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Page 19

by Irish Winters

  The torches flickered to life in the clearing, lighting the exterior tent walls. Cain was coming, but Jude had to say one thing first. “I trusted you. I never doubted you,” he declared as Cassidy came dimly into view.

  “Of course.” She smiled like he’d just said the most obvious thing in the world. “I told you I’d be back.”

  His heart stuttered to a screeching halt, stealing his breath along with it. There stood Cassidy in the pure white robes of the bride, the tent aglow around her. A more stunning sight Jude had never seen. The double meaning of the moment didn’t escape his analytical mind. The innocence of this particular woman in such an evil place overwhelmed him. That was why she was able to do what she did. Cassidy was pure of heart. She’d overcome her own fate-worse-than-death. She’d persevered. And she looked like she enjoyed it.

  “Brothers and sisters.” The prophet’s loud voice interrupted Jude’s wandering thoughts, jerking him rudely away from the light in his life, and back to the ugly task at hand. “Tonight marks the beginning of the second coming. A new ritual of purification and a rebirth of loyalty will begin. In a few moments, the sisters of the Elite will serve wine from my private stock. It is my humble wish that you join me in a toast of celebration to honor my beloved Chloe, who even now awaits my blessing.”

  Jude’s fist clenched. Cain was about to get Jude Cannon’s version of a blessing.

  “But I must warn you. To join me in such a tribute will also mean that you have chosen to put the old ways aside—that you desire to step into the inner circle. When you drink tonight, you too will become one of my Elite. What say you?” Cain cast a black shadow on the tent wall as he raised a goblet overhead.

  The congregation chanted, “Yes, almighty prophet,” to the sound of clinking glasses.

  “Gosh, I hate him,” Cassidy muttered out of the side of her mouth.

  “I can’t let this happen.” Jude brushed Cassidy aside, his finger already on the safety of his pistol. “They have to be stopped before they drink.”


  But he was out the front flap before she could stop him. Jude burst onto Cain’s stage with his gun pointed skyward. “It’s poison. Don’t drink it. The wine’s laced with cyanide.”

  Cain whirled on Jude, pointing a long bony finger. “He’s the one. He helped the spy escape. Seize him.”

  “The wine’s full of cyanide and valium!” Jude tried again, surprised not a single goblet had lowered. The congregation still stood with their glasses held high. How could this be? Where were all those discontented people who’d only this morning stood up to Cain?

  The Elite charged. The pistol flew out of Jude’s hand and he found himself face down. The knowledge of his foolish action overwhelmed him. He’d just traded a lifetime of loving Judith to save these very stupid people. Worse, where was Cassidy?

  “People, please. Listen to reason. If what Brother Cannon said is true,” Cain wheedled, “anyone who drinks the wine will drop dead. Let’s put his brave words to the test, shall we? Would one of my most faithful converts join me?”

  A chorus of hands shot into the air for that dubious distinction.

  “Sister Elaine.” Cain beckoned an elderly sister to his side with the kindest intonation while one of his Elite placed another goblet in his hand. “Please come to my rescue.”

  Sister Elaine had to be older than dirt, but up she came from the congregation, stabbing her cane into the red carpet with determination while she glared at Jude the entire time. Once at the forefront, Cain turned her to face the crowd. “Would you help me prove the error of this lost soul’s ways?”

  Sister Elaine nodded.

  Cain placed a goblet into her frail, wrinkled hand. Without another word, she tilted the goblet to her lips and drained the glass dry, ending with a resounding smack of her lips.

  The audience clapped.

  Sister Elaine turned with contempt to Jude, shaking the empty goblet. “That’ll teach you to blaspheme my prophet, you darned liar. I’m right as rain. Spry as a fiddle and ready to dance naked under the full moon.”

  A hard hand clamped over Jude’s mouth, silencing him. Another arm snaked around his throat, squeezing him in a suffocating hold. Two dark-robed Elite pulled his hood over his head as they lifted him to his feet. “Now you will drink,” one of them hissed into his ear, “and then you will watch while your prophet fucks your pretty little daughter.”

  Unable to speak, Jude writhed against the strong arms that held him tight. The hood slipped back, but not far enough. He caught a fuzzy glimpse of the audience at his peripheral. They’d lowered their goblets, but stood watching in silence, not one of them venturing forward to his aid. They hadn’t believed him. He saw it clearly now. They were exactly where they had chosen to be.


  “And now...” Cain stepped alongside Jude, his voice loud and gracious, but his grip as tight as a vise, “before we drink, I offer my forgiveness to this sinful man, this Brother Cannon upon which so many undeserved blessings have been bestowed. The time has come for you to confess aiding a spy. What say you?”

  It was impossible to speak with his throat being crushed, but speak he did—through one of the liars choking him. “Yes, Prophet. I confess. I, Brother Cannon, am the guilty one.”

  Like hell I am!

  Jude’s body was turned, his back to the crowd. Someone handed Cain another goblet. “Will you join us in salvation, Brother Cannon?”

  The man restraining Jude lied again. “Gladly.”

  No, I won’t!

  Cain tipped the goblet to Jude’s lips as he courted the crowd again. “See how quickly the evildoer repents when faced with the truth? Let us all drink with Brother Cannon.”

  Jude writhed, his lips sealed tight. The Elite monster squeezing his throat clenched tighter and Jude had no choice. His lips parted. Cain smiled and—

  “Stop!” The most glorious angel in white stepped through the tent flaps, her pistol on Cain. “Lucien Cain, you are under arrest for being the biggest asshole this side of hell. Please make another move,” she coaxed, a hard edge to her voice. “Trust me. I can drop your ass faster than that cyanide you’re peddling.”

  Cain lowered the goblet, but didn’t drop it. “If you think killing me will stop the second coming, you’re wrong. Murdering me will only give this cult its first martyr’s blood.”

  Cassidy thrust her pistol into his robes. “I’m good with that. Just exactly what is this second coming?”

  Jude flinched, wanting her to back off. God, she had a lot of nerve.

  A shadow shifted across Cain’s features. His chin lifted in arrogance and pride, as if his life didn’t rest in the hands of a diminutive warrior goddess who even now made Jude’s heart swell with pride. “It’s the day when the whole world will know the power of my name.”

  “You’re already famous, dirtbag. Hell. You’re the biggest joke in the country.”

  Cain lashed out in an attempt to knock the gun from her hand. It didn’t happen. She’d anticipated his move. They faced each other again, the Elite gathered around them while the drama between Cassidy and Cain played out center stage. It made for an interesting sight, a short, athletic woman facing off with a tall, gray-haired balding man who towered over her by more than a foot.

  “They are but two,” he hissed to his Elite. “Finish them now. Hurry.”

  Jude saw the flash out of the corner of his eye. The man who held him by the throat now brandished a knife as well. With a flying elbow, Jude jabbed him square in the gut. The knife clattered across the stage. Jude followed through with a fist and a sideways kick that sent the guy sprawling.

  Jude rallied to Cassidy’s side. The silly woman tried to push him behind her like he was the one who needed protection. He pushed back. A fleeting glitter danced in her eyes.

  And there they stood, two against a small army, their backs against the wall, and nowhere to go but forward. Jude balanced his weight evenly and aimed, prepared for a frontal assault that
would most likely leave him and Cassidy dead. He spared her a quick sideways glance. Now that Judith was safe, Jude was exactly where he needed to be. With Cassidy. Right to the bitter end.

  She still had the drop on Cain. The Elite had yet to make a move. The congregation stood like sheep watching their favorite reality program. It was the proverbial standoff, but not for long.

  He heard them first, and felt them all too soon. Several of the Elite had come through the tent behind him. The tables changed, and Jude’s heart sank. Forced to his knees with Cassidy at his side was not how he wanted to die, but they were quickly subdued and made to kneel.

  One of the Elite mumbled something into Cain’s ear, and Jude allowed the briefest feeling of satisfaction. The veins in the proud man’s neck enlarged and throbbed. He looked desperate. Vengeful. With a whirl of his robe, he turned to the congregation again, his voice pitched high in anger. “First blood! These sinners stole my bride!”

  “Took you long enough to figure that out,” Cassidy taunted.

  A murmur stirred through the crowd.

  “Drink up,” Cain commanded, another cup of wine lifted high “Tonight we sacrifice two destroyers. Two!”

  Being held face down to the carpet didn’t prevent Jude from stealing a sideways glance at Cassidy. She winked back at him from the same awkward position, a playful light in her eye. Would he ever understand this beautiful woman who was part warrior, part girl, and very much a woman?

  One of the Elite sliced Brother Victor’s smelly robe into two pieces, and pulled it off, taking Jude’s T-shirt with it. They must’ve tried the same thing with Cassidy, but he couldn’t see her Someone’s boot forced his face to the side, away from her. All he could do was listen to the scuffling.

  “The knife,” Cain commanded, and Jude’s heart sank again. Thank God Judith isn’t here. I’m going to die like the fatted calf, bled out in front of an audience of fools.

  “Then give it to me!” Cain roared. “I’ll do it myself.”

  Jude’s ears perked up at the frustration in Cain’s command. The prophet meant to do his own dirty work? More scuffling as Cain came forward. It was hard to decide who Cain meant to dispatch first.

  “You’re a pig, you know that, Cain?” Cassidy muttered. Ah, so she would die first, if only because she refused to go down without a fight. Jude smiled sadly. That’s my girl.

  His head was rudely jerked to the side. There she was, a half-naked woman, her clothes cast aside and a whole different distraction. The sight fueled his anger. Pain he could handle. He just couldn’t stand it if they hurt her. “Leave her alone!”

  No one heard him. Only Cassidy. She smiled across the short distance between them, her hands twisted behind her bare back. Even as blurry as things were, he could see the same spunk in her eyes, the fire that Cain hadn’t extinguished, and Jude was awed. Here she knelt at death’s door, her lovely breasts pressed into the carpet, all hope lost, but still she smiled.

  He knew it then. If he died tonight, somehow in the great beyond, he would find this woman named Cassidy Dancer, and he would spend all eternity getting to know her better. If it was in any way possible in heaven, he’d romance her, and he’d love her, because he already did.

  “Hey, Jude,” she quipped. “Heck of a first date, huh?”

  He returned her cavalier wink, cleared his throat and bellowed, “FBI!”

  As if on cue, a single shot rang out. A body crashed to the ground. The boot that had held him prisoner relinquished its hold. Holy shit! Cain. The false prophet lay sprawled on his back, his head in a pool of blood, his arms opened wide. He was—dead.

  Cassidy’s eyes widened in awe of him for a change. Jude blinked, not sure. Could it be? With just one shot, could this evil menace really be dead? The Elite, who only seconds before seemed so fierce, now stood in shock over their fallen leader.

  “Who’s next?” A powerful voice rang out strong and clear from beyond the congregation.

  Jude scrambled to his feet, reaching for Cassidy just as she reached for him. Pulling her close against his chest, he shielded her nakedness, his arms around her in a tight embrace.

  “Drop the guns,” the man in the dark commanded, “or we start picking you off, one by one.”

  The hooded Elite backed away from their dead leader. Some dropped their weapons.

  “Alex is here,” Cassidy whispered up at Jude, mischief in her eyes.

  He pulled her out of the line of fire. The luscious swell of her soft breasts pressing against his chest beckoned. His body sprang to life. Warmth tingled between her bare body and his. Her dark eyes seemed to drink him in with nothing but delight. She didn’t act worried. Instead, she looked happy. Willing. Sassy as hell.

  The gleam of a blade flashed amongst the black robes of the Elite. Without thinking, Jude turned away, shielding Cassidy under his chin. He cringed, sure the knife would enter his ribs. It didn’t. Another shot rang out and the would-be assassin dropped to the red carpet.

  “We can do this all night. Look around,” Alex commanded from the dark. “There will be no second coming tonight, but we will send then next person who moves straight to hell.”

  The nervous congregation milled around and Jude was glad. It was time they woke up. At last a man spoke up from the crowd. “Who are you guys?”

  Alex didn’t get the chance to answer. A crowd of federal officers flooded the clearing. “FBI! On your knees! Everyone!”

  A lone man emerged from the trees, strolling straight for Jude and Cassidy like he had all the time in the world. His ramrod posture gave him away. The glimmer of gun metal in his hand told the rest of the story. Had to be Alex.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Cassidy watched Alex make his way through the congregation. She saw the crooked smirk on his face when he waved the FBI agents out of his way, and she knew exactly what he was thinking. No doubt something along the lines of, When is this girl ever going to learn?

  She scrunched her shoulders, her ear over Jude’s heart. He snuggled her close, and she let him. Despite the fact that she was very nearly naked, this was the perfect way to end a tough operation. Let Alex scold her or chew her butt. The world had never felt more perfect. Of all the places to find the only man in the world who made her shiver all the way to her toes…

  “See you finally got rid of that dress.” Alex teased, his eyes skimming over her bare back before he stripped his cult shirt off and draped her shoulders.

  “A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do,” she teased, while she shrugged into the shirt. Jude seemed to have no intentions of letting her leave his side, though. After she did up the buttons, he secured her under his arm like this was their normal, every day position.

  “Good to finally meet you, Jude Cannon. You’ve got a terrific daughter,” Alex said as he grasped Jude’s hand.

  Jude returned the handshake. “Yes, sir, I do. You must be Cassidy’s boss.”

  “Alex Stewart. Well done, Dancer. Interesting way to force Cain’s hand.”

  “Did they bring enough antidote?” she asked.

  “That’s why the FBI was late. They couldn’t breach the walls until their medical staff arrived. Anyone who drank is in for a hard time. Cyanide can be a slow killer. Diazepam, too.”

  “I don’t think many of them did drink,” Jude murmured.

  “Do we know about the children yet?” Cassidy asked.

  That spurred Alex into action. “Wait here. I’ll find out.”

  For once, she was content to wait and watch. FBI agents handcuffed the Elite while more spotlights lit the clearing. None in the congregation tried to flee. They just stood in place until they were cuffed and told what to do, just like they’d been doing for months, maybe years. When the FBI stripped the tent and revealed a very unhappy Sister Charlotte and the insidious torture pole, some in the congregation looked away. Others seemed downright shocked.

  Yeah, right, Cassidy thought. You’re all to blame. You let Lucien do all your thinking for you. Stup
id, stupid people.

  The FBI had the entire clearing roped off with crime tape by then. Too soon, she’d be answering FBI questions for hours, but for now, standing inside the circle of Jude’s arms, life was pretty darn good.

  Jude moved his hand from her shoulder to cup her face. The tenderest emotions stared out from his smoldering, gray eyes. Finally able to see him without the discordant emotions of pain, fear, or worry clouding the view, Cassidy’s heart failed. At least as tall as Alex, the sight of Jude’s bare chest spiked her adrenaline-overloaded libido. A head full of dark, messy hair straggled over his forehead, adding a boyish charm to his gentle features. With his thumbs gently stroking her cheekbones, she could’ve stood there forever.

  The most handsome man in the world smiled down at her in a heated combination of lust and adoration, and she knew he wasn’t seeing her clearly at all. He couldn’t be. His glasses were missing. She didn’t deserve the blatant declaration of love in his eyes.

  “You’re my warrior princess,” he whispered ardently.

  She demurred. “Seems to me you had everything under control by the time I got here.”

  “You saved me.”

  She shook her head. “No. You saved me. Remember the—”

  He placed a thumb over her lips. “Shut up and kiss me, Cassidy.”

  No sooner said than done. As his hands sunk over her ribcage to purchase the curves of her hips, she shivered. Every rib and every nerve responded to his touch, singing for more.

  Stretching up on tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He dipped his head, and flash, the heat of a thousand fireworks surged up from the earth below. The gentle question posed by his mouth turned urgent. His tongue caressed the daylights out of hers, and her knees turned to jelly.

  With one sweep of his arms, he scooped her off the ground as if she, one of the toughest women on The TEAM, was no more than a little girl to be picked up, carried away and—


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