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The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Two

Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Simon,” she said softly, looking up at him, “please will you spank me when we get home. I feel so guilty. If I’d spoken up Theresa wouldn’t be hurt, Badir wouldn’t have been put through all that panic, and I wouldn’t have been at risk and caused you all that trouble”

  “Yes, Belle, I most certainly will spank you, and it will be a very sound spanking. That’s what you feel you need, am I right?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she quivered, dropping her eyes. “I, uh, do want you to spank me hard. I mean, I don’t want you to make me cry, but–”

  “It’s all right, I know what you want, and what you need,” he assured.

  She sighed, leaning into him, awash in his love and the romance of the night.

  “I have one last surprise for you,” he declared softly. “Do you know what I’m going to do after I’m done spanking you?”

  “No, what?” she asked, not sure if she should be excited or worried.

  “I’m going to make love to you, without a raincoat.”

  “Oh, Simon,” she squealed, throwing her arms around his neck, planting kisses all across his face.

  “But first, the much needed discipline,” he warned.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, sitting back. “First the discipline.”

  They were almost home, and Belle’s butterflies were alive and well. “There is a silver lining,” she added.

  “And that would be?” he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

  “You said when you saw me laying over the trolley it really hit you, how much you care about me, so in a way, that drama made tonight happen, didn’t it?”

  The car pulled up to the curb, and he leaned in, his lips at her ear.

  “You’re right, you really do need a spanking.”

  The butterflies transformed into humming birds, and she gripped his hand as he helped her from the car.

  They made their way inside and to the elevator. The house was quiet, the hour late, and as the elevator ascended, Simon unexpectedly grabbed her wrists, spun her around, and pinned them above her head against the dark wood. Holding them with one hand, he raised the back of her dress with the other. She was wearing black French-cut knickers, and her stockings were thigh highs. The elevator came to a gentle stop.

  “Keep your hands where they are,” he growled, “and close your eyes.”

  His fingers slipped into the waistband of her panties and slid them down, sending her heart clattering in her chest. Leaving the underwear dangling around her thighs, Simon flicked a switch on the elevator control panel, preventing it from being called to another floor. Moving back to her, he took hold of her hips.

  “Two steps back,” he said sternly, “legs together, arch.”

  Apprehensively she scooted back her feet, placing them side-by-side, then arched her back, and feeling how provocative the position was, the hot, submissive flush shimmied up her neck and across her face.

  Lifting the hem of her skirt he moved it up her back, out of the way, then viewed the glorious sight before him. Her elegant legs encased in the sheer black stockings made the pale skin of her upper thighs appear even more pearlescent. The delicate black panties gave the appearance of lace handcuffs locking her legs, and her lustrous backside, full and round and inviting, had never looked lovelier.

  Moving forward he stood at her side, wrapping his arm around her waist. Running his hand across her delicious derriere, he said not a word but began slapping her skin, peppering his hand across every part of her backside, falling into a slow, steady, rhythm, gradually increasing in speed and force, the sound of Belle’s suppressed cries telling him everything he needed to know. As the pink blush deepened, he tightened his hold, allowing no room for a wriggle or a squirm.

  “Sir,” she cried. “Please, Sir.”

  “Be quiet,” he scolded. “I’ll spank you as I see fit. You should know that by now. Think about what you did. You are my sweet pet, and I won’t have you putting yourself in danger again.”

  Gritting her teeth, the heat of his hand slicing through her skin, his words swirled around her head. How foolish she had been to keep her worries and fears about Amaranth to herself. The discipline he was exacting was appropriate, and as she surrendered to the sting of his smacking hand, she began to feel the release of the guilt, and the importance of the lesson.

  Simon paused, smoothing and caressing her burnt bottom, then traveled a finger to press between her closed legs, searching out her valley of passion. Her gasping breaths transformed into soft sighs as he explored, and finding a creek of moisture, he returned his hand to the back of her thighs, moving her lacy leg-cuffs to rest at the top of her stockings.

  Using the same steady rhythm, he unleashed his roasting hand on her untouched thighs, repeating the punishment, increasing the force of his smacks as he continued to land slap after slap, determined this would be a spanking she would not soon forget, if ever.

  He couldn’t help but think how perfect it was, that the evening should end in such a way. The blue diamond was sparkling on her finger, his spanking hand was punishing her thighs and bottom, and soon they would make love, his first time sans a condom. It all seemed to fit, as if the required punishment had been fated, and could not have taken place at a more appropriate time.

  The pink of her legs was very near the pink hue of her backside, and satisfied, he smoothed his hand in a comforting caress, then raised himself up, releasing her waist.

  Attempting to catch her breath and gather her thoughts, Belle leaned her face against the cool wood. Never did she imagine that she would be subject to such a spanking, or any spanking, in the elevator. She had assumed they would amble into the bedroom, he would scold her, or tell her to undress, or lift her skirt and lay her across his knee. The unexpected punishment and the alacrity with which it happened had literally taken her breath away. Even as he had begun, she thought it simply a warm-up, a precursor to the discipline that was to come.

  “Sweet girl,” he crooned, turning her around. “Do you feel better?”

  Sighing deeply, she leaned into his chest.

  “I do. Very, very sore and stinging, but definitely better. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s over now, forgotten,” he said softly, holding her gently. “You’ve been punished, and I believe you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “Yes, definitely,” she breathed. “It was a mistake I’ll never make again.”

  Flicking the switch on the elevator panel releasing its hold, he slowly walked her through the lounge and into their bedroom. Standing her by the bed, he leisurely undressed her, kissing her neck, smoothing her skin, removing the layers of clothing one by one, then pulled back the bedspread, revealing the white, starched, Egyptian cotton sheets.

  “Into the bed, my love,” he whispered, gently helping her on to the cool linens. “Rest. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Belle sighed deeply, relishing the cool fabric on her sizzling skin. She felt liberated, free from worry, and raised her hand to gaze at the twinkling diamond. She could scarcely believe it, but the jewel was real, his love for her was real, ‘they’ were real.

  “Happy?” he smiled, climbing on to the bed and stretching out next to her.

  “Deliriously is an understatement,” she replied, pressing her body against his.

  “My precious Belle, I never thought this would happen to me. You’ve brought all kinds of luck and joy into my life.”

  “Not as much as you have into mine,” she argued.

  “My goodness, still debating!” he chuckled.

  “Sorry, sorry,” she giggled. “I’m not. Really.”

  “There are three ways to deal with someone who argues too much,” he declared, propping himself up on one elbow. “One is to spank them, which I don’t think is an option right now, the second is to gag them, and I don’t want to do that either, and the third is to keep their lips busy doing something else,” he finished, and leaning down, pressed his lips against hers.

  Belle lifted her arm, trailing her hand down
his back, her fingertips chasing the strong muscled ripples that criss-crossed his skin.

  “Simon,” she breathed as he pulled away, “how did this happen?”

  “Ssshhh,” he whispered, “it’s fate,” and lowering his head to her neck, kissed the soft hollow, moving down to her nipples, sucking, licking, and devouring each in turn.

  His cock was throbbing, urgently anticipating the naked, unknown feel of skin against skin, and as he rose over her, she spread her legs, raising her pelvis in an unspoken invitation. Dropping down on his elbows, his cock rubbed against her thighs, and moving forward he felt it touch her soaked entrance. Listening to her moans, knowing she was filled with the thrill of what she knew was coming, he thrust home, snaking into her, surrendering to the intense, hedonistic sensation.

  Her syrupy, luscious, succulence engulfed him, submerging him in salacious intensity. Her tiny utterances of indefinable pleasure mingled with his own, and he wanted to lay immersed in her, unmoving, and simply relish the heady, rich moistness. Gliding through her hot wetness, he closed his eyes, moving slowly, savoring every tantalizing moment.

  She wallowed in his unadorned manhood, his glorious lushness eliciting moans of gratitude. Within minutes she could feel him swelling inside her, and the beginning of her own gradual buildup.

  “Belle, you feel indescribable. I never realized–” he groaned, lowering himself on to her body.

  Reaching under her, he gripped her cheeks, eliciting a squeal, then a moan as he accelerated his thrusts. His mouth was against her neck, his wiry chest hair scraping her puckered nipples, and his clutching hands accentuated the heat of her backside, fueling her passion.

  “I need to fuck you hard,” he growled. “Really hard.”

  “Yes, yes,” she cried. “Please.”

  Releasing her cheeks, he raised himself on to his knees, and gripping her hips, he pulled her up as he pushed slowly forward, once again luxuriating in the joyous feel of his naked manhood.

  “You feel so fucking great,” he breathed, pumping with powerful, deliberate strokes, his voice a hoarse whisper.

  “Simon, you feel incredible too, so incredible,” she cried.

  His manhood wanted more. He increased the power and speed his strokes, driven by his need and the honey walls enveloping him. He had always prided himself on his control, on his ability to dictate the timing of his release, but her pussy was consuming him, her lusty cavern massaging his flesh, and an unexpected, potent force seized him.

  Belle felt it. The stiff, swollen piston was pulsing against her, filling her with an overwhelming sense of urgency. The balloon that had been easily and slowly building, experienced a rush of air.

  “Simon,” she exclaimed, arching her back, feeling a surge of energy burst through her loins. It lasted only an instant, a precursor to her climax, and as Simon’s cock exploded in her depths, a wave of shuddering convulsions ricocheted through her.

  A tsunami washed over him, sending him tumbling, swirling around in a white wash of hedonistic pleasure, seeming to last forever. Belle’s joyous cries sustained the ride, demanding spasm after spasm, her pelvis riding him, ordaining more, until there was no more left to give, and spilling out of her, he collapsed at her side.

  His head was spinning, he was out of breath, he was shaken. Sex was sex, making love was making love and dominating women in bed had always been immensely satisfying, but this, this was none of the above. This was extraordinary.

  As she nestled, panting, against his side, he dropped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Ok, so that’s what it’s like with no umbrella,” he panted.

  “No, that’s what it’s like for us with no umbrellas,” she whispered back.

  “Ah, yes, for us,” he mumbled.

  During the following days there was a flurry of activity around the Sinclair house. For his part in Belle’s rescue, Badir was given a vacation to a villa Simon owned in the South of France, including transportation in the Sinclair Holdings jet.

  Theresa was offered something similar, but could choose any destination in the world, and Belle asked for something in addition. She wanted Theresa to be her part-time assistant and be given a raise in pay. Simon was happy to accommodate the request.

  “Just remember, Belle, you must always keep a respectful distance. Do you think you can do that? The experience you two shared might make that difficult.”

  “I can do it. I’ll make the effort,” she’d promised.

  Then there was the call to her family sharing the exciting news of her engagement. With Simon at her side she had called her mother, introduced them on the phone, then announced the happy news.

  “How wonderful. When’s the wedding?” her mother had demanded. “The whole family will come, of course.”

  “Um, we’re not sure yet,” Belle had stammered.

  “Don’t wait too long. You should do it soon, when the weather’s still good. It’s rainy in London so much of the time. I hope you’re not going to wait until next spring,” her mother declared.

  “The date has not been determined, and we both decided we’re going to give it a while,” Simon had interjected, much to Belle’s relief.

  “We have exciting news here too,” her mother exclaimed. “Lucinda just got her first starring role in a major motion picture. Isn’t that the absolute best news? We are all so thrilled. She’s going to become a big star.”

  Belle looked up at Simon, and he saw a fluttering of pain.

  “You know, Mrs. Somers,” he began, his tone even and his voice steady, “as happy as I am for your other daughter, this phone call is about Belle, and I will not allow anything, or anybody, to steal her limelight today, so while it’s been nice to meet you, I will say goodbye for now, and perhaps next time we chat you might bear this in mind,” he finished and promptly hung up the phone.

  “Oh, my God, Simon,” Belle squealed.

  “I just verbally spanked her, and she deserved it,” Simon proclaimed.

  His father came up to London to visit, staying several days, and while they celebrated the engagement, the two of them also spent time privately, sharing deep conversations over cigars and brandy in Simon’s study, and talking to his mother on the telephone.

  The dust finally settled, the house quieted down, and the days grew shorter as autumn tumbled slowly into being, its blustery winds already making their presence known, a harbinger of the season ahead. She and Simon settled into a comfortable routine, though Simon often surprised her by an unexpected call to meet him for lunch, and there were the ongoing social obligations requiring their attendance.

  With her days her own, Belle decided to realize her long-held dream to write a book and began jotting down ideas and scenarios upon which she thought she could expand.

  One afternoon he called telling her he would be picking her up around seven that evening and taking her to City View. She had noticed he had seemed preoccupied, and had thought it the pressure of his business, but as she waited anxiously at the appointed hour, her radar told her there was more to it.

  The Rolls pulled to the curb, and hurrying down she climbed into the back seat, giving him a peck on the cheek.

  “I’m looking forward to this,” she smiled, “going back there.”

  He smiled and kissed her lightly, and the warm memories of that night, his romantic proposal, the spanking that followed, and the first time she had experienced the sublime feel of his naked cock, washed over her as the car rolled through the streets.

  “Simon, may I ask you something?” she said thoughtfully.

  “Of course. You know you can ask me anything.”

  “I was just wondering, why did you choose to spank me in the elevator that night?”

  He turned and faced her, placed his finger under her chin, lifted her head and kissed her lightly.

  “Because, my dear sweet Belle, that was where you gave me the fright of my life, where I saw you draped across that trolley. That was where your foolishness culminate
d. Don’t you think it was entirely appropriate? Aren’t you reminded of it every time you enter that elevator?”

  “Yes, I am, absolutely,” she replied slowly. “I’m so glad I asked. It hadn’t occurred to me.”

  Putting his arms around her, he hugged her tightly.

  “Is everything all right, Simon?” she finally asked him. “You’ve been so reserved lately.”

  “Yes, there is something I need to discuss, something important, but nothing that you need to worry about,” he answered mysteriously.

  The skyscraper came into view, and when the car pulled up to the steps, they moved quickly through the cold night air and into the building, the elevator whisking them up to the city heavens. Stepping into the sumptuous suite, Simon led her out to the terrace, and up the steps and into the dome.

  “This is such a magical place,” she sighed as they entered.

  “Yes, and it’s even more special now,” he declared hugging her tightly, then holding her hand, walked forward to the windows. “Do you remember what I said to you when I first brought you up here? That the city was yours, anything you wanted?”

  “Yes, and I told you there was nothing, because what I wanted couldn’t be bought. At the time I was thinking all I wanted was you,” she smiled.

  “That’s funny. I was thinking the same thing. I couldn’t buy what I wanted to give you, because it was my heart,” he smiled back.

  “Why do you ask?” Belle sighed, leaning against him.

  “Because now there is something in the city that I do want, and I can’t marry you until I get it,” he said somberly.

  “That sounds ominous,” Belle shivered.

  “Remember I told you about my father being swindled out of all his money? During his visit I learned about the details. I’ve been giving this a great deal of thought, and I’ve made a decision.”

  Belle stared up at him, knowing what he was about to tell her, and wishing he wouldn’t.

  “I’m going to get father all his money back and put the man who did this behind bars. I’m going to right a dreadful wrong. This probably sounds foolish but I feel a bit like Thomas Crown, though I’m not going to do anything criminal. The challenge of it is calling me.”


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