral, they never sing like this in public, and I so wish that they would because their voices are strong, sexy, and fill the room.

  During the last few lines of the song, I stand and move in front of the stage with Jack’s eyes on my every step. He sits on the edge of the stage and places his hands on my hips as he finishes the song.

  Seconds later, silence descends on Kix and Jack reaches up to wipe the tears from my face with his thumbs. “I love you, honey.” He smiles and tugs me into his arms.

  I sniffle into his neck. “You knew that would make me cry,” I accuse.

  “When I sing without being accompanied by music you never take your eyes from me. It makes me feel invincible…and hot.”

  “Mmm. I love watching you.”

  “You can watch him some more as we have more to rehearse,” Reece grins from above us.

  Jack caresses my ass while his lips hover over mine. “I promise not to make you cry again while I’m singing, so go and enjoy your time with the girls.” He kisses me quickly, then lingers and kisses me again before jumping back up to the stage and indicating for me to go sit.

  I grin and make sure there’s more than the usual swagger in my step, because I know that Jack’s eyes will be on me until I take my seat again and d
o my usual wink.

  “You still have that guy wrapped around your little finger,” Mara comments.

  “As though you don’t have Donovan in the same position,” I counter, amused. “So tell us,” I glance at Callie and then back to Mara, “how did Donovan take the twins news?”

  “Hmm.” Mara sighs. “To be honest, he took it really well once he stopped laughing and realized it wasn’t a joke.” She shakes her head, a soft smile hovering on her lips. “He is the sweetest man and he’s done nothing but reassure me that we’ll manage to the point that I actually believe him.”

  I wrap my arm around Mara’s shoulders and hug her. “Don’t forget you have us as well as your mom and sisters. We’re only a phone call away, Mara.”

  “I know and I can assure you that I’ll probably be needing you guys.” Mara squeezes my hand. “The doctor told us that they’d have to monitor me more closely now that they’ve discovered I’m having twins. I don’t mind.” She shrugs. “At least they’ll be able to catch if there’s anything wrong early enough, and who knows, I might deliver early.”

  “Just be prepared for that,” Callie advises, an odd look on her face. “I delivered early with Ben. I was so not prepared. Less so than Reece.”

  “Talking about Reece, how did he take Robin working here?” I take a drink of my water and meet Callie’s gaze.

  “The same as he always takes news about one of his sisters,” Callie drawls. “Five minutes after talking to Robin, he was fine with it.” She sighs. “Until he walked in here and saw Leo, the new barman.”

  “He’s cute,” Mara comments. “I see were he’s coming from though. Leo looks around Robin’s age.”

  “Don’t tell Reece this, but Leo goes to the same college as Robin.”

  I raise my brow at Callie’s whispered words and catch the surprise on Mara’s face from the corner of my eyes. Then I have a thought, “Do you think Robin knows him? Like they both planned this to be together?” I grin, getting excited at the prospect, although Callie will probably need a strong drink if that’s the case and Reece finds out.


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