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Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  “No…”She breathed out, but he was already lifting her hips from the bed, sliding the tip of his arousal inside her, and stroking the ridge of his tip over the sweet spot, as his thumb worked over the nub, faster and faster until she came undone with a cry of pleasure at the ferociousness of the orgasm that tore through her body.

  Exploding from deep within her womb and shooting through her nerves, it pulsed hard and fast with the beat of her heart, as he seated himself deeper within her and rode out the contractions of her muscles around him.

  His name was the first thing on her lips as she came back to him. The sexy, earthy sound of her voice nearly undid his resolve. When she opened her eyes and stared up at him as he lay over her, holding his body up on his elbows and stroking over her cheeks with the backs of his fingers, she looked so utterly beautiful from his loving that his heart wrenched inside him, as if it were reaching out to hers.

  “Why have you stopped?”She tested him with her inner muscles and he growled gently at her.

  “Because I want you to remember every heartbeat of our first time together, every second of the night we made our first pup…”

  “First? How many were you planning on?”She ran her hands up the taut muscles of his back and felt them move under her fingertips. He eased further into her.

  “As many as you want…”Seth rocked his hips backwards before pushing further in through the swollen walls and pulsing muscles that were still flushed with the aftermath of her orgasm. She was so tight around him that he couldn’t help the growl of pleasure with every slow stroke.

  “Well I raised three sisters, so that’s about six pups…”She mused and saw his amusement grow.

  “We’ll talk again after you birth the first one, you may want to adjust that figure downwards.”He chuckled rocking back and easing to the hilt inside her. The feel of her inner muscles as they tensed and relaxed around him made his chuckle die and a growl of pleasure roll through his chest.

  Seth pulled back to the very tip and pressed back inside her to the hilt, starting a slow rhythm that took her deeply with every stroke. Her legs wrapped around him and she took him deeper, and with each stroke he rubbed against her womb, a wakeup call in preparation for his seed.

  “Seth…”Hannah needed more. The feel of him, hard as steel and yet as gentle as satin with each push, sent a jolt of pleasure deep within her, but she could feel the slow build of release knotting within, tightening with each long stroke, and she wanted more, wanted to feel the power and possession from his body.

  “Are you ready for me love?”He wanted her body relaxed and open to him. Stretched around him and accepting of his thrusts into her. When he pulled back to the tip and thrust one long, hard, deep stroke inside her, she bit back the cry of pleasure it brought to her lips. Her fingers curled into his muscles and her nails dug into his skin. “I’ll take that as a yes.”He growled out against her neck, nuzzling against her skin and taking in her scent, before he ran his tongue over the place he would place his mark.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast rose within him, demanding that they mark their mate.

  “Mine.”Seth echoed against her shoulder with a growl that was deeper and full of his wolf. His hips moved faster against hers and caught her up into a fast rush towards release. He ran his hands up her arms and caught her wrists in his hands, pushing them back against the mattress.

  He raised his body over hers, changing the angle of his thrusts and running his shaft over the still sensitive nub, bringing her more pleasure with each fast, hard stroke. His blunt teeth nipped against her neck, before his tongue soothed her, until she was almost frenzied with a need to release.

  “Mine.”Seth’s possessive growl against her ear was more feral, more wolf, and a deep growling demand for her submission to him, to his wolf. The alpha male rearing its head within him, as his fangs pushed down from his gums.

  Hannah felt the power of her mate building. He moved faster, thrust deeper and wilder inside her, over and over, until she didn’t think she could take the build to her climax any longer. He seemed to be keeping her just on the edge of release, and she wanted to scream with the frustration of her needs.

  “Mine.” Seth growled against her neck, and she rolled her head to the side to give him better access to place his mark. The low guttural growl of approval rolled through him at her show of submission, and he sped her towards release.

  Feeling the tightening of her muscles around his shaft, he pressed his fangs into her skin just at the moment that she cried out with the ferocity of the orgasm that tore through her body.

  Seth tasted her blood on his tongue and his beast howled within him, satisfied with her offering as he retreated and allowed Seth his pleasure.

  Seth eased his fangs from her skin and ran his tongue over the pin pricks of the wounds, savouring her taste. His body was climbing towards an orgasm, and he released her wrists, sliding his hands down to her hips, bringing her back off the bed and pounding into her until she came undone around him again.

  He felt his own release take him hard, as her inner muscle practically massaged his body into giving up its seed. Burying his shaft to the hilt, he felt his seed explode against her womb and ground into her, pulling back to thrust back into her again and again, his seed spilling out of him, until he had nothing left to give, collapsing down onto his elbows above her, and panting for breath like his wolf after a long run.

  He was aware of her body beneath his, limp like a rag doll, sated in their love making, and he nuzzled into his mark, running his tongue over the wounds and making sure that he had taken care of her.

  “Seth…”Her hand slowly stroked up his spine and his body quivered under her touch. His half mast twitched to life inside her as her breath drifted against his ear, and he pulled back to look down at her.

  “Did I hurt you?”Seth growled gently and she shook her head.

  “Can we practice making babies over and over…?”She gave him a seductive smile that twisted the corners of her lips upwards and brought a gleam into her hooded eyes.

  “I hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight.”He growled against her lips, and she ran her foot up the back of his leg and nudged his backside.

  “If I fall asleep, just nudge me…”She teased, and he pulled his hips back and entered her again on one long stroke to the hilt. “Yeah, just like that.”She told him, before he captured her lips on a deep growl.

  Mac took one last look at the surrounding area and started back towards the house. Half of his mind was on the hunt. The other half was on his mate, the feisty Fae that was going to give him a lifetime of trouble, but she was more than worth it, and he would gladly protect her with his life. But first he needed to find the damn vampire that was threatening her, that had the audacity to attack her, and he would unleash his bloodlust for the first time in nearly a century.

  His mobile rang in his back pocket and he snatched it up.

  “Yeah, what do you have for me?”Mac had put a call into his old friend down south.

  Angus was nearly as old as Mac; they had been childhood friends back in their human days, and when Angus was near death Mac had revealed his true self and offered Angus the choice between death and becoming a Vampire. It still amused Mac after all these years to think how quickly Angus had embraced the idea, had taken to the life, and still seemed to find some enjoyment in his devilish ways all these lifetimes later.

  “No pleasantries, brother?”Angus rattled out a laugh down the line and Mac rolled his eyes. He might love Angus as only a brother could, but right now he needed answers not merriment.

  “I’m sorry to offend your girlie sensibilities, brother, but if you’ve finished pouting, I have a mate to protect.”Mac had teased Angus mercilessly growing up, and he wasn’t about to stop centuries later.

  “Girlie…Pouting…” Angus grumbled down the line and then cleared his throat. “If you were standing in front of me brother, I would give you the time old greeting of a head butt to your thick skul
l, you blaggard.”

  Mac’s lips lifted in a smile of knowing. He could just imagine the flushed faced look of indignation on Angus’s face, and it settled his nerves and his frustration.

  “Do you have something for me perhaps, or do ye want to prattle on like an old fishwife?”Mac shot back, caught somewhere between their past and the present, as he always was when he spoke to his friend.

  He heard the chortle snake down the phone line towards him and found himself grinning again.

  “‘Tis a cold day when a brother calls ye a fishwife. But nay mind, I shall overlook ya slight to tell ya what I found out about the vampire Dermond.”Angus took a breath that he didn’t need, and Mac sighed for effect.

  “I know I don’t age Angus, but time is still ticking away for some…”

  “Hold your bloody horses…”There was a sound of rustling paper in the background and it made Mac more frustrated.

  “I asked for information, not to write a bloody book on the chap.”Mac countered and heard Angus chuckle down the line.

  “I think an aged mind even comes to us vampires my friend, must be all those years of knowledge stored in my noggin, now to your friend Dermond…”

  “He’s no bloody friend of mine…”Mac snapped out and was soothed by Angus’s deep chortle again.

  “Dermond, a rather nasty fellow. He likes the taste of a Fae on his tongue and has spent the last few hundred years since his rebirth, persuading them, shall we say, to do his bidding…”

  “And now he has my mate in his sights…”Mac ground out between clenched teeth.

  “I’m told he’s an excellent tracker…”

  “Well she moved across the damn country and he found her, so I’d say that information is good.” Mac snapped back and heard Angus sigh.

  “It’s said he’s very possessive, when he finds a Fae he wants he stops at nothing to have her…”

  “He’ll bloody stop when I rip him limb from limb…”Mac felt the rush to bloodlust within him again. It burnt inside him like a pit of lava that flowed within his veins and threatened to erupt in violence.

  “It’s true what they say about mates then? I haven’t heard you this worked up in centuries old friend.”

  “Aye, it’s true. I don’t just want to tear him limb from limb I want to tear those limbs to shreds as well…”Mac growled out, feeling somewhat better for his outburst.

  “I’ll have to come and meet this mate of yours. Tell me does she have any kin?”Angus rumbled a laugh and Mac couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

  “Don’t ask brother. All mated to wolves.”

  Fiona pulled the towel around her body and stepped out of the shower onto the small square of carpeting over the tiled floor. For Lycan’s they lived in style and comfort, and she took a moment to wonder what Mac’s place was like. She prayed it wasn’t full of antiques and dusty old books, and hoped for the biggest bed she had ever seen, and if it was a four poster bed she’s be even happier.

  She found that it didn’t seem to matter if he was near her or not now. Every time that she thought of him she got a buzz of excitement deep within her. A heat that flooded through her veins and made her mind turn to more erotic images of her intended mate, and once she started to think of him, he would just pop right back into her mind every time she tried to dismiss him. It reminded her of a love sick teenager with puppy eyes and a faraway look, and she wasn’t entirely sure if she liked it.

  Fiona walked to the mirror and waved her hand over the cold glass, using just a touch of her magic to clean the water vapour from hindering her view, and she flicked her wet hair between her fingers before reaching for the smaller towel and dabbed at her hair.

  She pulled open the door to the bedroom and walked out. Her body sensed him before her eyes found him lying on his back on the bed. His head was propped up on his folded hands, as his eyes took her in from her wet toes to her wet hair and everywhere in between.

  Fiona shivered under his dark gaze as it raked across her skin. It could just as easily have been his hands on her body, because it had the very same effect on her. Talk about make yourself at bloody home, she though, his mere presence starting the need within her.

  “You can get the hell off my bed…”Fiona bit out, as his eyes darkened to jet black, and the devilish smile he was wearing couldn’t mask the desire he had for her.

  “Our bed, sweetheart…”He informed her, and she lifted her brows high on her forehead expectantly and shook her head.

  “I don’t think so…”Fiona turned on her heels, intending to go back into the bathroom, but he was already standing there in front of her.

  “I know so…”He reached out just one fingertip and stroked it over the damp skin of her shoulder and watched her shiver her awareness of his touch, and that reaction didn’t have an ounce of fear within it.

  “Dream on, Mac-Toothy…”He had her in his arms and pressed against his hard chest before she could blink.

  “Mac- Toothy is it?”He grinned down at her, his fangs elongated as she watched, and she felt her inner muscles contract as she subconsciously searched for him within her.

  “Put those away…”Fiona hissed up at him and it took everything she had not to climb up around his hard body and offer her neck for his bite.

  “But I intend to use them…”He dipped his head and ran his tongue firmly up the vein in her neck, and felt her lean into him as she shivered with her desire.


  Fiona’s fingers dropped the hand towel and found his chest, curling into the soft fabric of his top, as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the one spot where his breath and his tongue was making her hotter than hell.

  “Not until I say you can.”She pushed the words out of her lips, when her body was begging her to let him sink his fangs into the vein and ride the sweet eroticism of his feeding.

  “Let me taste you…”He nipped at her lobe with his blunt teeth, careful not to catch her with his fangs.

  “But biting leads to other things and I’m being good…”Fiona reminded herself as much as she reminded him.

  “But I’m your mate, being good doesn’t count with me…”Mac teased back down her vein and over her collarbone, and her head dropped back and rolled with his movements to allow him better access.

  “It doesn’t?”

  “It doesn’t, beside’s Hannah just mated the alpha…”Mac felt Fiona tense in his arms, and she pulled back as her eyes snapped open and she stared up at him.

  “She did?”The sound of disbelief in her voice made Mac chuckle.

  “She did. I heard them with my own…”

  “Very big ears…”Fiona teased as she bit down on her lower lip and narrowed her eyes on his chest as she stroked one fingernail down over his abdomen. A look of wicked amusement crossed her face. “So, I’m the last sister to be mated?” Fiona made it sound like she had won a prize, scored a victory for herself, and Mac wondered at it.

  “You are.”

  “In that case…”Fiona took a step back from him and reached down to where her towel was snagged at the valley of her breasts, flicking it open she let the damp fabric fall away from her body, and heard Mac drag in a long breath as he took in her naked body.

  “Christ love, you’d better not be teasing me or I’m going to be spending the night in the shower…”Mac went to take a step towards her, but she held up her index finger and stopped him. Mac swallowed down hard on the lump in his throat, damn, she was teasing him, and he was going to lose his mind.

  “Get naked…”Those two words were the greatest gift that she could have bestowed on him in that moment in time, and vampire or not, he still stumbled over getting undressed, as he practically tore his clothes from his body, until he stood there hard and proud in front of her.

  He went to take a step forward again and she lifted her index finger back up, and he was sure the whimper that he thought he heard came from his throat.

  “Fiona, love…”

  “Shower…”He re
ached for her. Wrapped one arm around her back and hoisted her against his hard body, lifting her from the floor and stalking into the bathroom with her. His hand snapped the shower on and he had her under the hot stream in a heartbeat.

  “Shower…”He grinned down at her devilishly.

  Fiona reached for his shoulders and curled her fingernails against his skin. In one, long, slow movement she raked her fingernails down his skin, over the peeked nipples, and down his abdomen towards his hardness, and he winced expecting her to rake down the sensitive flesh, but she stopped and withdrew her hands.

  “Jesus woman, you’re going to drive me…” Mac swallowed his words when she dropped down onto her knees and reached out one fingernail against his sack. Slowly she dragged it over the tender skin with just enough pressure to make him groan, and his hardness twitch, as she continued up his shaft, from the hilt to the tip, raking the flesh and making him palm the wall in front of him.

  “Pain…”Fiona wrapped her fingers tightly around his shaft. Pulling downwards she uncovered the sensitive ridge and looked up at him with wide eyes as he narrowed his down at her. She traced her fingernail around the ridge and heard his low growl of approval.

  “Pleasure…”She breathed against the tip of him, before running her tongue around the ridge, soothing his nerves, and he fisted her hair with his free hand.

  She pulled back and repeated running her fingernail around the ridge, harder this time until he groaned and tightened his hold in her hair, and then she closed her lips around him and suckled him with her mouth, cheeks, and tongue and he bore down on his desire to come.

  Christ, he’d never been that easy to excite, not since he was a young lad chasing milkmaids and serving wenches. What the hell was his little Fae mate doing to him? He felt her teeth against the ridge as they raked his skin, and his fangs slipped down in his gums, and then she slid down over his shaft, swallowing him down into her throat and soothing the nerves with the constriction of the tightness there.


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