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Sunday Page 11

by Kaia Bennett

  But then, why did he lean over her, with his eyes glowing softly, and whisper she was beautiful that night? Why did she feel like she was floating around on a cloud of pure lust, when she still thought he was so horribly conceited? She thought being assertive and giving into her desire would be easier than this, but all it did was leave more questions and fears.

  Her body still bore the marks and remembrances of his touch, but her heart was ill at ease. She had opened the door to being a casual fuck, and as much as Gia hated to admit it, she didn't want to close the door. She just wasn't sure she wanted to walk through it. Good girls like her were supposed to be in love when they spread their legs the way she seemed to do whenever Flynn was around.

  Her phone rang, snapping her out of her reverie. Gia glanced at it, expecting to see Luca's number, followed by another apologetic voicemail. All she had to see was the letter F and she was answering it.

  Speak of the devil...

  "H-hi," she said.

  "You know, I got into quite a bit of trouble with my boss today because of you."

  She couldn't help smiling as she lay back on the bed. "What did you tell him?"

  "That I was getting fucked by this gorgeous girl, and just lost track of time,"

  She laughed, biting down on her bottom lip. "You didn't really say that."

  "'Course I did. I'm pretty sure he thought I was joking," Flynn said, with a conspiratorial laugh. "He didn't think it was too funny, but I'm the best waiter they've got, so I can get away with it."

  She could already feel the dampness building between her legs. She couldn't believe she was actually talking to him, that he had called her gorgeous, and that her body was still buzzing with energy for him. She would have to get her hormone levels checked soon.

  "Still, I had to put up with a lot of shit,” he continued. “I think you should come over and apologize again."

  Gia stole a glance at the clock. It was closing in on two in the morning. "Now?" she asked. "Didn't you just get off work?"

  "How soon can you get here?" he probed, leaping right over her hesitation.

  The thought of being near him again made her heart and pussy pulse. But the idea of being someone's booty call was a disconcerting first for her. She searched for a middle ground, where she wouldn't have to sacrifice the last ounce of her pride just for the feel of him inside of her.

  "Tomorrow night,” she said. “If you still feel like having company—"

  "I feel like having you. Now. So, I can come to your place and keep your roommates up all night, or you can come to mine and make as much noise as you want. What's it going to be?"

  When did ultimatums become so sexy?

  "Give me fifteen minutes," she managed to whisper. Her hand cupped her screaming sex through her pajama shorts, and her hips tried to rock away some of the frustration.

  "Make it ten. And don't keep me waiting."

  Even before he had hung up, Gia was off the bed and pulling on clothes that would be easy to peel off. She grabbed her jacket and keys, stuffed her phone in her purse and quietly tiptoed out the door so she wouldn’t wake her roommates, Rosie and Lauren, on her way out. She was so caught up she didn't hear her phone ring, and then beep, with a new message from Luca.


  It was Tuesday night and, as was customary whenever Gia had a spare moment, she was at Flynn’s place learning just how insatiable her body was when it came to him. She lost track of the hours, the positions, the many times he made her come only to mercilessly continue teasing her body towards another climax.

  This time she found herself on her stomach, gripping his pillow for dear life while he lay pressed against her back, thrusting into her with slow, sensual strokes. But it had been far from a slow leisurely grind leading to the inevitable release. He would pull almost completely out of her and thrust hard into her sopping core, holding himself there while she wiggled futilely beneath him. Her moans echoed the ones he stifled in the crook of her neck and she rotated her hips beneath his, seeking the friction he denied her.

  "You trying to tell me something, baby?" he'd asked against her ear. His voice was deep and husky as he returned to slow shallow strokes.

  "Ahhh!" she cried when he pulled out and shoved back in again. He was so deep inside her, filling her up so completely, that she wondered if she would ever get used to the feeling. Her pussy clamped around every ridge of his hard length, as if she were trying to commit every vein, every smooth, pulsing inch of him to memory. If her body wasn't crying out for friction, she would have loved nothing more than to keep him nestled within her. But she needed more.

  "Sorry, I didn't catch that. Did you say something, Gia?"

  He loved to make her say the words, to have her writhing under him and panting to be fucked. She never disappointed him.

  "I need it...harder. Fuck me harder," she whispered.

  He slammed into her fast and hard a few times, groaning against her lips as he turned her face to his for a deep, wet kiss. To her own ears, her moans were like sex itself, dripping off of her lips and into his mouth, turning into growls when he once again refused to move within her.

  "That's the way you like it, baby?"

  "Yes, yes, please..."

  Her mouth wrapped itself around the thumb he ran over her lips, sucking the salt off his skin and the taste of her sweet pussy that still lingered there. She stared into his eyes and there was nothing there but raw, uncut hunger staring back at her. It made it almost worth the torture he was inflicting to know that he was at least feeling some of the backlash.

  His breath came out in pants and her hand reached behind her to press his clenched ass harder into her rolling hips. Every movement, every gesture coming from her body was fueled by the desperation for him to fill her, to take her to the edge, and to let her plunge off of it. He held back, if only to feel her begging with every part of her body for him.

  "You want more?" he asked, already starting to move his hips faster.

  "God, why do you have to tease me," she whimpered in frustration.

  He laughed, rolling over onto his side and taking her with him. Her hand reached back to grasp his shoulder as both his hands came around to cup her breasts. She could feel his biceps flexing, holding her steady while he fondled and manipulated her screaming body. His abs and heaving chest were pressed to her back and she curved into the feel of him, her limbs fitting perfectly against his beautiful body.

  "You know you love it when I tease," he said, picking up speed. "Just like you love my dick in this tight, wet pussy, right?"

  "Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God!" she cried out as he pumped his hips into her, her voice one long continuous wail of pleasure. She gripped his arm with her eyes slammed shut, silently begging him for just a little more. Just a little more...

  "Am I right?" he asked breathlessly, nibbling on her ear. He had once again shoved into her and was holding himself there.

  She was almost angry now and she ground her hips into him, trying to fuck herself on his cock. Her hand was on his lean muscular thigh. She could feel the light blond hairs under her fingertips. She gripped him tightly and propelled herself against him as much as his hold on her and their position would allow. He had other ideas. His hand pulled her clenched thighs apart and held one up by her inner thigh. This new position took too much of her power away and she gasped in protest.

  "You gonna make me ask you again, or are you going to be a good girl?"

  Fuck. She'd had yet to find an antidote for the way his voice and his words made her so willing to do and say almost anything if he just wouldn't stop fucking her.

  "I love it...I love how you feel inside me," she groaned, turning her head so that he could cover her lips with his, whispering just before he did, "Please, Flynn, I can't take much more."

  His kiss was gentle and soft, mimicking the way his dick was sliding in and out of her. It was the calm before the storm. He'd pulled out and moved in so slow that she could feel every inch of him curving back
into her. She could feel herself swallowing him up, pulling him in deeper. She whimpered with relief as he released her thigh and brought two fingers up to her full red lips.

  She took them eagerly into her mouth, looking him in the eye with a small smile curving her lips around his fingers. She could relax now, knowing as he pulled his wet fingers out of her mouth that he would use them to their fullest potential. She melted into his fingertips as the wet pads of flesh touched her slippery clit and began to circle it.

  "Yes," she moaned rocking her hips back and forth. The pressure was building, filling her up.

  He took his time working up his stroke, each one coming harder and faster than the last until she thought she had lost her voice. For a long moment, no sound came out. Or maybe she just couldn't hear as every other sense took a back seat to the feel of her clit being tapped rapidly by his fingers, by the feel of his cock barely having time to be swallowed by her wet lips before it left and plunged back in again.

  Her body's recognition of her release was like a train picking up speed until it barreled into her. She could feel her fingers digging into his skin now, feel her leg clenched and propped up on his thigh, the soft hairs of his thigh rubbing constantly against her calve as he fucked her senseless. And then she heard herself screaming as she exploded, the magnified sound of his pants and groans in her ear. He whispered her name and it mingled with the sound of him stroking in an out of the wetness that was running down her thighs.

  She was gasping and practically crying as her eyes watered over. Her body was trying to lean over into the bed as if it were attempting to escape the pleasure pulsing through her. But he held her to him, clasping her rigid and jerking body to his, growling against her as he came shortly after. His hips moved even faster now, if that were possible, and she could feel his mouth open in a soundless shout of his own against her jaw.

  His voice cracked under the weight of his own groans as he thrust erratically into her, losing his self imposed rhythm as his orgasm took over. His breath was hot and fanning rapidly against her cheek and then his teeth were closed and gritted against her neck. One last hard stroke that made her gasp and arch against him, and then he was spent, collapsing behind her.

  She licked her dry lips, swallowing in her breath as the shivers coursed through her body. Her pussy was still throbbing and she ran her hand over her clit, then lower where their bodies were joined. He was covered in her juices, still rocking slightly within her. He moaned in surprise as she cupped his wet balls, pumping into her involuntarily at the feel of her warm hand on him.

  When she turned to kiss him, his lips were already there, waiting.


  Class was over and, as usual, there was a tingling of anticipation over Gia’s skin as Flynn walked down the steps while she packed up her things. He’d taken to walking past her after class now, so his body could press subtly against hers, or his fingers could brush lightly against the small of her back, as they were doing now. One little touch was all it took to make her body quiver. Then the ever-present ache for him would take over completely.

  She couldn’t escape his effect on her, the way he commanded her attention and overpowered her senses. She caught his scent as he passed her, felt the heat of his skin just inches away from hers. And then, as always, she would remember the last night they had spent together. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he walked out of the classroom without so much as a glance back. God, that just killed her, watching him walk. It must be nice to have that kind of all encompassing affect on another human being, to know, without even checking, that they were melting from just a touch.

  Last night had been more proof of his hold on her, and she spent half the morning stifling her yawns and trying not to throb with longing.

  It wasn't hard to see why she could barely pay attention to where she was walking when those were the types of thoughts she had to contend with.

  She had a break after Psych, and she headed down the hall to meet a classmate for a study session at the library. She nearly screamed when she felt her arm being lifted and her body being yanked to the side like she was a cartoon character. She found herself in a dark classroom, the light rapidly draining away as Flynn closed the door behind her.

  "No, no, no. I can't do this now," Gia protested when he came in for a kiss. She laughed quietly, dodging his lips only to have them nestle in the crook of her neck.

  "And why not? Thought this was your free period."

  " is," she gasped, and he pulled her hips into his while pressing her against the wall beside the door. "But I promised...I have to meet...mmm..."

  His mouth reached its original target, and all of her half-assed protesting took a back seat. His tongue parted her lips and slid in to lick deeply at her sweet mouth. His hands cupped her ass, pressing her hips firmly into his growing erection.

  Actually, if Flynn were honest, the erection hadn't grown so much as intensified as he waited for the clock to tick down the minutes towards the end of class. It was lucky for him that he didn't really need to pay attention, because it would have been impossible anyway. He was having trouble concentrating on much of anything these days, unless it was the feel of her wrapped around him, her lips on his, or the sound of her laugh. Her laugh and her smile were starting to have as drastic an affect on him as those doe eyes, those full lips, and those soft golden brown curves.

  "Stop," she gasped, when he came up for air. "I'm supposed to meet Jeremy in twenty minutes—"

  "Who the fuck is Jeremy?" Flynn asked, his brow furrowed.

  She couldn't help laughing at the confused expression on his face. "He's the guy I'm supposed to meet at the library for Western Civ. I was already late last time, and I refuse, and I do mean refuse, to meet him looking like I just had sex. Again."

  The "again" was warranted. But he really couldn't be blamed. Sometimes their schedules were so mismatched they couldn't meet every night, like Flynn would have been more than happy to do. It wasn't his intention to make it a habit, but he knew this classroom would be empty. He also knew it was getting increasingly difficult to see her in class and not touch her in some way immediately after.

  It was like getting a fix; and last Friday, he had done just that when he’d dragged her into this empty room, laid her on the desk at the front, lifted her skirt, and fucked her so hard he had to cover her mouth to muffle her screams. It had been quick and explosive, made all the more so by the fact that the thin slit of glass in the door let them see brief glimpses of passersby, all of them completely oblivious to what they were doing inside the dark classroom.

  Gia had barely been able to walk straight when they were done and Flynn could still see her looking over her shoulder, biting her lip against a naughty smile as she hurried to her study session. He’d known she would protest today—just as she had that day—but in the end, she'd be walking out of this room with the feel of him still vibrating between her thighs.

  She almost gulped audibly as his forehead smoothed out and the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. He was giving her that look, the one where his eyes seemed to say I have you in the palm of my hand.

  "You refuse, huh?" Flynn murmured softly, his tone turning the simple words into a seductive challenge.

  "I'm serious...Flynn..." she gasped as he cupped her breasts through her tank top, then slid his hands up to pull the straps down all together. "Shit," she moaned.

  "You sure you want me to stop?" he asked, rolling the red fabric down to reveal her heaving breasts. He knelt slowly and placed light kisses over each chocolate nipple, followed by a long lick of his pink tongue. Even in the dark, his green eyes seemed to shine with mischief. "I don't think you want me to stop. But I wouldn't want to get in the way of you putting your cute little foot down."

  Her eyes flashed with resistance, and her parted mouth curved into a bitter smile. He was mocking her for being practically powerless in his presence, and it irked her, even through her haze of lust. She twisted her fing
ers in his hair and tugged just hard enough to get his attention.

  "You think you're impossible to resist, don't you?" she asked.

  He met her smile with a grin of his own as he came back to his full height. He loomed over her, leaning one arm against the wall by her head, while his other hand cupped a free breast. She should have felt exposed and vulnerable, standing there with her breasts sitting out in the open, but all she could feel was the pleasurable pain of him pinching a throbbing nipple between his fingers, and then his hand palming her aching flesh.

  She closed her eyes as the back of his hand traveled down her stomach, only turning when it came to the apex between her trembling thighs. His hand slapped her jean-covered pussy, cupping it until she was leaning into his rubbing palm. She did her best to stifle the cry struggling for release behind her pressed lips.

  "She seems to think I'm irresistible," Flynn said, with a light chuckle, referring to her soaked pussy.

  Gia was going to lose it again if she didn't get a hold of herself. She couldn’t stand the thought of going to the library and trying to concentrate with the scent of him clinging to her skin. However, her pussy was vibrating with a need that never seemed fulfilled. She wanted him too much, and the thought propelled her into action.

  His eyes actually widened in surprise when her lips pressed with bruising intensity into his. Her tongue dove into his mouth, the vibrations of her moans shooting like an electrical current directly to his cock. He could feel the soft warmth of her bare breasts through his black t-shirt, and he stroked the silky skin of her back. He reached for the hem of her tank top and she lifted her arms to help him.

  It came as quite the surprise when, after dropping the tank top to the floor, he went to enfold her in his arms and she didn’t immediately sink into his embrace. Instead, she clutched his black t-shirt and turned him around so his back was pressed against the wall. Then she quickly sank to her knees in front of him and undid his belt.


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