Book Read Free

Propose To Me

Page 17

by Caroline Andrus


  I’m going to head to the hospital this morning, but I want to see you again. Please give me a call.


  Dustin listed his cell phone and home phone then paused, wondering if he should leave it at that. Deciding that note alone was too reticent, he threw caution to the wind and added on a few sentences.

  I love you. I know you still love me. Don’t let this second chance slip away. What we have is worth fighting for, no matter what.

  Hoping that would be enough to sway her to give him a chance, Dustin grabbed his things then left the room.

  A few moments later, Cori emerged hesitantly from her room. The moment she saw Dustin missing, she ran to the window, just in time to see him climbing into his truck.

  Cori watched Dustin drive away, tears coming to her eyes that she quickly brushed away. She closed the curtains and slowly walked to the table to read his note, dejection settling about her shoulders.

  He still loves me. He still wants me. Cori put down the note with shaking fingers, and rubbed at her eyes.

  How can it have happened so fast, falling back in love with him? My carefully crafted, perfect future awaits me. Yet, I don’t give a damn for any of it because he’s not a part of it. The foundations of my life are crumbling, and I don’t care because all I want is to be with him.

  Cori took a deep breath then collected herself, just as someone knocked at the door. Pasting on a smile, she went and opened it, relieved to see her stepmom until Cori saw the expression on her face.

  “Who was that I just saw leaving here?” her stepmother asked sharply. “That man?”

  God, I don’t need this now. “Dustin, and nothing happened,” Cori replied, heading into the bedroom to pack. “He and I met at the reunion party last night, and we reconnected.”

  “We will discuss this now,” her stepmother said harshly as she followed Cori and shut the open suitcase with a snap. “You’re upset, Cor. So something happened. Did he spend the night?”

  Cori faced her stepmother, her own fears and emotions causing her normal self-control to snap. “Yes, he did. And nothing happened, all right? I was the little lady you raised me to be! All I wanted was to spend the night in his arms, and I kept my distance instead! I did what you expected of me, just like I’ve done my whole fucking life!”

  “Don’t you use that language with me,” Cori’s stepmother retorted harshly. “Though I’m glad to hear you didn’t let your emotions get out of control—”

  “Now that you have heard it, get out,” Cori interrupted, striding to the door and flinging it open. “We’re not going to lunch or anything else today. I can pick out my own damned dress just fine.”

  Her stepmother’s expression softened slightly as she gave a small sigh. “I know you care about him, it’s clear,” she said gently. “But you’re crazy to consider this man when you have Stefan. He loves you very much, you know.”

  A fresh wave of guilt hit Cori. “I know,” she whispered.

  “Don’t you love him?”

  “I do,” Cori said, swallowing hard. “It’s just—”

  “Then stop leading on Dustin,” her stepmother finished. “You’re just going to hurt him. Tell him you can’t see him anymore and cut it clean, Cor.”

  Cori rubbed at her eyes. Good advice, if it didn’t make me feel like I was dying inside.

  “Dustin must know you’re engaged,” her stepmother went on. “And for all you know he’s engaged himself, or already married—”

  “He’s not,” Cori grated out, her eyes spitting sparks. “He would have told me. He’s not like that. Now please leave.”

  She walked out without a backward look, and Cori slammed the door behind her.

  Incensed, and wanting to prove Dustin’s virtue, she checked under the name he had given her on Facebook and located the correct page with a few keystrokes. And got the shock of her life

  Cori looked down at the computer screen, and the warm feeling died inside her as she read the words on Dustin’s page. Married. He’s married.

  I should never have opened myself up to him again. God, I’ve been such a fool.

  Cori’s cell phone rang, still in its charger. She went to it and picked up, forcing a smile. “Good morning, Stefan.”

  “And how are you?” Stefan asked curiously. “I called and left you a message last night, but you didn’t return it.”

  “I’m sorry,” Cori said. “I was at the hospital with a friend whose mother had a heart attack.” She went on to explain what had happened, leaving out her own feelings for Dustin, as well as his note from this morning.

  “That was kind of you,” Stefan said. “But will it cause a delay, or will you still be here by six? I know there was a brunch you planned to attend to wrap up the weekend.”

  “I’ll be there by six,” Cori assured him, leaving out that she wouldn’t attend the brunch. “I’ll leave within the hour.”

  “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me either,” Cori said, biting her lip. “Thanks for being so understanding.” She hung up the phone then began packing.

  ~ * ~

  After visiting his mother in the hospital that morning, Dustin had lunch with his siblings then drove home, arriving in the early evening. He unlocked his front door and rifled through the sheaf of mail on the table, glad he had his neighbor pick it up for him. After unpacking, he dusted off the top of his old laptop with a cough then logged on. It took him three tries, as he’d forgotten where the caps were in his standard password, before his Facebook page opened up before him. As the pages loaded in increments, his eager expression changed to one of confusion, then horror.

  Oh no. I left my status married.

  Swearing, Dustin typed commands on the keyboard and updated his status to single as fast as possible. Then he checked his messages, giving a groan of relief to see there was nothing from Cori demanding an explanation. She hasn’t been on my page yet, thank God.

  After liking a few picture tags that his high school chums had posted of him on their pages, Dustin went to Cori’s page. Hers was oddly blank of recent posts, save the older engagement announcement, as if she hadn’t posted anything since before their reunion.

  With a smile, Dustin typed her a quick message to call him when she’d had a minute to herself, and that he looked forward to hearing her voice.

  It was in her eyes, and in the way she kissed me, that she still loves me. I let her know how I feel; now the ball’s in her court. And I’ve got a hell of a wait before me because knowing her, it could go either way.

  ~ * ~

  Cori took the long way home, enjoying the late summer weather even as she tried to sort out her feelings. Stefan didn’t expect her until six. She had a lot to think about, most importantly, what she wanted now.

  Dustin’s who I want but he’s no good for me, even if he and I still do have feelings for one another. And Stefan is good for me, but can I really go ahead and marry him now, knowing that he only gets me by default? Can I really be happy with him now? I thought we were marrying for all the right reasons, but something is missing. I just didn’t see it until now.

  With a sigh, Cori got out of her car and went up to Stefan’s front door. Using her key, she let herself in, calling out that she was home. The faint sound of the shower in the guest bathroom was just audible over the sound of the dishwasher in the kitchen.

  Curious, Cori went to the guest bathroom and opened the door. Her eyes opened wide as she beheld Stefan and another man with wet hair, both of them dressed only in towels. Both turned to her in pure shock. The unknown man gave her a forced smile, grabbed his clothes from the counter and left. Stefan simply dropped his towel and began dressing.

  This can’t be what it looks like. But what else can this be, really? “Stefan, is that man your lover?”

  “Yes, sometimes,” Stefan answered reluctantly. “I’m bisexual, Cori. I’d hoped to introduce you to Armand gradually, to have you get to know him before I told you.
But this is probably better, really.” He turned to face her, taking her hand. “I never wanted to hide this from you, love. But I felt as if you needed me to be the perfect man for you, and I didn’t want to let you down. I wanted to be your white knight, your hero.”

  It would be easy to call him a few foul names and use this as an excuse to break things off. But what’s the point? I’m not upset really, because I don’t love Stefan as more than a friend. And if he needs this to be happy, then he does need someone like Armand who can love him the way he needs to be loved, instead of someone who loved the idea of him and not the reality.

  Cori squeezed his hand in hers. “You aren’t letting me down by telling me that this is who you really are, Stefan.” She let go of his hand then moved to the door. “Come talk to me when you’re dressed.”

  Stefan buttoned his shirt. “Are you breaking off our engagement?” he said simply. “Now that you know the truth?”

  “I don’t fault you for who you are,” Cori said honestly. “I’m not going to marry you, no. But that’s not only because of Armand and you. It’s because of me, too.” She took a deep breath. “I still have feelings for someone else. Even if I hadn’t discovered your secret, I’d still break off our engagement. I’m sorry, Stefan.”

  “We could still make it work,” Stefan offered, his expression crestfallen. “We could have a great life, Coriander.”

  “Yes, we could,” Cori said softly. “But that life isn’t the one that I truly want.” She went to the bedroom and began to pack.

  Where to go? My wedding is off, the two men in my life are otherwise occupied, and what little I have left of my family isn’t supportive. Why the hell didn’t I ever get a dog?

  “Cori, where are you going?” Stefan said as he followed her into his bedroom, upset. “I don’t want you driving in your state.”

  “You don’t really have anything to say about it anymore, do you?” Cori snapped at him, throwing the last of her clothes into a duffle bag. She took off the engagement ring from her finger and set it carefully on the dresser. “This belongs to you—”

  Stefan grabbed hold of her, even as she struggled. “Don’t think I didn’t love you or didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he whispered sadly. “I meant everything I said. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be more perfect for you. ” Abruptly, he released her.

  Cori took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions. “I’m not angry with you, Stefan. I’m relieved, actually.” She forced a smile. “I beat myself up sometimes because you were so good that you made me feel like I couldn’t measure up to your level of perfection. Finding this out about you doesn’t make you a bad person to me. It just makes you human.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then walked out the front door, even as he called after her to stop.

  ~ * ~

  Several hours later, Dustin arrived at Cori’s house. In spite of his resolve to wait for her to make a move, there was too much at stake for him. He needed to know where he stood, especially with her upcoming nuptials. Dustin took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. No one answered.

  Stymied, he debated climbing the back privacy fence and peering in the windows when his cell phone rang. He answered at once, hopeful at the unfamiliar number. “Cori?”

  “Sorry, it’s just your mother. I’m calling from your brother’s new Smartphone.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Mom—”

  “Save it. Did you go after Cori like I said you should?”

  “I went to her house. She’s not here.”

  “She’s likely at her fiancé’s house. Go there.”

  “Mom, I can’t stalk her.”

  “You aren’t stalking her. You’re letting her know that you care. Now get moving. The address per the Internet is 187 Bradfern Lane. It’s across town.”

  Shaking his head, Dustin returned to the car and drove to Cori’s fiancé’s house. He felt foolish as knocked on the door. Stefan answered, freshly showered and fully dressed, his dark hair glistening. “Yes?”

  “Is Cori here?”

  Stefan looked him up and down. “Who are you?”

  “A friend from her reunion. My name’s Dustin.”

  “She never mentioned a Dustin,” Stefan said, his tone curious rather than unkind. “In any case, she’s not here. And it’s unlikely she will return, I’m afraid.”

  “Why?” Dustin asked anxiously. “Is she okay?”

  “I was told it wasn’t any of my business anymore,” Stefan said with a sigh. “She broke off our engagement this morning and left with all her personal effects.”

  Rapture flooded Dustin. This had to be because of her feelings for him! “Do you know where she is?”

  “I assumed she went home,” Stefan said with a shrug. “She was in one of her moods and not inclined to say much.”

  “She’s not there,” Dustin said worriedly. “I just came from there.”

  Stefan opened the door. “Please come in.”

  Dustin followed him down the hall to the kitchen, where another man was making a gourmet meal in the kitchen. “I’ll just be a moment, Armand.” Stefan headed into the bedroom, pulled out his wallet and thumbed through the contents until he came to a credit card. Pulling it out, he called the number on the back as Dustin paced nervously.

  “Yes, I’d like to check if my card was used recently.” Stefan recited a number and all the relevant information then listened for a moment. “No, don’t terminate the card. The charges are fine.” He hung up the phone, and then scribbled down an address on a pad of paper. Ripping the top sheet off, he handed it to Dustin. “This is where she is.”

  Dustin gaped at him.

  “I gave Cori a credit card to use for wedding expenses when she told me she didn’t have any of her own,” Stefan explained. A bitter smile formed on his lips.

  “Why are you helping me?” Dustin said, pocketing the information. “Not that I’m ungrateful, but I expected you to want to deck me, worst case scenario.”

  “I’m seldom dramatic,” Stefan said dryly, heading back to the front door. “But Cori is, and to have her leave so calmly the way she did makes me worried for her.” He looked Dustin up and down again. “Even if you have anything to do with her leaving.” He opened the door. “Go to her. Maybe you can make her happy.”

  “I’m sorry,” Dustin said awkwardly.

  Stefan looked at him for a moment, eyes narrowed, then punched Dustin squarely in the left cheekbone. Dustin went down on one knee with a grunt, head ringing.

  “But I did owe you that for taking whatever chance we might have had away from me,” Stefan said angrily, looking down his nose at Dustin. Then he slammed the door.

  Dustin got to his feet then made his way carefully to his car, wincing in pain. God, Cori, the things I go through for you.

  ~ * ~

  The sound of a car door slammed in the silent night air followed by abrupt cursing.

  Oh no. No, he can’t have found me! Not unless he’s spent the last three hours driving here ...

  Cori ran to the hotel room door, threw back the deadbolt and rushed outside. Yes, it was Dustin, his black hair wild, his clothes wrinkled from the long drive. He stood before her, stretching slightly.

  “Why did you come here?” she screeched at him.

  “Because I love you,” he said simply. “I always have. I always will. And I’m not married, like my Facebook page said. I just got divorced a few weeks ago, after a long separation.” He paused. “I know that you broke it off today with Stefan because of us.”

  Cori stared at him, her heart racing, and rapidly blinked back tears. “There isn’t any us.”

  “Stop denying how you feel,” Dustin pleaded. “If it was going to fade, don’t you think it would have all those years we were apart?” He took a step closer. “No one else makes me feel the way you make me feel. No one else ever could.” He took her in his arms. “And even if they could, I wouldn’t want to feel this with anyone else but you.”

bsp; Cori let out a desperate cry, pulling back her hand and slapping Dustin. He stood staunchly, staring down at her. Then with a wordless moan, Cori grabbed hold of Dustin’s face with her hands and guided his mouth to meet hers.

  The first meeting of their lips was pure bliss. The intense emotion fueled an almost punishing kiss as each of them fought to devour the other. Cori moaned softly, then opened her mouth, licking at Dustin’s lips. With a groan he opened to her, tasting her sweetness, his hands tangled in her hair. Dustin’s momentum pushed Cori backwards, until she was splayed against the hotel wall. He kissed her with abandon over and over, down her throat and back to her lips. Finally, he drew back, his eyes almost black with lust. “Stay there,” he ordered.

  Cori shivered at the desire in his words and leaned against the wall, her chest heaving.

  Dustin ran to the car, and then ran back with a duffel bag in one hand and a small cooler. He looked at Cori, leaning against the outside wall, and then grinned. “I didn’t mean literally,” he said. “Just didn’t want to break the moment.”

  There was a boom of thunder from above.

  “Seems like nature is already doing that,” Cori said with a laugh. “Let’s get inside before we get wet.”

  “I picked up some snacks and more cake,” Dustin stated as he put the cooler contents into the mini-fridge then took off his shoes. “Sorry, they’re covered in mud.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Cori said, coming close to him. She took his hand and pulled him into the sitting room. “I love you.” She kissed him for all she was worth, her arms going around his neck.

  Dustin groaned and kissed her back, his hands moving to unbutton her shirt. His hands caressed her breasts then slid under the cotton material to cup the soft mounds. She let out another urgent moan. Her nipples tightened at his touch as he tweaked and rubbed. Then she let out a sharp gasp as his mouth engulfed the sensitive reddened skin, sucking and teasing. Without pause, Dustin moved his attentions to the other breast, eliciting cry after cry from Cori as she trembled in his embrace.


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