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Mouse Trapped

Page 28

by Manda Mellett

  “Could blow this house up,” Viper suggests.

  “Not with Mariana in it,” I spit out.

  “We’re wasting time. Let’s explore the basement.”

  We’re used to sound proofed doors and walls; it comes in useful in our storeroom. But I didn’t expect to hear what I do when we carefully open the door to the basement. As soon as we do, cries and loud howls of distress reach us.

  “Fuck!” Drummer looks at us, then says quickly, “Proceed quietly, Brothers. If it’s soundproofed down here, they might not have had warning of what’s happening up above. Blade, if we can take them out without shooting…”

  The enforcer’s knife is already in his hands.

  The first two guards go down easily. They’re standing, smoking, laughing at a woman being raped. Her eyes widen when they see me, but that’s all the warning the rapist gets before I cut his throat.

  “Gracias. Gracias,” the woman cries as I roll the body off her. I hold a finger to my lips. Through her tears, she nods.

  We proceed past cells which are more like cages. I check every one, but see no sign of Mariana. Where the fuck is she? But seeing, and smelling, this environment, I become more and more certain we’re looking in the wrong place. Even a bastard like Mariana’s father wouldn’t treat his daughter like this.

  “Women and children to be trafficked,” Drummer says out of the side of his mouth. He’s probably right, but for now we can do nothing for them.

  Then we’re edging onwards, but come across no more guards. Presumably it doesn’t take too many to keep the women secure when they’re locked up.

  We come to another door. There’s a woman crying out inside. In English. Mariana? I put my shaking hand on the latch and open it, Drummer right at my back. My gun ready to fire, I don’t allow myself to take in more than the man with his hand on my woman’s face, and another standing grinning to the side.

  “I said, no interruptions!”

  Fuck me, intent on what they’re doing, they haven’t noticed us. A quick shot and the man watching goes down. A bullet’s too good for the man touching my future wife. Before my target has hit the ground, Drummer’s weapon’s pointing at Mariana’s tormentor. Blade’s fast, intuitively knowing I’ll want payback for this one, he’s disarmed him and fastened his hands behind his back with a zip tie.

  Once the room’s secured, I take my first look at Mariana. As soon as she sees me, she starts screaming.

  Chapter 33


  My stomach already feels full to bursting, yet apparently, my torture’s only half way done. I try to fight Miguel, but the next drug filled condom goes down when he holds my nose, forcing me to open my mouth. If his count was right, that’s number sixty-one. Only, only, fifty-nine more to go. I don’t think I’m going to survive this. The thought of the alien substance inside me makes me feel ill. My belly wasn’t meant to hold latex and whatever drugs he’s forcing me to swallow.

  I want to die. I’m sure I’ll get my wish granted. Surely what he’s doing is killing me? And even if he gets me over the border, what if I’m caught? Caught smuggling drugs into the US? What fate is worse? Being sold to a cruel pervert, or being taken into custody? Becoming a statistic, proof people like me can’t be trusted—being deported and coming back carrying drugs. What a cliché.

  My protests are in vain. Miguel’s got no sympathy. Instead, the opposite, seeming to delight in my distress.

  I don’t hear the door opening. My first warning is a loud shot, and in my peripheral vision, seeing Miguel’s helper going down. It happens so quickly, one second Miguel is there, the next men are surrounding him.

  Then my eyes fall on the tall man who’s entered, recognising him in a flash. It takes my brain a moment to process that he’s not a vision I’ve summoned up. Tse’s here. He’s really here. He’s come to save me.

  A scream comes out of my mouth, and then another. I’m struggling, fighting the bindings that hold me secure. A knife flicks in his hand, and then I’m free. He tries to hold me; all I do is flail with my arms.

  “Get them out of me!” I scream loudly. “Get them out of me!” His strong arms come around me, but I try to push him away. “Tse! Get them out!”

  “Shush, shush.” He tries to calm me, his eyes going dark as he takes in the bowl of un-swallowed latex wrappers and immediately knows what’s going on. “Shush. Tell me, how many have you taken?”

  “None. I took none. He forced me…”

  “Shush, darlin’, shush. I know that. How fuckin’ many?”

  “Sixty-one!” I’m screeching again. He lets go of me, and my arms wrap around my stomach. “Tse, help me, please.”

  “Jesus.” A new voice, another man entering. He looks at me, and at the bowl. Tse turns to look at him, a helpless expression on his face. “This changes our plans.”

  “El Procurador?” another man asks.

  “Can’t find him, Drummer. But we’re still looking. Who’s this?”

  They’re after my father? I’m sobbing, scared stiff. Worried now Tse has found me, I’ll die anyway if one of the condoms bursts. But I raise a shaking hand and point to my tormentor. “He’s Miguel Rojas, he’s one of my father’s lieutenants.”

  “Do you know where your father is?” The scary looking man with a scar running across his face turns his attention to me, startling me into giving him an answer.

  “No. He gave me to him.” I nod toward Miguel. “He’s his secondin-command.”

  The scarred man nods. “How many lieutenants has he got?”

  Miguel roars, but he’s restrained tightly, and doesn’t alter my response. “Three more.”

  “They’re somewhere in this fucking house.” The man turns to the heavily armed men who’ve followed him in. “Take this Rojas and get some answers.”

  I’m still trembling, my breathing shallow and fast, but something eases inside me when Miguel’s taken out of my sight. When the scarred man takes a step toward me, panic rises again, and I step back, coming up against Tse’s hard body. Now I take comfort from the warmth behind me.

  Only one side of his face moves, as he attempts to smile. “My name’s Devil,” he says softly. “No need to worry, Mariana. You’re going to be okay.”

  “They forced me to swallow…” Even my voice shakes.

  “I know. But they won’t be hurting anyone again. This will soon be over, Mariana. Tse’s with you now, and he won’t let anyone harm you.”

  “What do we do, Devil?” Tse’s rich voice booms out, and this time, when his arms come around me, I lean back. His hands start smoothing up and down my biceps, such a gentle touch. It immediately soothes me. I trust him. He won’t let me die.

  Devil purses his lips, then looks directly at me. “Can’t go back until those drugs are out.”

  The stroking of Tse’s fingers is having a calming effect. “How long, how long will it take?”

  “We need to find some laxatives, and then nature will just have to do its job.”

  Again I shudder, but a reassuring voice speaks into my ear. “It will be alright, Mariana. I promise you. It will be alright, and soon you’ll be coming home with me. Back to Arizona. Back to Drew.”

  Home. Arizona. My brother.

  Without turning I ask, “Promise?”

  When he does, the force in his voice makes me start to believe him. Another man enters, a bundle of keys being twirled in his hand, blood oozing down his other arm but it doesn’t seem to bother him. Devil turns toward him.

  “Want us to start freeing the women, now?”

  “You’re sure the upstairs is cleared?”

  “We’ve gone over the dining room thoroughly. No routes in or out except the main door. I suggest we put them in there.” His face contorts as though in pain. “Got to be better than where they are now.”

  I’m horrified that in my distress I’d forgotten the women who were locked up.

  “See if you can get the kitchen staff to get them some decent food. Water too. I suspect
they could do with both.”

  “They’ll want baths, showers…”

  Devil nods. “That will have to wait until we’re certain no one else is here. Don’t want anyone to be taken hostage and used for bargaining.” Then to his man, he says, “Thanks, Carter. Yeah, do that. I’ll come see what’s what. See if there’s medical attention they need which you can provide.”

  “I’ll do what I can,” his man, Carter, agrees.

  There’s been a group of men chatting in the corner, as Devil disappears after Carter, they now approach. Tse briefly squeezes me, as though giving me support.

  The man in the lead holds out his hand. “Drummer. I’m the President of the Satan’s Devils.” I shake it. “Tse’s boss?”

  He grins. “Suppose that I am. This here’s Viper.” He begins to introduce the men at his side. “Blade, Marvel and Dollar.”

  There’re a few ‘pleased to meet you’s’ which seem incongruous given the circumstances.

  “My brothers,” Tse whispers in my ear. “Your family too now, darlin’.” For the first time, I turn and face him, my head tilted in question. “Sweetheart, told you I was claimin’ you. Marryin’ you. That hasn’t changed. And doing that means you come under the protection of the club. My brothers have come here for you.”

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” the man introduced as Viper confirms. “You belong to Mouse, you’re one of us.”


  The corners of Tse’s mouth turn up. “Road name,” he explains.

  “Or Chief,” the man called Marvel mutters under his breath.

  A man less like a mouse I couldn’t imagine. “Tse, Mouse… We need to talk.”

  “Nah. Know what you’re thinking. But you’re mine, and Drew too.”

  Christ. I’ve been so caught up in myself, I haven’t asked about Drew. “How is he, Tse? My father was going to bring him here…”

  “Don’t you worry about your brother,” his president interrupts. “Kid’s fine. Yeah, your father tried, but we intercepted the fuckers he sent. That’s how we knew where to find you. Drew’s having a good time on the compound. He’s a good kid, Mariana. You’ve done well with him.”

  I go to answer, but at that moment, Devil walks back into the room. He comes straight toward me. “Carter had this in his first aid pack. Seems he likes to be prepared for all eventualities.” He hands a packet to me.

  I immediately see what it is. “How long until it works?”

  “Possibly thirty minutes, maybe not for a few hours. It’s sodium phosphate.”

  “Is it safe?”

  I don’t miss the slight tic by the side of Devil’s eye before he responds to Tse. “She’d have been given it had they got her to the States.”

  “Doesn’t answer my question, Devil,” Tse growls.

  “Just tell me, Devil. Please,” I put in. It’s my body after all.

  He frowns, then admits, “Some laxatives can cause the latex to be compromised. But this is a saline solution, and I’m confident it will work.”

  “She’s not taking it. We’ll wait it out.”

  I swing around so I’m face to chest with Tse—I’d forgotten just how tall he is. “Tse. I’ve got a belly full of drugs which is driving me out of my mind. One could break any minute. I’m freaking out here. I’d rather take my chance and get them out of my system. As Devil said, I’d have been given laxatives anyway.”

  His dark eyes stare into mine. Then he raises his chin fractionally. “Your body, your call.”

  “One thing, Mariana.” As I turn back to face Devil again, I notice he’s now looking apologetic. “You’re going to have to count them as they come out. Got to know you’ve got them all.”

  My face scrunches in disgust. Isn’t it bad enough they’re inside me? Now I’ve got to examine my shit.

  “Babe, I’ve got you.” I’m back in Tse’s arms, and he’s comforting me as he would a child.

  As Drummer steps up with a mug of water he’s scrounged from somewhere, and I’m swallowing what I hope is the correct dosage down, the man with blood now drying on his arm returns.

  “Devil. We’ve found El Procurador’s fucking lieutenants. You were right. Dimensions didn’t seem to match up. Found a secret room under the floorboards. Just like a priest hole.”

  Priest hole?

  “I’ll explain later,” says Tse quietly.

  Then my brain processes that my father’s men have been found. “My father?” Is he dead? That would be the best news I could be told. He deserves it. He’s traded in misery far too long.

  Devil cocks his eyebrow as though seconding my question.

  “He’s escaped, Devil. Sorry. Seems he thought one man had more chance on his own. Went through a secret passage and locked a steel door behind him, trapping his men on the other side. He’s in the wind.”

  “I want this place torn apart,” Devil growls. “Paperwork, computers. Mouse, can you help?”

  “As long as Mariana’s by my side I will.”

  I’m shocked when Devil turns to me. “We’ll find him, Mariana. I promise you that. We will find him.”

  The house is a hive of activity. A couple of men are trying to sort out the women. From what I hear they’re getting information which will help reunite them with their families if they have them. Others are pulling out drawers and going through desks, putting aside paperwork which presumably they’ll take with them.

  Though I’m following Tse, I hesitate on the threshold of my father’s office, still feeling his presence here. Tse comes back when he sees I’m standing at the door, holding out his hand.

  “He’s not here. He’s gone.”

  I shiver, again wrapping my arms around me. “I hate him, Tse. I thought I did before, but having met him? He’s more evil than I could ever imagine.”

  He nods, tugging me to him, and resting his chin on the top of my head. We stand like that for a few moments. He’s giving me comfort, and I’m taking it. Enjoying just being held in his arms, the feeling I’ve longed for, but never thought I’d get to experience.

  After a moment, he draws back, takes my hand and leads me over to the desk. “Sit with me while I get down to work.”

  I take the chair I last sat in opposite my father. This time I’m watching Tse as he fires up the computer and starts doing stuff, his long lean fingers racing over the keys. His brow creases, then relaxes, a small smile forms, then he’s back to frowning again. I don’t need to see what’s on the screen, I can tell by his expressions if he’s having success or not.

  One of the maids enters the room with a tray of coffees. She’s escorted by one of Devil’s men. He raises his chin toward us. “I watched her make it.”

  They’re being so cautious, it’s reassuring.

  Still Tse taps on. Again we’re interrupted with a plate full of sandwiches. Tse stops me with a shake of his head. “Wait until…”

  I nod quickly. I don’t want to discuss my bowel movements, and neither have I any desire to chase the drug filled condoms with food. I’m not in the slightest bit hungry. There’s no room in my stomach.

  As Tse takes a break to eat, I nod at the computer. “Are you getting anywhere?”

  Tse grins widely. “Yeah. Fucker kept all his details on here. The computer’s not connected to the internet, so he thought he was secure to record all his shit. I’ve got his pipelines and everything. Devil will be able to destroy him.”

  “Good.” The news makes me very happy. I watch Tse eat, licking mayonnaise off his fingers. Taking huge bites in a manner that reminds me of Drew. It strikes me there’s so much I don’t know about him. I’ve never seen him consume anything before. All I know is that he’s done everything he can to help me. To save me.

  “Tse. What’s going to happen to me?”

  He swallows his mouthful, washing it down with fresh coffee. “I told you. You’re coming home. Devil’s got a private plane, and transport to get there. We’ll land in Arizona and you’ll come back to the compound.”

>   “I’m still an illegal.”

  His eyes narrow. “Forget about that for a moment. We’ll deal with it, okay? You’ll be safe with the Satan’s Devils, with your brother. And I’ll look after you.”

  “I’m not your responsibility, Tse.” How could I be? This man with the striking good looks could have any woman. Why would he want me, and the baggage I’m carrying?

  His hand snakes over the table and grabs mine. “What part of ‘you’re my woman’ did you not get? I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since the first day I met you. Not going to let you get away.”

  “That sounds creepy,” I warn him, my voice going low. “You don’t know me.”

  “Then let’s get to know each other. Not going to pressure you, babe. But think about this. Being married means I can sponsor you for a green card.”

  “I can’t force you into a relationship just for that.”

  “Force me?” He huffs a laugh. “Just then you were implying it was the other way around.”

  “A marriage would have to be real.”

  “You’re seriously saying it wouldn’t be?” His eyes become heated. They stare into mine, then move down, focusing on my breasts before moving back up. “Wouldn’t be any hardship for me, darlin’.” Where my thoughts go must be written on my face. Immediately he stands, comes around, and crouches in front of me, taking both my hands in his. “What’s up?”

  My voice is little more than a whisper. “They raped the women. One in the cell next to me. She was hurting, screaming…”

  My hands are shaking; he squeezes them gently. “I’d never force you, Mariana. Never do anything you didn’t want. You believe me, don’t you?”

  Right now I don’t know what I believe. Worse, my stomach clenches. For a moment there our discussion had distracted me. I’d forgotten what was going to come next. A bout of gas has me wrapping my arms around me, then cramps have me doubled over.


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