It Was Always You

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It Was Always You Page 19

by Natalie R Allen

  “Caleb!” Byron’s voice was near.

  I was vaguely aware of what I could hear going on around me, but I was still pulled under. My mind and body had finally had enough; it was protecting itself from anymore damage.

  “Caleb! I found her!”

  I felt myself being hoisted up from the ground and the shooting pains brought me to. My eyes flew open and I cried out, reaching for my side.

  “Amy, what happened?”

  I closed my eyes, grimacing at the pain, and kept my mouth shut to stop from screaming again.

  “Caleb!” Byron called, and started forward.


  I blinked at the sound of Caleb’s voice. The fireworks had played out and it was dark again, but even still, I could see his worried face.

  “What happened?” he asked Byron.

  Byron shook his head. “I don’t know. I just found her like this. I think she’s a little out of it to talk.” Byron was carrying me, and even though I was grateful for his help, I wished it was Caleb’s arms around me.

  Caleb came toward me and reached a hand up to my face. “Amy, are you hurt?” His question confused me. Could they not see that I was hurt? “It’s too dark to check her out here. Let’s get to the lodge,” Caleb said.

  “Wait,” I panted, and grabbed Caleb’s arm.

  He touched my face again. “What is it? Are you hurt?”

  I thought about poor Sparkle. I knew if I told Caleb about my injuries, he would abandon her. I remembered a promise I had made to him once, that I wouldn't scare him by putting myself in danger, but I was going to break it now. I shook my head and lied. “No, I’m not hurt, I just passed out. Listen. I found Sparkle. She’s hurt and stuck in a bush at the top of the hill over there. I’m not sure I could find it again, but I think if you call for her, she’ll answer.”

  His mouth went slack. He closed it, looking torn and glanced from me to Byron. “You got her?” he asked.

  Byron nodded. “Go ahead. Let me know if you need help.”

  Caleb looked at me again.

  “She’s stuck badly. You’ll need a pocketknife or something,” I whispered and coughed.

  Caleb’s eyes tightened. “I don’t have anything like that on me.”

  “Here. In my left pocket.” Byron readjusted me for Caleb to get the knife and I bit back a scream.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you back there,” Caleb said.

  Once he was out of sight, I moaned, and clung to Byron. He stiffened his grip around me and he started back to the lodge.

  “Byron.” My voice shook with pain.

  He looked at me with concern. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

  I shook my head. “There’s something stuck in my side, and my leg is broken.”

  Byron’s eyes widened. “What?” He stopped walking, looking unsure of what to do.

  “No, I need help. Just keep going. I can handle it.”

  He wore a pained expression as he kissed my temple, but he carried me back to the lodge.


  When we made it to the steps of the lodge, I spotted Holly and Bryce in the low light near the door.

  “Get the door!” Byron called.

  Holly gasped.

  “What happened?” Bryce came toward us, full of brotherly concern.

  “She’s hurt; get the door!” Byron growled.

  Bryce didn't react to Byron’s harsh voice but turned and opened the door immediately.

  “This way.” Holly was all business, and we followed her through a door in the lobby. She led us down a hallway and into a room that was set up for medical.

  My head was pounding so mercilessly, it caused my stomach to roll.

  Byron laid me on the bed and I gasped, reaching for my side. The pain was severe enough now, it was hard to keep quiet and I whimpered over and over again with each breath.

  “Amy, what happened?” Bryce asked breathless.

  Holly picked up the phone and called for help. She looked at Bryce sternly. “Go get your parents, now!”

  “No, no, don’t tell anyone. I don’t want the wedding ruined from this,” I pleaded.

  Bryce didn't hesitate. He left the room in a hurry, and I groaned.

  “Where are you hurt, Amy?” Holly rushed to my side, slipping on a pair of green rubber gloves. Byron moved near my head and placed a comforting hand on my hair.

  “My leg.” My voice shook, and tears dripped onto the paper sheet beneath me. “And there's something in my left side.” My hand trembled over my wound.

  “Move your hand, honey, so I can see,” Holly said, softly but sternly. I eyed her, not moving my hand. She could see my reluctance and nodded at me. I slowly moved my hand away. Holly’s eyes widened, but she did well to put on a poker face. Her eyes flew to Byron. “I’m going to cut her out of her dress and put a gown on her. Can you help me?”


  Holly looked at me again. “Are you okay if he helps me with this?”

  I nodded. “I don’t care who helps. Just don’t tell Caleb what happened.”

  Holly’s eyes flickered to Byron and back. I felt horrible that my concern for Caleb must be grating on Byron. He knew now where my loyalties lay, but I didn’t recant.

  A large pair of scissors was used to cut my dress from chest to feet. Byron helped me sit up enough for Holly to cut around the arms, and the fabric gave way.

  “Oh my—” Byron gasped, but bit back whatever he was going to say. He looked from my side to my face with concern and swallowed.

  The door slammed open and my parents and Bryce came in.

  “What on earth?” My mom hesitated at the scene in front of her before snapping into nurse mode. “Out, now,” she said to Bryce and Byron. Byron nodded and left the room with Bryce. As soon as they were gone, my mom was already at my side with gloves on.

  “There is a gown in that cupboard, Mr. Hammond,” Holly said over her shoulder. My dad handed Holly the medical gown and she covered me up the best she could, with my side still visible.

  Mom pressed gently around the wound and I cried again. “We can’t remove it, it’s plugging her from bleeding out,” Mom said to Holly.

  “I came to that conclusion as well,” Holly agreed.

  They moved to my ankle, poking and prodding. I moaned and Dad came to hold the side of my face. “You’re okay, honey. You’re okay.”

  I started to shiver. My teeth were chattering and soon my body was trembling. The faint sound of a siren met my ears as I lost consciousness. I was still half out of it as they carried me down the lodge steps on a stretcher.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Byron’s voice sounded panicked.

  “We need to leave. Now.” A voice I didn’t recognize was to my right.

  I blinked heavily and groaned at being jostled. “Hey there, Amy. We have you, okay?” The medic’s face blurred and I closed my eyes again.

  “What’s going on?”


  My eyes shot open to see Caleb coming up on Byron and my family near the steps. They were just about to lift me into the ambulance when his eyes fell on me. “Amy!” He started to come toward me, but Byron caught his arm. Caleb rounded on Byron and shoved him. “What happened?”

  “Stop,” I croaked, but he didn't hear me.

  “I’m sorry, man. She didn’t want you to know.”

  “Know what?” He turned to the others. “Know what!” he yelled. Caleb spun around and came toward me as they lifted me into the ambulance. I watched his face crumple as the doors shut, and my eyes closed again.

  I came to and moaned. My body felt weighed down. My side ached and my leg was throbbing. Blankets were tucked around me with my arms underneath. My eyelids were heavy, but I forced them open and blinked against the dull light.

  “Amy, can you hear me?” A pretty olive-skinned woman was hovering over my face.

  “Yeah,” I croaked, barely audible.

  “You’re in recovery, just waking up from surgery. Would you lik
e some ice?”

  “Yeah,” I closed my eyes.

  Her shuffling feet disappeared; the only sound, a steady beeping.

  My head hurt, and I felt like I could sleep for a year, but I resisted being pulled under again.

  The nurse returned, propping my bed up a little. She slipped a tiny piece of ice into my mouth and I sighed.

  “Your parents are eager to see you. So, we will move you to a regular room and bring them in.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled.

  She and another nurse wheeled me through the hall and into my own room. The nurses left, and soon my parents stepped in.

  “Where is he?” I whispered, as soon as they were at my side.

  Mom brushed my hair back from my forehead and nodded. “He’s in the waiting room.”

  “I want him,” I rasped.

  Dad tried to hide his annoyance. “I’ll get him.”

  “How are you feeling? Does your leg hurt?” Mom asked.

  “It’s throbbing, but manageable. Can I have more ice?”

  Mom fed me a couple of ice chips, and soon enough, Dad’s threatening voice was outside the door. I couldn’t make out his words, but the tone was there. I looked over expectantly for Caleb, and tried to hide my disappointment when Byron stepped in. Mom glanced over and did a double take at Byron. “I’ll give you a minute alone,” Mom whispered to me.

  I almost called her back, not knowing what to do or say to him, but I made this mess. Mom swatted Dad and gestured silently at Byron’s back. Dad gave her a questioning look, and she rolled her eyes before shoving him out the door.

  Moisture was already settling in my eyes when I focused on Byron. Don’t cry, not yet. You have a long way to go. I took a breath and let it out slowly. Byron came to my side and placed his hand gently on my forehead. “How are you feeling?” he asked with concern.

  “Like crap,” I answered honestly.

  Byron’s lips pulled up and I noticed his bottom one was swollen. He saw me surveying the area and his smile grew. “You should see the other guy.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “He had better treat you well,” he said. “I would hate to have to give him another black eye.” He smiled sadly when understanding dawned on my face. My chin trembled, and I shook my head against my pillow.

  “I’m sorry. I really am.” I sniffed. “I don’t know what to say. I have loved him forever.”

  Byron nodded. “That’s what I hear.”

  “What? From who?”

  “He didn’t hesitate to tell me so, before he got me.” Byron gestured at his swollen lip. My mouth was still popped open. I didn’t know what to make of it. Byron chuckled. “Be nice to him, Amy. I’ve never seen someone as distraught as he was when they took you away.” He shook his head and sighed. “I’m just glad you two figured this out now rather than later, before I fell for you completely.” He pressed his lips together and looked away but not soon enough. The hurt in his eyes would haunt me for a long time to come.

  A tear fell and rolled down my nose. “I hope you’ll be okay,” I whispered.

  Byron didn’t look at me, but nodded. He cleared his throat. “Sorry.” He paused and cleared his throat again. “I should try and pretend that this doesn’t suck but…” He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. “I’ll see you,” he whispered, and left the room.

  My heart broke more than I thought it would as I watched him leave. My tears came silently but they didn't stop. Mom came back in and gave me a stern look, hands on hips. “Was that necessary at a time like this?” she scolded gently.

  “I know, I know,” I said through my tears.

  She let out a breath and hugged me. “I guess when it’s over, it just has to be over,” she whispered. I nodded as she pulled away. “Would you like the person you were originally asking for now?” Mom raised a knowing eyebrow.

  “How did you know?”

  “I’m your mom, I know everything.” She smiled and patted my shoulder. “One distraught man, coming up.” She laughed at herself and left the room.


  I thought they were exaggerating, but when Caleb stepped in, he was a mess. Still in is black slacks and his white button-down shirt, but the top two buttons were missing, and it was dirty. His hair was ruffled as though he’d been running his hand through it, and the skin around his eye certainly was changing color.

  Caleb stayed near the door after closing it behind him. He looked relieved when he saw me, but it was short lived; hurt masked by anger took over. He folded his arms across his heaving chest and glared at me.

  I waited for him to speak but he didn’t, and I finally sighed, “I’m sor—”

  “Don’t.” Caleb shook his head slowly. “You don’t get to apologize.” He stepped closer, not breaking eye contact, and glared down at me. “Do you have any idea what you put me through? You should have told me.” His voice had a hard edge to it. “You sent me away.” I felt a little guilty, and nodded, but I didn't regret sparing him. “You should have told me. What if you had died?” Caleb’s voice shook. He pressed his lips together, but they were trembling as he tried to hold it in.

  “Caleb…” I whispered. His face broke and I untucked my arms, holding them out to him. “Come here.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and held the side of his face to me, as he quietly wept.

  I rubbed his back, and pressed my lips to his head. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t want to worry you.”

  Caleb laughed once without humor and cleared his throat. “It didn’t work.” I held him a moment longer and he sat up, pressing his hands to his eyes.

  “Did you find Sparkle?” I asked, adjusting my pillow.

  A light entered Caleb’s eyes. He nodded, with a little smile. “Yeah. She was there. I left her with Holly. She said she'd take care of her. She should be alright.”

  I smiled, thinking how happy Sparkle must have been to be back with Caleb. “I’m glad something good came of all that.”

  Caleb let out a breath and looked away. “How was Byron?”

  I gave Caleb a stern look. “He hardly deserved to be hit, Caleb. How could you go after him like that?”

  He avoided my gaze, looking ashamed. “I know. I should've known he wouldn’t hurt you. But when I saw you last, he had you. And then you were on the stretcher and—”

  I gasped. “You thought he hurt me? Because of us?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded guiltily. “I know better. I know him and that he would never—but…I just snapped.”

  Poor Byron. As if finding Caleb and me the way he had wasn't enough, Caleb attacked him. I shook my head. “You should apologize if he’ll let you.”

  His lips twisted into a smile. “I did when he and I drove here together.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah.” He smiled sweetly and scooted closer to reach the side of my face. “We had quite the talk about you.” He stroked my cheek with his thumb.

  “About what? What did you say?”

  He shook his head with mischief and secrets in his eyes. “That’s between Byron and me. Suffice it to say, we’ve got Byron’s blessing.” He grinned half a smile.

  I pouted. “That’s not fair.”

  He didn't give in.

  I was quiet then, wondering where to go from here. I still had so many questions for Caleb but I was afraid to ask. He stroked my cheek again, but I kept my eyes down, feeling timid.

  “Well, if you won’t bring it up, I will,” Caleb said softly.

  I peered at him from under lashes before looking away. “I guess I don’t understand,” I said. “How could you have loved me all that time? You only knew me for a few days, and it seemed like you would forget about me as soon we parted.”

  Caleb took a deep breath and I looked up. “I tried," Caleb said. "I tried to forget about you, but you were with me. No matter what I did or how hard I tried.” He shrugged and adjusted his hand fr
om the side of my face to my hair. “Once I heard what happened between Katie and Simon, how things had ended for them years ago, I talked with Simon about you. He and I were in the same boat. He kept asking me over and over how I was able to do it, to live without you and I could never answer that. Because I wasn’t living without you.” He swallowed and took my hand, focusing on it as he spoke. “When my dad died…” he cleared his throat. “I wanted you.” Caleb looked at me with sorrow in his eyes and I squeezed his hand. “I wanted to call you. I even asked Simon for your number, but I was sure you would've forgotten about me, and I talked myself out of it. That’s when depression really set in. Simon had to help me, and I got Sparkle.” He smiled.

  “And you secretly loved the name Sparkle. I knew it,” I teased.

  Caleb chuckled. “No, I named her Sparkle because…that morning, watching the sun come up with you, I knew you were changing me.”

  “You did?” I asked in a small voice.

  Caleb nodded.

  “I wish you would have called," I said. "I wish I could've been there for you when your dad died.”

  Caleb pelted me with a serious gaze. “You were.”

  I smiled, remembering the story he told me of how he replayed the words I had once said to him. How different life would have been with a phone call.

  “I was a mess after that weekend,” I said. “I seriously don’t know how I got through day to day. I thought the feeling would go away with time or with someone else…”

  Caleb grimaced. “I don’t know if I’m ready to hear about all the people you tried to get over me with.”

  I smiled. “It doesn’t matter. I always compared them to Caleb Weslyn, and they always fell short. You were the only person I ever really wanted.” I shrugged. “I’m sorry for avoiding you. I couldn’t handle seeing you. I was afraid of what it might do to me again, and I was right.”


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