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Blurry: A Student Teacher, Age Gap Romance

Page 17

by Michelle Hercules

  “I didn’t know Nadine would be at the party.”

  “Did you know I’d be there though?”

  “I guessed.”

  “You guessed?” Her voice rises an octave. “Why didn’t you tell me? I wasn’t prepared to see you there.”

  “I don’t know, Goldi. Maybe I didn’t want you to not go on my account. Maybe I just fucking missed you, okay?”

  “I missed you too.”

  With a groan, I throw my head back, hitting the headrest with a soft thud. “I hate this.”

  My confession feels immature, like a teenager throwing a tantrum. I’m a grown-ass man. I should be handling this situation better than I am.

  “Hate what?”

  “Not being able to take you to a party. Having to watch you flirt with guys who are your age and much better suited for you.”

  “God. You make it sound like you’re an ancient man. You’re only eight years older than me. Besides, I wasn’t flirting with anyone.”

  I glance at her again, finding her looking out the window.

  “I’m sorry.” I touch her arm, drawing her attention back to me.

  A pitiful smile pulls at her lips. “I hate this situation too, especially when I see you in front of your ex-wife.”

  Fuck. I can’t drive when all I want to do is take Chiara in my arms. I pull into a business complex parking lot and stop the car.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “You have no reason to be jealous, Goldi. I only have eyes for you.” I lean over and unbuckle her seat belt, then pinch her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Come here.”

  Chiara doesn’t offer resistance. I kiss her tenderly, loving the taste of her tongue. I cup the back of her head so she can’t move away when my soft kiss becomes something else.

  I loop my arms around her waist, and with ease, I help her cross to my side so she can sit on my lap. A sense of déjà vu hits me. The first time we kissed was also inside a car. I vividly remember how turned on she made me, how hot and smooth her sweet pussy was under my fingers. I want to make her come again, just like that.

  My hands disappear underneath her skirt, traveling up her thighs until they reach her hips. The difference tonight is that she’s wearing tights, which unfortunately makes access to her core a little more difficult. I cup her sex just the same, applying pressure to her clit through the layers of fabric.

  Chiara hisses against my mouth before whispering my name softly. My cock twitches, more than ready for action. Down, boy. It’s all about Chiara right now. I slowly circle her bundle of nerves with my thumb while I keep kissing her like there’s no tomorrow. She bites my lower lip right before her entire body trembles and she says, “Yes,” several times in a row.

  I pull my hands from under her skirt to crush her against my chest. She rests her head on my shoulder and lets out a contented sigh.

  “Was that your way to say you were sorry for not telling me you’d be at the party?” she asks.

  “Yes.” I kiss the side of her head before I continue. “Do you want to come to my place?”

  If she says no, I don’t think a cold shower will suffice.

  “To spend the night?” She leans back to peer at my face.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I don’t have anything with me.”

  “I have a spare toothbrush, and you can wear one of my T-shirts to sleep in. Or nothing if you prefer,” I tease.

  She leans forward and kisses me again, making my desire escalate to a new height. I’m tempted to move the action to the back of my truck and fuck Chiara there. That’s how badly she’s messing with my head. I’m breaking all the rules for her.

  “Okay, then. Let’s go,” she whispers against my lips but makes no attempt to get off my lap.

  “Goldi, I can’t drive with you on top of me.”

  “You can’t?” She kisses my neck. “That’s too bad.”

  “I never knew you to be so cruel. I’m dying here.”

  “Okay, okay.” She finally slides back to her seat, putting the seat belt on without taking her eyes off me.

  With a new sense of urgency, I peel out of the parking lot faster than lightning.

  “How long until we get to your house?” she asks.

  “At this hour, probably around twenty minutes.”

  “Good.” She unbuckles her seat belt and bends over, leaning over my crotch.

  “Goldi, what are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to prove I’m not cruel. I don’t want you to wait that long to get some well-deserved release.”

  She makes quick work of my fly, releasing my cock in the next second. Her apt fingers curl around my shaft right before she swipes her tongue over the sensitive head. A hiss escapes my lips, and I’m forced to grip the steering wheel tighter to keep the truck in its lane.

  Chiara doesn’t waste time teasing—thank fuck. She brings my entire length into her warm mouth until my cock hits the back of her throat. She repeats the motion, holding the base with one hand and applying just the right amount of pressure. My balls become tighter; it won’t take long for her to send me over the edge.

  I place one hand on her back because I need to touch her. I’m glad my windows are tinted when I stop at a red light right next to a police cruiser. I don’t glance in their direction, just keep staring straight ahead. The light mercifully turns green, and the cruiser veers to the right. I come in the next second, letting out a guttural sound as Chiara swallows my hot release. I forget to drive, and the light turns red again. Yes, I’m definitely lucky the cops are gone.

  “Holy fuck. You’re a magician, Goldi,” I say once I catch my breath.

  “So I’m no longer cruel?”

  I glance at her, catching her wiping the corner of her mouth. A sexier sight I’ve never seen. “No, you’re not cruel, but you have a wicked mouth.”

  She rewards me with a lazy smile, and my semihard cock starts to come to life again.

  Jesus, I need to get home ASAP.



  I don’t know if it’s the clandestine nature of my relationship with Alistair or the man himself that brings out the naughtiest side of me. I’ve never blown a guy in a moving car before. I never had the desire to do so, but with him, I want to try everything.

  After a twenty-minute ride, Alistair parks in front of a luxurious condo. Now that I know about his past, I no longer wonder how he can afford certain things.

  He cuts the engine before twisting his body to retrieve something from the back seat. A hoodie.

  “Here, put this on before you get out of the car.”

  “You’re really that worried? It’s the middle of the night. No one will see me.”

  “I can’t be too careful, Goldi. I’m going through a nasty divorce. I wouldn’t put it past Nadine to have hired a PI to dig up dirt on me.”

  It hits me then how much Alistair is risking to be with me. The notion brings conflicting feelings into my heart. He can lose his career, his reputation.

  I put the hoodie on, swallowed up immediately by the excess of fabric. Once I pull the hood over my head, you can’t see my face at all. Well, I can barely see, that’s for sure.

  Satisfied that there’s not a chance in hell I can be identified, we both get out of the car. He motions for me to walk ahead of him, as if he’s afraid I’ll get attacked. I’ve never dated a guy who wanted to protect me so fiercely, and it feels nice. I think he’d have turned Phillip into mush if he had indeed hurt me.

  Alistair’s home is a mix of modern and rough, just like him. The exposed brick fireplace works well with the contemporary fixtures and the few pieces of decoration. The L-shaped couch is plush and inviting in a deep brown color. I take in the open living space with a quick glance, noticing the absence of something vital to me.

  “You don’t own a TV?” I ask.

  “I don’t have cable.”

  “So, you’re not the typical American guy who watches Sunday Night Football?”r />
  Alistair smirks. “I don’t hate football, but I usually prefer to watch it at a sports bar.”

  “What about movies?”

  He grabs a remote control from the end table, and with the push of a button, a home theater screen descends from the ceiling.

  “Okay, it’s official. I’m never leaving your house.”

  Alistair laughs. “I’m more than okay with that, but I’m afraid that if you’re here—” He hugs me from behind and kisses my neck. “—we wouldn’t have much time for movies.”

  I lean against him, loving the feel of his virile body against mine. He keeps placing soft kisses on my neck as his right hand disappears through the elastic band of my skirt. He cups my breast with his other hand, making me moan like a kitten. When his fingers find their way to my core, my legs turn to jelly.

  “I love how wet you get for me, Goldi.”

  I reach back, trying to touch his erection as well. I manage, but through his pants, I doubt he can feel much.

  With a growl, Alistair pushes me against the back of the couch, pulling my skirt up and my tights and panties down. I don’t mind the roughness. I love it. His cock teases at my entrance, and I try to move closer.

  With one arm still wrapped around my chest, he whispers in my ear, “I want to take you hard, Goldi. Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” I arch my back, wanting—no, needing more contact.

  He rams into me, and I cry out. He pauses immediately. “Chiara?”

  “Why did you stop?”

  “I thought I hurt you.”

  “You’re hurting me right now with all this talking.”

  He chuckles against my ear before thrusting his hips against mine, harder than before. With every pump, he sends me higher and higher, and I know it’s the same for him. He bites my shoulder, and that sends me right over the edge. I cry as loud as I can, not worrying for once about neighbors or school staff overhearing us.

  “Chiara, fuck!” Alistair says right before he climaxes as well.

  I clench my internal walls, milking his orgasm and mine. With a final thrust, he shudders against my neck. My heart feels like it’s about to explode with the way it’s hammering inside my chest. When he pulls out, I feel empty.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be right back,” he says.

  I twist my neck to see where he’s going. “You do realize this is a very awkward position, right?”

  He returns a second later with a washcloth in his hand. “I find it a very appealing position.”

  Like he did before in his office, Alistair cleans the mess he left behind. I moan when he wipes my clit. I’m still so sensitive there. He moves the cloth away, down my legs, but I want him to go back to my bundle of nerves. I grab his wrist and bring his hand to my pussy again.

  “I’m still dirty there.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  He rubs the cloth over my clit again, and I open my legs wider to grant him better access. I must look ridiculous with my ass up in the air like this, but with Alistair, I don’t feel ashamed. His hand moves away, and I open my mouth to complain, but it dies in my throat when his warm tongue replaces the cloth.

  Madonna santa. This feels so good.

  Alistair said I was a magician back in the car, but he’s the one with the magical tongue. He licks and sucks, drinking my juices with gusto as he goes. It doesn’t take long for me to come again. By the time he’s done, I can’t so much as move a muscle. I’m boneless as I sink against the couch, content to fall asleep just like this.

  “Goldi, are you still with me?”

  “Yeah, give me a minute. I’m trying to recover.”

  I hear him unfurl from his crouch, but I don’t move. I let out a soft yelp when he lifts me up and carries me across the room. That’s the only sound I make before I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle against his chest.

  If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.



  A loud buzzing noise wakes me from a perfect sleep. I sink farther into the mattress, pulling the covers over my head. Behind me, Alistair growls, wrapping his arm over my belly, infusing my body with heat when his naked body is flush with mine. He presses his erection against my back, reminding me of the constant throbbing between my legs. I melt into him but keep my eyes closed.

  The irritating noise comes again, and I finally realize it’s the doorbell.

  “For fuck’s sake.” He pushes the cover off him with a jerky movement and gets out of bed.

  I look over my shoulder and get an eyeful of his naked glory. My mouth waters at the sight of his wide back, corded with muscles, and his yummy ass.

  I can’t believe this man is all mine.

  “What time is it?” I ask, my voice still rough from sleep—or from all the screaming I did last night.

  “Too early. Go back to sleep, Goldi. I’ll be right back.” Alistair puts a pair of loose pants on before walking out of the room.

  Not completely awake yet, I close my eyes, trying to go back to sleep, but without his warm body behind me, the bed no longer feels that welcoming. Plus, whoever was at his door on a Sunday morning is now in the house, speaking loudly.

  Curiosity makes me fully awake.

  I throw my legs to the side of the bed and get up. Goose bumps break out all over my body as the cold air hits my skin. Where the hell are my clothes? Alistair was the one who undressed me last night. Heat rushes to my cheeks as the memory comes to the forefront of my mind.

  A moment later, I find them neatly folded on the chair in the corner.

  Alistair’s muffled voice reaches me through the door, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. I can hear the annoyance in his tone though.

  I put my clothes on, not bothering to look at my reflection in the mirror to see if I’m presentable or not. I have no intention of showing my face to whoever is downstairs.

  Opening the door slowly, I stick my head out. The voices are a little clearer now but still hard to hear. I tiptoe down the hallway, stopping just at the top of the stairs. The conversation ceases for a moment, replaced by the loud banging of cupboards being opened and shut.

  “Where the hell do you keep your coffee, Alistair?”

  “I don’t think you need any more stimulants.”

  “I’m fine. This is just my post-workout burst of energy.”

  “And you want to add coffee to that?”

  “I have a full day of work today, and I’ve run out of coffee. I know you have the good stuff here.”

  “Does my house look like a fucking Starbucks to you?”

  “You know I can’t stand that shit.”

  Alistair groans before telling the visitor where the coffee is.

  Who is this guy, and why is Alistair putting up with him?

  Curiouser and curiouser.

  “You still haven’t told me why you’re here,” Alistair says.

  “Nadine’s lawyer is pushing the joint account issue, but I think I’ve found a way to fight that. It’ll drag out the process though.”

  My heart stops beating for a second. So the man downstairs is Alistair’s lawyer. I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but my feet are glued to the floor.

  Bad, bad Chiara.

  “About that. I’ve decided to give Nadine the money and be done with it.”

  “Son of a bitch. Tell me you’re joking.”

  “I want that woman out of my life for good, Enzo. She’s not asking for an unreasonable amount.”

  “That’s what I said from the beginning, but you were dead set on pursuing the case. Does your change of heart have anything to do with the student you screwed in Italy?”

  I wince at the crude manner in which Enzo talks about me. At the same time, my heart starts to beat faster, anticipating Alistair’s answer.

  “No,” he answers quickly, and disappointment washes over me. “I saw Nadine last night at Monica’s party and realized she’ll never leave me alone until she gets what she wants. I want that viper out of my life f
or good.”

  “Hallelujah. You’re finally listening to me.”

  “I wasn’t thinking clearly. Rage and thirst for revenge clouded my judgment. I’m ready to move on. I don’t want to waste my time dragging out the divorce process just out of spite. It’s not like I was still in love with Nadine when she cheated on me.”

  Enzo sighs. “Sometimes ego drives us to make bad decisions. I can start working on the settlement papers if that’s what you want.”

  “Yes, that’s what I want.”

  I bite my lower lip to keep from shouting out of happiness. Alistair is finally getting a divorce. He’ll be free, which is one less thing for us to worry about.

  Deciding I’ve heard enough, I begin to retreat when I feel a strange sensation on the top of my foot. I look down and find a huge tarantula crawling on me. I scream from the top of my lungs as I jump back, kicking my leg to dislodge the giant arachnid.

  Alistair comes running up the stairs the next moment, his eyes round with worry. “What happened?”

  I point a shaking finger at the eight-legged critter scurrying away. “That.”

  “Oh, fuck. Mildred, how did you get out of your container?”

  “You own that thing?”

  He bends over and lets the spider crawl on his hand. “Yeah. Don’t worry. Tarantulas are harmless.”

  I take a few steps back. I hate spiders.

  “For fuck’s sake, Alistair. Is that the girl?” Enzo asks from the bottom of the stairs, his hard expression showing how pissed off he is.

  Alistair doesn’t glance in his direction, just keeps staring at me with an apology in his eyes when he replies, “Yes.”

  The guy walks back to the kitchen, cursing loudly. Alistair takes a step toward me, but I raise my hand. “Don’t move any closer with that thing in your hand.”

  “Are you afraid of Mildred, Goldi?”

  A shiver runs down my spine, and I hug my middle. “Terrified.”


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