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The Cult of the White Owl

Page 23

by Barbara Lefka

  Murphy asked him wide eyed.

  “Oh I hear things, what do you say? The night is young.” Jake laughed.

  “Suits me just fine. I’m game if you are. I’m not under as much pressure since Gerda is pregnant. So I rested, showered and here I am. Don’t want to miss anything.”

  “I have to unwind, and get some perspective on this case. I want a stake out on the Wayne property but I don’t want anyone to know. Use the new recruits as much as possible. We have more spies in the department than we can know. Crystal inferred the second in command to the white owl is a detective, a trusted detective.”

  Murphy nearly swerved the car into oncoming traffic on that statement. “I hope you are not thinking it’s me, Chief. I have enough on my plate without taking on any more jobs.”

  “No Murphy I am not thinking it is you, but none the less someone close to us with very little to lose. Do you have any ideas?”

  “I will have to ponder that question, give me a few days. Here we are CR at your service.” Murphy got out and opened the door for Jake. The valet took the car and the men strolled into the night club to have a few and relax their brains.

  The manager came over to greet Jake though he wasn’t what you would call a regular but everyone knew him on sight.

  “Chief detective welcome to the CR. What is your pleasure gentlemen a table, a seat at the bar? The show is about to begin, let me get you a table up front.”

  He led the way to a ring side table and Jake gave him a Twenty for his trouble. The manager bowed and retreated just as the curtain went up and the stage lights came on. The cocktail waitress came over and took their drink orders in a whisper and disappeared into the dark club. Seconds later she was back with their drinks and told them she would run a tab. Jake told her to keep them coming. In lieu of that she brought a bottle of Seagram’s seven, a bottle of Pinch scotch and a bucket of ice. They would not be disturbed and neither would she, they could drink all they wanted she would add up the tab when they were through.

  “What a great idea just leave the bottles. I have to tell Stan to do that, it might add to the profit margin.” Picking up his glass Jake toasted Murphy and watched the comedian warm up the audience for Johnny Mathis.

  The Keeper of the Keys felt he was surrounded by botched up incompetents. When his second in command failed to eliminate Crystal

  all hell broke lose in the police department.

  Jake had all his suspects in one basket at Jefferson hospital and bit by bit he was getting the whole story, except McCane of course. But no telling when he would wake up. If that happened, game over.

  “Minerva wake up we have real problems I want you to think of a contingency plan. A plan where we escape scot free.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you that your hands are clean. All you have to do is set up the meeting in the Wayne location, put your second in command in charge and continue with your life. The detective, Guiliani will have the place staked out and they will descend on the flock and arrest everyone including your second in command. Ask him to wear your robe and dole out money to everyone, I would say $10,000.00 to each member and $100,000.00 for himself, for his trouble. Everyone will credit him for being the mastermind. When the police find out who he is they will be so wrapped up in red tape they won’t have time for anything or anyone else.”

  “But he knows who I am, he will expose me. Your plan is flawed.”

  “Stop complaining. No one will believe him it is your word against his. You are a major player in the politics of the city, not to mention your adored wife was a victim. You just go to work and do your job and deny, deny, deny. “

  “What about you Minerva? You have to be there at the meeting It would not be official without you to worship.”

  “I will be there on the altar as usual, the only thing that won’t be there will be the blanket of South Sea Pearls. You must keep that safe along with the cash we have collected. I have made you rich beyond your wildest dreams. You must survive so I can survive. We are a team if you fall I fall. No one can hear me but you. Stay calm and we both will win. I will fly to you as soon as I can get free. It might be smart if you start dating Priscilla instead of killing her you make a fine pair and she likes you. Don’t protes, it is a perfect way to divert suspicion. Misdirection is key.” The bird preened her feathers and went back to sleep.

  Jake and Murphy were not drunk but considerably relaxed.

  “This is just what the doctor ordered Murphy. I can think clearly and put some facts in order. Crystal said that the White Owl was not old and had a slim built with brownish hair and sun streaks. That definitely lets out the mayor, happy for that, but not the councilman. He fits that description except for his hair. You can see his hair is dark brown without a touch of blonde.” Jake said pointing over to the table where Councilman Carter was sitting with Priscilla and the mayor. “She also said that the bird bites him. Look at Carter’s right hand, bandaged. I find that very suspicious, especially after what she told me.” Both men gazed at the threesome who were enjoying each others company.

  “But you can’t deny he lost his wife to that mad man, I would think that fact alone exonerates him from suspicion?”

  “On the contrary Murph, it draws more suspicion because it is a fact that husbands are the number one suspect when a spouse is murdered. Let’s double the surveillance on the good councilman and see where it leads us.

  Kendra is sitting over there with her fiancé, I am going over to say hello. You pay the tab, leave a generous tip, get a receipt and the city will reimburse you.”

  “I should hope so this is quite a tab.”

  He glanced back at Murphy as he wended his way through the white tablecloths on his way to Kendra. Sal D’Monaco stood up as Jake approached their table and put out his hand. “Jake hello, good of you to stop by.” The two men stood toe to toe taking each others measure while Kendra sat like a queen between them a sleek smile on her lovely face.

  Jake bent down and kissed her on the cheek noting the fact that the large diamond ring was back on her left hand finger, flashing brilliantly even in the subdued light.

  “Are congratulations in order for you two?”

  At their affirmative nod Kendra explained, “Sal’s divorce became final and we are celebrating this evening.” She smiled a happy smile and Sal squeezed her hand.

  “We are leaving for the south of France right after the wedding, I am so excited.”

  “Best wishes for a happy life and congratulations. The best.” Jake waved bye and saw the Don at the next table giving him the high sign to approach.

  “Jake I have a favor to ask, is it possible for you to see your way clear, to attend Sal’s wedding at the mansion?” The Don looked at him.

  “Thank you Sir, but I don’t think that would be the right thing to do. May I ask why you want me there?”

  “There have been some veiled threats, and some not so veiled.” Before Jake could ask who was being threatened, “Against my household, everyone, a bomb.”

  “Did you receive any telephone calls, letters in the mail, or creamy white embossed cards?”

  ”With a signature of the White Owl. Jake how did you know?”

  “It is my job to know. This is very serious. He does not make idol threats. How much is he asking for?”

  “A cool million.”

  “That is very interesting. He must be getting ready to fly away. Don Gaudio I know you are aware that blackmail never stops, you pay forever.” Jake said sitting down on the chair beside the Don that his bodyguard hastily vacated at the Don’s hand signal.

  “Or until I find out who this madman is and put out his lights.”

  Jake glanced around the room and noticed they were causing some interest at the mayor’s table as all eyes were watching them. “Can I visit you at your home Don Gaudio it will be much more private. I will attend Sal�
��s wedding and so will my men in mufti of course. This has to be an ambitious operation for the White Owl and could very well be his down fall.”

  “I will make sure we meet this week.’ Jake rose to his feet shaking the Don’s hand and felt the sensation that kissing his ring was not inappropriate. Weird, but not inappropriate. As he walked toward the exit he caught the mayor’s eye and waved and nodded to Carter who was also looking his way.

  Is it you? You son of a bitch! Jake hooded his eyes and bounded down the steps and into the waiting car.


  Jake got in the front seat of the squad car, Murphy driving and Jake could not wait to tell him his conversation with the Don. But a moment of doubt made him keep silent while he went over in his head the possibility that Murphy may be a spy for the White Owl. Naaw, he thought no way he has shown exemplary courage, putting his life in danger to save others, right by my side through case after case. I would trust him with my life so why am I hesitating?

  “Murphy I was talking to Don Gaudio, he called me to his table and asked a favor, that I attend Sal and Kendra’s wedding.”

  “Some favor, a gala affaire. Count me in as your plus one.” Murphy said, wondering why the concerned look on Jake’s face.

  “Here me out. He received a bomb threat from none other than the White Owl. A card was enclosed in the letter demanding one million dollars.”

  “What, that is a suicide note. No one would survive threatening the Don with a bomb and a demand for a million bucks. That’s insane. Do you think it’s for real?”

  “You mean a false threat to get the mafia involved? Never thought of that, but regardless heads are going to roll. We will be covering the wedding but I would like to apprehend that maniac before a showdown at a wedding of all places. Let’s keep this on the down low, I don’t want any leaks.”

  “Where to now Chief?”

  “Are you kidding me Murphy, home before you and I get divorced. We will think clearer in the morning. But when you pick me up I want to swing by the hospital to see Crystal. Her memory needs a little jogging. She probably knows more than she thinks she does.”

  “I don’t think she would hold out on us at this point do you?”

  “No not at this point. She would like to make the best deal possible because her backs to the wall. It’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation. Pity she is one hell of a girl.”

  “Amen to that, Chief.” Murphy quipped lighting a cigarette to hide his emotions from Jake.

  Crystal was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed waiting to be discharged. She was wearing new clothes free of the blood stains from her head wound, she had no idea where they came from but they were very fashionable and just her sixe. Black slacks, white silk blouse and a cherry red coat to complete the ensemble,

  “I am ready,” she thought. “For whatever comes next. I have to make a deal with Jake and Babs Babinski the DA to get a reduced sentence or no sentence at all. How do I do that? I was really just a paid employee for the White Owl, following orders. I just spied on Jake for the organization, they shoot spies. God I can’t go there.”

  The room door opened and Nurse Sherrill Capi entered with a wheel chair in tow, “We have your release papers all signed sealed and delivered you are free to go, hop on.’

  “Do I have to ride in that. I would rather walk.”

  “Everyone rides, hospital rules.” The orderly that came in with nurse Sherrill held the wheel chair steady while Crystal sat down and made herself comfortable.

  Crystal could not believe her eyes as Detective Xavier Murphy walked into the room, big, tall and handsome as ever.

  “Crystal you look beautiful. I came to personally take you to a safe place so you can figure out your next move and how cooperative you will be to our investigation.”

  Except for the initial compliment Murphy was as cold as ice, as he walked beside the wheel chair on the way to the squad car parked at the curb.

  “Murphy what transpired between you and me was personal. You meant everything to me. I had to break it off because I was putting you in danger.

  Still am for that matter. What are you doing here? Why did they not send someone else? I am so ashamed for my role in the whole shabby mess.”

  She dropped her head toward her chest, a tear coursing down her cheek.

  “You call mass murder a shabby mess, you are screwed up lady and need serious help. I am here because you meant something to me too. I want to be sure you get to a safe place. But there is no we, we are finished if we were ever started.”

  He held the car door for her as she arose from the wheelchair, thanking the orderly and ducking her head as she got into the front seat with Murphy.

  Murphy glanced sideways at Crystal as he drove to the station, having promised Jake he would bring her directly to the precinct, no detours. Even after all the facts were in and he knew she played a major part in the crimes he wished it were the train station, bus station he was taking her too, not the police station.

  “Murphy, your taking me in? I am so scared.” Crystal started to cry. Her tears streaming down her face making streaky lines to her made up face.

  Murphy pulled the car over to the curb and turned toward Crystal who threw herself into Murphy’s wide open arms. He kissed her hard on her parted lips and pressed her body closer to his. The electricity he thought was over cane raging back in force and he groaned with a passion that matched hers.

  He pushed her away and she fell against the door. “Murphy lets go somewhere I want you terribly.” She reached for him.

  “No, I am sorry but I am not risking my marriage and my career no matter what I feel for you, at one point you had a choice and you went for the money and now gorgeous you have to face the music, wipe the mascara off your cheeks you’ll look better.” Murphy lit a cigarette and turned the wheel into traffic.

  “You bastard!” Crystal cleaned her face and applied more powder and lipstick.

  Murphy gripped the wheel tight with his left hand as he dragged heavily on the cigarette trying to get control of his emotions, “Your wrong there my girl. If I were a bastard, I would pull into that motel and devour you.”

  “Oh Murphy I don’t know what I am saying… The least you can do is give me a chance.” Crystal said as she leaned close to him and caressed his leg with her hand. “Please darling you know I am crazy for you. Let me go, I never hurt anyone and we had some great times together. I am innocent of these crimes. Please sweetheart help me. I am begging you.”

  “Your best bet right now Crystal is to tell Jake all you know or can guess at and make a deal, give him enough evidence so that creep is put behind bars or worse forever. Level with us, turn states evidence, you may still come out of this smelling like a rose.” He smiled down at her but removed her hand from his thigh. “You do look very pretty, where did you get the red coat”

  “No idea. They were in my closet and the nurse helped me change into them, why?”

  “I don’t care if you are feeling lousy if you are not in the hospital get over to Wayne and check out that restaurant. STAT!” Jake slammed down the phone.

  His new secretary poked in her head, “Is there something I can do for you Chief?”

  Millie Jacobs was no Annie, but she was willing and helpful. But right now she was interfering with his temper and Jake trying to control himself said slowly and distinctly. “Please Millie get me some hot coffee and a pack of Lucky’s from the vending machine, thank you very much.” Millie backed out of the office seeing the look in his eye and closed the door behind her.

  After Jake slammed down the phone on Detective Wilson he wondered if he was the White Owl’s second in command. Damn he thought it could be anyone except Murphy. Of Murphy he was sure. Where is he anyway, he should be here by now.

  “Chief, Murphy called on the radio phone requesting armed guards outside the s
tation to protect Crystal. He thinks there may be an assassination attempt.”

  “See to it Sergeant. How far away is he, did he say?”

  “Practically here now, sir.”

  “I am coming with you.”

  Jake followed the sergeant down the hall, passing Millie with his hot coffee and cigarettes. “Leave them on my desk, I will be right back.”

  “Will do Chief.” Millie said unruffled.

  The police officers were outside the station with rifles at the ready when Murphy pulled up to the door. He told Crystal to stay in the car until he came around to open the door and also to take off her coat. She made to easy a target (was that the idea) wearing the cherry red coat.

  Wrapping his arms around her he hunched their way into the station the armed officers following them in, Jake held the door open while surveying the tall buildings along the street. He got them inside safely and closed the door. Murphy threw the coat at him.

  “What’s this about? Jake questioned.

  “There has been one attempt on her life, why not another by a hired gun who’s only identifying mark would be a red coat, considering the fact the clothes just appeared in her closet the right sizes and her style, I would say suspicious.”

  “I would say you were right to take precautions, but now what do we do with her is the question? Until she tells us everything she knows or surmises she is in jeopardy. We know she is not safe in jail, maybe we can, let me think.”

  They walked toward Jake’s office deep in thought, the men purposeful Crystal shaking in her shoes.

  When the three got to Jake’s office Millie stopped them to explain she put Babs Babinsky in his office and she was about to bring more coffee.

  “Fine bring more and round up some donuts or something, none of us have had time for breakfast.”

  “Yes sir.” And Millie waddled off to get the coffee and see what was left in the break room to eat . ”Probably very little or nothing.” She mumbled to herself. ”I guess they expect me to go over to the bakery and buy some, no way Jose. Pay dirt, somebody actually left birthday cake, chocolate, no less.”


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