It Was Always You

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It Was Always You Page 2

by Natalie R Allen

  “Amy?” Katie called this time.

  I reached up to run my fingers through his hair, and hesitated. Would he disappear at my touch? I bit my lip in uncertainty but decided to risk it. His curious eyes searched my face, and when my fingers slipped through his hair, his eyes closed as though he was enjoying it.

  “Amy, stop messing with us! Where did you go?” Katie sounded upset; my time was up.

  I pulled my hand from his hair and touched his collarbone. The waterfall man opened his blue eyes to mine. If this was going to be all the romance I got this summer, I guess I should take full advantage.

  “I have to go,” I whispered.

  He nodded once.

  “Will you do something for me before you disappear?” I asked.

  He gave me a dimpled smile in agreement.

  “Will you kiss me?” I chewed my lip, unsure if he would grant me this one request.

  His eyes were amused but he nodded once, and I smiled in anticipation.

  The waterfall man stepped close to me and took my face in his hands. I placed my palms on his chest and my heart beat wildly as he leaned in. Our lips touched for just a moment before he pulled back.

  “Kiss me again,” I whispered.

  His thumb brushed my bottom lip and he dipped his head. Our lips came together and parted before coming together again. He pulled back, and I could see in his eyes he wanted more but he didn't move.

  What are you waiting for? I questioned him with my eyes. Perhaps the hallucination only worked by demands. It had worked so far; maybe it would once more.

  “Kiss me,” I pleaded.

  One of his hands moved to my lower back and the other behind my neck. He was not slow and hesitant this time. His lips swallowed mine as he deepened our kiss the moment our lips touched. I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close, and I whimpered. He kissed me a few seconds more before pulling away.

  My chest rose and fell heavily, and I placed a hand there to slow it. I met the waterfall man’s gaze. He stared curiously at me, and his eyes were a little guarded. He brought his hand from my back to cup my face. His eyes dropped to my lips. “Ask me again,” he said, looking at my mouth.

  Hmm, maybe that really is a rule or something hallucinations have to follow, like a genie. I opened my mouth to ask again when Simon called, “Amy, where are you?”

  I glanced over my shoulder, not that I could see past the waterfall, and looked back at my dream man. “I guess this is goodbye then, waterfall man.”

  He grinned and gave a single nod.

  I ran my fingers through his hair one last time and disappeared under the water. I jumped up on the other side of the waterfall and was met with Katie’s concerned face.

  “Amy! Where were you? You scared me.” She folded her arms and wore a disapproving frown as she waited for an answer.

  I barely noticed Simon and Olivia on the grassy shore, watching us. I was still completely dazed. "Huh?"

  “Where were you?”

  “Oh…behind the waterfall,” I said quietly, with a smitten smile.

  Her eyes were taut with worry. “What were you doing back there for so long?”

  “Huh? Oh, I was just, um…” I racked my brain and blurted out the first thing I could think of. “Peeing.”

  Katie’s head drew back and she scrunched her nose. “You were peeing back there?”

  I guess I would have to roll with it now. “Uh, yeah. Don’t tell anyone though,” I whispered. I would never live that one down if my brothers got a hold of it.

  Katie nodded slowly, “Okay…I guess. Well, do you want to jump again?” She gestured to the trail.

  “Yeah, sure.” She turned and I followed her, reliving the last five minutes. “Maybe I’ll hit my head a little harder this time,” I muttered under my breath.

  “What was that?” Katie asked over her shoulder.

  “Oh, nothing. I was just saying I hope I don’t hit my head again.”

  When we reached the top, Katie jumped first and I backed up a few paces for my own jump.

  “Hey, girl.”

  I whirled around with wide eyes. The waterfall man stood near a small tree on the path. I smiled as we walked toward each other.

  “You’re back. Are you going to appear whenever I’m alone?” I asked.

  “Not for long.”

  “You do speak, then. Say something else.”

  His dimpled smile widened. “You’re pretty great, Amy, you know that?”

  He even knew my name, and the sound of it on his voice was amazing.

  “No, you are,” I argued. I bit my lip in anticipation, hoping to get another fun moment with him before he disappeared.

  “Hey, you two are finally meeting.” Simon walked up and stood beside my waterfall man with a hand on his shoulder.

  I looked from Simon to my man in confusion, and my stomach sank as I realized I’d made the biggest idiot of myself.

  “Amy, this is my friend Caleb, from back home. I dragged him up here for our weekend. Caleb, this is Amy, who I was telling you about.”

  I froze. The waterfall man—no, Caleb—grinned and held his hand out for me to shake. I stared at it. It would have been humorous to shake hands as a hello now that we had kissed one another quite thoroughly, but I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. How could I have been so stupid? A hallucinatory waterfall man? Maybe I was crazy.

  I avoided Caleb’s eyes while shaking his hand, and his thumb stroked mine. I looked at him and he smiled secretly at me. “Nice to meet you, Amy.”

  He wasn't going to give me away then. “You too, Caleb.”

  His lips twitched and he released my hand.

  I peered at Simon to see what he was making of this awkward encounter, but his attention was completely elsewhere. I followed his line of sight to Katie, of course, as she stretched out on a towel below. I rolled my eyes and focused on Caleb shaking his head at Simon.

  “Are you just going to stand there gawking like a stalker?” Caleb chuckled, and I laughed with him.

  Simon turned around and charged at us. I shrieked and hid behind Caleb. He grabbed my hand as we ran for the edge of the cliff and jumped together, leaving Simon behind.

  I looked up at Simon when I came out of the water, thinking he would be shaking his head or fist at us, but his eyes were back on Katie.

  “That kid drives me crazy. Why doesn’t he tell her already?” I glanced at Caleb. He was smirking, and my embarrassment returned. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking earlier.” I threw my hands over my face.

  “I’m not,” he said with a chuckle, and I peeked at him through my fingers. “You can ambush me like that anytime you want.” He wagged his eyebrows at me.

  I ignored the thrill I felt from his invitation and shook my head. “I really am sorry, Caleb. Please forgive me. And please don’t tell anyone.” I moved my hands and pleaded with my eyes.

  I wondered what it was he saw in me that caused his striking gaze to become gentle. “Alright,” he said with a nod. “Let’s start over then.” He took my hand and gave it a shake. “Hey girl, I’m Caleb Weslyn.”

  My heart skipped, and I resisted giggling out loud at myself. “Hey, Caleb Weslyn. I’m Amy Hammond.”

  Caleb tilted his head with a little smile and winked. “Nice to meet you, Amy.”

  Present Day

  Caleb walked into the office. As soon as he was away from the door, I pulled it open completely to hide myself better. My heart pounded as I listened to him rustling around at the desk. I hoped he would just get what he needed and leave.

  The phone rang and Caleb sighed. “I don’t have time for this,” he mumbled, but answered it anyway.

  I rolled my eyes, wishing I would have planned for Byron to meet me at the car. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and whoever it was entered the office.

  Caleb wrapped up the phone call and hung up. “Hey, what’s up?” he asked.

  “Hey.” It was Byron, and I cringed. “I was looking for
Amy. They said she was back here.”

  I closed my eyes, hanging my head back as the dread took over me. I didn't know how I managed to get myself into situations like this.

  “Amy, huh?” My name on Caleb’s voice caused my heart to twist. “Amy is here? At my shop?”

  “Yeah, she’s here somewhere. Sorry to bother you. I’ll go find her.”

  “You’re alright. Do you need anything before I head out?” Caleb’s footsteps came closer.

  “No, but thank you. I’ll see you in Colorado, I guess.” Byron headed down the hall.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  Caleb paused on the other side of the door and his fingers gripped the edge. I stared at those fingers with wide eyes. I waited for him to close the door, but it remained open. I wasn't sure what he was doing; he wasn't making any noise. I listened closely, and I was certain that Caleb’s breathing had become audible. My eyes closed and I let my guard down briefly. Caleb was there, right there; close enough to hear, to touch. An energy that I hadn't felt for years was rushing through me. Caleb had pricked my nerves with an electric charge, and the vibration sent my eyelids flying open. I looked at his fingers on the door; they were so close. It had been so long since we had touched, and I couldn’t resist.

  My trembling hand came up slowly, reaching for his fingertips. I was nearly there when Caleb’s hand suddenly disappeared. My heart fell, and I heard Caleb walk down the hall. I breathed out heavily and sagged against the wall. My hands still shook and I pressed them to my face. What was wrong with me? A strange trance had come over me and I didn't even try to resist.

  The memory of meeting Caleb for the first time swirled about, and I touched my lips, remembering every second. I had put all of my memories with Caleb away, and I was usually good at not letting them out. Now, it seemed, I’d have to work a little harder to keep them locked up; and I would have to be on better guard through the weekend—or I would end up in trouble.


  My mom squealed with delight when she picked Byron and me up from the airport. I hugged her tightly and stepped back to introduce Byron.

  “Mom, this is Byron. He works at the shop with Simon and Caleb.”

  “Oh, it’s nice to finally meet Byron.” My mom pulled him in for a hug and then patted his cheek. “Wow, you weren’t joking, Amy. He sure is attractive, isn’t he?” She smiled at him and patted her auburn hair in the spot that she was always self-conscious of.

  I bugged my eyes at her as I adjusted my bag. “Mom,” I whined.

  “Oh, Amy, I’m sure he loves to hear that you talk about him when he’s not around.” She grinned, and I shook my head in defeat.

  “I sure do.” Byron smiled sweetly at me and kissed my cheek.

  “Let’s go before you find some other way to embarrass me,” I said.

  Byron took my luggage from me and we followed my mom to her car. I climbed into the back seat to sit with Bryon. I wasn’t quite over my almost-run-in with Caleb this morning, and being near Byron seemed to keep the memories at bay.

  “What time are Katie and Simon getting in?” my mom questioned as we pulled away from the airport.

  “They should only be an hour behind us,” Byron offered.

  “Oh, good. Do you think Katie will mind if I send Parker to pick them up?” My mom eyed me from the rearview mirror.

  I rolled my eyes, knowing that it wouldn’t matter if my younger brother or the President picked them up. “No way. When those two are together, they are definitely in their own world.”

  Byron chuckled. “You can say that again.”

  I smiled at him, and he kissed my hand. “Anything fun planned tonight?” Byron asked.

  I cringed inwardly as Caleb’s face flashed and another memory escaped.

  Six Years Earlier…

  When we were all ready to leave the waterfall, I wrapped up in my towel and slipped my shoes on. Katie and Simon were already ahead of me, and I trudged behind them.

  Caleb appeared beside me and smiled, running his hands through that light hair of his. I reinforced my hold on the towel to keep the itch away. “That was fun,” he said. “Do you guys usually come to the waterfall when you camp?”

  “Yes. Some years the flow is pretty low and we can’t jump from the top, but we still play in the water.”

  Caleb nodded and he looked above us at the impossibly high trees. “I’ve never been in mountains like this.” His head turned this way and that, and it was fun to see him taking it all in.

  “Really?” It seemed odd to me, but he was from North Carolina, like the Curtis family.

  “Nope. My dad and I haven’t been out of North Carolina much.”

  “Is it just you and your dad, then?” I asked.

  “Yes. My mom left us when I was a small kid and I have no siblings. It’s only my dad and me.” He smiled shyly, and I liked the timidity. I had only known him for an hour, but I could already see that there was more to him than met the eye.

  “Huh,” I mused as we walked on. “It might be kind of nice to have no siblings…” I was thinking of all the teasing and hard times my brothers had given me, and scowled. “I have two brothers and they’re always pestering Katie and me. Katie is technically my cousin," I spoke quietly so she didn’t hear me. "But her parents passed away and she’s lived with us since she was young. I’m glad to have her as an ally.”

  Caleb had an odd look.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  He looked at me as we started down a small hill and his eyes were serious. “You’re lucky. I would’ve loved to have brothers and sisters. Don’t take them for granted.”

  I was surprised by the sincerity in his voice but also touched, and I smiled. “I know. They might irritate me, but I do love them.”

  I changed the subject from family, asking him about college and future plans.

  “I’m just taking my general classes right now. I would love to own my own business someday, but I don’t know that I would ever be able to make that happen. It’s fun to dream about though.” He nudged my shoulder with his. “What about you? Do you know what you want to do in the real world?”

  I sighed and looked at the canopy of trees above us. The light breeze caused the leaves to quake and I could hear the trickling of a nearby stream. I was quite relaxed up until this point, but my shoulders immediately tensed at his question. Though I had never said it out loud before, the question he asked unnerved me, and I stopped in my tracks to tell him so.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” interrupted Olivia, laughing after she bumped into me. She passed us by and Caleb eyed me hesitantly.

  “Are you okay?” His blue eyes were soft with concern. “Did I say something wrong?” He put a hand on my shoulder and I found the touch warmly comforting.

  “I hate that question,” I sighed with a shrug.

  His brows furrowed in confusion. “You hate when someone asks if they did something wrong?”

  “No. I don’t like when people ask me what I want to do.”

  He tilted his head and frowned. “Why?”

  I took a breath and finally admitted, “I don’t want to do anything.”

  Caleb’s amusement was evident in his face. “Nothing?” His lips twitched. “There’s nothing you want to do?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. Not for work, anyway.”

  I removed my towel now that I was fully dry and hung it over my arm, all the while trying not to feel awkward about the curious smile on Caleb’s handsome face. When I looked at him fully, he seemed as though he would wait all day for me to explain my strange answer. I pursed my lips and gave up. “I want to be a mom,” I said, peering down. I wasn’t naive; women talking about babies and family was always the perfect way to scare a man off. But it was the truth. Picturing myself a few years from now, I was home with my babies.

  Caleb was silent for so long I thought I would crumple from the awkwardness. I released an exasperated breath at having to wait for his reply, but when I looked up and saw his dim
ple greeting me, it gave me the encouragement to continue. “I don’t want a big fancy career. I don’t care about any of that. I want to have a family and be home with my kids and husband every day.” Caleb’s dimple slowly disappeared. He was deep in thought. My confidence fell by degrees. “I know it sounds odd. That’s why I’ve never told anyone before.” I avoided his face as I stepped around him and began walking again. I felt foolish now for opening up to someone I had only known for an hour.

  Caleb came up beside me, catching me around the waist, and we stopped under the shade of an Aspen tree. "Hey.” He stepped in front of me, but I kept my eyes on his chest. “Amy, look at me.” I hesitated before finally meeting his eye. He had a tender smile to soothe me. “You should do whatever you want with your life. And take it from someone whose mother didn't stick around.” He paused, looking away and then back again. “I think it’s incredible that you want to be home with your family.” He leaned in and offered a kiss to my cheek.

  There was silence for a moment. My eyes were stinging while a lump was settling in my throat. How could this stranger’s words have such an effect on me? He was very nice to make me feel like what I wanted out of life was not only okay, but important.

  “Amy?” he asked with quiet concern. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to make you feel bad; I’m sorry.” He took a step closer and I could see the repentance in his eyes.

  I willed the tears back and managed a small smile. “You didn’t make me feel bad, Caleb— just the opposite, actually.” I blinked a few times and glanced down.

  “Am I really the only person who knows this?” he asked gently.

  I looked at him and nodded. “It’s mom is a nurse and she loves her work. Katie is planning to follow in her footsteps. So whenever they ask, I always tell them I haven’t decided yet on my future.”

  Caleb nodded. “Our first secret.”

  My eyes lit up with happy surprise, and I giggled. “That’s not a very fun secret.”

  He shrugged. “Sure it is. Oh, wait.” He chuckled and crossed his arms, standing a little straighter which left him looming over me. “We forgot about my other identity; that’s another secret.”


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