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Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6)

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  Lea got up in a huff. “You two have no sense of humor.”

  “Trust me, Lea. It’s you, not us,” Mary stated. “There is nothing funny about that.”

  “That’s because you don’t know the cartoon,” Lea said earnestly. “You see, there’s this parrot in the house. The plumber knocks on the door and the parrot asks, ‘Who is it?’ The plumber keeps answering until he finally gets so frustrated, he has a heart attack. It’s an old rerun of Electric Company I used to watch with my dad.”

  “That explains it,” Mary said.

  Lea looked at her questioningly. “Explains what?”

  “You dad is as much of an idiot as you are.”

  Lea’s face contorted into an ugly scowl as she got ready to let loose on Mary. It was the last thing Brie needed, so she piped up, “Hey, Mary, you got anything to drink?”

  Mary shrugged. “Only rum and Coke.”

  Brie groaned, remembering the last time she had had that particular drink was at the Kinky Goat. It brought a wave of bad memories, but it was the quickest way she knew of to relax the tension in the room. “Make it a double.”

  Mary turned to Lea. “And you?”

  “Make mine a triple. It’s the only way I’ll be able to stand you.”

  Brie laughed, thinking back on their first outing together. Despite the passage of time, not much had really changed between the girls.

  Mary took care of the drinks, which gave Brie a chance to examine Mary’s apartment. She was shocked to see a wide variety of Disney mementos, from little music boxes and posters to pillows and snow globes, all scattered throughout the room. It reminded her of a little girl’s bedroom rather than an adult’s apartment.

  Brie picked up one of the snow globes and watched the glitter swirl around the little redheaded mermaid. When Mary came back with their drinks, Brie asked, “So you’re into Disney, huh?”

  Mary gave her a nasty look. “Yeah. You got a problem with that?”

  “No. It just isn’t something I would have expected from such a tough bitch like you.”

  Mary’s expression softened as she handed Brie the drink and took the globe from her. “I love everything Disney. I’m a serious collector.”

  Lea glanced around the room. “No doubt! I’d say you’re like a crazy obsessive collector.”

  Before Mary could take offense, Brie held up her glass. “Here’s to the Three Musketeers—Mary the Mediocre, Lea the Lame and Brie the Beloved.”

  “Brie the Bitch is more like it,” Mary snapped.

  Lea rolled her eyes. “Mary, you show no spark of creativity. Clearly, it’s Brie the Butt.”

  All three laughed as they clicked glasses, and Brie forced down Mary’s favorite drink. She hid her shudder as she swallowed it, and then got to work setting up the camera and light reflectors while the other two chatted. She focused on the moment instead of on Sir, who she had left at the apartment all alone. It had nearly killed her to leave him.

  “Okay, my plan is to keep things the same as we’ve always done. We’re simply going to sit and talk like we used to after every session. No need to notice the camera. This is just about subbies getting together to dish.”

  Mary nodded her approval. “Good. I would have punched you in the throat if you’d tried to get a close-up of a tear or something.”

  Lea laughed. “Are you even capable of crying, Mary?”

  “No, that ability died long ago,” she quipped, taking a sip of her drink.

  It was an honest answer given lightly, but with deep significance. Brie instantly thought of the little girl Mary had once been, and her heart ached for her. This was going to be a difficult interview. She hoped Mary would be resilient enough to survive it.

  The girls started off talking about silly things to break the ice, but soon the conversation turned to a serious topic when Mary brought up Brie’s time with Tono. “So…how is it living with the Master of the freakish rope tricks?”

  Brie smiled. “Tono has been a wonderful Master to me.”

  “Did he tie you up nice and tight and fuck you silly?” Lea asked.

  “He tied me up all right, but I only got a spanking.”

  Lea giggled. “A spanking? I never thought Tono had it in him.”

  Mary interjected, “Of course he does. He was doing an excellent job with my spy fantasy just before I had my little ‘episode’.”

  Brie suddenly felt the urge to share. “Mary, you should know that Tono became visibly upset when your breakdown was mentioned while he was watching the documentary.”

  Mary closed her eyes. “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Why would it surprise you that he cares about you?”

  Mary pursed her lips. “The guy never knew me. Must have been a kneejerk reaction.”

  Brie was offended by her brush-off of Tono. “He is a genuine person, damn it. Don’t you dare belittle his heart.”

  Mary held up her hands. “Don’t get all weird on me Brie. I didn’t mean to put down Rope Freak.”

  “Why do you have to make everything a joke?” Brie complained.

  Mary stared at her without speaking, but then sighed deeply and answered, “I…I’m not used to it, don’t trust it.”

  Lea said what Brie was thinking. “Do not base your opinion of the male population on your father. He was a fucked-up piece of shit.”

  Mary held up her glass. “Yes, he was.”

  “Do you still have contact with him?”Brie asked.

  Mary threw her head back and laughed. “Fuck, no! Do you think I’m crazy?”

  Brie forged onward with a more difficult question. “What do you think his reaction will be when this film comes out?”

  “He won’t care. The guy never cared about me, good or bad. I was just his punching bag after my mom left. There isn’t a shred of human kindness in that man. He’s a worthless excuse of manmeat, take my word for it.”

  Brie clinked glasses with her. “Okay, he’s worthless manmeat. But surely someone had to have been looking out for you as a kid.”

  The color drained from Mary’s face. She looked like she was about to clam up, but then she gulped down her drink and spoke. “In second grade, I told my teacher. She treated me like I was lying to get attention. You know what she said?” Her voice changed as she imitated the woman’s voice. “‘Your father is under a lot of pressure, young lady.’”

  Lea put her hand to her mouth in shock. “No way…”

  “I didn’t say anything after that, but damn if my third grade teacher noticed the day I cringed after she touched my arm. I told her everything and two weeks later Social Services came to our home. My dad played everything off as if I was a klutzy kid, and they bought it. The fucking social worker bought it hook, line, and sinker.”

  Brie looked at her with compassion. “I can’t imagine how that must have felt, Mary. Finally being heard and then having it all fall apart.”

  Mary snarled. “It hurt like fucking hell, bitch! He beat the crap out of me and told me if anyone noticed this time, he would find new ways to hurt me.” Mary downed the rest of her drink in one gulp. “I never told another living soul after that, until I was forced to explain what happened with Tono.”

  Brie asked a harder question, concerned that Mary might not respond but feeling it was important to ask. “How do you feel your childhood experience shaped you as an adult?”

  Mary’s resistance dissolved as she let out a faint, anguished cry, turning away from them both. “Truth? I’m damaged goods.”

  The vulnerability Mary exhibited tore at Brie’s heart. She put her arm around her and whispered so the camera wouldn’t catch it. “You are the strongest woman I know. He did not break you. You not only survived, you overcame his brutality.”

  Mary shrugged off her hug, but said under her breath, “Thanks.” She got up and headed to the kitchen to make another drink before returning. “What else you want to know? Have at it, bitches. This is your only chance.”

  Lea piped up, “So did you become a mas
ochist because of your dad?”

  “No!” Mary growled angrily. “I hate that you would assume that.”

  Brie had also presumed that was the case. “Can you explain?”

  “I am not a masochist. I don’t like pain, but I endure it. It’s like I have a driving need to defeat it. Like…” She let out a long, ragged breath. “If I was able to bear it without fear, I would finally be the victor over him.”

  Brie felt tears burn her eyes but Mary glared at her, letting her know that such an emotional response was not acceptable. Brie switched her mindset to that of a director and asked, “So what attracted you to the D/s lifestyle, then?”

  Mary held her chin up. “In submission, I find control. It’s the only time I have power over my past.”

  “Wow, that is really profound,” Lea said in awe. Mary just rolled her eyes.

  Brie was equally impressed, but kept it to herself. Nothing but an indifferent reaction would satisfy Mary. She turned to Lea. “What about you, Lea? What made you want to become a submissive?”

  “Well…I am adventurous by nature. I want to try it all, nothing held back. In D/s, I find equally adventuresome souls. It’s exciting! Anything and everything is allowed as long as we both agree. I don’t care how weird it is—I want to try everything at least once!”

  “You’re a twit, Lea,” Mary stated. “Everyone has their limits. You can’t convince me otherwise.”

  Lea grinned at her enthusiastically. “Well, I haven’t found mine yet. Sure, there have been a few things I won’t try again, but all of it has been interesting. Wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Brie had to ask, “So how will your parents react when you tell them about this film, Lea?”

  Her bosom suddenly blossomed a nice, deep shade of pink that crept all the way to her cheeks. “Well…I’m not sure. My parents have always been my biggest supporters. They’re the ones who’ve encouraged me to explore the world.” She looked at the camera guiltily. “I think… I believe they’ll be surprised that this is the direction I have chosen, but I don’t expect they will love me any less.”

  Mary stepped in. “What about you, Brie? How will your parents handle their perfect little girl going all kinky on them?”

  Brie choked on the horrid rum and Coke she was drinking. She hadn’t counted on being on the other end of the interview. “My parents? Um… They won’t handle it very well. It’ll be embarrassing for them, living in a small community with small town values and all. But I trust, as much as it will be a struggle for both my mom and dad, that in the end they will support my decision. Like most parents, their greatest desire is my happiness. Well…” Brie shrugged and grinned. “I’ve never been happier in all my life.”

  “Of course,” Mary said condescendingly. “‘Oh, Brie, our little baby who can do no wrong.’”

  Brie snapped at her, “It’s not like that at all! I know the news is going to hurt them, but I have to believe they will eventually come around because they love me, and I hold to the belief that love conquers all.”

  Mary grabbed a pillow in the shape of Pumbaa, the warthog, and hugged it to her chest. “I have a theory. People who are given lots of love as kids attract lots of love. Those who never received it will never know its power.”

  “What a depressing way to go through life,” Lea complained.

  But Brie felt only sympathy for Mary. “Haven’t you ever loved someone?”

  Mary hugged the pillow even harder. “Possibly…” Her vinegar tone returned as she announced, “But it was unceremoniously rejected, which totally proves my point.”

  Brie wondered if she was speaking about Faelan. The fact Mary would bring it up a second time was significant. Rather than risking embarrassing her on camera by exposing her crush, Brie asked, “So have either of you considered settling down with one Dom now that you’ve had time to check out what’s out there?”

  Brie was pretty sure she knew the answer, but felt the viewers would be interested in their answers.

  Lea giggled. “Are you kidding, Brie? I love being a submissive for the Center’s Dominant training. It is so sweet seeing the new Doms come in, a little unsure of themselves, but leave full of confidence about their calling. It’s so damn sexy!”

  “But there’s no one you would like to settle down with, Lea?” Brie pressed.

  She made a pretty little pout. “Maybe, but I’m not sharing who with the rest of the world.” She stuck her tongue out at Brie.

  Brie laughed and then turned to Mary. “What about you?”

  For the first time, Mary did not have a smart comeback. She just shook her head and looked away, sipping at her drink.

  Brie took the attention away from her, grateful for Mary’s candidness. “I’m still ecstatic with my choice of Dom.” She sighed happily and hugged herself.

  “So Brie, how does it differ having a twenty-four seven relationship?” Lea asked.

  Brie appreciated the chance to share her experience on film. “During training it was more about succeeding in the scene, wanting to get the most out of it. But having this one-on-one interaction with my Master on a daily basis has brought a level of depth to our relationship I never thought possible.”

  “You’re one lucky bitch,” Mary grumbled into her glass.

  Brie smiled at her with encouragement. “I’ve said it before, but I believe you and I are a lot alike. Your day will come, Mary, you just have to own it.”

  “Thank you, Pollyanna,” Mary huffed, getting up to mix another drink. “Always sweetness and light, sweetness and light…”

  It hurt to have Mary throw her heartfelt words back in her face, so Brie responded with spite. “It is not all sweetness and light, bitch. It is hard to integrate two lives on such an intimate level. Both Sir and I have struggled, but it’s because of those struggles that we have grown stronger.”

  “Can I just say how sick I am of hearing about your perfect life? Fucking sick of it!” Mary spat back.

  Lea stepped in to defend Brie, as she had in the past. “Mary, being jealous of Brie is pathetic. In the end, you create the life you have. Despite your father, your crappy childhood, and some idiot who didn’t love you back, this is your life! You decide today how the rest of your days will play out.”

  Brie was left speechless. Instead of making a stupid joke, Lea had laid out a sobering truth.

  “That’s it!” Mary threw the pillow across the room. “I don’t have to listen to any more of this shit. Get the fuck out of my apartment, both of you. Now!”

  Brie put her drink down slowly, unsure if Mary was serious—but the woman was deadly serious. Mary manhandled Brie off the couch. “I said get out!”

  Lea helped Brie gather her camera equipment while Mary went on a cussing spree, the likes of which Brie had never known.

  It was with great relief that they made it out, just as Mary slammed the door behind them. “Never again!” Mary screamed from behind the door. “I am never trusting you two bitches again!” Brie heard the lock slide into place.

  Lea shook her head at Brie. “What the fuck?”

  Brie shrugged her shoulders. “I think we must have touched on some of her greatest fears. I feel terrible, Lea. She opened up so much today, and now she’s in there hurting and feeling more alone than ever.”

  “It’s her own fault, damn it,” Lea retorted.

  “Yes, but she was trying to reach out today. I hate that it ended this way.”

  “Ain’t nobody gonna be able to help that bitch.”

  Brie frowned. “I refuse to believe that, Lea. Everyone deserves happiness, especially someone as wounded as Mary.”

  Lea put her arm around Brie. “You can’t save the world, girlfriend. You’re just going to get hurt if you try. Rabid dogs bite the hand that tries to comfort them, and Mary is as rabid as they come.”

  Brie laid her head on Lea’s inviting bosom and accepted her hug. “Why don’t you tell me a joke?”

  “Yay!” Lea squeezed her tighter. “So, you know you’ve
got a serious kink if, while driving up a mountain pass, you read a sign that says ‘Chains required’ and the first thing that pops into your head is, ‘Are whips are optional?’”

  “I love you and your stupid jokes, Lea,” Brie chuckled as she looked at Mary’s window. And I love you too, Mary the Mediocre. Don’t you dare give up—bitch!

  Tender Revelation

  Brie let the unpleasant ending of the interview fall away from her as she raced back home to Sir. She hadn’t told her friends that he was even home, wanting that secret to remain hers a while longer.

  She entered their apartment and was startled to see that it was dark. Had he escaped the solitude of the place and gone somewhere else? She was about to call out Sir’s name when she heard his voice. “Put your camera equipment down on the floor and strip where you stand.”

  Brie heart fluttered as she hurried to do his bidding. She closed her eyes, holding back the tears, realizing how much she’d missed his authoritative sensuality.

  “Kneel on the ground, put your shoulders on the floor and spread your arms on either side of you.”

  A chill went through her as her breasts made contact with the cold marble. She hid her smile in her long hair as she lay there waiting, listening…

  She heard the soft clink of glass and imagined him sitting at the kitchen table, enjoying his martini while he made her await his next command. The anticipation rendered her wet and ready.

  He prolonged the moment. Brie assumed he enjoyed the temporary postponement of their desires as much as she did.

  When she heard him stand and start walking towards her, Brie let out a soft whimper of excitement. His stride was confident and strong, making her loins ache for him.

  Sir stood before her, not saying a word.

  Brie held her breath, waiting for his next order.

  “Don’t move,” was his only command.

  Her body trembled as he stepped behind Brie. “Such a fine ass.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she whispered.

  He lightly ran his fingers over her round curves and said, “I shall partake of it tonight.”

  She shivered in delight.


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