Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 11

by M. L. Briers

  The feel of his throbbing shaft inside her hand, rock hard and hot as hell made her thighs unclamp and her sex pulse with desire. In an instant the feel of the wall at her back gave her legs a chance to recover as she sagged against it. Her hand was still wrapped around him as he devoured her mouth with renewed vigour.

  “Just remember that you touched me first…”Lee growled against her throat as he made his way down her neck and over her collar bone, moving the fabric of her top out of the way to run his tongue over her heated skin.

  “You kissed me…”She moaned out, working her hand slowly up and down his shaft, like her hand had a mind of its own.

  “You wrapped your hand around my…”

  “That’s not the only thing I want to wrap around it.”She was on her knees on the floor before he even realised he’d let her slip though his grasp. His eyes snapped down to her face, and his heart stopped beating in his chest when he saw her tongue slide out and run the length of his shaft, from the hilt to the tip, and he had to palm the wall in front of him when she swirled it around the ridge. Damn, but his knees nearly gave way beneath him.

  He knew that Fae were progressive sexually, not as progressive as a Lycan female, but the hell did he expect her to do that. Now he was trying to hold onto his damn sanity as she took him into her mouth and made a meal of him. He knew she wouldn’t be able to take the whole of him, but she was certainly trying her best, and he was torn between closing his eyes and revealing in the feel of her mouth around him, hot and sucking like he was a flavoured lollipop that she couldn’t get enough of, and watching her enjoy herself.

  The scent of her arousal flooded the bathroom and he growled again in his need to keep a sane head on his shoulders. His mate was driving him towards the edge of oblivion and he reached for her, yanking her up his body and hearing the tantalising wet pop of her mouth leaving his shaft, and his body shook with the desire that coursed through him.

  He wasn’t a damn saint. He’d wanted to move his hips, to fist her hair and take her mouth as he exploded down her throat, but damn it, not right now. Now he wanted to get some loving in of his own, his need to touch and taste her was like a fire that raged through him.

  In one swift movement he had her top off and on the floor, a heartbeat later her bra followed, and he swallowed hard as his eyes took in the sight of her naked breasts, the pert little nipples begging for his touch, his tongue, and even though he went to reach for her skirt, his hands cupped her breast instead, and he wondered at the impromptu change of direction, but not for longer than it took him to thumb over the pebbled peeks and hear her sweet moan as she dropped her head back against the wall.

  Lee couldn’t stand it a moment longer, he dipped his head and swirled his tongue over one puckered bud, her skin tasted hot and honeyed. He suckled hard against her breast and she arched her back and thrust her hips towards him.

  “Damn, I’m going to die, right here and now, and you’re going to kill me.”He growled against the globe of her breast, tracing the outline, before plundering her nipple again.

  “Only if you don’t get inside me real quick...”Kay growled down at him and he brought his eyes up to hers and saw the need that burned there. His own growl echoed around the tiled walls.

  Her skirt and panties dropped to the floor a moment later and he was on his knees in front of her. His large hands palmed her inner thighs and opened her to him, and he took a long moment to savour her standing there naked. The only thing she was still wearing were a pair of high heeled boots, and he swallowed hard before he leant forwards and ran his tongue over her moist heated folds and heard her give a throaty moan as she fisted his hair in her hands and held him there as he devoured her.

  Lee had her squirming above him, taking her hard and fast with his tongue, until she moaned her need and he thrust two fingers deep inside her and felt her hips start to do the work for him. He stretched her out, stroked over her sweet spot, before he added a third thick finger inside her and then she was riding his fingers and his tongue, searching for release.

  Lee pulled his fingers from inside her as he left her stranded in the weystation of her own needs. He climbed up her body and took her mouth in a long, hot, passionate kiss that left her even more breathless than she was before, as she climbed up his hips and wrapped her legs around him, rubbing her sex over his shaft, looking for her release, needing it before he drove her towards insanity.

  Lee palmed his shaft and rubbed it back and forth against her folds, making sure he coated it with her juices, before he slipped the very tip inside her and she broke his kiss as he pushed inside.

  “Damn, Kay, but you’re tight…”He growled against her neck as he nuzzled into her, nibbling against her skin and then soothing her nerves with his tongue. He didn’t want to go too fast because he didn’t want to hurt her, even though his wolf was going crazy within him, and his body wanted to thrust deep and bury himself within her.

  “I was made for you.”She reminded him with something akin to glee in her voice as she thrust her hips towards his, taking him deeper and gasping with the sensation of being stretched around him.

  “Slow down baby, I don’t want to hurt…”He felt her thrust against him again, and he growled out hard as she took nearly all of him inside her. The feel of her inner muscles clenching around him almost made him lose it, and he withdrew and thrust back against her again. Taking her to the hilt and burying himself against her womb.

  The hard pinch of her nails into his skin made him growl against her neck, and he could feel his fangs aching within his gums to be unleashed. He reached up and grabbed her wrists. Peeling her hands from his shoulders he forced her hands back against the wall, pushing them up over her head, until he had both of her wrists snagged within one large hand.


  “No making my wolf come out until we’re ready…”He growled, palming the cheek of her backside with his other hand as he thrust back into her again.

  “I have to meet him at some point.”She nipped his neck and made him snap his head up. His eyes were jet black as he stared at her. His hips had started a rhythm against hers that was making her breath hitch, and he knew that she was close to her release.

  “Be careful what you wish for honey…”He ran his fingers down her backside and over his shaft, gathering some of her juices before he pressed against the tight puckered hole of her backside and she writhed against him. The moan that left her lips when the tight muscles gave way and his finger pressed inside the tightest hole was the most erotic thing he had ever heard.

  “Lee…”She bit down on her lower lip as he rode both holes at once, his eyes watched her face for signs of her release and when he felt her muscles clamp down around him, he thrust hard and deep.

  Kay bucked against him. Her body convulsed into hard, fast, throbbing pulses that massaged his shaft and made him growl out his need to find his own pleasure, but he held against her, using his hips to hold her body against the wall until she stopped bucking and sagged against him.

  “That was…”She gasped and he pulled out to the very tip of his shaft and thrust back into her, through the still throbbing muscles and swollen walls of her channel, and she moaned against his shoulder.

  “Just the beginning sweetheart.”He growled started to thrust inside her again, taking her hard and fast towards her next orgasm. “Let me mark you.”He felt his fangs lock in place, and she forced her eyes open and stared at him. He looked so feral, so much his wolf, and damn did she like it.

  “Yes…”He took her then, faster and faster, his hips pounding against her until he had her not knowing which way was up. She moaned on every thrust, every stroke of his penis over the sweet spot inside her. And when she clamped down around him and rode the intensity of the wave that rushed through her she was hardly aware of the press of his fangs into her skin.

  “Harder…”She ground out between clenched teeth. “Bite…”She demanded, and heard his feral growl a moment before the pain of his bite
took her breath away.

  Kay cried out with the pain and the intensity of his pounding inside her. She was heading towards another orgasm and she didn’t think she could take any more.

  The feel of his mind joining with hers was like a calming effect to her nerves, and she relaxed and pulled him inside her mind. The pleasure she was giving him, the intensity of his feelings hit her hard, and when she felt his fangs leave her she felt his rush to orgasm as it took him over the edge, forcing her body to feel his pleasure as he roared in his mind and around her.

  Her body shook with the release that washed through her, wave after wave of pure sensation gripped her body and she shared it with him.

  Lee felt another orgasm rush through his body and take him hard. The sensation of a never ending orgasm as he felt his, then hers, then his again took his breath away, took away all rational thought, and as his legs quivered beneath him, he held her to him as he slide them down the wall and pulled her further onto his lap. His hips were still thrusting against hers as he released his seed deep inside her, over and over, until he was sure he was going to pass out through lack of breath.

  He wasn’t sure how long it took him to recover his senses, but the scent of her blood forced him back to awareness, and he lifted his head from her shoulder and nuzzled against her. His instinct to protect her took over and he cleaned and sealed the wound thoroughly, as his hand stroked down over her spine, soothing her as she lay against his chest like a rag doll, her legs still wrapped around him, but loosely now.

  The sound of her strong heart pounding in her chest in time with his own, as she fought her way back to him, caused him to growl gently, encouraging her to return.

  “Did I hurt you?”He breathed against her ear and felt her hands curl against his chest as she nuzzled into him.

  “No.”It took everything she had to say that one word.

  “Mine.”He growled against her ear, before he nuzzled her shoulder and brushed his cheek against hers.

  Hannah rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth as she sat at the kitchen table and tried her best to ignore the roar that came from somewhere upstairs. She palmed the hot mug of tea in front of her and knew that Kay had taken the bonding step with her wolf mate. That bottle of scotch was looking more appealing by the second.

  What the hell was wrong with her sisters that they had to rush to mate? Rush to bond? What was wrong with taking a little time, a breath in life’s plan for them? Was she the only one who didn’t rush head first into everything in life? Was she the party pooper?

  Hannah pouted and thought about it. Was she a party pooper? She never used to be, she used to be as carefree and spirited as the rest of them, and yet even little Mary had rushed to bond, certain in her role in life, embracing what fate had in store for her.

  Hannah pushed her mug away and dropped her forehead to the table in front of her, her palms splayed out on the hard wood above her head, and she rolled it from side to side, as if that would comfort her, make her feel better. It didn’t, she needed to hit her head against the table, bang some damn sense into her mind.

  Why was she so worried about what her sisters were doing with their mates? Didn’t she have enough trouble of her own with an Alpha mate?

  She felt the brush of warmth over the backs of her fingers and lifted her head to see Seth’s smiling eyes looking back at her. She pulled her hands from under his, as she sat up and looked at him expectantly.

  “Do you often hug tables?”He teased and she sighed.

  “Did you find him?”She demanded and watched him shake his head.

  “Not yet, but we did find his scent, so he knows where you live…”Seth informed her on a low growl on annoyance.

  They had covered a lot of ground and yet all they had found was an old scent that led them nowhere, just around in circles before it dissipated in the cold night air. He’d wanted this over tonight, wanted the feel of the vampire between his jaws, and yet he knew the kill should go to Mac, after all it was his mate that was attacked. But the thought of the bloodsucker stalking his mate sent his wolf wild inside him, brought out his protective gene, and he desperately wanted to rip something apart.

  “But he can’t get in…”Hannah offered and Seth gave her a knowing look.

  “That doesn’t mean he can’t force you outside.”He retorted, and she dropped her eyes and pouted again.

  “So I am to be a prisoner in my own home?”Hannah wanted to summon the magic within her and do some serious damage to that damn vampire. The only problem was that nobody knew where he was.

  “Never. But you won’t leave without me to protect you…”Seth informed her and she couldn’t help but scoff.

  “I can protect myself, Seth…”

  “With magic…”

  “With magic.”She agreed and he took a long moment to consider his words before he spoke again.

  “Magic is fine. But it isn’t as fast as a vampire…”

  “Neither is a Lycan…” She made a point of saying Lycan and not challenging his prowess and ability to go head to head with a vampire.

  “True, but we are better prepared than a Fae…”He saw she was going to protest again and reached for her hand, capturing it in his and stroking his fingers over hers to sooth her. “If you had time and could see him coming then yes, I agree, many spells could hurt, maim, or even kill the damn thing, but what if you don’t have time and you don’t see him coming, like Fiona tonight?”

  Hannah had to admit that he made a good point. Fiona could work a spell as good as the rest of them and together they were a formidable team, which is why Dermond wanted them under his control in the first place, but she hadn’t had time to do anything tonight.

  “And I guess your beast is going to pout and prance around inside you until he gets to protect me…”Hannah couldn’t help the lopsided grin that came to her lips.

  “You can be sure of that. And when my wolf isn’t happy…”Seth offered and Hannah chuckled.

  “An unhappy wolf can lead to indigestion?”She teased and heard his gentle growl.

  “An unhappy wolf can push forward and make his presence known, and who knows what he might do?” Seth’s eyes darkened with the thought of what he wanted to do, wolf or no wolf, and he saw the flash of desire on her face as she recognised it on his. “I know you need time…”He started and she flushed as she sat back against her chair, her hands slipping through his. “But I think you should let me mark you, Hannah. It may offer some protection against Dermond.”

  “I don’t think he is going to worry about me being marked…”Hannah could see the logic in his words, but she also didn’t think it would stop the likes of Dermond in his tracks.

  “It may give him pause for thought when he sees or scents it. It might give us some valuable time if the situation arose.”Seth wasn’t trying to back her into a corner. He hadn’t lied, he would give her all of the time she needed to be comfortable with mating with him, bonding with him. He would just feel a damn sight better if she carried his mark within her skin.

  “I’ll think about it.”Hannah assured him.

  “I’m not going to leave here until the vampire is dead, so…”Seth assured her as he watched her get up from her seat and move away from him towards the oven.

  “Then I guess I need to feed the troops.” Hannah felt him at her back.

  “Can I help?”

  “Can you cook?”She shot back quickly and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her.

  “That’s a sexist question.”

  “Which means I should fit in nicely with your pack.”She teased again and he turned her and pulled her into his arms.

  “In that case, I had better beat my chest and drag you off to my man cave.”He informed her a moment before he covered her lips with his and kissed her gently.

  Hannah’s head was spinning with thoughts, and none of them decent, when he abruptly pulled away from her and gazed down at her. It took her a long moment to realise that he wasn’t kissing her anymore, a
nd she forced open her lids and stared up at him.

  “Something I can help you with?”She enquired feeling a little hard done by that he had broken the contact between them.

  “It’s the perfect solution…”He informed her like she was supposed to be a mind reader.

  “Glad to hear it. Want to share your brain wave?”She sounded a little put out, even to her own ears.

  “Two of your sisters are already mated into my pack, you’re my mate, we should all move to pack land now, it’s safer and more private…”If a battle was to ensue, he didn’t want to have to think about the human neighbours.

  “Oh…”Hannah took a long moment to think about it. “What about the Mac-Vampire?”She wanted to kick herself for calling him that, especially when his big ears could have been within hearing distance…

  “Mac is always welcome on our lands, and we are on his, his place is adjacent to ours…”

  “How cosy for you all.”Hannah went to move away from him. The thought of leaving the house didn’t thrill her, but they hadn’t really made it their home yet, and yet she knew as the alpha’s mate she would be expected to live on pack lands when they were bonded…

  “It makes sense, Hannah…”Seth offered, feeling her reluctance to agree, and she stopped and sighed.

  “I know…”She started and he went into action.

  “Good, let’s get everyone packed and in the cars.”He closed his hand around her wrist and pulled her after him as she rolled her eyes and hit her head against a brick wall within her mind.

  “Boy girl, boy girl, how cliché…”Kay offered from the back seat of Mac’s sports car as she looked at her mate, squashed in like a sardine in the impractical back seat next to her. She had to chuckle at the sight of him, even if his body was spilling out over onto her side of the car and cramping her in as well.

  “Be nice or walk, Kay.”Fiona growled from the front seat, as Mac shot her a look of pure amusement, his dark eyes sparkling with glee as the street lamps caught them.


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