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Page 31

by Kaia Bennett

  “You better stop…”

  He tugged gently on the strands of her hair, making her gasp just loud enough for him to hear

  “Why?” he asked, his voice the epitome of teasing. He gave her another small taste of his dominant nature and tugged again.

  “I don’t think you want me to total my car because I’m too turned on to drive, do you?”

  His grin was mischievous; those slanted green eyes twinkling as his fingers swept through her hair and rested on the back of her neck. He rubbed in firm, rhythmic circles, licking his lips when her eyelids fluttered slightly and she tilted into the press of her fingers. The way her breath caught in her throat and her back arched slightly into his touch made him widen his legs to give his growing cock some room.

  “Maybe you should pull over then,” he suggested, leaning over to bite into her shoulder and then lap softly at the marks of his teeth.

  She inhaled sharply when he raised his lips to her neck and then her ear lobe.

  “Pull over,” he whispered firmly. “Now.”

  Gia smirked in spite of the flames coursing over her body. This wasn’t the first time Flynn had wanted to give her a proper greeting before they even made it to her apartment. Part of it was the fact that unlike him, she had roommates to worry about, and though she’d long since made peace with her vocal relationship with Flynn, she didn’t feel like her friends learning about it. Again.

  Flynn didn’t always feel like listening when she begged him not to make her scream. There had been more than a few mornings where she woke to find Rosie cutting her eyes in disbelief, and Kate grinning like a villain as she got ready for class while Flynn lay naked, content, and sleeping in her bed. Then of course there was the other reason, the one where they just couldn’t seem to keep their hands off of each other even if they wanted to. An hour was just too long to wait.

  She pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway, cars whizzing past and rocking the car slightly from side to side. She laughed to herself, thinking that in a moment it would be rocking a whole lot more rhythmically. She barely put the car in park and turned it off before he was on her, kissing her lips as if he was dying of thirst for her. She didn’t know how he did it, how he could make a kiss so hungry, rough, and loving all at once. She didn’t care. She just wanted him to never stop.

  “Mmm,” he moaned into her mouth, tasting her sweetness and realizing with a shock that it really had been too long.

  It was amazing what his body could endure for love of her. It wasn’t easy waiting for the moment when he could finally touch her and sink his body into her tight warmth. He was still a man, and he lived in the Mecca of porn stars and half-naked actresses. Going months without pussy, especially hers, was a torture he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.

  Yes, he definitely looked at other women, but he never felt the need to touch, not when he had this feeling waiting for him. He knew anything else, anyone else, just wouldn’t do. So, he forced himself to endure the painful wait until he could pour all of his pent up love back into her.

  It was always worth it.

  “So sweet. I can’t wait to taste the rest of you,” he joked loving the way her lips curved into the most innocent and sexy of smiles.

  Even now she still managed to look like such a good girl. But now his good girl was unstrapping her seatbelt and pulling away, eyes watching him intently as she bit her bottom lip and slid her body towards the back seat. He smiled wide, undoing his seatbelt and shuffling his larger body smoothly between the driver’s and passenger’s seats to follow after her.

  He barely settled himself into the back seat before she was all over him, her eyes echoing the hunger in his as she pulled Flynn to her. She pressed her soft lips against his, tasting his mouth lovingly before pressing her lips to his cheek, and then the smooth column of his neck. She slid her hands under his shirt, and pinched hard at the nipple cradled inside the scorpion stinger, laughing when he lifted her head and kissed her harder, growling into her mouth.

  His shirt was quickly peeled off and tossed aside so that he could concentrate on devouring her mouth. The only sound was their desperate breaths, their gasps, and the sound of the rain tapping like tiny diamonds against the car as the sky opened up over them.

  They were in a frenzy, almost unable to decide whether they wanted to get undressed or keep their lips and tongues connected. Flynn was undoing the buckle of his belt, unzipping his jeans and sitting up slightly, parting with her lips for just a moment while he slid them down his hips, but never taking his eyes off of hers. As soon as she saw that long thick column of flesh spring into sight she groaned and reached for it, stroking her hand up and down while her other hand reached for her own jeans.

  She undid them and slid them down, gasping when he took over and pulled them all the way off with a rough tug. One hand was in her hair, pulling her towards him, the other on her breast, lifting it and tweaking the painfully hard nipple through her shirt before crossing over to the other. She lifted her arms and let him take off her shirt, leaving her in just her red bra and the anticipation of being filled by him.

  “Turn over,” he ordered softly, green eyes glowing as he helped her flip over and kneel on the back seat. Her cheek was against the soft leather, ass hiked high and thighs clenched tight as he dipped his fingers into the soft petals of flesh between them. He didn’t know why he’d checked. She was always wet, always inviting him inside of her and she proved it by rocking her hips into his fingers with a muffled moan.

  He teased as he bent over her back, sliding the head of his cock up and down her glistening slit, torturing himself as well as her. He couldn’t wait to come inside of her, but he also didn’t want this to end too soon. He was going to savor her, as much as his tired body and the cramped backseat would allow him to.

  She cried out as he pressed the head in and then pulled it back out. “Please, put it in, Cameron. I can’t wait anymore...”

  He licked his lips, looking down at her with hooded eyes when she turned to look over her shoulder. She was rocking her hips back and forth, licking her bottom lip as she slipped her fingers between her legs and stroked her clit in eagerness. He held the head of his cock against her entrance and she slid her body backwards, engulfing his swollen length between the clenching lips of her pussy. A sharp breath caught in her throat as he pushed his hips forward and completely entered her.

  He moaned as he palmed the firm curves of her ass, loving the way his cock disappeared between the smooth caramel cheeks. What he loved even more was the way she whimpered for him when he pulled all the way out and spanked her clit with the engorged tip.

  “Please!” she cried desperately, reaching behind her so that she could grasp his thigh and pull him closer to her.

  He leaned over, rubbing the head up and down her aching slit and whispered in her ear, “Can’t say no to you, baby.”

  He felt her shiver violently when he entered her in one smooth, hard lunge, and the sound of her whimpering moans drew a strangled groan from his throat. She was so tight and wet and a month had been much too long. Any amount of time away from her was too long.

  Before he knew it he was pumping in and out of her faster and faster, setting a pace that matched the intensity of their moans and cries. His chest was pressed hard against her back, one arm braced on the headrest while the other was wrapped around her waist. It helped keep her shaky arms from having to support all of their weight, and kept her closer to him, just where she belonged.

  The sounds of the leather interior catching on their skin, the wet smack of his cock fondling the tight, warmth of her body, and the sound of their desperate voices as they reached their climax, were joined only by the sound of the rain growing harder and the cars whizzing by.

  “B-baby, don’t stop… gonna…come…” she cried through gritted teeth.

  She felt him turning her face to his, his lips slamming into hers, his tongue mimicking his hard cock as it thrust into her body. Just to switch it up, and k
eep himself from letting this end all too soon, he rotated his hips in her clenching core, turning wide circles that made her gasp and nod her head.

  “Yes, yes, yes! Ohhh Go—”

  He stole her voice when he slammed into her again, and dipped his hand between her legs so that his fingertips could rub delicious friction over that hard bud of flesh. Sparks were lighting between her legs, her hips rolling into his as that powerful tingle began low in her stomach. Every thrust of his hard flesh between her quivering thighs brought her that much closer to the edge. It had been so long, too long since she’d felt like this.

  She reached behind her, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and leaning her head back so that she could be even closer to him. The sounds of his erratic breath, of his moans and the way he whispered her name were making it so that she was on the precipice of coming. She could feel him grit his teeth against the sweet spot on her jaw just below her ear. She could feel him gripping her even tighter around the waist. She could feel herself getting ready to fall.

  “Ungh, Gia! Can’t…h-hold…”

  He didn’t need to hold on much longer because she was screaming and coming, the muscles of her pussy rippling tightly over him as he thrust harder and faster towards his own release. He wrapped both arms around her body and pressed his lips to her ear, his labored breath becoming loud, tortured groans. It made the aftershocks coursing through her body almost as powerful as the orgasm itself.

  She loved the sound of his masculine moans, of his stuttering breaths escaping between the softness of his lips as they pressed against her body. She loved the feel of his strong hands grasping her even tighter just before he came, and the way his voice could barely escape his throat as he spent all of his energy within her. She actually cried out with relief and desire when she felt the first shot of his come swimming inside of her pussy. He was vibrating behind her, shaking as she clamped around him, her body trying to milk every last drop of come from his cock in those last moments.

  “Goddamn…” he whispered emphatically when he found enough air to spare on words.

  She giggled and nodded her head, only to gasp and wiggle her hips when the vibrations of her laughter made him thrust into her. He relished dipping in and out of her warmth and the hot come he’d left there for a few moments, before finally pulling out.

  She fell forward when he released his firm grip on her, leaning on her elbows as she fought to catch her breath. She reached between her legs, stroking out the residual throbbing he always seemed to leave behind, as well as the hot release leaking out of her. She moaned as her fingers swirled lightly in their mingled come, thinking how much she’d missed the feel of him inside of her and how happy she was that this time she didn’t have to imagine him there.

  Flynn lay against her back, trying to lessen some of his weight by gripping the headrest. He swept away her soft hair to kiss the curve of her neck. Then, with a little smile, he pressed his lips to her shoulder blade, covering the jewel-toned hummingbird that was now permanently resting there. It’s design was the spitting image of the hummingbird necklace he’d given her. She still had the necklace, but she tended to save wearing it for special occasions, always afraid that she was going to lose it somehow. The tattoo had become a fitting substitute. He knew she could feel where he was placing his kiss and she turned slightly, giving him a tired and sweet smile.

  “Still can’t get over it,” he said, leaning back and tracing his fingers over the relatively new tattoo.

  She got it over spring break when she visited him in L.A. and he had only gotten to see it for a week before she had to go back East.

  “It’s just so…girly.”

  She laughed, sitting up so that she could wrap her arm around his neck and pull herself closer to him.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I am a girl.”

  “Trust me,” he whispered, pulling her to him and running his hands hungrily over her warm body, “I noticed.”

  She smiled, threading her fingers lightly through the curls at the back of his neck, and tracing the new ink that was placed there. It was her name in scrawling cursive, wrapped inside of a border that curved around to just barely peek out on the sides of his neck in sharp points. She’d gone in with him to get her first tattoo with out knowing he was going to get one of his own, and then he refused to tell her what it was until it was finished. Now she found that she couldn’t get enough of touching the place that had her name emblazoned permanently, letting the entire world see who he belonged to, who belonged to him.

  “I’m starving,” he said, finally. As if to confirm it, his stomach growled loudly.

  “What? Those little peanuts they gave you on the plane didn’t fill you up?”

  He gave her a crooked grin and a shrug when she chuckled.

  “They would have, but then you just had to fuck me on the side of the road. You wore me out and now I’m hungry again.”

  They laughed as they slid their clothes back into place and then climbed back into the front seat. Gia wiggled a little as she settled into the seat and buckled up, clenching the remains of their reunion between her thighs.

  She wished she could spend the rest of the day getting reacquainted with Flynn’s body, but she knew the drill. First came fucking, then came food, and then came a long, nearly comatose sleep to combat the jetlag. If only she didn’t have her graduation the next day and the party following it. She sighed as his fingers once again reached over to curl in her hair.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, reading her mood as he often tended to do these days. He leaned over, placing a kiss on her forehead before saying, “We’ll make up for lost time later.”

  She turned to him and smiled, kissing the inside of his wrist. She nodded and then started the car, getting back onto the highway. He was right. They would have plenty of time to be together once they made it through this weekend.


  “How many you want?” James, the youngest of Gia’s older brothers asked as he flipped burgers on the grill.

  In true Kessler fashion, James was trying to keep up with the high demand for his almost addictively good barbecue skills. It helped that he was a chef, but even if he hadn’t been, all those years of being forced to help their father at the grill would’ve paid off.

  “Um, three. One for me and two for Flynn,” she said.

  She glanced towards the driveway, which was now serving as the basketball court. She had to suppress a shiver as she watched Flynn dribble the ball, weaving it in and out of his legs, faking left then dribbling right before passing the ball behind his back to her oldest brother, Marcus Jr.

  He was shirtless and in jeans, showing that the past year spent in California had given him a nice if somewhat subtle tan to go with his lean and muscular build. His hair was also a lighter blond and slightly damp from playing nonstop for the last two hours. “Playing” included shuffling around one toddler after the next.

  Her family was big, filled with little cousins, nieces, and nephews. But it was also somewhat insular and they had recognized almost immediately that Flynn was a very new, very good-looking face. One brave little girl had gotten up the courage to say ‘hello’, and when Flynn smiled and said ‘hello’ back all hell broke loose and he fast became their shiny new toy. The wariness dissipated into squeals and giggles as all the kids eight and under started to follow him around like baby ducks.

  “I don’t get it,” he’d huffed after eight exhausting rounds of “spin the toddler around in a circle”.

  At this point the kids had taken to chasing down and attacking various limbs. He had one little girl tugging on each arm, swinging back and forth and begging for her turn to ride his back or be spun around, and one boy wrapped around his leg.

  “I’m not even a nice person. Kids should be afraid of me, right?”

  He was genuinely confused and unnerved by his sudden popularity, which only served to make him look more adorable.

  She’d just giggled and shook he
r head. “What can I say, baby, you’re a hot commodity. Plus, the Kessler’s are a strange brood. We tend to fall for tall, evil blond guys.”

  “Cute,” he deadpanned. “You gonna help me with this?”

  By “this” he meant the two little girls he was lifting in the air, and the one little boy wrapped around his lower leg, also being lifted in the air. She wasn’t sure if he could hear her laughing over the cacophony of toddler giggles, but soon it didn’t matter because he was laughing, too, though his face seemed to say that he thought the whole situation was pretty absurd.

  “You look like you’re doing just fine on your own.”

  And even if he didn’t always look comfortable, he really had done fine. Seeing him start to relax and mingle with her family felt like a silent blessing, like she’d found a new kind of family with him. It was just another confirmation that her head and her heart had made the right decision when it came to moving in with him.

  There was a lot on her mind, and though most of her thoughts were happy ones she couldn’t help but mourn all the familiar things she was leaving behind. The house she had grown up in, her crazy over protective father and her hilarious and mouthy mother, the two brothers that lived close by and their families. And then there were her friends, like Rosie and Kate. She was going to miss them, too.

  But all that deep shit could wait till later, because right now she was watching him play defense. He tugged his jeans up slightly as he bent forward and waited for her nephew, Terrence, to check the ball. The muscles in his back were flexing and the tattoo on his neck was clearly visible from this angle. It drove her beyond distraction, straight into full-blown lust. He was going to have to start getting less sexy or she was going to have to invest in an ice pack for her crotch.


  “W-what!? What did I do!?” She spun around, eyes wide and staring up at her brother.


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