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Propose To Me

Page 20

by Caroline Andrus

  “Should I be worried?” she questioned.

  He laughed. “No hints,” was his playful response.

  She wrinkled her nose and glared at him. “At least tell me how to dress.”


  “Casual? Our second anniversary is casual?”

  He laughed again. “Trust me. And no more hints. Just dress casually and I'll be by your apartment as soon as I'm off work at five-thirty to pick you up.”

  “Okay...” she said skeptically, wondering what he possibly had planned for their big day.

  She reached for her coffee and realized there was also a large blueberry muffin with delicious crumbly top sitting in front of her as well.

  She gave Will a questioning look.

  He grinned and shrugged. “Some people have cake to celebrate. I figure we can have a muffin.”

  She shook her head and smiled before cutting the muffin in half and giving one piece to Will, keeping the other for herself.

  ~ * ~

  Classes seemed to drag on forever that day. All Paige could think about was the big surprise date Will had planned. She literally had no idea what he could possibly have in mind.

  When she returned to her apartment after classes Lauren was already there.

  “So,” Lauren began, “big plans tonight?”

  Paige narrowed her eyes at her. “I'm not sure.”

  Lauren giggled and turned her back on Paige, unsuccessfully trying to hide her grin.

  “Oh my, God. You know!” Paige cried.

  “I'm sure I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about.”

  “Uh huh, look me in the eye and say that.”

  “Fine. I know, but I can't tell you!”

  “Who do you like more, Will or me?” Paige tried to guilt her friend.

  “I love you both. I won't choose sides. I'm Switzerland and you'll find out soon enough.”

  Paige glared at her friend as Lauren wandered off to her room.

  “What are you up to tonight?” Paige called out to Lauren's retreating back.

  “Oh, nothing special. Just meeting a study group for my Chem class.”

  Paige wrinkled her nose. Lauren was super smart and was a biology major. Just the thought of science gave Paige a headache, but being roommates with Lauren was very convenient when Paige had taken her required math and science courses. She was pretty sure she never would have passed the classes without Lauren around to dumb it down for her. Not that Paige was dumb; she was just more into reading and writing than calculations and hypotheses.

  “I'll probably be gone late,” Lauren added. She'd exited her room with her book bag over her shoulder. Paige was surprised Lauren's bag wasn’t bursting at the seams, and did not envy Lauren's evening of studying the periodic table or whatever it was they were doing in that study group.

  “Okay, well...try to have fun I guess.”

  Lauren grinned. “You, too.”

  “Stop tormenting me!”

  “Bye!” Lauren waggled her fingers playfully as she pulled open the door to their apartment and stepped out.

  Paige checked the time on her phone. It was only five. She had at least half an hour until Will picked her up. She didn't need to change, since apparently they were being casual tonight. Not knowing the plan was nearly killing her though.

  She grabbed a book and read until her phone chirped. She checked her text messages and found a new one from Will: Just leaving work. Be there in ten. Can't wait to see you.

  She smiled and set down her book, double-checking her hair and makeup in the bathroom mirror.

  Right on time, Will knocked on the apartment door before pulling it open. Paige had given him a copy of the key so he could let himself in and out as he pleased. She was grateful that Lauren didn't care.

  “Hey beautiful, you ready?” he asked.

  He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, his leather jacket protecting him from the brisk fall weather waiting for them outside.

  She grinned and grabbed her coat from where she'd tossed it on the back of the couch when she came home from classes. “Absolutely.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips, but was pulled into a deeper kiss when he circled his arms around her, holding her in place. He pulled his face back, looking into her eyes.

  “Why the rush?” he whispered.

  “Are you seriously going to make me wait any longer?” she asked. “You know I hate surprises. I haven't been able to think of anything else all day.”

  He quickly leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. “You know I love you, right?”

  Butterflies filled her stomach. “I love you, too,” she softly replied.

  “Okay. Let's go.”

  They locked up the apartment, took the stairs out the front door and got into Will's car. He wouldn't say anything about their destination and Paige spent the car ride guessing.

  “Are we going to the fairgrounds?” she asked, as they passed a sign indicating the state fair grounds were off the next exit.


  She frowned. “The zoo?” was her next guess, knowing that was also in the direction in which they were heading.

  “Getting closer,” he hedged.

  She frowned. “I give up. Just tell me!”

  “We're almost there.”

  Will refused to say another word, no matter how much she whined and pleaded, until they pulled up to a little hole in the wall building.

  Paige frowned. “Where are we?”

  Will grinned and quickly got out of the car. She waited while he walked around to open her door. She knew better than to try to get out of the car on her own. Will enjoyed the simple gesture of his affection and Paige was okay with that.

  He escorted her to the building, opened the door and to her surprise, discovered they were at the animal shelter.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked.

  “Happy anniversary, I know you miss having a pet, so...pick one.”

  “What?” Paige was completely taken aback.

  “Seriously. You can choose any one you want.”

  “What about Lauren? I don't even know if she's okay with a pet being in the apartment.”

  “Don't worry. I asked her. She has no problem, so long as you or I pay the pet fee at the apartment. And clean up after it.”

  Paige broke into a grin and threw her arms around Will, pulling his head down to give him a kiss.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You're welcome,” he whispered back. “Now let's go find us a pet.”

  She removed her arms and they explored the shelter. With her schedule busy with college and her job at the daycare, and Will's busy work schedule, a dog was out.

  But a cat was perfect. They admired the tiny kittens, but ultimately Paige fell in love with a three-year-old cat named Gemma. She was a gray tabby and walked right up to Paige, rubbing her body against Paige's legs.

  “Gemma is a real sweetheart,” the girl working at the shelter told them. “She was surrendered by a couple who moved overseas for work and weren't able to bring her with. She's great with other pets and kids, too. If I didn't have so many pets already I'd have loved to bring her home myself.”

  “What do you think?” Paige asked Will.

  He smiled at her. “What do you think?”

  “I think she's perfect.”

  “We'll take her,” Will announced as Paige continued to stroke Gemma's silky fur.

  They filled out the adoption paperwork, Will paid the fees and Gemma came home in a cardboard box—along with a bag of cat essentials.

  Upon arriving back at Paige’s place, Gemma cautiously exited her box and began exploring the apartment. Paige and Will snuggled on the couch and watched her.

  “Thanks, Will,” Paige said, turning her face up to look at him. “She's perfect.”

  “I'm glad,” he replied, lowering his face to gently kiss her lips.

  They were interrupted by a loud grumbling coming from her stomach. Paige laughed. “
Sorry. I didn't eat. I assumed we were getting dinner.”

  “I texted in an order. It should be here any minute. Surprise.”

  “You really are full of surprises tonight.”

  His lips met hers once more and stayed in place until dinner arrived some time later.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Present Day ~

  With Gemma fed, Paige was out of reasons to delay. It was now 3:49. Will was probably planning on breaking up with her due to her inability to arrive anywhere on time. She rushed out the door, locking it behind her.

  The time was 3:50 when she got into the car and started the engine. The radio greeted her with a song she hadn't heard since the first really big fight she and Will had experienced. She quickly switched the station and continued on her way.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Three Years Ago ~

  Paige rested her head on Will's chest as he held her lightly in his arms, swaying to the music on the dance floor. She breathed a sigh, enjoying the moment. The air around them hummed with romance.

  The song ended and they gently broke apart as a fast dance track began playing. Will led her back to their table for a break.

  Paige watched the wedding guests around them, some dancing, others chatting; all having a great time.

  “Are we having fun?”

  Paige turned to find Rachel behind them, one hand on each of their shoulders. It was her wedding day and she looked absolutely glowing in her white gown and veil.

  Paige nodded and Will yelled above the music, “Absolutely! How about you?”

  She beamed. “Best day ever!” she cried. “When are you two going to finally get hitched?”

  Will laughed. Paige froze.

  Was she serious? Sure she and Will had been together for four years, but she was not ready for marriage. Was he ready for that? Oh God, what if Rachel knew something she didn't. Was Will planning on proposing? They didn't even live together yet. Did she want to live with him?

  “You should be focusing on your big day, Rach, instead of ours,” Will said with a laugh.

  She stuck her tongue out at her brother. “I have to go mingle!”

  Paige watched her retreating back.

  Will placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She felt stiff as a board.

  “You okay?” he asked, leaning down to speak into her ear. His breath tickled her in a good way, sending goose bumps down her arms.

  She nodded.

  “Good,” he said before planting a kiss on the side of her head. “Love you.”

  She nodded again.

  She felt awkward the rest of the night, but tried her best to hide it. Why was she such a spaz? Rachel was the one bringing up marriage, not Will. She shouldn't freak out until Will actually proposed. If he proposed. Did she want him to propose? Maybe. In the future. But not now.

  When the reception was winding down, they said goodbye to the family and headed out to Will's car. He opened the door and helped her in before returning to the driver’s seat.

  Instead of starting the car, he turned to her.

  “I've been thinking,” he said.

  Oh, God. Here it comes.

  She closed her eyes in anticipation.

  “With Lauren moving away for grad school, I was thinking maybe we could get a place together.”

  Huh? That wasn't a wedding proposal. But living together? That was almost as big of a step. She wasn't ready for that. No way.

  “No,” Paige whispered.

  “No?” he asked.

  Paige nodded.

  “Why?” he asked, sounding a little hurt.

  “I don't think I'm ready for that.”

  “Why not?” Will asked.

  “Because I'm only twenty-two,” she answered.

  “So what?” he demanded, his hands clenching the steering wheel of the car in frustration.

  “I'm not ready!” she all but yelled, the emotions she had been bottling up since Rachel's comment finally bursting forth.

  “Paige. We've been together four years now. How long is long enough?”

  “I don't know.” Paige stared out the window in a sorry attempt to avoid the matter at hand. “Just drive.”

  Will turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the lot. They drove in silence for a few minutes before he started up again.

  “It makes logical sense. You're graduating in a couple of months. Lauren is moving away for grad school. I don't understand why you won't move in with me.”

  “I'm just not ready,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to break up?” he demanded.

  “What?” she cried, turning back to face him. “No! Why would I want to break up?”

  “I don't know! It just makes sense for a couple that has been dating as long as we have to move in together, and you won't even entertain the idea. It makes me think you don't want to be with me anymore.”

  She and Will had the dream relationship. Nearly every morning they shared their coffee dates, most evenings they spent together either alone or with friends. Sometimes she slept at his apartment, other times he slept at hers. But when his sister Rachel brought up the topic of Will and Paige getting married, her brain went into overdrive and she sort of freaked out. Her head was spinning. She was too young to start thinking about marriage. She started questioning dating the same guy for so long, starting at such a young age. She didn't want to break up, but the thought of progressing the relationship? She wasn't sure she was ready for that. She wanted things to stay exactly as they were.

  “I'm just not ready.”

  “I don't know what that means!” he yelled.

  “Watch out!” Paige screamed.

  Too late.

  In his anger and frustration, distracted by the argument, Will failed to notice the brake lights on the car in front of theirs. Paige squeezed her eyes shut and threw her hands up to shield herself from the impact.

  The next thing she knew, her seatbelt was jerking her back and the car came to a shuttering halt. Her eyes flew open and she looked over to see Will with his head against the steering wheel.

  “Will!” she yelled, reaching over and shaking his arm. “Will!”

  “Paige?” he groaned, lifting his head up and turning to her. “You okay?” He sounded groggy.

  “Oh, God. You're bleeding!” She was frantic. He had a nasty gash on his forehead from the impact. She looked around the cab of the car, searching for what she didn't know. She was in panic mode. “9-1-1. We need to call 9-1-1!”

  There was an urgent knock on Will's window and Paige's eyes searched for the source.

  Will slowly reached forward and pressed the button to roll down the window.

  “Are you okay, man?”

  “I think so...” Will trailed off. “I didn't see...too late...”

  “Call 9-1-1,” Paige urged the man at the window.

  “Cops are on the way.”

  “Were you in the other car?” Paige asked. It suddenly dawned on her that they were not the only ones impacted by the accident.

  “No, but they're fine. Just a bent bumper. You guys took the worst of it.”

  “I need to...” Will started to say, but didn't finish. He reached for his door handle.

  “Stay there. Cops are on the way with an ambulance.”

  “Don't need an ambulance.” He looked to Paige again. “Right?”

  “Will, you need the ambulance. I think you hit your head harder than you realize.”

  “I'm fine,” Will insisted.

  “No. You're not. You can't even complete a sentence. Stay put until the cops and ambulance get here.”

  The man continued to block the driver's door so Will had no choice but to stay put, for which Paige was grateful.

  Finally, the cops and ambulance arrived. They loaded Will into the back while Paige talked to the officer and explained what happened from her perspective. They let her into the ambulance with Will, leaving the car to be towed to a local repair shop.

  Once at the hosp
ital, Will was diagnosed with a concussion and was to be kept overnight for observation. Paige insisted she was fine but they examined her as well and she was given the all clear. “Will,” she whispered, lying next to him on his hospital bed.

  “Mmm?” he replied. He was lying back with his eyes shut, but she knew he was awake.

  “I'm sorry,” she whispered.

  “No, I'm sorry,” he whispered in return.

  “You really scared me.”

  “It wasn't intentional.”

  “I know.” There was a long pause. “Will?”


  “I was wrong.”

  “What?” He turned his face to her and opened his eyes.

  “I was scared to move forward with us. For a while there, between the crash and the hospital, I didn't know if you were really going to be okay.”

  “Of course I'm going to be okay. It was a minor traffic accident.”

  “You hit your head pretty hard.”

  “I'm fine.” He turned his head back, his eyes falling closed again as his head rested on the pillow.



  “I'll do it,” she stated.


  “I'll move in with you.”

  He smiled. “My plan worked,” he joked.

  Paige punched him lightly in the arm, then snuggled up next to him again. From the moment of the impact, she couldn't imagine her life without him in it. She knew now that she was ready to take this next step. She was going to move in with Will.

  She stayed with him as long as the hospital would allow, before calling Lauren to come pick her up. Will's family had been called by the hospital upon him being admitted. They had spoken with Paige, who had assured them that Will was going to be okay. They were on their way, as well.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Present Day ~

  Now Paige sat behind the wheel of her car, staring at the coffee shop. It was well past the time she'd agreed to meet Will, but she couldn't bring herself to move just yet. She wasn't ready to face the inevitable.

  Maybe he's not breaking up with me, she thought in an effort to convince herself to get out of the car.

  ~ * ~

  ~ One Month Ago ~

  “Oh, look, Ben is getting married,” Paige said. She was lying across the couch in the apartment she shared with Will, opening the day’s mail, her feet resting in his lap.


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