Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)

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Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) Page 12

by du Lys, Cerys

  Her hands bunched into balls and pounded on his chest. In return, he lay one hand on the side of her hips and used it to slide her faster onto his cock, while his other hand massaged and groped her breasts. Miri squeezed her thighs and bent her knees, driving herself along his shaft faster and faster.

  Thump let out a harsh, ragged gasp. "Miri."

  She knew. She knew everything. His seed, his orgasm, she pressed onto him, wanted it in her, and he gave it to her completely. Her body relaxed then, but in a different way. Everything seemed right and perfect and though she was tensed beyond belief, knowing nothing more than the impact of pleasure he shoved throughout her entire being, it was how it should be.

  When the first jet of Thump's cum crashed inside her cunt, Miri descended into orgasm. It felt as if someone had lifted her high into the air on a rope, then dropped her. Except she had nowhere to fall, nothing to be afraid of. The sensation pulled at her, drew her onwards. The pleasure started at her core, a thick, balled up and inexplicable substance, then it scattered throughout her.

  Thump's cum sloshed inside her, a messy, white goop. Miri loved it, desired it, and as her orgasm hit a crescendo she wanted nothing more than to remain like this forever. His creamy seed leaked out of her cunt and along his shaft. He released so much more than usual—so, so much more—but it didn't seem like enough to Miri. Nothing was enough, ever, and she wished this would last forever.

  It didn't, though. She tried to squeeze her orgasm out more and more, prolong it, but once Thump finished, she soon found herself unable to continue. She fell off his softening cock and a huge flood of his cum gushed out of her pussy as she rolled to the side and onto the cool stone floor of the gazebo. Thump patted her head, reassuring her.

  Allysin stood there, silent and contemplative.

  Fleur was anything but silent. The Millicent girl laughed, a resounding, cacophonous display of her amusement. Miri hated her, despised her, and yet she, in her fatigued state, could do nothing more than lay on the ground and glare at her. Fleur didn't care, though. She just kept on laughing.

  "Well, that's that, then," Fleur said. She clapped her hands together as if she were cleaning them of any wrongdoing. "I'm satisfied! You can keep on being a troll fuck toy if you want. I won't tell anyone. Not for now, anyways. Let's see how I feel in a few months, or a year, or who knows how long? I'll let you know if anything changes, don't worry." Fleur waved, intent on leaving, then she stopped. "Oh, what's that irksome thing you like to say to piss people off when you leave?"

  Miri hoped that all of her hatred was evident in the expression on her face, but if it was Fleur took no notice.

  "Ah! That's it." With a stomp of her foot for emphasis, Fleur said, "Toodles!"


  Allysin helped Miri back to her room after Fleur left. She dressed her in the gazebo and assured her that no one could have seen what happened. Her friend had followed her there, told people there was a problem with man-eating plants in the gardens and she needed to deal with it. The entire story was ridiculous and silly, but apparently everyone bought it. Miri appreciated the assistance.

  But it wasn't enough. Back in her room, Miri knew she needed to do more.

  "Thump," Miri said, looking at him as Allysin helped her into comfortable men's pajamas. "You can't stay here anymore. This isn't your home. You need to leave."

  Thump stared at her, confused. This wasn't new, though; he always looked confused when she said new things to him. "No," he said once he understood it. "Thump stay with Miri."

  "No!" Miri shrieked at him. Dressed now, and feeling somewhat more invigorated than before, she stomped towards him. "You aren't allowed to stay here anymore," she said. "Not in this room. Not in the castle. Not anywhere here. You can't stay here. I am ordering you to leave!"

  "Miri..." Allysin said, frowning.

  "Shush, Allysin. Thump is my pet and I tell him what to do. He can't stay here. Do you know all of the problems he's caused me? All of the bad things that have happened because of him? I..." Miri paused, unsure. "I don't... I don't like him."

  "Thump like Miri," Thump said. He looked at her with those sad, puppy dog eyes of his. His mouth curled into a frown, revealing his teeth. He looked so horribly depressed Miri almost couldn't stand it.

  But she had to. She needed to do this. "I hate you!" she shrieked. "I absolutely hate you! Get out right now or I'm going to have you executed! If you aren't out of this room in one minute, you will be killed. If you aren't out of the castle in ten, I'll do the same. Twice!" Doing her best to stand strong in the face of uncertainty, she looked him straight in the eyes. "Leave."

  Thump left. Allysin stared at her as if she'd gone mad, then she left, too. Miri stood in the room, alone, by herself, for the first time in months. She didn't want to be alone, didn't like being alone, but what other options did she have?

  She wanted to fall, right then and there in the middle of the room, but she knew no one was around now who would catch her if she did. With feet as heavy as marble pillars, she trudged to the side of the bed and then fell into it.

  Fleur's words came back to her as she lay face down on a fluffy comforter: "Once in captivity, they seem to only last for a year or so."

  "I don't want you to die," Miri said, her words muffled in the blankets. "I don't want Fleur to hurt you, either. I love you, Thump. I love you so much."

  He was gone now, though. Somewhere. Allysin would help him with food from the kitchens, most likely, and he would return to his home in the mountains.

  Silent tears streamed out of the princess's eyes and onto the bed. She sobbed, gasping for air, so dreadfully tired and alone, but there was no way she could change it.


  In a place far off, somewhere entirely not in the King's castle, and nowhere near the Princess Miri's room, a servant girl with a name that wasn't Allysin guided a troll who definitely wasn't Thump through a hallway that couldn't be a hidden servant's passageway.

  "Fuck that," the girl said. "She's an idiot. You're not going anywhere. We'll figure this out."

  The troll, who somehow happened to know how to speak in human languages, said, "No good. Is bad."

  "Shut up, you dummy. I don't care what she says. And, anyways, if she told you to leave, you're free now, right? If you're free, you don't have to listen to her. You do whatever you want to do."

  The troll looked confused. This was a typical expression for him. Once he figured things out, he had a multitude of words to express his thoughts on the matter.


  Princess Miri's Reluctant Confession

  Princess Miri was, by all accounts, a bitch. She used to demand the guards throw people into the castle dungeons when they annoyed her. She'd complain about anything and everything, even if it was small and inconsequential. If someone knocked on her bedroom door when she didn't want them to, she'd yell at them. If they talked to her when she was in a foul mood, she'd scream at them. If anyone so much as did anything that she disliked, she would make them regret it for hours, days, or years.

  Perhaps some even regretted it forever, but seeing as it was impossible to know someone for that long, she didn't care much about any of those people. Why did people feel the need to bother her? She didn't know, and she disliked it.

  Now, though, something had happened and it disturbed her. She couldn't quite place her finger on it, and wasn't absolutely positive what it was, but she disliked it.

  "Miri," one of the servants said to her, scurrying down the hallway just to talk to the princess, "we're planning a small gathering for Allysin's birthday party, and everyone was wondering if you wanted to come. You can bring Thump, of course."

  Thump being her pet troll, who she'd recently banished from the castle for personal reasons. He was kind of a lout and dumb, very idiotic. He listened to everything she said without question, and he spent most every waking hour with her, when she could drag him along with her. She'd also, well... they probably shouldn't have, or more like Miri should
n't have because Thump was a troll and maybe he didn't know better, but they'd had sex. Multiple times. A day. For months.

  So she'd banished him, because. Just because. Why? Because she could, because she was the princess and she could do as she liked. She was a bitch, afterall. Right?

  "Miri?" the girl said. "It's nothing fancy, I know, and..."

  "Why are you talking to me?" Miri asked.

  The girl looked at her, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

  "You're not supposed to like me! You're not supposed to talk to me, either. You're supposed to be scared of me."

  "What? Well, I'm not really. I used to be, but then Allysin said, and you always treated Thump kindly, and..." The girl babbled on about this or that. Honestly, she made Miri sound like some kind of nice person. What the hell?

  Miri stared at her blankly, growing more and more upset with everything the girl said.

  "And you don't have to bring anything," the servant girl said. "If you want to, that's fine. It's just a very quiet affair, you know? A nice party, but it will be amongst friends. If you'll come, it would be, oh, so nice. Allysin would like it, too, I know. Thump's welcome, also, and..."

  Nice? Friends? Miri had had enough. She couldn't handle this anymore. "I've banished Thump," she interrupted. "He is no longer welcome in the castle as my pet, under threat of execution, so if you see him let me know and I'll call the executioner immediately."

  "That's not very nice," the girl said. "Did he do something awful? I'm sure you'll forgive him in time..."

  "I'm not a nice person!" Miri screeched. The girl looked at her, shocked, and Miri decided to tone her voice down a bit. "I'm just not a nice person," she repeated, more reasonably. "Also, I'm not going to forgive him. He's not allowed in the castle."

  "Oh," the girl said. She looked very confused. "You can still come to the party if..."

  "Why would I go to your party if I'm a mean person?" Miri asked. "I don't care if it's for Allysin or not."

  "Oh." The girl stood there with her mouth open, looking like some idiotic guppy. "Actually, I don't think you're mean. The other day you helped me get something off the top shelf of a closet. It was very nice and I appreciate it. It was you and Thump, do you remember? He picked you up and you grabbed it and it really helped. I was so worried, but..."

  "I didn't do it for you!" Miri said. "I did it... well... I did it because I felt like it. I don't like you at all. I don't even know what your name is, Jenny, so..."

  "You just said my name, though. It's Jenny."

  "I was just saying any name. Not yours in particular. It's such a common name that I picked it out randomly and it happened to be yours."

  Jenny huffed and put her hands on her hips. "If you don't want to go to the party, you can just say so. If you change your mind, you're welcome to come, but leave your sour disposition at the door. No one wants you messing up Allysin's birthday."

  Jenny stomped away, just like that. Miri stared after her, flabbergasted. Seriously? Gods! Miri was the one who should be upset. Miri should have screamed at the girl and ordered the nearest guard to throw her in the prisons. She'd recently had them emptied so that she and Thump could use them for private purposes(which mostly involved sex games, but she tutored him in a few basic lessons, too), but with Thump gone she could start repopulating the prisons any time now.

  Except, she didn't really want to. She didn't hate Jenny, and she actually appreciated the party invite. Miri did want to celebrate Allysin's birthday, since Allysin was one of her only friends. That's what she thought, which made it odd to have this girl insinuate that Miri was one of their friends, too; friends with more of the servant girls. When had that happened? She needed to be more strict with these people and yell at them more often and order them to do things they hated, or else they'd think her soft.

  She'd do that later. Right now she felt horrible. Last night, she'd ordered Thump out. Leave, she screamed at him. I hate you! He did leave, but not before looking so horribly depressed about it. It hurt so bad to do it, but Miri needed to.

  She should have wanted to do it, she thought, except she didn't, not really. Thump was hers, her possession, her pet troll slave, and she could do with him whatever she wanted. If she wanted to toss him out of the castle like some piece of trash, then she had every right to do it. Her father wouldn't care, because her father let her do everything; he was a nice person like that.

  She didn't want Thump to go, though. She really liked Thump. Maybe—though maybe this was because she was so depressed—she loved him, too. How ridiculous was that?

  Fleur said the trolls captured for the Millicent keep never lived longer than a year, though. They grew frail and weak and after approximately a year Fleur's father, Lord Millicent, disposed of them in the forest nearby. Fleur was the one who gave her Thump in the first place, and she was the one who exploited him and told the troll to put a magical image capturing device in Miri's room. Fleur owned multiple copies, framed and all, of paintings involving Miri and Thump's first ever sexual encounter.

  What had Fleur wanted out of the blackmail? Her idiotic boyfriend! Miri didn't even want him anymore—Roy bored her—so she'd told Fleur to go ahead and take him. Giving the daft girl what she wanted apparently wasn't enough, and Fleur ordered Miri to have sex with Thump right then and there in the garden gazebo! As if Miri would stoop so low!

  She did it, though. She needed to in order to keep Fleur from spreading the pictures throughout the kingdom.

  "I want you to have sex with the troll right here and now while I watch," Fleur had said with a smug, over-satisfied look on her face. "Prove you don't like it, because I don't believe a word you say. You sure looked like you liked it to me."

  Miri grated her teeth, remembering everything that happened. The main problem was she did like it! Thump's cock was marvelous and massive and extremely satisfying, and while she tried to mount him and act nonchalant, she couldn't keep up the facade for long. Fleur saw, watched pleasure wrack through Miri's body as she spasmed in ecstasy, and then Fleur had urged her on to more. More, more, while Thump lay on the ground, smiling up at her, adoring, and Miri rode his cock to multiple orgasms.

  Allysin came and saved her, somewhat. Her friend, the servant girl, acted surprised to see Miri there, which delighted Fleur. Fleur told Allysin to humiliate Miri if she liked, never knowing that Allysin already knew Miri and Thump were intimate together. Afterwards, Thump's cum gushing out of Miri's pussy, Fleur left, laughing.

  And so, really, Miri had no choice but to banish Thump. Right? First, she didn't want him to die in captivity. Mind, he wasn't much of a captive and could do what he liked, but Miri doubted that mattered. Trolls lived in caves in the mountains, and hunted in the forests, and whatever. She didn't really know exactly what they did, but the fact was they never lived in castles, and so it wasn't his natural habitat. Or something. It didn't matter much, because the way Fleur said it, it was rather clear Thump was going to die if he stayed with Miri.

  Second, she needed to get rid of him so that Fleur couldn't cause him any harm. This was more of a theory than anything else, but Miri assumed that if Fleur told anyone, and that person told someone else, and word reached her father or his advisors about his daughter's indiscretions, then something bad would happen. Her father let her do what she liked, but would her father accept her having rough, primal, passionate sex with a troll?

  Mind, Thump somewhat looked human. Human-ish? He was twice her height at ten feet tall, with bulging muscles all over his body, and a goofy, wicked grin like some monstrous beast. His teeth were yellowed, but not broken or rotting. Once she taught him how to use a toothbrush, his breath smelled rather nice, actually. But still, the point remained; Thump was a troll and not a human.

  If anyone learned of what she'd done, they'd lose all respect for her. They'd laugh at her when she walked through the halls of the castle and call her the girl who fucked trolls. That other servant, Jenny? She'd respect Miri even less than she already had! I
n all likelihood, not only would she never invite Miri to Allysin's birthday parties, but she'd mock Miri in the halls and say horrible things. And then what was Miri supposed to do? She ordered people around now, and they did as she asked, because they feared her. If they didn't fear her, then they wouldn't listen to her, and...

  She'd fail. Her mother had died years ago, leaving her and her father alone in the castle. Miri didn't dwell on it, even if she loved her mother. The one thing that worried her was failing, though. Her mother never failed. Miri remembered how the Queen ordered servants around and they did as she asked, not only with a smile but as quick as possible! Miri didn't have too many memories of her mother, because she'd only been eight years old when she died, but she had enough.

  If she wanted to be as good a Queen as her mother one day, she needed respect, and to keep her respect she needed to make sure no one ever learned of what happened between her and Thump.

  Still, she missed him so dreadfully. It hurt, like someone had sewn her dress too tight and she couldn't breathe while wearing it, nor could she remove it because she had nothing else to change into.

  Miri needed a nap. She needed to lay down and relax and try to forget about anything and everything involving Thump. She needed Allysin to return and give her a hug and tell her everything was alright. And, now that she thought of it, why wasn't Allysin back yet? She'd left with Thump, presumably to get him some basic goods and escort him out of the castle, but that was yesterday afternoon. Allysin really should have returned by now.


  Miri lay on her bed, thinking. Technically it wasn't her bed anymore, but Allysin's. Renovations to the princess's new room should be done this week, but until then she continued to share her old room with Allysin. And really, she didn't mind sharing it. She wanted to share a lot of things, but Allysin still wasn't back.

  The idea occurred to Miri that she should ask someone if they'd seen her friend, but she dismissed the thought as soon as she had it. If she asked anyone, they'd think her weak. Oh, look, there's Miri, the princess who can't do anything for herself so she asks for her friend.


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