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The Cult of the White Owl

Page 19

by Barbara Lefka

  “Sweetheart I’m, no, we’re pregnant!” Her face glowed with happiness. She looked for his reaction and she wasn’t disappointed. He was stupefied.

  “Gerda darling I am so happy for us, our prayers are answered, how long?”

  “Three months, I just found out today at the doctors. I went because of my stomach ache. Then he told me, young lady your pregnant. Wow, after all the years trying, wow.”

  Murphy poured her another glass of wine and hugged her. After dinner he cleared the table and was about to do the dishes when she shooed him out of the kitchen. “Out, out I’m pregnant not sick. Get ready for bed you look exhausted.”

  “I am beat, goodnight hon. You sure I can’t help?”

  “Scat, good night.” She turned on the faucet and got too work.

  Murphy turned on the shower and let the water pour over him hoping to wash all thoughts of Crystal from his mind. “What should I do about tomorrow and Crystal?”

  “Oh hon,” Gerda stuck her head into the bathroom, “I told my parents we would come by for brunch. I am so anxious to tell them the good news.”

  “Sorry, I have to work in the morning. anyway maybe I can catch up with you later if it doesn’t get too crazy.” He said toweling off and brushing his teeth.

  “But it’s Sunday. You have too work on Sunday?”

  “The chief’s away and I’m in charge, sorry charley, I hate it too. I much rather be with you.” He got into bed and closed his eyes and fell asleep. Dreaming the dreams of innocence.

  “I wish I knew how he could do that, hit the pillow and out like a light. It’s a gift.” Gerda turned out the lights and hugging herself with happiness, her head full of plans for the baby.


  The White Owl was enjoying his own cleverness. He knew the cops were following the false trail he laid for them. A quasi false trail because as soon as they packed up their equipment and were gone, he would take occupancy of the restaurant maybe. It would depend on so many variables. Every member of the cult understood the scheme and were standing by waiting for his next move.

  The whole operation was closed and the money payments were diverted. The victims were scared to stop paying, knowing what happened to the mayor’s wife and the councilman’s wife. They could afford the tariff and their loved ones were safe as long as they paid.

  The man posing as the white owl was bathing Minerva and appeared to be listening to the bird. He nodded his head, paused then started to dry her feathers. He shook his head and seemed to refuse whatever he thought the bird wanted. The owl turned her head at an angle and took a bite out of the man’s hand. Blood spurted from the wound and splattered over the clean white bird now red from her bite.

  “Now look what you have done, you wounded me and got yourself all bloody. I have to wash the blood away and then I have to take care of my hand. And I don’t think it is a smart idea to get rid of Priscilla as yet, I don’t care how loud you hoot.” He turned on the hose and bathed the bird a second time and put her in a sunny spot in the garden to let her air dry until she was snowy white again. He then walked into the house and went to the liquor cabinet for the scotch. He took a deep drink and walked into the kitchen to pour scotch on his injured hand.

  The Cult members of the White Owl were devout and followed the dictates handed down from the bird to her interpreter to the letter, and why not, the flock was getting richer every day. During this forced hiatus the White Owl was investigating Priscilla. What or who could it hurt? Where was she happiest? Important because it was necessary to orchestrate her impending death. The owl gave him his orders whether he liked them or not. Homage to the owl. After using the scotch as an antiseptic he wrapped his hand up tight with a gauze bandage and headed for the telephone and dialed Priscilla. The owl hooted his approval loudly.

  “Bloody owl knows my every move.” Turning in the direction of the owl he pointed his finger and admonished, “It isn’t just me that has chores, you have to keep your eyes glued to the police on stake out. So wait till dark and spy on their activity, don’t let them see you,” the owl hooted, “I know you are not an idiot, just be careful.”

  The mayor went to the club. He was getting cabin fever so he accepted an invitation to join a group of friends for dinner. Joe Carter was also invited.

  “Hello Joe, good to see you.” They shook hands.

  “Hello Mr. Mayor, are you getting along alright.”

  “So far so good. Things are perking along. When Jake gets back, we will be going full blast. Getting close to catching the bastard.”

  When Jake walked into the Suburban with Annie, Stan was the first to greet them. He escorted them to a booth and Jake asked him to join them. Crystal came over to take their order and mentioned Murphy was at the bar.

  “Hail, hail the gangs all here. Please ask him to join us and bring a bottle of your best champagne and enough glasses for everyone. I have an important announcement to make.”

  As Murphy approached the table, Jake greeted him.

  “Hi Murphy, your just in time to hear my big news.” Jake grinned at everyone.

  Crystal poured the champagne. She brought an extra glass for herself but looked at Jake before she filled it.

  “That’s right Crystal pour one for yourself as well.”

  “Chief so glad you are back we have a lot of matters to discuss.”

  “Not now Murphy, I’m not back till tomorrow. But I am glad you are here to listen to my announcement. Gentlemen and ladies,” he looked down at Annie, who was blushing to the roots of her hair.” I want you to meet Mrs. Jake Guiliani, my wife.”

  “Wow,” said Stan. “That is quite an announcement. Congratulations. you dog you. I never saw that coming. More champagne, the drinks are on me, keep ‘em coming.” Stan was exuberant.

  Murphy said, “I never saw it coming either, best wishes Annie,” and kissed her on the cheek. “Congratulations Chief, I am calling it a night but I’ll brief you first thing tomorrow. Good night Stan thanks for the wine, Crystal.”

  “Wait Murphy I’ll walk you out.” She got up, smiled at the happy couple, gave a thumbs up sign and followed Murphy outside.

  Jake raised an eyebrow and Stan raised his too. Nothing got past them.

  “Babe I told you we have to be discreet, those are very savvy guys in there, we can’t let them get suspicious. After we were together this afternoon I don’t want to lose you for anything. My body is still throbbing.” He held her close.

  “I feel the same way Murphy can’t you stay with me tonight?”

  “Can’t tonight but soon. If you need me for anything call me at the station.”

  He pushed away from her and started the car. She backed away and watched till his taillights receded in the distance.

  “God, I really have a report for the White Owl. Jake married. There goes my bonus. For what it’s worth I still have an in with Murphy. But do I want to use him. If there was a man I wanted in my life for ever it is him. I would be at a loss if he found out about my connection with The White Owl. More than a loss, my life.

  The White Owl socialized at the dinner party surrounded by friends and colleagues and he felt so delicious that no one knew his secret identity.

  He felt like Batman, why not Superman he asked himself, because dummy he doesn’t wear a mask. He laughed out loud over his glass of champagne, drawing attention from those around him.

  The commissioner remarked that the detail would be pulled from in front of the old restaurant as a waste of time. It was a false trail to throw the police off the scent. They were just waiting for Jake to cancel the stake out and give the city back their equipment, or at least leave it for them to pick up. The Owl thought with a sneer on his face, “Loose lips sink ships.” As he sipped his champagne and nodded with the rest of the circle surrounding the commissioner.

  That fit in perfectly with the Owl’s plan
s. He knew his plan to delay occupancy would work, another week and the flock would be back in business. He had so many reasons to keep Jake under surveillance, not only their stake out but how close he was coming to discovering who he was. He placed Crystal near him, who could resist her? Johnny Davis and the rest were expendable, but not Crystal.

  Ever since Minerva flew into his life, and told him about the sex games that were going on with his wife and her friends, and how they could be turned into a profit through blackmail, his life changed. No more mister nice guy, now he is mister powerful and deadly.

  There were plenty of reasons why Minerva decreed that the woman had to be killed. It kept everyone in line and also controlled the flock. They got off on a murder club. Most didn’t care if they got chosen to orchestrate a murder and win the bonuses, they just liked the danger and mystery of being a part of the cult.

  Minerva doomed the woman because they were sluts and were unfaithful to their hard working providers, their husbands. The White Owl had no qualms about dispatching them, the bird and he were of one mind.

  The temporary loss of Tony McCane was a blow to the consortium. Tony encouraged his good looking associate to get the most he could out of the woman while the cameras were rolling. Tony also staged their deaths. He had to, of course how else could we blackmail the providers, whose wives were still alive.

  But that’s not how it started; it started as a simple camera club with the members in masks for obvious reasons. The members got off on seeing the ladies and sometime their own wives (unbeknownst to them), writhing in the arms of their tall, dark, lover. It was against the Blue Laws and reputations were in danger of being exposed, hence the masks. With the addition of booze and more booze the camera club turned more promiscuous and more lascivious, it morphed into a murder cult, The Cult of the White Owl.

  Minerva told the Keeper of the Keys how to organize the payoff and how to collect the pearls from the membership. Minerva wanted the pearls and they were plentiful. One of the members who will remain nameless, tried to give her a fake pearl and that member still carries the scars.

  The chief was getting to close and McCane could have cracked. He was cracking and the electric chair was not an option. If it came to thee or me, it would always be me. Johnny Davis bungled the deal. I am surrounded by bunglers. He had to die. Carl and his mate, two behemoths, got rid of both bunglers.

  The commissioner was calling it a night, “Gentlemen, thank you for joining me, big day on my agenda in the morning; So I will say good night,”

  “Hold up commissioner I will join you in the line for our cars, takes forever as you know.” said the mayor hooking his arm through the commissioners.

  “Me too, busy agenda.” As the councilman got into the line for his car. “By the way Gerry,” the councilman addressed the mayor, “would you join me in getting together with Priscilla. I thought we might take her out for dinner or a drink. She must be going stir crazy by now.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll square it with Jake” The commissioner volunteered. “I’m sure he’ll have no objection, two upstanding gentlemen like yourselves. Here is my car, my office will call your office in the morning.” The commissioner laughed as he got in his car.

  The White Owl impatiently waiting in line for his car, thought to himself that could not have gone any better, glad I came to the dinner. Now the fun starts,

  the Owl thought handing the car parker his ticket, “Jake will be back as well, that sanctimonious do gooder, know it all. He is surrounded by my flock and I know his every move. But he doesn’t know it, that is what’s so delicious.”

  “Bye all, here’s my car. See you soon Gerry.”

  “Right, Joe. See ya.”

  The mayor got into his car, and thought, “thank God Jake will be in the office tomorrow. There is plenty waiting for him. That Joe Clark is a fine man, even though we are in opposite political parties. I find him a great guy. I am looking forward to going out with him and Priscilla when the commissioner sets it up, and Priscilla is some babe. Whoa, don’t go there,”

  Gerry leaned over and turned on the car radio and hunted for a music station.


  Jake walked into the squad room to the applause and congratulations from his officers and detectives on duty. He glanced over where Annie used to sit and went over to greet the heavy-set, middle aged lady that replaced her.

  “Hi Chief, my name is Millie Jacobs, pleased to meet you and congratulations. Annie filled me in when she hired me out of the mayor’s typing pool before she left. The coffee is heating and I will bring it in directly, sir, along with your mail.”

  “That will be great, uh, Millie,” Jake acknowledged her. “Murphy is Burnsey here? Oh Doctor Smith good your here, lets adjourn to my office and then after you catch me up I will have a general meeting of staff.

  They followed Jake into his office and all noticed the shiny gold wedding band on his finger. He sat at his desk and looked around at his key personnel and recognized the fact that not everyone knew he was married. “Gentlemen I got married this week-end, and you all know my bride…. Annie Carr. Now Annie Guiliani.”

  “Congratulations Chief, best of luck, Holy Toledo, what a surprise.” Murphy just stood there grinning, when Millie walked in with coffee and donuts for everyone and the mail under her arm. Murphy rushed to take the tray from her and she then handed Jake his mail, which he added to the stack already on the unopened box.

  After Millie left the room and coffee was poured piping hot and everyone was munching on donuts Jake looked around and asked, “Who’s first?”

  “I think that should be me, since I was in charge during your absence,” Murphy said very matter fact and started with the discovery of the pearl owl in Davis’s shoe. He also mentioned the pearl in the shape of an owl dangling from the chain caught on the belt buckle that strangled Davis.

  Jake nodded his head not surprised at the revelation that there were spies throughout the department. “That pretty much ties it that Davis was working for the White Owl consortium.”

  Murphy took a deep breath before he started to speak again but was interrupted by Dr. Smith, “And he isn’t the only one, Chief.” He looked around to see if it were safe to reveal his information and felt everyone present in Jake’s office could be trusted, “Carl the jail cell guard is implicated, his shirt matches the piece of fabric in our drowned murderers hand.” He produced the pictures he took of the locker and its contents and the fabric swatch removed from the victim’s hand.

  “Good work,” Jake said. “Murphy, doctor. How about you Burnsey, how is the stake out going?”

  “If you ask me Chief, we should pull up stakes, the sooner the better. Zero activity, and I mean zero.”

  “Let me look into it a little closer, anything else I need to know about before we adjourn? Murphy, you have something to add?”

  “Yes I do, but I would like to table it for a later time.” He drained his coffee cup and turned again to the window.

  “First, Burnsey collar that patrolman Carl, whatever his last name is, and book him on suspicion of murder. Sweat him into revealing who his accomplice is because even a hulk like him could not lift that person,” Jake pointed to the picture on his desk, “over the guard lines alone. Speaking of lifting, I am sure he also was instrumental in the death of John Davis and probably not alone in that death either. Get him and book him, better bring help in case he resists.”

  Burnsey took out his black jack and patted the leather on his other hand, Thwack, thwack.

  Jake ignored him and turned to Dr. Smith. “Doc please keep the swatch handy along with the rest of the forensic evidence. We will need it to present to Babs Babinsky so we can get a Grand Jury to indict when the time comes. You did great work, now get going I have a feeling we are very close to solving these ghastly crimes. Dr. Smith before you go, one more question, is it possible to place Carbo
n Monoxide Gas into a container without it loosing any potency, some sort of portable device?”

  “You mean something like a reverse gas mask?” Dr. Smith asked.

  ‘That’s exactly what I mean. Is it possible?”

  “As long as you keep it as a gas it would not lose any potency, but turn it into a liquid, then it would become benign. Let me work on it.” The doctor shifted his attention to Jake’s head detective, “Murphy, I apologize for going off on you.”

  “Don’t worry about it Doc I was out of line.” Murphy stepped closer to the doctor and they shook hands.

  Jake looked from one to the other but said nothing, just saluted the doctor as he and Burnsey left the office.

  “I am not even going to ask, so what is going on with you, spill?”

  “Chief, Priscilla was with Joe Carter earlier the night the district attorney bought it. Her husband knew about the so-called camera club and told her to lay low and he would handle it. But she did not like listening to him and left the house and went to their club where she ran into Joe Carter and started drinking with him. He asked her what was her happiest memory?” Murphy looked at Jake wondering if he got the reference.

  “Oh I got it alright, I got it, Joe Carter, do you think he is the White Owl?”

  “But Chief his wife was a victim! How do we get around that?”

  “We don’t want to rush into any kind of conclusion without solid evidence since he is supposedly grieving and his wife was a murder victim. But we know that most of the wives that are murdered, the husbands are guilty. Not all but a good majority. It makes some kind of weird sense.”

  “The multiple murders, how do you explain them?” Murphy wanted to know.

  “Listen Murphy, it could have morphed into a murder club and then he decided to get rid of his wife. Or he wanted to get rid of his wife and started the murder club for that purpose. In other words, maybe just by her very presence in the camera club with her girl friends could have set him off. After all it was a major affront to him that his wife was rolling around in another man’s arms.” Jake said just speculating, throwing out ideas with his head detective, possibly hoping something may stick.


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