Not Husband Material
Page 63
I headed to the party.
“Don’t you look like a ray of sunshine?” Hank greeted me in the parking lot.
“Thanks, Hank.” I hugged the bartender. “Wow, it looks like a real luau out here.”
“I can’t say that I’ve ever been to Hawaii, but yeah, you put something real special together for Cole.” He beamed at me like a proud parent.
“Have you seen him anywhere?” I searched the group mulling behind the food and beer table.
“Not yet. But he’ll be here. Sometimes the mainland has traffic.”
“Traffic, huh?” I knew Hank was trying to reassure me.
“Look at you, Carolina.” Cal and Lance had returned from a quick shower. They looked clean-shaven.
“You both look handsome.” I eyed the Texas boys in their Hawaiian shirts, boots, and cowboy hats.
“We try.” Cal put his arm around me. “Where’s Cole?”
“Air conditioners went out. He had to make a parts run so the guests don’t spontaneously combust.” I tried to keep my voice peppy, but I was starting to worry he hadn’t returned.
“Darlin’, he’ll be back soon.” Lance put his arm around my other shoulder. “In the meantime, can we get you something to drink?” Lance was acting extra sweet.
It crossed my mind that Amber had told him about the scene I made at Peabody’s when I spilled my drink and ran. I should probably have been more embarrassed than I was.
“A beer would be awesome. Thanks, Lance.” Was it just last Saturday he had tried to get me a drink at the bonfire?
“Thanks.” I sipped on the coconut rum through the straw.
Lance shifted on his feet. “Kaitlyn, I wanted to talk to you about Amber.”
My cheeks turned a bright crimson. “You don’t have to do that, Lance. She and Cole seem to be working things out for Grayson. That’s what’s important.”
“I’m not the best uncle, or babysitter. But I’m here if he needs me.”
“Have you told him that?” I asked.
He hung his head. “I’ve always taken her side.”
“That’s what a good brother does.” I smiled.
“Yeah, but I see that Cole has always put Grayson first. Amber hasn’t. She puts Amber first. This damn poetry trip proves it.”
I squeezed his arm. “I know Cole would appreciate your help. I’ll let you tell him. And Grayson would love hanging out with his uncle.”
“Thanks.” He hugged me.
Sasha opened the gate at the top of steps for me. “Whoa, look at you. Has Cole seen you all dressed in yellow?”
I blushed. “Not yet. He isn’t here.” I searched the parking lot for his truck. “I thought he’d be back by now.”
“He’ll be here. He’s not going to miss the luau.” She turned to show me the pool. “What do you think? It was a last minute idea that I borrowed from my mom.”
I looked at the floating candles dotting the surface of the water. “Sasha, it’s beautiful. You definitely have the wedding planner gene. This looks amazing.”
“Good. I thought you might like it, and it’s romantic. You should lure Cole up here for a little one-on-one time.” She winked. “Now we just need some people.” She pulled one of the silk flowers from the garland and tucked it behind her ear.
Other than a few Dune Scape guests, no one else had arrived. I know being fashionably late was still a common party practice, but I had hoped more people would have begun to trickle in.
“What if no one shows?” I had a prickly feeling that had attacked the back of my neck.
“Don’t be silly. People love parties this time of year. This island is one big party. You’ll have people. They’re just extremely nocturnal—the later, the better.”
“I hope you’re right. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what I’ll tell Cole. He trusted me to do this. I promised him it would keep the Dunes afloat for a few months.”
“Hey, he did not put the fate of the Dunes in your hands. He knows what he’s dealing with here. What you did for him is incredible. It shows how much you care. He knows that.”
God I wanted that to be true. I’d do anything for that man. And his son.
Before I could ask her what she thought about our situation, Cal whisked Sasha up from behind and planted a kiss on her mouth.
“Cal, save some of that for later. I’m in the middle of serious girl talk.” She slapped him on the butt. “You ok, Kaitlyn?”
“Yes, absolutely. You two go dance or something.”
I smiled and watched as they wandered to dance floor. I envied how Sasha approached her relationship. She didn’t let anything get in the way of her and Cal—not the age difference, not their friends, and not even her own heart. She was smart.
From my view on the lounge chair, I watched as the luau guests started arriving. A stretch SUV pulled into the parking lot and I lost count after the fifteenth person climbed from the vehicle. The DJ cranked the music, and I felt the energy swirling around me. In ten minutes, the Dunes turned into a revolving parking lot for taxicabs and shuttles. The guest continued to arrive.
I took another sip of my coconut drink, and straightened my dress. The party had started and I couldn’t sit up here all night thinking about Cole. I walked down to the ticket entrance. We had opted for wristbands to tag all the paid party guests. Mindy and Tara were behind the table collecting money and looping fluorescent bands around outstretched wrists.
It really had all come together. If only Cole was here to see it.
“Do you two need any help?” I asked over the bass from the speakers.
“No, I think we’re ok. We’ve got the best spot in the house. We get to talk to the hot guys before they even make it to the dance floor.” Tara giggled. “And I get the extra pleasure of leing them.”
Mindy gave me a more reassuring look. “Don’t worry, Kaitlyn. I’ll make her behave and keep her from running off with any of your guests.” She yanked a handful of leis from Tara, and placed them back on the table.
“Really, they can lei themselves. You don’t have to be so touchy-touchy, Tara.”
They seemed comfortable with their banter, like sisters. “Thanks, girls. Let me know if you need a break or something.”
Confident Mindy and Tara would take care of the money table, I refilled my cup and walked toward the boardwalk. Last week, Cole had convinced me to walk with him to see a star display he promised I wouldn’t forget. I smiled, knowing I didn’t remember a single star from that night, but would always remember that first kiss.
The couple I had checked in last night slid past me, walking hand in hand for an early night stroll on the beach. I think they were from Maryland, but with all the check-ins yesterday, I couldn’t keep everyone straight.
“I thought that was you up here, babe.” As soon as I heard his voice, my chest hardened. It used to make me smile.
I spun around the best I could in my sandals. “What in the hell are you doing here, Branch?”
He was wearing a smirk and a pink polo. He had popped the collar. “It’s a party.” He downed the rest of whatever was in his cup.
“Now that you’ve seen it, why don’t you leave?” Just being this close to Branch set me on edge.
I had seen that look in his eye before. The one that gleamed when he stumbled upon a party that was like a free night in Vegas. Branch in Vegas was a scary thing. I never thought he would be here tonight. If I could have done anything to prevent this from happening, I would have. Why didn’t I predict this party would draw him in like a moth to a flame?
“Whoa. You sound a little hostile. Still upset about the breakup?” He leaned over to whisper in my ear.
I stepped back. “No. I’m not upset about the stupid breakup. Why would you even say that? I’m upset about you. Where’s your date?” Branch looked surprisingly unattended.
“About that. I totally meant what I said about keeping my options open. They are wide open.” He winked.
“Eww. Are you implying
what I think you are?”
Everything about this made me feel sick. I spent over a year of my life with a complete douchebag.
He touched the side of my arm. “Were you this hot when we were dating?” His smile widened. “I might have ended things too soon.” His hand moved from my shoulder to twirl my hair through his fingers. “I kind of like that new haircut on you and your boobs look awesome in that dress.” He paused. “I think I miss you, babe.”
I couldn’t believe what he was saying. I stood, stunned as Branch continued. “Want to get a drink? Maybe try out the Waves Oasis. It’s got to be better than this place.” He cast a look toward the two rows of rooms. “You’ve still got a room there.”
My stomach flipped and I repressed a gag. I wanted to punch that smile off his face, but, I promised Cole I would only use my self-defense skills in times of real self-defense, which I hoped meant never.
“First of all, there is nowhere better than the Dunes.” I was feeling overprotective of the motel I had worked so hard to make bright and shiny. “And second, you were right to end it. I should have broken up with you a long time ago, but I was so used to doing everything you wanted, I just started going through the motions. I’m the one responsible for it dragging out until it met a slow pathetic death. You’re an asshole. You’ve always been an asshole. And you aren’t welcome here.”
His eyes flashed a wounded look and I thought I might have gone too far. It never occurred to me I could hurt Branch. A slap to the face might have been kinder.
He hung his head. “Yeah, I was right. There’s nothing for me here.” He stepped back on to the wooden platform, shoved his hands in his pockets, and walked toward the party.
“Branch, wait. I didn’t—”
But, two strides into chasing down my ex and screaming his name across the boardwalk, I saw Cole staring at me from the pool deck. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I wasn’t sure what I saw. Kaitlyn was yelling at some guy in a fucking pink shirt. I balled my fists at my side and marched over. I felt the vein in the side of my neck bulge. If he hurt her, I’d kill him.
“Are you ok?” I was only half looking at her. The guy wasn’t so far down the beach I couldn’t reach him.
“Yes. Yes. I’m good. That was…”
“You knew him?”
She nodded. “Yeah. It was Branch.” She lowered her eyes. “My ex.”
The jealousy caught me off guard. Now I really wanted to beat his face into the sand.
“What the fuck is he doing here, Kaitlyn?”
Her eyes flared. “I didn’t invite him.”
“Why is he here?”
She looked around. “Everyone is here. We invited the entire island.”
I gritted my teeth. I didn’t know what to say. I was a jealous dick.
“I don’t like the bastard.”
“I told him to go. I don’t want him here. You know that?” She searched my face.
I looked into her green eyes. “Yeah. I know it.”
Her hand slipped into mine. “I think we need to talk.”
“Yeah. We do.”
I’d put it off. Threw the inevitable into a compartment where I didn’t have to face things. But it was bound to catch up to us. Kaitlyn’s vacation was over. I had to establish normal for Grayson and I had to make sure the custody was legally sealed in case Amber changed her mind.
We couldn’t ignore it any longer. Seeing Kaitlyn with that asshole snapped me back to reality. What the hell was I doing?
We walked away from the luau, toward the cove on the beach. Lisa was at the house with Grayson. It wasn’t a great place to talk this through. I stopped to grab a blanket from the outside cubby at the bottom of the deck.
We reached the dunes and I spread it out. Kaitlyn sat.
“I-I need to tell you something.” I could tell she was nervous.
“All right. You go first then.”
“Ryan’s going to be home the day after tomorrow.”
I lowered my eyes to the sand. “I know.”
“You what?”
“He emailed me this week. A few times actually. I got one this morning from him.” I had been running around getting all this shit ready. I didn’t have time to tell her. And there wasn’t going to be a good time.
She blinked. “So you know I have to go back for his homecoming?”
I nodded. “Yeah. You do.”
“But I think you should come too. He’ll want to see you and it’s our chance to explain everything.”
I shook my head. “Not this time.”
“What do you mean? You have to go.”
“The man is coming home from over a year in the desert. He doesn’t know how long he’ll be home. I’m not dumping this on my best friend. He doesn’t deserve it.”
“Deserve it? Our relationship isn’t a punishment to Ryan.”
“I know that, Kaitlyn. But it’s not news he wants to hear. He’s never going to want to hear it. And I have no idea what he’s been through on this tour. What if he can’t handle it? I’ve seen stronger men crumble over there. It’s dangerous to put this out there.”
The wind howled through the cove. “What are you saying? You think I should just go?”
“No. I don’t want you to go. I need you.” I closed my eyes. “I want you. I want you here with me.” I sighed. “But it doesn’t mean I get what I want. You need to see your brother.”
I saw the tears collecting in the corners of her eyes. She might as well have punched me. I never wanted to make her cry. I was supposed to protect her. Keep her safe. Never hurt her.
“I don’t want to lie to my family. I’ve waited ten years for you Cole Thomas. Ten years. And now you’re saying we had a good run? I should just let this go?”
“It’s not what I want. I want you.”
“But you have me.” The first tear rolled down her cheek.
“And you’ll always have me.”
“But?” With that one look she shredded my heart.
“What do you want me to say, Kaitlyn? That I want something I can’t have anymore? It’s killing me? Letting you get on a plane tomorrow is going to be fucking horrible.”
“Then don’t. Come with me. We’ll take Grayson. My mother will love it. She’ll love him. And Ryan has support. He’ll figure this out. My brother is too stubborn to do anything but stay strong. He sounds fine. My mom says he’s fine. We can all do this.” She crawled into my lap.
“Cole, you’ve spent the last two years sacrificing everything in your life for other people. For Pops. For Grayson. And now for Ryan. Don’t you think you deserve to come first? Don’t you deserve happiness?”
I huffed. “I don’t think about it.”
She rubbed the side of my cheek. “I love you. I love you Cole Thomas. And if you’re saying you don’t want this anymore. You’re done with us, I’ll get up and walk. I swear I can do it. I’ve done it before.” Her eyes were hard. “But if you love me, and you’re pushing me away to sacrifice this for one more person, I’m staying here. And we’re figuring this out.”
“Kaitlyn,” I warned.
“I’m serious. I love you. And I love Grayson. And I love Ryan. They don’t have be mutually exclusive. I can love all three of you.”
God, where had she been all these years? This girl who had turned into an incredible woman. Her heart was capable of only seeing the good in people. She could love unconditionally. She had taken on the world this week and she never protested.
“I love you.”
She smiled. “Really?”
“I love you.” My hands wound around her back. “So I guess that means we’re going to tell Ryan.”
She wiped a tear from her cheek. “Thank God. Because I can’t leave without you.”
I pressed my forehead to hers. “I know, baby.”
I felt as if we were getting ready to enter a hurricane, but I couldn’t let her go. And I wouldn’t.
There were probably better ways to do this, but I held Cole’s hand as we stood on my parents’ front porch. He looked at me.
“Ready?” he asked.
I nodded. Grayson was asleep on Cole’s shoulder. The flight from Texas had worn him out.
It was a scrambled mess to leave the Dunes, especially at the height of vacationers, but Lance had stepped up. Lisa offered to take a few morning shifts and her sister could watch Tassels.
Hank had a repairman on call if there were any emergencies. Once Cole made the decision, he was all in. No matter what, we were doing this together.
My chest prickled. I exhaled. “Ok.”
I knocked as I pushed the door opened. “Mom? Dad?” I called. “We’re here.”
I heard my dad’s heavy footsteps in the hallway before he entered the foyer.
“Sweetheart.” His eyes dropped from my face to our clutched hands. “Cole?”
“Sir.” He reached forward to shake my dad’s hand. “Good to see you.”
I bit my lip. This was round one. “Dad, where’s mom?”
“Working on potato salad. What’s going on?” I realized he was speaking softer because of Grayson.
“I’d rather do this as few times as possible,” I explained.
Cole squeezed my shoulder and followed me to the kitchen.
“Honey.” My mom rounded the kitchen island and hugged me. “And Cole.” She beamed. “It’s been too long. I’m so glad Kaitlyn tracked you down. And look how cute Grayson is. I can’t wait to hug him.”
I blushed.
“Janet.” My dad’s voice was stern.
“What?” She looked at us.
“Cole and I wanted to talk to you about something.” He was still clutching Grayson. I knew if he tried to put him down he’d wake up.