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The Cult of the White Owl

Page 2

by Barbara Lefka

  “The king is dead, long live the king!” Jake mouthed to himself as he left the Arena. He thanked the officer on duty at the back door and drove away.

  Jake did not drive home; instead he headed for the PM Suburban to pay his debt to his good friend Stan Stevens, one of the two owners of that very popular watering hole. They were partners in the original PM Downtown, but Jake knew Stan would be at the Suburban. He loved that club, because number one; it was close to his home, number two; at this hour he would serve a better class of customer. The Philadelphia football team loved to congregate there and the management treated them like the celebrities they are. So did the main line lovelies that hung out at the bar to meet and greet them, flirting outrageously for their attention. Business-type men, came because of the girls and everyone loved Mike Grayson, the piano maestro, he was a catalyst. The drinks were generous, the steaks prime, a proven menu for success.

  Jake gave his car to the valet and walked into the din. Mike was playing Stan’s favorite song “Honeysuckle Rose” and Stan as usual, was singing his own lyrics to that classic. Puffing on his big cigar, his drink of choice in his hand, a Scotch Mist Stinger with an Amoretto float. He spotted Jake as he walked up to the bar, Stan never missed a trick, and Jake waved his wallet in Stan’s direction. Stan made his way through the revelers to sit next to Jake at the bar. Jake handed him his winnings. “News travels fast,” Jake said putting away his wallet, considerably lighter.

  “Gawd, I am sorry I missed that fight, it is all over the news. What a fight! A fight of the century!” Stan said waving Tommy the bartender over to take Jake’s order.

  “So spill, tell me all about it. Give me a blow by blow!” Stan asked, shadow boxing in the air, as he turned to look at his friend.

  “I got there in time to see the knock down in the thirteenth round. I had some bad business before that. I was lucky to see the knock out.” Jake downed his scotch and raised his finger for a second. Lighting a Camel cigarette (I’d walk a mile for a Camel) Jake thought.

  Stan never questioned Jake about his business and didn’t now, but he did give him a long sideways glance, because sometimes he shared.

  “How about a steak and a salad Jake, you look hungry to me. Come on, sit in the booth over there and I’ll join you. I forgot to have dinner.”

  “What are you taking psychic lessons or something?” Jake left the bar and sat in the booth across from Stan, “I did forget to eat and I am starved.” Jake said laughing.

  Suddenly he was over run by long blond hair and white skinny arms and “Jake, Jake, it is so good to see you. I missed you so much.” turning to Stan, “haven’t we Stan?”

  “Right Crystal, maybe you more than me.” Stan said laughing at Jake ‘s flushed face. “Now be a good girl and bring us a couple of steaks and two cold beers on tap.”

  Stan relit his cigar and finished his Stinger, Jake was still sipping his scotch and listening to Mike’s rendition of ‘Down in the Depths on the 90th floor.’

  “Hey Jake, that Crystal is something isn’t she. She really gets under your skin. If I wasn’t already married, I’d give you a run for your money, my man!”

  “Since when did marriage stop you, ole buddy,” Jake laughed eyeing Stan.

  “She arrived new on the scene and has come up aces. She is good for my libido. But you know me, my work is my passion. What woman could adapt to my schedule on a daily basis? It would lead to heartache or worse. No thanks! I might as well be married also!” Jake said ruefully...

  Crystal returned with a waiter and a tray of steaks with the trimmings. She fussed around to be sure that the white cloth napkins were crisp, the silver gleamed and the beer had just the right amount of foam. They thanked her and she whispered to Jake that she was available in an hour or so. Jake squeezed her hand and winked.

  Crystal was delighted and hips swaying sauntered away, she tossed her long blonde hair as she greeted a couple that had just entered and she led them to the bar. Tommy strolled over and took their drink order.

  Business was booming. Everyone seemed to want to talk about the prizefight at the Arena, and the new champion Rocky. They were all ready to party the night away. Jake was catching the crowd’s mood. His eyes were glowing as he looked around the room. Jake felt his blood running hot! Was it the fight, the drinks, the atmosphere, Crystal? He only knew that he had a big job tomorrow, and it would be best for him to get out now, say good night!

  “Stan I’m going to turn in, my day tomorrow will be crazy, tell Crystal I’ll catch her another time.” Jake said tossing some bills on the table for his tab and a very generous tip.

  “See you’ ole buddy, don’t be a stranger, I could use some more betting money. How about football next?” Stan waved his cigar good-bye.

  Crystal watched Jake leave the supper club and went over to the table to retrieve her tip. Well, she thought at least he was generous.

  Jake drove non-stop to his house in West Philly thinking not of the case at hand or the mayor but of the many young attractive ladies Stan introduced him to over the years. Here was another one, Crystal Ames. She showed up at the PM Suburban looking for work; gorgeous, well turned out and witty. Crystal had very little wait experience but who cared. Anyone could carry a cocktail tray and take an order. The bus boys carried the heavy food trays and the girls smiled and made sure everyone was having a good time. They pushed the drinks by pouring the wine and taking half filled cocktail glasses away. Crystal was invaluable at this. She made it seem it was all the customer’s idea. The staff liked her because she pooled her tips and the customers tipped Crystal generously.

  When Jake came into the supper club one night a few months back to see Stan and have a steak, she immediately showed an interest in him. Stan introduced them and Jake gave her his order and turned back to his conversation with Stan. He was well wrapped into his murder case of the moment and certainly not looking for a new companion. Treasure was gone, gone south…and he felt some guilt toward Treasure, not being willing or able to fill her needs.

  He could accept Crystal’s implied offer which she made plain enough. It would happen. He needed a warm body to relax with and Crystal fit that bill and then some but, he was not interested in a commitment of any kind, certainly not with her.

  At his age, 38 and counting he wanted a permanent relationship but he was to busy to develop one. His life was his job and he was happy. He felt when the right girl showed up he would recognize her and that would be that. Except for the fact that his brain was saturated with not love but lust.

  Would he ever know the difference?

  The Packard purred onto his driveway and he decided to leave it there. He was to tired and buzzed to fool with the garage door, which stuck om occasion. He was not looking forward to tomorrow, it would be brutal.

  The Mayor’s wife and no ransom demand as yet. What was going on? Was this an outside incident, of course it was, Caterina was flirtatious, the star of her own life, so much drama. She thought every man was in love with her and she used it to her advantage. She loved her husband Jake thought, but could not know for sure if she was faithful to him. A jilted wannabe? A dumped lover? A possibility, a definite possibility.

  “I have to get some sleep, turn off the light, stop speculating, tomorrow will be gut wrenching. Have to prepare. Have to sleep.” Jake turned over, pounded his pillow into submission and slept.


  The mayor called at six the following morning and told Jake that Cat still had not come home.

  “Since it has been twenty-four hours. We can declare Caterina a missing person and set about locating her in earnest. Not that I hold to that rule, the precinct is on alert already. Let me hang up, so I can assign my team their specific duties. We will be over the house to tap the phones and do whatever, to bring her home safely, see you soon.” Jake threw off the covers and headed for the shower to re-energize. Draping a towel around
his athletic body, he shaved and brushed his teeth thinking a myriad of thoughts…. the fight, Crystal, Cat and how to start finding a missing person in a city brimming over with people. Some how he would do it, with the help of his team. The closest thing to a family he had!

  Jake arrived at police headquarters; sharp, well dressed and ready to take on the challenges of the day. He asked Annie to call a staff meeting to outline the news of Caterina’s disappearance the night before, and how to proceed further. Sipping his coffee as he addressed his men, he asked Murphy his lead detective, to send a team to question the neighbors, and gather info as to what they might have seen or heard, anything at all suspicious or out of the way. Then he asked Burnsey and his newly appointed partner Officer Johnny Davis to accompany him to the mayor’s house to search the place in depth. Jake asked them to organize a team of personnel they thought would do a thorough job. Jake then handed Annie the photograph of Cat and asked her to alert the news media and give them the story.

  “Annie before you release the photo to the press make copies for our teams on the new Zerox machine, so they can have Cat’s picture front and center in their squad cars.”

  Jake then fished out the picture of the very handsome unknown man that was found in the letter and asked detectives Scott Anderson and Tom Wilson to call on Tony McCane Studios to get any information he might have or remember about the man in the photo, and report their findings to Detective Burns.

  Burnsey interrupted Jake, “Chief do you mind if I cover the photography studio myself. I have an important errand to do for Mrs. Burns, which won’t interfere with my interview with Tony McCane, but it will get me points with my wife, what do you say sir?”

  “Okay I don’t see that as a problem, it eliminates the middle-men, probably will work out better. So switch assignments. Officer Davis, Tom, Scott search the mayor’s house thoroughly I will meet you there.” Officer Davis made a disappointing face but nodded his head in agreement. Jake noticed his disappointment but none the less asked his team to ply the house and all the telephones at the mayor’s residence with listening devices, in case there is a ransom demand.

  “Thank you men and lady,” nodding toward Annie, “I don’t have to tell you this is high priority, put most of your cases now working on hold, till we get to the bottom of this disappearance!”

  Dismissing the men, he headed for his office and a telephone call to the District Attorney Richard Smith “Richard, grave news, the mayor’s wife Caterina, has been kidnapped or worse.” Silence, while Jake listened to the tirade on the other end.

  “Yeah, I’m on it, have been since last evening around six. Yeah, the men are dispersed. I am heading over to the mayor’s house do you want to join me?” Lighting a cigarette Jake listened to the negative answer on the other end of the line, nodding to himself, “Right Richard, I will give him your best regards, I understand you not wanting to get to close until more facts are discovered, sure I will keep you informed. Is Mrs. Smith in town? I don’t know what we are dealing with, so keep an eye out. Okay, see you soon.” Jake hung up and snuffed out his cigarette and told two of his officers to bring the car around, “We are calling on the mayor.” Jake said, still skeptical about Caterina’s disappearance.

  The police cars were lined up, lights flashing, and motors running, raising a din in the mayor’s quiet suburban neighborhood. The occupants of the houses on the mayor’s street were gathered outside on the lawns, or huddled in groups on their porches. Since it was still early morning they were in various stages of undress. They looked at each other befuddled, trying to figure out what all the commotion was about. Beside a sudden screech of tires around a curve or the music from the ice cream truck, very little unsolicited noise happened in their secluded neighborhood. This was spectacular! They were abuzz with possibilities; had the mayor gotten himself killed? Had he murdered his wife? Was there a bomb threat? The neighbors were asking all good questions considering the action surrounding them. But they could not get any answers discussing it with each other, just more questions.

  “This is what happens when they sell to a city official, chaos!” said a disgruntled elderly gentleman.

  “This tears it,” said another, “ I am putting up a Sale sign, and moving to Florida!” said a lady in her bathrobe.

  “You wouldn’t like it Martha, hurricanes!” Laughed a younger man jogging past

  “Oh look isn’t that Jake Guiliani, the chief detective, this must be big!”

  “Don’t be a silly goose, anything that concerns the mayor is important,” said her friend fluffing up her hair in case Jake glanced her way.

  The chief, arriving with Tom Wilson said, “Let’s clear these onlookers away, tell them to go back to their homes, someone will get to them soon enough, in the meantime Scott, lets get rid of these gawkers.”

  Scott nodded as he recruited a couple of beat cops to disperse the neighbors. “We need to keep the street clear, thank you!” They reluctantly dispersed.

  Just as Wilson was starting to hasten the neighbor’s departure, Murphy pulled up with his team of detectives and informed Scott he would take over. His men introduced themselves, and led the people to their respective homes. Murphy interviewed the mayor’s next-door neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, a patent attorney by profession.

  Jake casually looked around stubbing out his cigarette with his shoe before he walked in the wide-open front door. He caught a glimpse of the mayor in the library and hurried over to him.

  “Mr. Mayor,” Jake addressed him formally shaking his outstretched hand.

  “I am sick with worry, I haven’t slept all night, my mind was racing with possible scenarios one more gruesome than the next!” The mayor stood grasping Jake’s arm for support.

  Jake thought the mayor looked as though he hadn’t slept for a week! “You have to get some medical help, you will be no good to yourself, the city, or to this investigation.”

  “I know, I will get some help, I just can’t stop thinking about her, I love her so much. Her little quirks, her cooking which was awful, she burnt everything!” He started sobbing uncontrollably.

  Jake led him toward the library bar and poured a glass of scotch, lit a cigarette and put it in the mayor’s mouth, “I need you to control your emotions! Think of this as a military operation. Remove any personal feelings so you can think clearly! Did you find out what clothes she might have been wearing?”

  Shuddering, fighting to get himself under control Gerry took a gulp from the glass of scotch and answered “Yes, I believe she was wearing her jeans and a pale blue t-shirt with ‘Kilroy Was Here’ on the front side in white. How that woman loved that cartoon!”

  “Okay, but emeralds are a little out of place with blue jeans” Jake lighted a cigarette and started pacing, “ unless it was a pay off of some kind. What else do we have so far, no phone calls, no ransom demands and her emerald ring with nondescript clothing.”

  “In fact come to think of it there were no phone calls at all since I called you early this morning. That is strange in itself, I would usually be bombarded by office stuff by now!”

  They both rushed to the desk phone and Gerry picked it up, “Dead!” he said staring at Jake.

  Jake left the room and yelled for Tom Wilson!

  “Yeah Chief, what’s up?”

  “Check all the telephone lines and see which ones have been cut or made inoperable. Check the burglar alarm system with the company, and get back to me, pronto!”

  “Right Chief, also forensics is here dusting the rooms for prints and (he whispered), blood.”

  “Also while I am thinking of it, were there any signs of a forced entry?”

  “All the windows and doors are fine, no signs of a forced entry anywhere, and we checked the whole house, top and cellar.” Wilson replied at the doorway.

  “Do you have a maid or cook, Mr. Mayor?” Jake asked reminding Gerry of his status.

  It seemed to work, he straightened his shoulders before replying, “Yes, but she did not come in today, either. Remember I told you she didn’t show up yesterday.”

  Officer Johnny Davis was just coming into the library with a coffee pot and cups plus bagels and Philadelphia cream cheese on a tray. He laid the tray on the desk and started to leave but Jake stopped him. “Hold on a sec!”

  “Gerry do you have her name and address? “

  “Whose name and address? Ohhh, the maids! I have it right here in my book.”

  He opened the top drawer of his desk and wrote down the information for Jake. “Maid! She lives in South Philly in a house.” He handed the info to Jake.

  “There is no name?” Jake questioned.

  “No, Cat never writes down names, just maid, gardener, plumber. Because they don’t last long although, the maid has been here about a year now, a record. I really don’t know her name I can’t remember ever hearing it. The last time I saw her was never. She gets here after I leave in the morning. Cat doesn’t want me to be disturbed, she says mornings are our time.” Stifling a sob, he closed the desk drawer, “if she is awake when I get ready to leave, that is.”

  “John get Detective Scott and a couple of the police officers and head over to South Philly, right away,” Johnny took down the address as he listened to the chief’s instructions. “If you find her, bring her to the station for questioning, got that!”

  “Yes sir, I’m on my way!”

  “Do you think she had something to do with Cat’s disappearance?” Gerry questioned Jake.


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