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Sunday Page 12

by Kaia Bennett

  Flynn stroked her hair, his breath coming quicker as Gia unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. She smiled up at him, pulling his jeans and boxers down his hips and letting his cock spring free. She wasted no time in sucking one of his tight balls into her mouth, and then the other, laving them wetly with her insistent tongue. He leaned into the wall and jutted his hips out to give her more access.

  His cock was already dripping iridescent pearls of arousal when she finally let her tongue stroke up from his balls to the root of his shaft, and then all the way up to the tip. He knew exactly what she was trying to pull when she wrapped her soft hand around him and angled the tip towards her pretty mouth. He smiled, thinking he would let her have her fun before he picked her up, bent her over and pounded that little pussy into another stratosphere.

  And then, he forgot to think period, because she was swirling her tongue over the scarlet head of him and dipping it into the weeping slit. She let her tongue flick back and forth across the underside, before she opened her mouth and sucked the throbbing tip into her wet warmth.

  Flynn knocked his head against the wall, closing his eyes against the pleasurable assault on his dick. She was engulfing him in the moist suction of her mouth, moaning over him until he was aching and groaning, and twisting his fingers in her soft hair. He didn't know whether he wanted to put an end to this, or let her have her way with him.

  Gia made the decision for him when she stroked her saliva over his rigid length, sucking on the sensitive head while caressing and rolling his balls in her other hand.

  "Shit, Gia...Yeah, baby, suck it just like that..."

  It was all he could manage to say before his voice became grunts and groans and whispered curses that sounded like prayers to her ears.

  There was too much going on, too much pleasure and not enough time to think about grasping for control. He felt the balls she was fondling so seductively begin to tighten, his thighs flexing and his hips pumping as she took him into the back of her throat and swallowed. His groan came through gritted teeth. A balled up fist hit the wall and the other hand grasped her head tighter over his cock as his come sizzled to the surface. She swallowed, working her throat over him, sucking the salty sweetness of his body's desire for her from his throbbing cock.

  It took a long moment for him to recover, and Gia didn't know how she had managed to swallow most of him, with only a little bit dribbling out of the corners of her mouth. It seemed like forever before his body relaxed against the wall and the last of him spurted down her throat. She sucked all the way up to the tip, letting her tongue play over him and dip into the leaking hole, sucking out more of his salty nectar.

  "G-Gia...stop, there's no more," he groaned, pulling her away gently. The pleasure was starting to turn into something close to pain.

  She stroked him for a second longer, running her thumb over the head before she grabbed her shirt and stood. She watched Flynn gazing at her through hooded eyes as he regained his composure. She pulled her tank top back on to cover her tingling breasts, and then wiped daintily at the corners of her mouth.

  Her body was still humming, and she wondered if she shouldn't have just let him have his way. How was she going to be able to concentrate with the look and sounds of him coming playing over and over in her head? But it was worth it to have this little victory over him.

  "Looks like he finds me irresistible, too," she purred as she tucked his cock lovingly back into his boxers, zipping and buttoning him up.

  She leaned in, pressed her mouth to his, and let him taste himself on her lips. Their tongues played over each other’s, her hands splayed over his defined chest while his arms wrapped around her. She had to force herself to pull away, but not before placing a little peck on his chin.

  He wasn't so willing to let go. His fingers were in her hair and his eyes were gazing into hers. She found it hard to breathe. And then breathing left the picture altogether when he spoke.

  "You better get yourself nice and prepared for tomorrow night," he whispered, "because I'm going to make sure you finish what you started."

  He had work and she had a test at eight the next morning, so meeting that evening would be out of the question. Although, the way he was looking at her made her want to reconsider.

  Flynn kissed her once more, swiping his thumb gently over her bottom lip before forcing himself to take his hands away from her.

  "You’d better go, before I change my mind." He was only half joking. Once again, he could feel that familiar ache as his cock started to stir just from kissing her.

  "See you tomorrow night," Gia whispered into his ear. She relished the slight shiver her voice sent through his body. Her hands stroked down his torso as she pulled away, one hand trailing to stroke his abs. He let his fingertips play over her retreating arm until only their hands were touching. One last look, one last touch of their fingertips, and then she was out of the door.


  This was bad.

  This was very bad.

  She probably should have expected this would happen eventually, but she hadn't. And now, she was staring at Luca, who was leaning against her car waiting for her when she came out of work.

  "Hey, babe," he said, standing upright, with his hands shoved in his pockets.

  Guilt was sitting heavy in the back of her throat and she did her best to swallow it down. He sounded so small, and looked somewhere between embarrassed and sad as he stole a glance at her.

  "Hey," Gia said as she approached her car.

  It was so odd, saying hello and not leaning in to kiss him like she had done every day for two years. Her body actually twitched with the impulse, familiarity swimming to the surface when she looked at him.

  "What are you doing here?"

  It was a stupid question, but it served its purpose. It gave her something to say when words were hard to find.

  "You won't return my calls. You won't see me." He shrugged, taking a tentative step towards her. "I couldn't think of any other way to get you to talk to me."

  "We don't really have anything to talk about, Luca."

  "Please, Gia.” He watched her intently as she walked around him to get to her door, pleading in every way he could for her to listen. “You don't know how hard this is for me."

  He placed his hand gently on her arm as she went to unlock her door. Again, she was flooded with the sensation of familiarity. She knew his touch. The cologne he was wearing was the same one she had inhaled deeply when she’d snuggled into his arms. The hazel eyes looking down at her were different, though. They were guarded and sad. She couldn't believe he was looking at her that way, or that she was the reason he looked so lost.

  "Can't you just give me a minute?"

  She stifled a sigh, turning until her back was against her car door. They were standing side by side now, staring off into the parking lot, at the people entering and exiting the café where she worked.

  "How have you been?" Luca asked. The words were awkward and rushed, as if he were forcing himself to say something before he lost his nerve.

  "Fine," she answered. They were silent for another moment, if only because she couldn't bring herself to ask him how he was doing. She didn't need to though, because he was intent on telling her.

  “I'm not fine," he whispered after a long moment. "I wish I was, but all I keep thinking about is you and how I fucked everything up."

  "You don't need to do this, Luc. It's doesn't matter anymore," she said, quietly.

  "Please, just hear me out, because it all matters to me. The fact that I hurt you...that I did what I did..."

  She watched him from the corner of her eye as he stared up towards the sky. He looked like he was about to cry.

  "I wish I could undo it. I never wanted to be with Ashley over you. I just wasn't thinking straight and I made this stupid mistake." He turned to look at her though she refused to meet his eyes and said, "You've got to understand, it really is over with her. I ended it just before you found out because I realized th
at I only want to be with you. And I'm… I'm just so sorry."

  His eyes were on the side of her face. Gia felt his hand reach out for hers, his fingers barely curling into her palm and his thumb tentatively rubbing over the back of her hand. It was as if he was waiting for her to pull away, and she would have if she had seen him reaching for her. But she hadn't seen and her body knew the feel of those fingers, the way they used to wrap so confidently around her hand because they belonged there.

  It would be so easy to relax into his grip, to give into the habit of clutching his hand back. It was the effort not to grasp his hand, the weight of wanting to comfort him, yet knowing she was only going to hurt him more, that made her so sad. Her nose was starting to burn, the world around her shimmering as her eyes began to tear. There was no way they could make things work, and it wasn’t just because of the bitterness surrounding the wrongs they had done. She knew she didn’t love him the way she used to, couldn’t love him the way he wanted her to. Not anymore.

  "I...I miss you, Gigi. I didn't think anything could hurt this bad."

  She was trying so hard not to cry, but his voice cracked and before she knew it, her eyes were overflowing. One tear and then another rolled down her cheeks, and she bit her upper lip, tasting the salt of regret.

  Why was she acting like this when she was the one who’d ended things? How could it be fair to still care this much, to still hurt this much because of what he did, even when deep down she knew she didn’t love him anymore? Why couldn’t this have been a simple, clean break so that neither of them would have to be in pain?

  "Don't you miss me? Even a little bit?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

  His hand was growing bolder and desperate as it grasped hers. There was hope in his voice, but it dwindled when she remained silent beside him.

  She sniffed and brushed away the tears that were falling silently.

  "Yeah, Luc, I do miss you," she whispered. "But, I can't go back. I just...I'm sorry, but I just can't."

  She shook her head and pulled her hand away as gently as possible. But he grabbed it again, and held on tighter.

  "Why? Is it because of that guy, Flynn?" Her hand tensed, and the look on her face told him he was right.

  "Look, when you told me about what happened, I wanted to kill him,” he said. “I still do, but I can get past it. I know it was just a stupid one-time thing, and if I had been there for you, like I was supposed to, it never would have happened."

  The bile was rising again. Flynn was much more than a onetime thing, but she wasn't going to volunteer that information now.

  "Don't do this," Gia said. "Just let it go."

  She pulled away again, and went to open her car door when he turned her face to his. He held her face in his hands, looking in her eyes, and she saw there were unshed tears in his. His eyes held her captive, and she felt defenseless when he leaned in and kissed her. She was surprised at how soft and full his lips were, despite the desperate way he pressed them to hers.

  Gia found herself immediately comparing Luca’s mouth to Flynn's, realizing too late that she wasn't pulling away, even though the kiss wasn't what was keeping her still. She was held in place by the memory of it all, of how Luca had made her feel so loved and complete, once upon a time. She felt the dim spark of what used to be, and it made her pause, mourning the potency their love used to hold.

  There was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, and she was even more confused when Luca pulled away. She felt as if she was betraying someone, but whom she couldn't be sure. Was it Luca, whose eyes shone with hope because she hadn't had time to stop him? Or, was it Flynn, a guy that wasn't even her boyfriend, which she was betraying?

  "I still love you, Gia. And I know you still love me," he said, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. She pulled his hands away from her face and tried to turn her insides to stone when she spoke.

  "I always will, but that doesn't change anything. It's over," she said. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

  She got into her car quickly and tried to close the door, but he blocked the movement with his body and knelt down on the balls of his feet to look up at her.

  "I won't make the same mistake twice and just give up on us," Luca said, and his voice was adamant. "Just give me another chance. Please."

  He waited for a moment, but when she didn't speak and didn’t look at him, he stood and backed away. Gia didn't look at him as she closed the door and pulled out of the lot to head home. She didn’t want to give him anymore cause for false hope where getting her back was concerned. Only when she felt a safe distance away from the determination in his hazel eyes did she dare to glance in her rearview mirror.

  He was still there, watching her drive out of sight.


  It was Sunday, and Flynn was taking the steps to Gia's apartment two at a time.

  He hadn't seen her since Thursday night. Her roommates were gone for the weekend, so she suggested they work at her place for a change of scenery. The plan was to finish up the work for their project and then, he was pretty positive, fuck on whatever surface could sustain their weight.

  He could just imagine her waiting for him in something that wouldn't take long for him to tear off. He could already hear her panting his name, could almost feel his dick sliding into her. The image was so vivid he had to adjust himself slightly before knocking on the door. He heard her shuffling inside as he leaned against the doorjamb, waiting with a smile. Finally, the door opened and she stood before him.

  "Wow," he said, taken back by the sight of her. "You look like shit."

  Gia didn't catch the end of his sentence, because she was too busy sneezing like she was possessed, but she got the gist. She had to agree with him. She knew she looked awful. Her eyes were a watery mess and her nose was permanently attached to a tissue. She was in sweatpants, a gray t-shirt, and her hair was swept into a haphazard ponytail.

  When her sneezing fit was over, she looked up to see Flynn staring at her as if she’d been body snatched. She’d fallen asleep on the couch and hadn't had time to freshen herself up. Nothing could be a bigger turn off than looking like a ball of mucous attacked you. He’d never seen her in anything but pristine condition, and it made her more than a little self-conscious—especially since Flynn looked good enough for the both of them.

  The day had been overcast and he was dressed for the strange cold front they were having. His dirty blond hair curled out from under a black beanie. A red t-shirt over a black long sleeved one, blue jeans, and black sneakers completed his outfit. If she hadn't felt like she was dying, she would've jumped him immediately.

  "You sure know how to charm a girl," she said, letting him in.

  He pulled his laptop bag off his shoulder as he strode into her apartment. It was in as much disarray as one could expect from a hardcore perfectionist like Gia. The poster boards they had discussed were strewn all over the living room floor, coffee table, and kitchen table. There were index cards and all kinds of diagrams just waiting to be pasted onto something. What Flynn thought was nearly a done deal after the work she had emailed him had spiraled into academic madness.

  So much for fucking the afternoon away.

  "So, you weren't lying when you were talking all that garbage about more visual aids, huh?”

  Her response was to cough and blow her nose. He watched her plop down on the couch, searching through her notes for the itinerary she’d made for them to follow in order to meet their deadline. He took it from her carefully, at the edge, as if it were radioactive, his eyes laughing when she glared at him.

  "You are enjoying this way too much," Gia said.

  "Actually, when I get sick, I'm out of commission for weeks. And the shit coming out of your nose looks lethal, so..."

  "Shut up. It's just a cold," she laughed, throwing a glue stick at him before turning her attention to the task at hand. "And this isn't really that many," she said, referring to the posters she was making. "I
would've been done already if I hadn't passed out on the couch."

  He nodded, looking over the break down for Friday's hour-long presentation. He had to hand it to the girl, she was definitely efficient and he didn't have any doubts that they would receive a high grade. Once they were finished with the fucking posters, that was.

  He was going to make another joke when he turned to her, but he paused. He looked down at her just in time to see her sniff and rub her hand over her forehead. Her hand shook slightly, and her body dipped forward as if she were feeling too weak to sit upright. A frown wrinkled his brow as he studied her.

  "Hey!" she exclaimed as his cool hand came out of nowhere to press against her forehead. "I thought you said you were too scared to get near me."

  "You're burning up," he muttered, touching her cheek gently.

  "I'm fine," she said. Or rather, she tried to say. She was attacked by another coughing fit, and he heard her rasp out an angry curse as he headed into the kitchen.

  "Yeah, you sound fan-fuckin-tastic," he muttered to himself.

  "What?" she asked when she had stopped coughing.

  Flynn was leaning against the counter, staring at her. She was having trouble hearing him over the death rattle in her chest.

  "I said, do you have tea and honey?"

  She nodded, waving to a cabinet on his far right while she blew her nose.

  She watched him shuffle through her cabinets, boil water and put a small pot on the stove for soup. The realization he was doing this for her came much later than it should have for a relatively intelligent girl. She decided she must be sicker than she’d thought because she was enthralled by the sight of him boiling water. It was mundanely comical; like watching something on Animal Planet, as this usually dominant and predatory man made his rounds in her kitchen.

  Flynn doing something nice, she thought. Fascinating. Let's take a closer look.

  "While that's getting done, you're going to rest," he said as he came over to her. He picked her up, cradling her in his arms as if she weighed nothing.


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