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Wicked Highland Heroes

Page 63

by Tarah Scott

  Talbot glanced at the castle. From here, he couldn’t see Rhoslyn’s room or the chapel. He hoped she’d had sense enough not to spend the night in the chapel. If Lady Taresa directed any of her determination upon Rhoslyn, she might, at some point, have gotten his wife to go to bed.

  “If they leave, it isna’ the end,” Seward said.

  “Nay,” Talbot agreed.

  “It seems ye have taken a stand against your king, after all,” Lochland said. He lay on the ground on the other side of the fire. “I wonder why.”

  That does not mean I betrayed him,” Talbot said.

  “Despite the fact he betrayed you?” Lochland said.

  Talbot looked sharply at him. It was an obvious guess, but caught him off guard nonetheless.

  “Do ye consider it a betrayal to protect yourself?” Lochland asked.

  “Nay,” he said, but the knowledge didn’t stop the sting.


  Seward remained silent, but Talbot knew the man still seethed. Edward’s desire to grab power by forfeiting a loyal knight’s life confirmed his worst beliefs about the English king.

  “It has been a long night,” Lochland said.

  “You and your men are welcome in Castle Glenbarr once Sir Ronald and his men leave.”

  The earl grunted. “‘Tis the least ye can do.”

  They fell silent as the sun lifted slowly and dawn finally made an appearance.

  Lochland broke the silence. “We have company.” He stared at something beyond Talbot.

  Talbot twisted and looked over his shoulder to see Sir Ronald approaching with one of his men. Talbot rose and turned as they neared. Lochland and Seward stepped up alongside him.

  “We are preparing to leave,” Ronald said, when they reached Talbot. “You know what Edward will do when I return without you.”

  “Would you prefer to fight now?” Talbot asked.

  “So you can slaughter my men?” he sneered. “Have you any message for Edward?”

  “As I told you last night, tell him I know of his plan.”

  Sir Ronald hesitated. “Think of what you do. This is treason.”

  “Is that what Edward told ye?” Seward interjected.

  “Quiet,” Talbot commanded.

  Ronald looked from the old man to Talbot. “I would speak with you alone.”

  “Ye can go to the devil,” Seward growled.

  “I must speak with you,” Ronald insisted of Talbot.

  “Dinna’ be a fool,” the baron said. “Ye know what a snake Edward is.”

  “Enough,” Talbot said. He nodded at Sir Ronald and started away from the two men.

  “Remember your duty to my granddaughter and great grandson,” Seward called after him.

  “Remember your vow to me,” Talbot replied. He hoped Seward kept his word and didn’t tell Lochland or anyone else about Edward’s plan to kill him.

  They walked until they left the larger clusters of men behind. Up ahead, Ronald’s army prepared to leave, though, to Talbot’s frustration, they seemed in no hurry. Some were saddled and mounted while others still saddled their horses. Others still sat in groups talking.

  “You are Sir Talbot St. Claire,” Ronald said. “You have been Edward’s favorite from the beginning. What have these Scots done to turn you against him?”

  “Return and deliver my message,” Talbot said.

  “Return with me, I beg you. Whatever has happened, Edward will forgive.”

  “Edward will forgive?” Talbot shot back. “You know nothing of what Edward has to forgive.”

  Ronald stepped closer. “He is our king Your king.”

  “Aye,” Talbot said. Just as Talbot was his knight. But that hadn’t stopped the pontiff from trying to kill him—all so he could seize Talbot’s newfound power. “Have your men ready to leave within the quarter hour.” Talbot started to turn, then stopped and added, “Tell Edward this. I will be sending him my brother’s head.”

  Shock shone on the knight’s face, then his gaze shifted past him. Talbot glanced over his shoulder. Seward and Lochland approached.

  “I beg you not to listen to them,” Sir Ronald said in a low voice. “They have poisoned you.”

  “It is not them who poisoned me,” Talbot said in a growl, “but the faithless king you say I serve.”

  “Faithless? You speak treason.”

  Seward and Lochland reached them.

  “Your wet nurses have come to lead you home,” Ronald said. “I suppose I should not be surprised that you are allowing me and my army to leave instead of fighting. You have turned craven, St. Claire.”

  “This one doesna’ know good fortune when it stares him in the face,” Lochland said. “If ye have an itch to fight, my men will oblige.”

  “While Sir Talbot stands aside and watches,” Ronald sneered. “You are not afraid we will attack when you return to Castle Glenbarr? I was certain you would ride with us clear to Edinburgh just to be sure we left. Or is there an army hidden somewhere along the way to ambush us? Or is it that the Scottish whore has bewitched you into betraying your king?”

  “Is this how English knights speak of a man’s wife?” Lochland demanded.

  “Nay,” Talbot said. Then he thought of Dayton.

  Dayton was a master strategist—a strategist who would have a secondary plan. When he saw the army Talbot was able to amass, he would realized that Talbot had no intention of leaving with Edward’s army. And he would have set into motion his secondary plan.

  Talbot took two steps and stopped inches from Ronald, “Tell me where my brother is and I will let you return to England unharmed.”

  Surprise flashed across the knight’s face.

  Seward swore. “By God, the whoreson has hatched a plot.”

  “Tell me now,” Talbot demanded. “What Dayton has planned is not in accordance with our law. He intends to kill me then take my wife and child.”

  “I obey my king, not you,” Ronald snapped.

  “Take him,” Talbot ordered Lochland. “Then surround his men. Kill any who lifts a sword.”

  Lochland stepped up to Sir Ronald. “Raise the alarm and I will slaughter every last man with you.”

  Talbot whirled and strode back toward his camp. Seward fell in alongside him. Neither man spoke, but Talbot knew the old man was thinking the same thing he was: Rhoslyn.

  She was safe within Castle Glenbarr. She had sworn she wouldn’t set foot outside the castle. His men wouldn’t allow her to leave. No one had entered since he left yesterday.

  Excerpt Lady Taresa through the secret passageway.

  His heart began to pound. If anything was wrong, Ross would have sent word immediately.

  They reached the horses and Talbot leapt into the saddle. He dug his heels into his horse’s ribs and shot forward before Seward could mount. Seward caught up with Talbot as he veered around a group of men and headed toward the east tower.

  “Where are ye going?” Seward shouted once they’d left the camp behind.

  “The east tower,” Talbot replied.

  Minutes later, they reached the heavy brush that hid the secret passageway two hundred feet beyond the rear of the castle. Talbot jumped from his horse with Seward close behind. A shout went up at the wall as he plunged into the thick foliage. No torch burned within the passageway, so they were forced to slow. Talbot felt his way along the damp stone walls. When a glimmer of light came into view up ahead his blood chilled.

  They reached the door to find it ajar. The guard he had left lay on the ground. Talbot dropped to one knee and surveyed the bloody gash in his forehead. He felt for a pulse and found a strong heartbeat. Talbot rose, hurried forward, and was met at the stairs by Ross and half a dozen men.

  “Where is Lady Rhoslyn?” Talbot demanded.

  “In her chambers,” Ross replied. His gaze fixed on the man lying on the floor. “What happened?”

  “My brother,” Talbot said. “Damn him. See to the man.”

  Ross ordered two of his men to b
ring the wounded warrior upstairs, then followed Talbot. They reached Rhoslyn’s room and found it empty. Talbot looked in the solar and his room, but she wasn’t in either place.

  “Where might she be?” he demanded.

  “In the kitchen?” Ross replied. “Your grandmother stayed with her last night. I havena’ seen either of them this morning.”

  Talbot cursed. He knew he should have been more forceful when Lady Taresa insisted on coming to Castle Glenbarr.

  They checked the kitchen, but they weren’t there and the women hadn’t seen them.

  “Get Cullen,” Talbot ordered Ross. “He can track for me. He and I will ride ahead. Seward, gather five hundred men and follow.”

  “Ross can gather my men. I am going with ye.”

  “I dinna’ understand,” Ross said. “If a stranger entered the castle and went to Lady Rhoslyn’s room, someone would have noticed. Your brother could no’ have gotten inside the castle undetected.”

  “Aye,” Talbot agreed, “but he could have found someone willing to bring Rhoslyn to him.” And when that traitor found the women together, he took the two of them instead of killing Lady Taresa. What were the chances Dayton would consider that a good idea? Her death furthered his interests. That gave Dayton control of the title once he married Rhoslyn.

  “They canna’ have gotten far,” Seward said. “Do ye think your brother would chance returning to Stonehaven? You have a mighty big price on his head there.”

  Talbot had a big price on his head in all of Scotland. Dayton couldn’t hope to outrun Talbot while burdened with Rhoslyn, who was heavy with child. He wanted the baby almost more than he wanted Rhoslyn. Where would he go? Then Talbot knew.

  “Seward, you remember John Comyn’s cousin, Davey?”

  “Aye,” he replied, then understanding dawned on his face. “Your brother doesna’ plan to leave Scotland.”

  “Why leave when I will be dead any day?”

  Seward nodded. “Then he will emerge from whatever rock he has hidden under—married to Rhoslyn.”

  A man entered through the postern door. Sir Derek. He crossed to the staircase where they stood.

  “What has happened?” Derek demanded. “Ye have surrounded the English army.”

  There was no avoiding the truth. “Lady Rhoslyn and Lady Taresa are missing.”

  “Missing? How is that possible?”

  “My brother must have taken them.”

  Derek stepped toward Talbot. The three men with Talbot surged toward Derek.

  “Hold,” he commanded, and they stopped.

  “Why did the kidnapper take Lady Taresa?” Derek demanded.

  “Maybe he found them together and preferred that to killing her,” Talbot said. “I do not know.”

  “She was under your protection,” Derek snarled.

  “You can aid in finding her or stay,” Talbot said. “Either way, I am going.”

  Derek stared for a long moment, then gave a curt nod.

  Minutes later, Talbot stood with Cullen, Seward, and Derek beside the secret passageway’s door.

  Cullen inspected the floor. “Two men,” he said. “Though only one ascended the stairs.”

  They went outside. A warrior waited with horses for Cullen and Derek.

  Cullen took only a moment to study the tracks. “Four horses. They rode north.”

  “Is Davey’s home north?” Talbot asked.

  “Nay,” Seward said. “But what do ye wager the tracks turn east toward his home?”

  Two riders. His brother and the traitor who let him in. Guilt rolled over Talbot. He sat in the camp on the other side of the castle while someone entered and kidnapped Rhoslyn and Lady Taresa.

  “I should have blocked the passageway before I left,” he muttered.

  “Why did ye no’?” Seward demanded.

  Talbot vaulted into the saddle. “Because I am a fool.”

  * * *

  To their surprise, the tracks turned west. When they reached Colliston Gorge, Talbot realized why the riders had gone that way. The tracks were lost amongst the rocky terrain and even Cullen couldn’t be certain which way they’d gone.

  “East,” Seward said. “I feel it in my gut.”

  Talbot felt the same. His instincts had served him well in the past, but he couldn’t afford to be wrong. “Cullen, you will wait here for the men Ross is bringing. Send him east with half on my trail, and you lead the other half. Study the tracks, follow the freshest trail you can find.”

  Cullen nodded, and Talbot headed east with Seward and Derek.

  Seward had told Talbot that Davey’s keep was well fortified and would withstand a siege long enough for Rhoslyn to birth their child. Once cornered, though, Dayton would be more dangerous than he already was. They had to catch them before they reached Davey’s home. Talbot kept his gaze on the ground and prayed they picked up the trail again.

  They found tracks an hour later. Another hour passed before Talbot glimpsed a red silk half-hidden by calf-high grass. Sir Derek cursed and shot ahead. Talbot caught up with him and, together, they reached the spot at the base of a hill where Lady Taresa lay.

  Talbot dropped to one knee beside her, Derek opposite, as Seward reined up beside them and dismounted. Derek slid an arm beneath her back and gently lifted her upright. That’s when Talbot saw the blood that coated the grass beneath her.

  Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Where are you hurt, my lady?” Derek said.

  A gentle smile touched her mouth. “I knew you would come,” she whispered, her soft accent marred by a raspy breath. Her eyes shifted to Talbot. “And you, my grandson.” She lifted a hand and he took it. “Find your wife and my great grandchild.”

  “I will.” Talbot’s heart thundered. “Are they well?”

  She gave a tiny nod. “He has not harmed them.”

  “He?” Talbot repeated. “My brother?”

  “He is one. The other is Bret Carr.”

  “I know him,” Seward said.

  “He came to Rhoslyn’s room.” Lady Taresa swallowed. “You would have been proud. Your wife is brave.”

  Talbot’s blood chilled at the thought of how Rhoslyn’s bravery must have put herself and their child in danger.

  “They ride fast,” she said. “It is not good for Rhoslyn.” Taresa released a shuddered breath.

  “I will take you back to Castle Glenbarr,” Derek said.

  Her eyes shifted to him. “No. I will not be returning.”

  “My lady,” he began.

  “Derek.” He went silent and she returned her attention to Talbot. “I am so happy to have found you.”

  “And I you,” Talbot said. “But save your strength. Sir Derek will take you back to Castle Glenbarr. I will find Rhoslyn. Do not fear.”

  “There is a small village twenty minutes north,” Seward said. “They have a healer.”

  Lady Taresa shook her head. “They are not far ahead. Find them, Talbot.” She looked at the knight. “Derek.” The word came out so weak Talbot thought it had to be her last.

  “My lady,” Derek replied.

  She motioned with her hand for him to come closer. He bent his head and she pulled him close so that his ear touched her mouth. Talbot couldn’t hear what she said, but Derek’s “Nay, my lady,” told him the knight was hearing the truth he couldn’t accept. Taresa released him and he lifted his head and looked down at her.

  “There is a healer twenty minutes away. You are strong. I will take you there.”

  She grasped his arm. “Swear.”


  Talbot heard the raw plea in Derek’s voice and exchanged a glance with Seward, who gave a tiny shake of his head.

  “Derek.” The strength in her voice startled Talbot and for an instant he thought she might survive her wound. Then she coughed a wet cough he knew went soul deep.

  “Swear,” she insisted, then added in a gentler tone, “my love.”

  Derek bowed his head. “I swear.”

; Relief washed over her features and she turned her face toward Talbot. “Tell Rhoslyn I am sorry I could not see my great grandchild born.”

  Talbot considered telling her all would be well, she would be there, but he saw the light dimming in her eyes and the plea that her request be honored. She did not want her family to forget her.

  “She will understand, Grandmother.”

  Her mouth parted in surprise, then relaxed into a weak smile. “Remember, you are my grandson. Our family does not accept defeat.”

  She closed her eyes and released her final breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Derek surprised Talbot when he gently laid Taresa back on the ground, then rose and stepped into his saddle. He kicked his horse’s ribs and said not a word when Talbot and Seward caught up with him. What was there to say? Derek was right. Taresa was under Talbot’s protection. She’d been in his home, where she should have been safe.

  They rode twenty minutes in silence when a curl of smoke came into view, rising from the wooded hills ahead.

  “Whose land is this?” Talbot asked. They had left Glenbarr’s property half an hour ago and now rode through unfamiliar territory.

  “The far eastern edge of my land,” Seward replied. “The cottage belongs to David Morrison. He tends cattle for me. It is another four-hour ride to Davey’s. Mayhap your brother stopped to rest.”

  “If he did, he will have killed your man. Does Morrison have a family?”

  “His wife, Diana.”

  Guilt washed over Talbot when he realized he hoped Dayton had stopped there.

  They crested the next hill and Talbot glimpsed a cottage amongst the trees. Three horses stood before it, heads hung low, reins tied to a nearby tree.

  A low growl emanated from Sir Derek’s chest and he leaned low in the saddle in readiness to ride hard.

  “Hold,” Talbot commanded.

  The knight’s head snapped in his direction.

  “They have not seen us,” Talbot said. “When they do, Dayton will threaten Morrison and his wife. We have the element of surprise.” Talbot recognized the cold fury in Derek’s eyes and said, “I will slay you where you sit, Sir Derek.”


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