It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance Page 21

by Lisa Campell

  “Our engagement happened so suddenly, I didn’t have time to get a ring. Despite the circumstances surrounding our marriage, I reckon it is only right to give you one.”

  “It’s so beautiful,” she gushed as tears filled her eyes.

  She knew this moment was one she would never forget. It was so precious. So very precious to her.

  “Oh, Edward, thank you. I love it. With all of my heart.”

  A small smile spread across his lips. “I’m glad you do.” There was a pause before he continued. “Caroline, there is something you must know.”

  She looked up at him then.

  Could this be it?

  It seemed like the perfect time for a confession, the perfect place. Heavens knew she would not be able to hold her joy if he indeed professed his feelings.

  She didn’t even know how she would react.

  “Yes?” she said, holding his gaze.

  Her heart stopped, her breath caught in her throat, and she waited to hear those words.

  Please let it be what I’m thinking.

  He searched her eyes, saying nothing yet.

  Caroline found that she was not such a patient person. So again, she said, “Yes?”

  He broke eye contact. Looking away, he cleared his throat. Suddenly, he let go of her hand, rising to his feet.

  “I am aware that this is a marriage of convenience. I want to assure you that I shall ask nothing of you—nothing you do not wish to freely give. After the wedding, if you so desire, you may return here to Yorkshire and remain with your father. You are free to live your life as you wish. I shall do the same.”

  Caroline’s heart broke for the umpteenth time and she knew that it would never recover. Not again. Not this time.

  The color drained from her face as his words echoed in her ears, over and over again.

  Fool. When will you learn? You keep getting your hopes up only to have them dashed.

  Tears stung her eyes but she refused to cry, not in front of him. He had humiliated her enough.

  “If you are ready to leave, we can ride together.”

  Caroline shook her head. “I think I’ll stay a little longer, thank you.”

  He didn’t argue. Giving a curt nod, he said, “Well then, I shall see you at home.”

  With those words, he left.

  Caroline waited until he had mounted his horse and ridden away before giving in to the grief that overwhelmed her.

  She had truly believed things would only continue to get better. Alas, it appeared she could never be truly happy. Not as long as she continued to love a man who wouldn’t love her in return.

  Accepting that this was her life now, the constant hurt and pain, she covered her face with her hands and broke into tears.

  She wept like she had never done before—until there was nothing left.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  They went back to London the next day and preparations for their wedding began in earnest.

  Soon enough, the day arrived.

  Aunt Helen and Uncle Ethan had returned to London for the ceremony, so they were present. Her father as well.

  Caroline was happy to see him looking better than he had when they visited Yorkshire. She knew that the reason for this was the fact that Edward had made good on his promises.

  Their townhouse had been bought back and Whittaker was being carefully interrogated by the proper authorities.

  All seemed to be well in her world, but she knew it was not. She was marrying a man who did not love her, who could not care. A man who hurt her without a second’s thought.

  “Are you ready?” Aunt Helen asked as she came to stand by her side in front of the vanity.

  Caroline drew in a deep breath.


  “Yes,” she heard herself say. “Is it time?”

  Aunt Helen smiled at her. “In another moment. Oh dear, you look so beautiful. Your mother must be smiling down at you with joy and pride in her heart.”

  The mention of her mother made Caroline sad. “What I would give to have her here.”

  “Don’t I know it? Well, if it is any consolation, I am here for you all the way. As is your father and your aunt Trudy.” Her smile deepened. “I hoped for this day with all my heart, ever since I watched you two as inseparable children. I knew nothing would make me happier, and I know that my dear departed brother and his wife, bless their souls, would utterly approve. You are good for him, Caroline. You two will be very happy together.”

  Caroline wanted to tell Aunt Helen that she was wrong. That they would never be happy, but she ended up holding her peace.

  In that moment, the door to her chamber opened and her father entered.

  “It is time,” he announced.

  She turned to him, a nervous wreck.

  He must have noticed her anxiousness for he asked, “Nervous?”

  She nodded eagerly. “I reckon.”

  Her father chuckled. “It is always that way. Do not worry, by the time we are halfway through the ceremony, your nerves will be in better condition.”

  Caroline wished that with all her heart.

  “Come now, we mustn’t keep the guests waiting any longer.”

  Caroline bobbed her head and proceeded to hug Aunt Trudy and Aunt Helen. As she pulled away from them, she walked to her father and tucked her arm around his.

  “It’s going to be fine, trust me.”

  She wanted to believe those words so bad, but she was afraid she was only going to end up disappointed once again. So she simply smiled up at her father.

  Together, they walked out her chambers, all the way down the stairs and into the fields where the guests and her husband-to-be were waiting.

  As they approached, the congregation arose and the prossession began.

  Slowly, she followed her father’s lead down the aisle.

  When they finally reached its end, she hugged him. It was a tight embrace and she almost didn’t want to let go.

  Who would have thought the day she had dreamed of for so long would finally come—and that she would be so sad?

  Her father handed her over to Edward as they broke the embrace. It was only then that she looked up at him.

  Even through her veil, she could see that he looked especially handsome. Despite knowing better, her heart still fluttered.

  “Dearly beloved,” the priest began as they stood in his presence. “We are gathered here today to witness a new, blessed union.”

  He turned to Edward. “Your grace, Edward Brandon, Duke of Darkwood, do you henceforth take, before God and man, Miss Caroline Wentworth to be your wife? To have and to hold, to cherish and adore, to love and protect, in all times good and bad, in abundance and in lack, wellness and ill-health until death do thee part?”

  He held her eyes captive as he answered. “With all my heart, I do.”

  There had been no hesitation. He had said those words as though he truly meant them, but she knew better than to hope now.

  The priest turned to her. “Miss Caroline Wentworth, do you henceforth take, before God and man, his grace, Edward Brandon, Duke of Darkwood, to be your husband? To have and to hold, to cherish and adore, to love and respect, in all times good and bad, in abundance and in lack, in wellness and ill-health until death do thee part?”

  Her stomach squirmed as he continued to hold her gaze captive. This was it. The moment that would decide the rest of her life.

  “Miss Caroline?” the priest called.

  Finally, she answered, “Yes, with all my heart, I do.”

  She could feel the smile in his voice when he spoke again.

  “With our ears we have heard. With our eyes we are seeing. Is there anyone here present who opposes, for any reason, the marriage of these two? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Caroline would have looked but she couldn’t bring herself to break free from Edward’s gaze.

  The hush that had fallen reigned a long moment. In that time, their rings were brought to them. S
he was given his and he, hers.

  “Very well. If there is none who wishes to speak, with the power conferred upon me by the church, I hereby pronounce thee man and wife.”

  Upon his pronouncement, Edward slipped her ring onto her finger and she did the same to him.

  Cheers broke out in the audience as he lifted her veil and drew her in for a chaste kiss.

  She trembled all over as his lips touched hers. She knew then she would always want him.

  With all of her.

  The wedding feast began soon after and it continued into the night. They wined, dined, and danced, performing every wedding ritual in accordance to their English customs.

  Eventually, Caroline rose to her feet with an announcement that she wished to retire to her chambers.

  Rowdy cheers erupted as she said those words, trailing after her as she left.

  When she had disappeared from the hall, the men turned to Edward, hailing and cheering him on. He smiled and laughed but deep down, he knew he was wary of going after her.

  Thankfully, he had another half an hour before he too had to leave. It was customary for the groom to give his bride time to prepare for their first night together.

  Dreading what lay ahead, he filled his cup with more wine and downed it all in one gulp.

  He was about to repeat the gestures when Nathaniel stopped him.

  “If you keep going that way, you will be meeting your wife drunk and half-asleep. Is that how you’d like to spend your first night?”

  Edward pushed Nathaniel’s hands away, drinking his fill still.

  “There won’t be a first night. There won’t be any night for that matter.”

  Nathaniel sighed. “You should have told her.”

  I’d wanted to. I just couldn’t say the words. I tried. They wouldn’t come out.

  Back in Yorkshire, at the ruins. He had wanted to tell her the truth. When he realized he couldn’t, he had decided to break her heart instead—again.

  “I cannot.”

  “Then you would continue like this? For how long?”

  “For as long as I can.”

  “It is no marriage if you do not consummate it.”

  Edward smirked. “No one would have to know. Of course, except you. But you wouldn’t tell anyone, would you?”

  Nathaniel shook his head. “I fear you are a lost cause. You are drunk already as it is. Please, stop now. If not for anything else, for the sake of the people watching. What will they say about your wife if you go to her inebriated on your first night?”

  Those words finally reached him. Nathaniel was right. It would not look good.

  If he would not love her properly, the least he could do was not embarrass her. With this in mind, he left the wine for water.

  By the time he rose to go after her, he felt only a little intoxicated.

  “Good night, everyone! I thank you all for coming. I would love to stay and continue the feast but I am afraid my wife awaits me.”

  The men cheered again. “Good luck, Brandon!”

  Smiling, he waved them all goodbye and proceeded to leave the large hall.

  She was waiting in his chamber when he arrived. Sitting on his bed in a white bridal robe.

  Her golden mane fell down her back in wild waves, just the way he preferred it.

  Even with her back to him, he could feel his entire body react to her. He shut the door behind him and went further into the room.

  “You may sleep here tonight. If you leave, people will talk. Never worry, I won’t…”

  He froze as she turned to him. The gas lamp had been turned off. Only the light from the full moon streamed in through the window, casting an incandescent glow over her. He could see her clearly. Her utterly gorgeous face, her full lips that called out to him. Her neck and chest laid bare in that flimsy linen robe that left almost nothing to the imagination.

  No one could ever come close.

  He had told himself nothing would happen that night, but he feared he wasn’t strong enough to resist her.

  His member grew hard, throbbing with the need to be buried inside her warmth.

  He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry.

  I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you, right now, in this moment.

  Why couldn’t he have her? She was his wife, after all. By law and by God. She was his to take, to pleasure, to love.

  “Caroline,” he breathed, finally finding his voice.

  “You were saying?”

  What had he been saying? He couldn’t remember. He couldn’t recall a thing. All he knew was that she was too far away from him. He needed her closer; he needed her in his arms.

  “Caroline,” he whispered again.

  “Yes?” she answered.

  “Forgive me?”

  Her brows furrowed in confusion. “For what?”

  He said nothing more. Eyes glazed with desire, mind possessed with only thoughts of making love to her, he crossed the distance between them.

  As he reached the bed, he pulled her into his arm with a fiery kiss.

  It was different this time. There was no reason for him to stop. She was his.

  “Mine,” he growled into her mouth.

  Climbing on to the bed, he pushed her down slowly until her back rested against the softness. He thought he sensed some resistance. He would have stopped then, but she relaxed in his arms, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

  Gladdened by this, he pried her mouth apart, willing her to let him in. She did.

  He sighed as his tongue touched hers, and he held on to her even tighter, filling himself with her womanly scent. Daisies and roses, she smelled like the entire garden.

  And her body, good heavens! She was so soft in his hands. He could hold her forever.

  All of those skirts, bodices, corsets, he was grateful they would not come between them tonight. So grateful.

  She kissed him as passionately as he did her, as though she, too, could not get enough.

  Wanting more, needing just that, Edward tore his lips away and began to kiss her everywhere else.

  Her eyes, her nose, her cheeks. When he reached her ears, he sucked one lobe between his lips and nibbled.

  It was like sweet harmony when she moaned in his ears. Her neck came next, and he took his sweet time, pressing kisses all over.

  When he reached the hollow in her shoulder, he flicked his tongue against the silky skin there.

  She cried out, pushing her bosom into him as she arched up for more.

  A delicious thrill shot through Edward as he felt her buds rub against his chest through his thin shirt.

  He could barely hold on to the control that was quickly slipping through his fingers.

  He held himself up with one hand and used the other to get rid of her robe.

  She was left in only her night dress then. An undergarment that he could not wait to get rid of as well. Alas, he didn’t have such patience. All he had to do was bend one strap and one of her ripe twins came free.

  Edward’s eyes widened as he took in the beauty. The mound of flesh stood proud, the pink bud ripened. He felt his member grow even harder.

  “Ah, Caroline… such beauty.”

  Unable to help himself, he took her breast into his mouth.

  She cried out in awe as he did, pushing further into him as she squirmed.

  Edward was pleased by her reactions. He took his time, lavishing her twins with love and care. He knew he would never grow tired of sucking from her fountains.

  She writhed beneath him, arching and moaning.

  He was delighted by the obvious pleasure he gave her. He was ready to give her more.

  Slowly, he found his way beneath her dress, trailing his hands upward until he stopped at her womanly folds.

  Ever so softly, he stroked her with his first caress. His member throbbed when he realized how wet she was. Wet, warm, and ready for him.

  He stroked again, and this time, she yelped, shutting her eyes tight.

ard, please…”

  He wondered if she knew what it was she was begging for, but he was happy to show her.


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