Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)

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Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) Page 13

by du Lys, Cerys

  It hardly mattered, she supposed. She had the rest of her life to talk with Allysin, and it wasn't as if either of them were excessively old. They could talk tonight, or tomorrow, or... but what if Allysin never returned? Her friend looked upset when she left with Thump, as if Miri were doing something terrible. Against her better judgement, Miri decided to tell Allysin everything when she came back. She would tell her why Thump couldn't live here. He would die. Because that's what happened, because...

  Someone intruded on her thoughts, barging into her room without asking. She sat up and glared at the person, then softened her glare in case it was Allysin since Allysin had every right to barge into her own room. Except, no, it wasn't Allysin.

  Roy stood at the entrance to her room, a smug grin on his face. He kicked the door shut with his foot and swaggered over to the bed.

  "Excuse me?" she said. "What do you think you're doing? This is my room."

  "Technically it's not," Roy said. "It's some servant girl's room now, isn't it? Maybe I came to meet her. Me and her are going to have so much fun, actually. Would you mind leaving?"

  Miri stared at him, looked at him hard, couldn't understand his audacity. He had no right to talk to her like that! In her mind, he had no rights at all. He was merely her ex-boyfriend, some sod she'd stolen away from Fleur on a whim. Not even a good boyfriend, either; the one time she'd had sex with him he'd failed to do anything.

  "Get out of my room right now," she said, trying to remain calm. "If you don't, I will order you thrown in jail."

  "Oh?" Roy said. He moved forward and put his hands on the foot of her bed, smirking. "I really don't think you'll do it."

  "What? Are you serious? You don't think I will? Where have you been living? Do you know what I do? I'm sure you must, Roy."

  He balked, but only for a second. "Of course, Miri. I know everything about you."

  She laughed, though it sounded more like a manic cackle. "Is that so?"

  "I know you've lied to everyone. I know that your cute, little, innocent troll—this is sarcasm, by the way—is your secret sex partner. I know enough that I can completely ruin you if I want."

  Miri froze. Fleur! She'd told him everything, hadn't she? When Miri last saw the Millicent girl, she'd said something to that effect. Maybe she'd tell Roy? And now, here, she must have. Roy glanced at her, openly ogled her, treating her like some piece of meat on display at the butcher shop.

  "So," Roy said, "this can go one of two ways. The easy way is you do as I ask. I want to see what those prim and proper lips of yours can do. I'll lay on the bed, relax, and you get to work wrapping them around my turgid shaft, and..."

  "Did you seriously just say turgid shaft? Can't you say penis, Roy? Cock? Your dick?"

  "Look, whore." Roy stomped forward, shoving his face near hers. "If you don't do what I say, I'm telling everyone that you fucked your troll. What do you think of that?"

  Miri looked at him. She felt different, so much so. There was something strange about it, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Something... off? But not quite.

  Out of nowhere, it hit her. She suddenly knew exactly what to do.

  She grabbed his shirt collar and pulled hard, practically strangling him. Roy staggered forward and braced himself on the edge of the mattress with one hand. Miri wanted none of that, though. She squeezed his collar harder and then shoved him on the bed. He looked up at her, frightened, but when she straddled him he grinned.

  "I see you understand the situation you're in," he said.

  She glared at him. "I see you don't understand the situation you're in, Roy. Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you can order me around, blackmail me, coerce me into sucking your miniscule cock? I'm the princess, Miri, bitch! You can't tell me what to do. I do what I want."

  Roy cowered beneath her, mouth agape. Yes, perfect! This was exactly what she wanted.

  "The thing you should worry about," she said, "is me blackmailing you. But you didn't think about that, did you? You didn't think about me telling everyone that you can't last longer than a minute, and afterwards you flopped onto your bed like a dead trout. Which, coincidentally, is similar to your penis. Meaning, droopy and with a horrible smell."

  He was about to protest, to try and pull back some modicum of control to his side of the situation, but she stopped him before he started. Miri grabbed the crotch of his pants and squeezed hard. His cock flailed beneath his clothes, semi-hard and twitching. She cackled with glee.

  "You repugnant, little man. I'm here berating you and you have the gall to get turned on by it? This is so hilarious."

  "I'm not... I'm not turned on," he said.

  "You're not? Fuck you. Don't fucking lie to me."

  To prove her point, she scrambled with the fastenings of his pants and wrenched them down. Roy fidgeted and squirmed, meekly protesting, but he was no match for Miri. No one, she thought, was a match for this Miri; some deeply hidden, recently unearthed version of herself.

  "Look at this little thing?" she said. "Is that all of it? It was too dark before that I couldn't even tell how small it was."

  She held his half-hard cock between two fingers, treating it like a disgusting bug. "Does it get any bigger?" she asked. "Doubtful. And you said you weren't turned on, didn't you? Are you sure about that?"

  Before Roy could answer, she engulfed his cock in her palm, wrapping her fingers around it. Fast, quick, hard strokes, up and down, urging him to full hardness. Not much more than he was, but the difference was noticeable. Truth be told, he didn't seem inordinately small, more like average, but compared to Thump he was an ant.

  Roy breathed heavily, cheeks red, while Miri pumped his cock. His hips bucked uncontrollably and she laughed at him.

  "Are you enjoying this, Roy? Your tiny little cock doesn't get much action, does it? How do you even hold this thing in your hands? It slips out all over the place, doesn't it? Admit it, you piece of shit. You dirty fucking prick. You can't even hold your own cock to masturbate because it's so fucking small."

  He tried to hide from her by closing his eyes and clenching his teeth. Oh, defiance? No one would defy her. Ever. With her other hand, she grabbed his balls and clenched them between her fingers. Roy gasped and tried to shy away, but she pulled on his testicles so that he needed to rise up or risk losing them.

  "Say it!" she screamed. "You can't please anyone with this tiny dick of yours. Say it!"

  He whimpered and muttered something.

  Miri pumped his cock in her hand harder now, faster. His cockhead turned purple with strain and excitement. She squeezed his balls tighter, digging her fingers into his soft, fleshy nuts.

  "Say it, you asshole!"

  "Miri," he gasped. "I'm going to cum, I'm..."

  "You better fucking say it right now!"

  He looked ready to burst. His balls clenched tight to his body despite her attempts at pulling them out, and his cock flexed and twitched in her hands. She stroked him faster, harder, leaving his cockflesh looking raw and red. And then finally he said it.

  "My dick is so small and I can't please anyone with it!"

  Miri stopped. Roy strained and bucked, pleading with his hips for blissful release, but she refused him. Even still, his cock twitched in her hands and looked ready to burst, stimulation or not. This, she thought, was going to be so much fun. Prim and proper, accurate to a tee, she circled the base of his cock with her index finger and thumb and touched her two fingertips together.

  Squeezing hard, she refused him his orgasm. His cock strained against her in hopes of bashing past her clasped fingers, but he never had a chance. She felt it, as if he were shooting streams of cum, but nothing more than a drop of clear liquid escaped from the slit at the head of his cock. He roared beneath her on the bed, some lust-driven beast, but he didn't scare her. She held his cock until the twitching stopped and he started to grow soft, and then she released him and stood up.

  Immediately he grabbed for his shaft and started stroking h
imself, trying to reclaim his lost orgasm. Miri expected this, but it didn't matter. Walking towards the bedroom door, she calmly opened it, peeked outside, and caught the attention of the nearest guard.

  "Excuse me?" she said.

  The guard looked up and rushed to her immediately. "Yes, Miri? Is everything alright?"

  "Not quite," she said. "You see, if you'll look right—" She pointed to the bed; the guard looked over her shoulder. "There's a pervert in my bedroom, and I'd like him thrown in jail."

  The guard gasped when he saw Roy jerking himself off in the princess's quarters. Immediately he rushed inside, apologizing all the while. "I'm so sorry, Miri," he said. "This is awful. My gods, man, snap out of it!"

  "Shut up!" Roy yelled. He'd managed to bring some amount of erection back to his cock and was tugging on it like there was no tomorrow.

  "Is he alright? Is he dangerous?" the guard asked, standing at Roy's side, hesitant to do anything.

  "He might be possessed by a demon," Miri said. "I'm sure you can overpower him, though. I have faith in you."

  The guard nodded. Steadfast and reassured, he grabbed Roy's hands and pulled them up and over his head. Roy screamed and kicked and flailed, pulled away from orgasm once again. His balls, Miri noted, were a delightfully plump purple color. She laughed at him.

  The guard kept apologizing as he dragged Roy out of the bedroom. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I hear there's demon possessions happening all over the place now. Troubled times, really. Very troubling."

  Miri shrugged. "It happens to weak people," she said. "I think the best course of action is to find a chastity belt and strap it on him just in case."

  "Do you think so?" the guard asked between Roy's wailing moans.

  "Oh, yes. I know a thing or two about problems like this, and that's definitely the solution."

  "Of course! I'll get right on it, Miri."

  "And," she said, "please don't put him in my dungeons. Lock him in a closet or something. I recently cleaned everything out of the dungeons and made it look nice down there, and I don't want to dirty it up with filth like him."

  The guard nodded, agreeing, and then pulled Roy out of the bedroom. Pants around his ankles, screaming, arms held high by the armored man, Roy cried out in agony. His screams echoed through the castle hallways and sounded wonderfully delightful to Miri's ears. That, she thought, would teach him to fuck around with her. What an ignorant little boy.


  Miri felt better after dealing with Roy. Somewhat better, though not entirely. Dammit, where was Allysin? She needed to talk with her so badly, but the girl was nowhere. She'd even, against her better judgement, discretely asked someone about Allysin's whereabouts, but to no avail.

  "I don't really know," Lori, the servant girl, said.

  "Well, alright," Miri said. "It's not that I'm looking for her, or anything, but..."

  "If I see her, I'll tell her you're worried about her and to go find you immediately."

  "I'm not worried!" Miri said. "I'm not, I... don't you have something to do? Shouldn't you be cleaning?"

  "I am cleaning. I've been cleaning this entire time you've been talking to me." Lori looked up from scrubbing the floors, favoring Miri with a confused, cockeyed glance. "Are you attending Allysin's birthday, by the way? Everyone would love if you..."

  "I'm not going to some silly girl's birthday," Miri said, hoping she sounded rude and mean.

  "Oh," Lori said. "I suppose you have a lot of things to do. Being the princess must be difficult. Do you want us to save you some cake?"

  "I don't like cake!"

  Miri stomped down the halls, leaving it at that. Unfortunately Lori had more to say.

  "It's cheesecake, though!" the servant girl screamed after her. "With strawberries!"

  "Fine! Save me a small piece but I'm not going to like it!"

  Miri loved strawberry cheesecake. Why did they have to do this to her? She wanted to be firm and respected and they tempted her with strawberry cheesecake. This was unacceptable. She'd have a word with someone about it and tell them that, no, strawberry cheesecake at birthdays wasn't allowed. Unless, of course, it was for Miri's birthday. Extenuating circumstances and all that.

  Lori laughed as Miri trounced away. It sounded kind of nice, actually. A silly, fun laugh. Miri hated that she liked it. People shouldn't have fun around her. They shouldn't like her. Respect! Argh!

  Anyways, she had more important matters to deal with at the moment, so she'd punish Lori later. Somehow. Like, by making her scrub the floors. Again. On her hands and knees and... gods, she was so bad at this. The girl already scrubbed the floors! Did it on a daily basis, even! Or at least every other day. What kind of punishment was that, if she made her do it again?

  Fucking hell, her entire world was crumbling around her. She saw pieces of it, little fragments, dropping away, rattling loose and crashing to the floor. Everything she'd worked so hard for, all of it for naught.

  Miri gritted her teeth and reassured herself. She still had time to rectify everything, but she needed to find Fleur first and figure something out. Then throw the Millicent girl in jail because she hated her. Not the dungeons, but some other closet.


  To Miri's great displeasure, Fleur was attending a session in the King's petition hall. Her father sat on his throne at the rear of the hall, discussing matters with a few of his advisors. He waved to Miri and smiled brightly when she entered, but then made a gesture that he needed to act serious and kingly for a moment. Embarrassed, Miri waved quickly and then hurried away, hiding her face. He shouldn't act so friendly with her! Mind, he was her father, but still!

  A King should be a King and the princess should be the princess, and while obviously they were blood related, people shouldn't see the niceties behind the scenes. That's how Miri thought about it, anyways. Public and private life were two entirely separate things.

  Miri shoved through benches filled with people until she reached the Millicent family's private box. Not much of a thing, really, with benches in a small blockaded area, but each major family in the kingdom had their own boxed seating at the King's petition hall. They could attend, watch the proceedings, and talk amongst themselves while separated from the general masses. Though mostly the general masses were the ones petitioning the King, and queued up outside the hall awaiting entrance, but sometimes they sat and watched, too.

  Miri let herself into Fleur's family's box area, disregarding common courtesy, and plopped onto the bench next to her. The guards at the hall's entrance allowed a man in. He walked to the foot of the King's throne to present his petition, and while everyone in the hall was distracted by his pleas, Miri whispered to Fleur.

  "What was that the other day, you said?" she asked.

  "What was what?" Fleur asked. "Don't think we're friends or anything, Miri. I still don't like you, no matter if you have to do everything I say."

  Miri ground her teeth together, refraining from letting loose a stream of obscenities. "What was that about the trolls? Why do they die in captivity?"

  "Oh," Fleur said. She laughed a bit, some cool, ladylike giggle. "That. Well, I can't say for sure. We feed them gruel once a day, and they can have at least two cups of water. We only make them work for twelve hours. Mostly simple tasks, like lifting stones to construct new buildings, or digging wide pits with their hands. We don't own enough shovels to give each of them one, but they have big hands so I don't see the problem. It's strange, really. They start out fine, and then after about a year they're as thin as a stick. Not a big stick, either, like a huge tree branch, but one of those tiny twigs that falls off in a spring shower."

  Miri stared at Fleur, not knowing what to say. So, if she understood this right, the Millicents basically starved and dehydrated the trolls, while making them labor excessively, and then didn't know why they died? What kind of idiots were they?

  "Your troll, Thwap or whatever you called him..."

  "Thump," Miri corrected. "His name i
s Thump."

  "Yes, whatever. Does it look like I care?" Fleur tossed her hair over her shoulder, nonchalant. "Thump lasted longer, but I'm sure his health is bound to deteriorate any time now. He looked hearty enough, but he's only lived in captivity for about three quarters of a year so far. A few months with me, and then the rest with you. Any time now and he'll be as good as dead."

  Right, Miri thought. Except she didn't treat Thump anything like the trolls Fleur's family kept. Thump ate massive amounts, at least two whole roasted chickens a day, with entire loaves of bread, and steamed vegetables and fresh fruits. He worked, but Miri never pushed him too hard. Sometimes he'd complained to her about being tired, and she asked him if he was really tired or just being lazy. Mostly he admitted which was which, but sometimes she had to tease it out of him.

  Poking him, tickling him. Playfully mocking him and asking what had happened to her big, strong troll man? It was harder before he learned to speak, but she understood most of what he meant to say, anyways. Not at first, but after awhile. She...

  It hit her like a thousand bricks. What. The. Fuck.

  She banished Thump, but why? To save him, yes, and then partially to keep him away from Fleur, but mostly because of the mention of captivity. Thump would die if he stayed with her, of that she was certain. Except, now she doubted it. Thump wasn't one of the trolls Fleur's father kept under close scrutiny. Thump ate more than enough to sustain himself, and she didn't quite know how much he drank but it was at least a few liters of something a day. Maybe more? He chugged water like it was... water...

  And she'd said she hated him. She told Thump she hated him to make him leave so he wouldn't die, except now she was absolutely positive he wouldn't have died. At least not because of "captivity," as Fleur mentioned. Miri was upset. In fact, Miri was twice as upset, because Fleur was a bitch. Not just any bitch, but a bitch who abused trolls; and that, in Miri's mind, was not an acceptable thing to do.


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