Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 12

by M. L. Briers

  “That might be a problem.”Kay muttered shooting a look at her mate as he gave her a wolfish grin, running his hand up under her skirt and over her thigh, and she slapped him away, giggling like a schoolgirl.

  Fiona growled out her annoyance in the front seat at her sister’s antics. Anyone would have thought that sex had only just been invented and Kay had partook in the new novelty before anyone else, although Fiona had seen all of Kay’s other boyfriends and was sure that Mating a Lycan had been an eye opener to her sister.

  “Could you put your foot down, this is supposed to be a sports car right?”Fiona bit out. She wasn’t entirely sure what had her so antsy all of a sudden. It might have been her sister acting like a fifteen year old in the back seat. It was more than likely the reappearance of Dermond when she had thought she had left him firmly in her past. Or it very well might have been the close proximity she shared with Mac in the front seat of the car…

  She was more than aware of him. The way his muscles moved as he handled the gearstick. The way his jeans were bunched at his groin, and the large bulge that twitched on occasion there. Even the way he kept looking over at her when he thought she wasn’t looking.

  There was a definite need building inside her. Her breasts ached with the way her nipples were constantly hard, and the little pulses that went through her sex every time he moved so much as an eyebrow was becoming beyond a joke. Perhaps she should have taken a leaf out of her sister’s books and jumped in head first and bonded with the damn man… but then she was being good.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart? Can’t wait for some alone time with me?”Mac teased and saw the flush reach her cheeks. He guessed from her reaction he’d hit the nail on the head.

  “Fangs for the image, but I’m trying not to vomit.”Fiona snapped out, and watched as the car in front of her containing her other sister’s and their mates turned left and pulled off into the darkness of the woods.

  “Harsh and unwarranted, but as you’ve brought it up…”

  “Vomiting when I see you?”Fiona snapped back and he shot her a grin, fangs and all, and she gave him a double take.

  “No fangs…”Mac informed her, letting them slip back into his gums and she found herself squirming in her seat slightly at the sight of them. God, but he was sexy, fangs only made him more so, she thought.

  “Keep them to yourself, I’m in no mood…”Fiona protested a little too much and she clamped her lips shut when he gave her a knowing look, his gaze dropping to her thighs clenched together under her miniskirt.

  “I need to mark you…”

  “You mean you’re hungry?”Fiona corrected and she heard him chuckle.

  “No and yes. I’m always going to be hungry to taste you, Love.”He informed her and she managed a snort even with the lump in her throat. “But my scent in your body might make the other vampire think twice…”

  “Or it might make him incensed and rip my throat out.”Fiona offered lightly. She knew it had been the wrong thing to say the moment she saw his body tense, his knuckles going white as he gripped the steering wheel and his fangs descended again, but this time not in desire to taste her blood.

  The deep growl that rumbled from the back seat told her that Lee had sensed the blood lust that her words had aroused in her mate, and he was now in protective mode of his own mate.


  “Christ Lee, calm your wolf, I’m not going to go psycho I just need a moment to get it in check.”Mac growled out from the front, and concentrated everything inside him on pushing back the feral side of his nature.

  Fiona reached out and brushed her hand down over his abdomen. The gentle touch of her fingers bringing his attention back to his mate, and when she ran her touch along the hard length of him his fangs slipped back into his gums and he groaned his pleasure.

  “Damn, that worked…”Lee growled from the back, and Fiona snatched her hand away as she shot Mac a look to see if he was doing ok.

  “Yeah, now I don’t so much want to rip anyone apart as devour a certain someone from head to toe.”Mac drawled, trying to rein in his desires and concentrate on the road ahead.

  Fiona couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped her lips as she rolled her eyes away from him and stared out at the black on black of the outside world.

  “You know patience is a virtue, I would have thought at your age you would have learned that by now?”Fiona put her hand to her mouth to cover the grin that she couldn’t hold back.

  “I’ve learned a lot of things in my lifetimes, and trust me, when I get you into a bedroom I’m going to show you every damn one of them.”He drawled out what sounded like a promise to her ears, and she felt the excitement flare up inside her again.

  When they reached the large house that sat in the clearing surrounded by dense, dark woods that were only illuminated by the other houses dotted around, nestling into the landscape, and the moon that was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds above them. Hannah was surprised to see the lights ablaze and activity inside the house.

  “How many people live here?”She asked as she leaned towards him in the front seat of the pickup truck, and he smiled back at her.

  “Normally, just me and Lee. But now Lee’s mated he’s going to need a place of his own, so that leaves just you and me.”He growled back gently.

  The thought of bringing his mate home to their house was both exciting and unsettling for him. If she hated it he would build her another house, it might take some time, but he would have the pack help him. If she fell in love with it as much he had, then from the moment she set foot inside this would be their home, where they would raise their pups…

  “Who are all those people?”Hannah whispered back at him, and he turned to see what he thought might be his entire pack stepping outside, and he groaned within his mind.

  “I guess word got out that Lee, Declan and I were bringing out mates home…”

  “Oh crap, an inspection?”Hannah bit out between clenched teeth as her hands smoothed down her skirt, ran up over her jacket and fussed at her hair. The sound of Seth’s deep laughter beside her as he reached to still her hands, had her giving him a quizzical look.

  “No, sweetheart. They are our pack, they’ll accept you and love you like I do…”

  “Love me?”Hannah balked, just those two words thrilled her and sent her mind hitchhiking out of town in one fell swoop.

  “Don’t mention the L word.”Mary whispered on a giggle from the back seat, before her mate helped her from the car, and Hannah’s wide eyes reminded him of a doe catching the scent of his wolf.

  “Figure of speech.”He offered with a shrug of his shoulders to placate her nerves, and he saw her relax slightly. It was a lie, and he knew it. He already loved her and there wasn’t a damn thing either one of them could do about it, he just needed her to find her own way to him. “Let’s go meet the pack…” He turned to open his door, and then turned back on an afterthought. “Try not to zap anybody.”

  Hannah curled up into the softness of the end cushion on the oversized sofa and rested her head against the top of the cushion. She was exhausted. Meeting the family had certainly taken its time, and there were so many names to learn that she had gotten halfway through them, thinking she had it sussed and patting herself on the back, and then started to get people jumbled up.

  It had been a long day. But at least she was well fed, everyone had brought food with them and it turned into a conveyer belt of a buffet, and boy could Lycan’s eat. She’d never seen so much food eaten by so few people. But she had to admit, she’d enjoyed the evening, even if it was a little strange. Everyone had been so nice and accepting of her and her sisters.

  But now they were all gone and she was here, and with six bedrooms, Seth had insisted that everyone stay under his roof, including Mac and Fiona, just so it made life easier for the patrols that he had set in place. All four sisters would inevitably be easier to protect if they stayed together, and Hannah was grateful for it. She certainly didn
’t want to see her family cast to the four winds so quickly, especially Mary.

  Seth, Mac, Lee and some of the other Lycan males were in the kitchen making plans and devising patrol routes. Her sisters had been given bedrooms and had made use of them, and she was grabbing some quiet time.

  The feel of the cushions moving beside her brought her eyes open, as her skin tingled with Seth’s presence an instant before his strong arms came around her and he eased her towards the warmth and comfort of his broad chest. Hannah didn’t protest, she curled into him and closed her eyes as her cheek rested against his chest, and the sound of his heart thumped out a soothing rhythm.

  “Tired?”Seth’s gentle growl rumbled under her cheek and she smiled at it, it was strangely soothing to her nerves.

  “Tired, deranged, unhinged…”Hannah assured him and his growl turned into a deep laugh.

  “We can deal with deranged and unhinged another time. Right now you need to sleep.”

  “Can I just stay here? I really don’t want to move a muscle right now.”Hannah sighed, and he scooped her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Go to sleep and I’ll carry you to bed when I get tired of holding you.”He was back to a gentle growl again, and she brushed her fingers down over his chest and heard the growl deepen.

  “And when will that be?”

  “Sometime never.”Seth breathed against the top of her head, and she felt that rush of excitement roll through her again and tried to quash it.

  “Sweet talker.”She teased and he laughed again.

  “Is it working?”

  “No, but you had better keep it up…”

  “Oh, I can assure you I can keep it up.”He offered back to her and she caught the suggestive manner that made his voice changed and flushed.

  “I need…”She started to push up from his chest and felt his arms tighten around her.

  “Time…”Seth answered for her.

  “You.”She breathed out and felt him tense around her. He reached down and cupped her chin, tipping her head back as he gazed down at her, trying to assess her emotions, her feelings, her mood.

  “Are you sure?”Seth wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and she was a gift from the fates he would forever be grateful for. But the way his body was reacting to her every time he got close to her, he didn’t think he could take the rejection, although he would damn well swallow it down if she changed her mind.

  “Now.”She didn’t think she could make it any plainer than that, although she did shift on his lap, rubbing against his arousal and making him growl with need.

  Seth gathered her in his arms and stood up. He wasn’t about to kiss her here, because he was sure if his lips touched hers right now, he wouldn’t be able to stop, and he wanted her in his bed not on the damn sofa.

  “Hold on.”He growled down at her and she closed her eyes and curled against his chest as she felt the air move around her. The sound of his footfall through the house and the jostling to her body, as he raced upstairs to their bedroom, let her know that he was going at breakneck speed.

  The loud thud of the bedroom door slamming shut behind them was followed by the softness of the mattress beneath her body as he placed her down in the middle of the large bed and came over the top of her, looking every inch the predator.

  “I hope you don’t do everything that fast.”She giggled, her nerves getting the better of her now that she knew where this moment was heading.

  “Not a chance.”Seth growled down at her a moment before he nuzzled against her neck and took in her sweet scent. The flick of his tongue over her skin made every inch of her body flush with excitement. “I’m going to mark you as mine.”He informed her and she felt those words just as potently.

  “Yes.”She ran her hands down the taut muscles of his back and under the fabric of his top, running firm hands back up the hot skin of his spine and bringing his top with it.

  Seth reached back and hooked his top, shrugging out of it and leaning back over her as he watched her eyes roam the hard muscles of his chest. Her hands came up and followed her eyes, and he didn’t move a muscle, just let her explore.

  When she reached the ridges of his hips that dipped down under the fabric of his jeans, he couldn’t help but growl as her fingertips traced inside the waistband, her thumbs found the button and popped it open.

  The sight of her tongue stroking over her bottom lip, as she slowly peeled the zipper down, made his hips want to jut forwards towards her and it took all of his strength to keep still, to let her explore, he had all night, and he had her, and that was all that mattered right now. He could give her this, let her control the moment for now.

  Hannah took in the size of him, as she released him from the bonds of his clothes, and sucked in a breath between her lips. Her fingertips stroked down over the length of his shaft, and it was his turn to hiss in a breath, and his resolve to let her lead crumbled.

  Seth pulled back onto his knees and reached for her top, taking it over her head and discarding it. His fingers took a long moment to travel over her collarbone, down over the valley between her breasts, and then over the rounded globes of her breasts to brush her taut nipples.

  Seth flicked out the claws on one hand, and she followed them with her eyes as he hooked the thin lace of her bra between the valley of her breasts and made quick work of slicing through the fabric.

  “That’ll cost you.”She breathed out and saw the wolfish grin spread across his face.

  “I’m good for it.”It wasn’t just his grin that was wolfish, his voice was deeper and held the rumble of a growl behind each word. His eyes were darker, and even when he retracted his claws, he still looked all predator, as he leaned down on his knuckles either side of her hips and ran his tongue up the valley between her breasts before snagging the thin lace with his teeth and pulling it aside, exposing first one breast and then the other.

  There was a definite growl of approval when he tipped his head and took in the sight of her. And then he moved quickly, lapping just once at her nipple with a flat tongue, before blowing over the peek, tightening it with an ache that left her wanting more.

  He did the same to the other breast and she whimpered her need to him. Reaching for his shoulders and running her finger up his neck and into his hair, pulling him towards her, until he closed his lips over one hard peek and sucked it against his tongue, rolling over it, and running blunt teeth against the sensitive skin.

  He slid his hands under her back and arched her body up from the bed, torturously slowly he devoured her breasts, first one and then the other. Each pull, each tug, each time he suckled, she felt it reverberate within her sex, until it got to the point where she thought she might come undone just from that alone.

  Then his lips moved lower, tracing down her abdomen as he slid his hands lower, removing her skirt inch by inch down her body, his lips following in the wake of the material, over her hips, down her thighs, knees, ankles, and when he ran his tongue over the instep of her foot and then sucked hard, she almost convulsed in on herself with the pleasure that shot through her.

  Seth backed off the bed and discarded his jeans. His eyes locked on hers and he saw her shiver with the excitement that washed through her body. He leaned forward and placed a knee on the bed. Reaching for her ankles, he eased her feet up the bed ahead of him, bending her knees, before he ran his hands up over the inside of her legs to just above her knees, opening her to him and sliding down between her thighs.

  With his thumbs he stroked her open, revealing her sex as he took in the scent of her arousal and something else…

  “Hannah, you’re fertile, it’s not the Lycan way to use protection…”He growled out each word slowly so she understood. He couldn’t scent any chemicals in her body, any birth control, and his heart skipped at the thought of placing his seed within his mate’s womb, having her belly swell with his pup, but he knew it was a conversation they hadn’t had yet.

  “It’s also the Lycan way
to want pups…”Especially an alpha male, she told herself.

  “I do, but if you need time…”

  “Fate brought us together, Seth. Let’s not fight fate now.”Hannah wanted babies more than anything in this world. She was the mothering type, her mother had always told her that, and then she took on the task with her sisters. She didn’t fear getting pregnant with her mate. It didn’t even register an alarm bell within her mind. She was trusting Fate, she might as well jump in with both feet and see exactly what Fate had in store for her.

  Seth climbed up over her body and claimed her mouth with a passion that took her breath away. The press of his hardness against her stomach made her moan with need, and she rolled her hips up against him and heard his gentle growl, before he broke away from her and slid back down between her thighs.

  His thumbs opened her wide for his tongue. Slow and flat, he ran a firm line from the puckered hole of her backside, over her core, tasting her juices with a low deep growl, and up to the tiny nub of flesh that had her hips rising to meet him.

  The way her body responded to his touch sent him almost wild with a need to devour her.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast could sense she was fertile, knew nothing more than to put pups into her womb and claim her as it’s mate, and the beast was baying to taste her blood, but Seth wanted so much more than to just put his mark on her.

  He started slowly, showing her with his tongue what he was going to do with his shaft, each stroke of his tongue inside her channel made her raise her hips, arch to meet him, fill with a need for more, until she tried to reach for him. But he stroked upwards, claiming the little hooded flesh as his, and devoured her with a frenzy that had her fisting the covers around her body.

  He slid two fingers inside her slick channel, searching for the sweet spot that made her body jolt when he found it, and then quiver under his ministrations, her breath hitched with each stroke inside her, until he felt her start to tighten around his fingers and he pulled away.


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