It Was Always You

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by Natalie R Allen

  It Was Always You





  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or in any medium without the written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, places, and dialogue are either products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real, or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2020

  Natalie R Allen

  All rights reserved.

  Other titles available by Natalie R Allen

  Everything for You (Book 1 of Unforgettable series)

  Saved by Love (Book 3 of Unforgettable series)


  A Love Unexpected (Book 4 of Unforgettable series)

  Should Have Been Me (Book 5 of Unforgettable series)

  A Chance on Love (Book 6 of Unforgettable series)

  The Ludlow Saga (A love triangle)

  Ludlow (Book 1)

  Towers (Book 2)

  Rivers (Book 3)

  Lockwood (Book 4)

  Fairytale Series

  Secrets of the Beast


  It Was Always You

  Other titles





























  Six Years Earlier…

  As we walked hand in hand on the path through the forest, Amy’s hand was shaking, and my chest tightened. How the hell did I get myself into this? I had been dreading this moment since the first time I saw her. This girl was changing me, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't deny what I felt for her. I had sworn to myself that I would never let someone in like this, never get hurt the way my dad had, but now…

  I squeezed her hand gently to help steady her. I was determined to keep it together for her sake. She cared for me; I knew she did. It would be hard for her, for a while, but I was sure she would get over me; she was sixteen and had a long way to go. I, however, was nineteen. I knew myself a little more at my age, and I felt sick at the thought of never seeing her again. This was supposed to be a mountain getaway for a week with my friend and his family. Had I known I would come away heartbroken, I never would have come.

  I glanced over at Amy, taking in every bit of her. She was beautiful—there was no other way to describe her. Her long blonde hair was over her shoulder, hiding her face from me. I pulled her to a stop and brushed her hair from her face. My heart clenched when she looked up at me with wet lashes, and her chin trembled. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  In the past I had done so well to keep feelings out of it, but I didn't stand a chance with Amy. I was a different man from the man I was days ago, and it was all because of her. This beautiful, genuine, sweet, loving girl; I’d never be able to forget.

  Holding her face in my hands, I stared longingly at her trembling lip. She wouldn’t ask me to kiss her again; she told me she wouldn’t be able to handle it, that it wasn’t fair to her. But this wasn’t fair to me. She changed me without trying to, and now I would never see her again. I clenched my jaw to keep from taking what I wanted, though I was sure she would not push me away if I did. I looked from her blue eyes to her mouth again and I couldn't help but lean in.

  “Don’t,” Amy whispered. “Please don’t.” Her voice broke and a sob escaped her.

  It felt like a punch in the stomach, seeing her upset, and I hugged her close. She had her hands over her face at my chest and her shoulders shook.

  I swallowed for my voice to remain steady. “Shhh. You’ll be alright. I don’t want you to be sad.” I stopped. If this went on much longer, I wasn’t going to hold it together.

  Amy’s breathing slowed and she pulled back a little to look at me. She reached up and ran her hands through my hair before resting them at the back of my neck. She was so beautiful in that moment that I couldn’t help but smile. Amy’s eyes shifted to the side of my face. She leaned in and kissed my cheek, lingering too long, but not long enough. Someone called for her from camp, saying they were ready to leave, and my heart jumped into my throat. I felt panicked. This was it—this was the last time I would see her, touch her. I pulled her to me once more.

  “Goodbye,” she said in a small voice.

  “Goodbye Amy,” I whispered.

  Amy tore out of my arms with a hand over her mouth and walked away without another look back. As soon as she was out of sight, I lost it.



  “Amy, come on!” My beloved cousin, Katie, pummeled the door and waltzed into the room. She flipped the light on before bounding onto my bed.

  “Hey,” I groaned, squinting at her. “I have my alarm set, you know.”

  “Amy, I'm getting married this weekend. Can you believe it? It’s finally here!” She sighed and hugged a spare pillow.

  I smiled at her. “It came fast, didn’t it?”

  She looked at me like I was insane and tucked her honey-colored hair behind her ear. “Are you kidding me? Simon and I have waited a lifetime to be together. It was anything but fast.”

  I had to give her that one. She and Simon were in love with each other all their lives and only got engaged two months ago. They've been together over a year though, and I guess when you have known your soulmate your whole life, why wait?

  “You're right; you two deserve this, Katie. I really am happy for you and Simon.” I reached out and patted her knee.

  The doorbell rang through our apartment and Katie’s face lit up. “Speak of the devil—well, angel, really.” She jumped from my bed and I sighed. How would it be, to be so in love like that?

  I rolled out of bed and brushed through my tangled blonde hair before making my way to the kitchen and pouring myself some cereal. “Hey, Simon. How’s things?” I asked with a mouth full.

  Simon had his arms around Katie, and he lifted his dark-haired head to look past her. “Better now.” He winked at me and dipped his head to Katie’s face again. Apparently, that was all the conversation I was going to get out of him, which was fine with me. If I had that gorgeous man in my arms, I would want his full attention too.

  I scooped another bite of my cereal and stared down at my bowl, trying to ignore the canoodling that was happening ten feet from my breakfast.

  “Are you looking forward to this weekend?” Katie asked Simon.

  I glanced at him as he gave her a sly smile. “I’m looking forward to all sorts of things.” His striking gray eyes turned steamy and I winced, looking back at my food.

  “Alright, you two, I’m trying to eat over here,” I teased and they both laughed.

  “You know, you really ought to come by the shop more, Amy.” Simon took a seat at the table, tugging Katie’s hand so she sat on his lap with a smile.

  My stomach flipped when he mentioned the ATV shop he owned; I tried to avoid it if I could. Not the shop so much as Simon’s business partner, Caleb. He had co-owned the shop with Simon for a couple of years now.

  “I come to the shop. I meet Byron for
lunch sometimes.” My argument was no good. Simon and Katie both knew I only came to meet my boyfriend for lunch when I was sure Caleb wasn't there, but they didn't quite know my reasons behind my actions.

  Katie raised an eyebrow. “Sometimes? Like two times ever.”

  I scowled at her. “I’ve been there more than two times! Besides, it’s not like I'm going to come and hang out there or anything. I like seeing Byron out and about, not at work.” I stood and took my bowl to the sink, avoiding their know-better stares. “Anyway, I’m going to get ready, and I’ll see you in…” I glanced at the clock. “Forty-five minutes?” I shrieked. “Why didn’t you tell me I was running late?” I ran past them to hop in the shower.

  “Do I really have to tell you that?” Katie called as I shut the bathroom door. She was right; I always ran late.

  I lingered in the shower longer than I should have. My nerves were getting the better of me. I had been able to avoid Caleb since Katie and I moved to Montana in April. It was September now, and I had yet to run into him.

  As for Byron, Simon and Caleb hired him last year when Simon was spending so much time with Katie in Denver.

  I met Byron for the first time when I went to their shop and I was instantly smitten; he was kind, sweet, and very attractive. I asked Katie to talk me up a little, and it must have worked because Byron called me up for a date that night. We had been dating for two months and things were going well so far, but I always managed to sabotage my relationships somehow.

  In my twenty-one years, other than Byron, I only had one serious relationship with a guy named James, and that ended badly. Before James, I had a boyfriend here and there, but I always found a way out of the relationships. I wasn't sure why, but before each one progressed to a certain point, I ended them. I was afraid of what I would feel, or that I cared more than he did and he would end things, leaving me heartbroken. I could only think of one time that I let someone in, and that is exactly what had happened. It changed me permanently, and now, I had to fight against my instincts to keep my relationship going with Byron. He was the perfect guy and seemed to care for me a lot, so I willed myself to keep going with it.

  We were heading to Colorado in a couple of hours for Simon and Katie’s wedding on Saturday. Byron and I would be together every day over the next few days and I could feel a turning point coming, but I was determined not to screw it up. On top of my nerves about my relationship with Byron, Caleb would be there this weekend, and I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid him—he was the best man, and I, the maid-of-honor.

  I hurried to finish my shower and soon enough, Katie and I were packed and ready, pulling up to Simon’s ATV shop. I had Katie double-check with Simon that Caleb wasn't there before I went in.

  “Byron’s in the back, Amy.” Simon told me when I finally came in.

  I thanked him and walked through the hallway to the office. “Byron?” The door was cracked and I pushed it open, peeking in. “Byron?” I stepped in and looked around the small, tidy office. I only needed a second to see that Byron wasn't there before I turned to make my exit.

  “Caleb what are you doing here? I thought you left?” Katie’s voice carried down the hallway.

  “Yeah I did, but I forgot my wallet in the office. I’m not going to get far without it.”

  My heart jumped at the sound of his voice, and memories I had buried deep stirred within me.

  “Oh, I can get it for you.” Katie’s voice was louder than necessary, and it dawned on me that she was trying to warn me.

  “That’s alright, Katie. I got it. Thank you though.” His voice was right outside the door.

  I panicked, twirling around, looking for somewhere to hide. I ran to the corner of the room behind the door. I breathed as quietly as I could through my parted lips, and braced myself for Caleb’s entry. If he closed the door behind him, I didn't stand a chance.

  Why did I have to hide here? I rolled my eyes at myself.

  His footsteps came closer and I felt like my entire body was vibrating with anxiety. Perhaps it was meant to be, meeting under embarrassing circumstances again.

  Six Years Earlier…

  “Hey girls, the kids are up at the waterfall.” Mr. Curtis, Simon’s father, waved at Katie and me. My family had made it to Aspen, Colorado; where we would camp each year at a little lake in the mountains. We only had three full days this trip, and Katie and I were ready for a break from real life.

  “Thanks.” I smiled politely and grabbed Katie’s hand. “Come on, let’s get ready and go meet Simon and Olivia there.”

  Simon’s sister, Olivia, was coming out of the water when we made it to the waterfall. She was one year older than me, and always kind to us. Aside from being one of the nicest people I knew, Olivia was beautiful; she always had been. She also had a body that called men to her, my brothers included. Olivia was never bored when my brothers were around to hit on her with their lame pick-up lines.

  I waved at Olivia and looked around at the trees on either side of the pool. The leaves seemed fuller this year, and the water was higher than I remembered. This area must have gotten plenty of rain. Even the ground surrounding the water was covered in more grass than usual. I stepped out of the shade from the pine trees to meet Olivia.

  “Hey, Olivia.” Katie smiled as she hugged her.

  “How’s it going?" Olivia asked. "You girls look so good. It’s crazy to see how much you change each year.” She hugged me happily.

  “Oh, don't try and flatter us,” I said with a teasing smile. "There is no use with you around. You're still as hot as ever." I winked.

  Olivia rolled her eyes and laughed. She knew couldn't win the debate with me, so she didn't even try.

  I tossed my towel and followed Katie and Olivia through the water to the trail leading to the top of the falls. As I padded along behind them, I picked at my nail polish and listened to their chit chat about school and boys. I had just started feeling sorry about my lack of love life when I walked right into a low hanging branch and gasped.

  Katie and Olivia whipped around, trying half-heartedly to cover their giggles. I tried to back away from the offending tree, but my hair was caught up. “This came out of nowhere,” I complained, glaring at my leafy captor.

  Katie snorted. “You hit that branch at least once a trip.” She laughed and shook her head, walking toward me. “Here, let me help.”

  I stood with my hands on my hips while Katie tended to my hair. My head throbbed where it had hit the branch and I was sure I would have a good bump. Katie freed me and I stepped back. Pressing my fingers to the tender spot on my head, I winced. A bump was already forming.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Olivia asked, frowning prettily.

  I nodded, and then moaned a little. “I’ll be fine; let’s keep going.”

  Simon was near the edge of the waterfall when we made it to the top. I watched Katie’s eyes light up and Simon smiled at her. “Hi, Kate.” He held his arms open for her and hugged Katie close. Simon whispered something to her, and she nodded before pulling away. He turned to me then and gave me a quick hug.

  “Hi, Simon. Your family arrived here pretty early,” I commented.

  “I’ll see you down there,” Olivia said. She ran past us and jumped without hesitation.

  I looked at Simon again.

  “We actually got here last night. It’s good to see you both again,” Simon answered as he eyed Katie and she smiled back at him.

  I sighed inwardly. Now that those two had said hello, I knew I wasn't going to get much conversation from them for the rest of the trip. They would be inseparable. I smirked at them. “Okay…well, you two have fun staring at each other, while I go jump off a cliff.” I marched to the edge and jumped, reveling in the familiar freedom of the fall.

  The cool water felt good on my sore head when I went under, so I didn't surface. Instead I swam underneath and edged the pool until I popped up behind that waterfall. My feet touched bottom and I dipped my head back to get my hair off m
y face, smoothing it with my hands. I straightened again and focused on my surroundings, then I nearly screamed in shock. There was a man standing behind the waterfall against the rock wall.

  My mouth went slack when I really looked at him. His blonde hair was wet and slicked back to perfection. His ice-blue eyes were a shade lighter than mine, and they watched me intently. The water behind the fall was deep enough, it reached hips and his arms were folded like he had been waiting for me. His body was more toned than that of any man I knew, and I couldn't help but stare. There was no way he was real. The man of my dreams was watching me with a peculiar look in his eyes.

  Crap. “This isn't real, he isn't real. I must have hit my head harder than I thought,” I muttered to myself.

  What was he doing here? Who was he? I stared at him and he stared right back. Was he going to speak?

  The waterfall man tilted his head to the side and a slow smile spread across his face, causing a dimple on his right cheek to tease me. “Hey, girl.”

  My mouth sagged further when his low voice caused a shiver down my neck. I looked at him, confused. Was he talking to me? I glanced to the right and then left; no, it was only me here. Okay, this is definitely a hallucination, I nodded to myself. Nobody really goes around saying “hey, girl.”

  I didn't dare speak to this waterfall man. It would be an admission of me going crazy. I tightened my eyes at the idea.

  He tilted his head to the other side. “You sure are a pretty little thing.” His voice was low and wonderful. It vibrated through me.

  Okay, that’s it, I’m crazy. He’s amazing, and I’m crazy. But shouldn’t I enjoy it while I can?

  “Amy, where did you go?” Olivia was calling for me, but I was too lost in my hallucination to answer. I wasn't ready to give this waterfall man up just yet.

  I waded forward slowly until I was right in front of him and met his eyes. He half smiled, that dimple winking again.


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