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Daddy's Virgin Nanny

Page 31

by Tia Wylder

“No, it wasn’t like that. I was just out with a friend.” She came back into the kitchen, straightening her dress. Looking up, their eyes locked. “Not a boyfriend. It was just a friend. A girlfriend. Well, a girl that’s a friend, you know? Not a girlfriend-girlfriend.” Elizabeth quickly shut her mouth to stop her rambling.

  He fought back a snicker, “Right. Well, now that we have that cleared up, let’s go.” Derrick walked out of her front door and headed for his vehicle.

  “Um, about that…I don’t exactly have my car.” He stopped and swiveled to look at her. “I took a cab home. I didn’t want to drive when I had been drinking.”

  Derrick sighed, “Come on.”


  He opened the passenger side door of his sportscar, “Get in.”

  Elizabeth slid across the seat, “Whoa. It practically hugs my butt. Suddenly, I see the appeal of these things.”

  Derrick stifled a chuckle as he shut her door and walked around to the driver’s seat. “I take it you’ve never ridden in a car like this?”

  “Like this? No. I’m not sure I would even classify this as a car. It’s more like a luxury recliner on wheels. This may be the sleeping on the floor talking, but this feels so good.” She leaned back into the plush leather.

  He had to focus not to be aroused by the soft, relaxed moan that escaped her lips. She was getting this much pleasure out of sitting in a car? It was such a simple thing, something he took for granted every day. His thumb reached over and gently pressed the button to turn on the heated portion of her seat. There was no harm in giving her a little more pleasure, if it never got to the physical level.

  Her eyes widened in alarm. “Oh no.” She squeezed her knees together.

  “What’s wrong?” His eyes glanced at her in confusion.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this, but…I think I may have peed in your car. I’m so sorry. I’ll pay for your cleaning bill or—” Derrick busted out laughing this time. He couldn’t help himself. “I don’t know why you think that’s so funny.”

  “You didn’t pee. I turned on the heated seat.” He finally managed to get ahold of himself.

  “What?!” She quickly placed a hand between her thighs. It was dry but warm. She reached over and punched him lightly on the arm “That wasn’t funny!” After she punched him, the mood in the car changed. No one had ever punched him like that before.

  He shifted his posture uncomfortably. He needed to get this under control before things got too friendly. “Please remember this is a business relationship, Miss Adams.”

  ‘Miss Adams.’ He only called her that when she was in trouble. “Yes, sir. It won’t happen again. I apologize.”

  He parked in front of Page Industries. The sun was starting to creep through the gaps in the buildings. Elizabeth fought back a yawn and climbed out of his car carefully. His brisk pace was hard to keep up with. He walked like a man who knew where he was going in life, and each step was dedicated in that pursuit. She had to almost jog to keep up with him. By the time they arrived at a door on the second floor, she was out of breath.

  Derrick pushed it open to reveal a room stocked with different wardrobe choices and a counter lined with makeup. A man wearing an Italian suit strutted over to them, “This is what you bring me to work with?” He looked her up and down with his nose in the air and clicked his tongue. “You’re lucky I’m so good at my job. Come with me.” He pulled her by the arm to a chair where lights blared in her eyes.

  “Be good to my girl, now.” Mr. Page left the room, leaving her with the bald man in front of her. Elizabeth felt her heart give an involuntary flutter as he called her his girl. It was silly, but still…

  Mr. Perkins stood in front of her, studying her as if she were a work of art. “You look like you had quite the night. From now on, no more drinking unless at a sanctioned event, and even then only polite sips. Drinking wreaks havoc on the skin, my dear.”

  “Yes, Mr. Perkins.”

  “Oh, please. Mr. Perkins is my husband. You can call me Tim.” He picked up an exfoliant and applied it to her face.

  Elizabeth waited patiently as he applied various powders and cremes to her face. When he was finished, he spun her around to face a mirror. “Oh my,” Elizabeth turned her face to see the contouring better. “It doesn’t even look like me anymore.”

  “Well, of course it does. It’s just a different side of you that has been waiting to come out. Now, time for a wardrobe change.” His fingers danced across the racks of clothing. “I think purple would suit you nicely. Regal and still welcoming. Try this on.”

  Elizabeth took the dress from him, but hesitated. He sensed her unease and turned around to give her some privacy. Careful not to mess up her makeup, she slipped into the dress. “I can’t get the zipper. Could you help me?”

  “Not a problem,” Tim helped her finish zipping up the dress. “You are a vision.”

  “Do you think so?” She stepped back in front of the mirror.

  “Good work, Tim.” Derrick appraised her from the doorway. Black lace sleeves hugged her arms. The sweetheart dip of the neckline accentuated her bosom without being too revealing, and a sparkling sliver belt rested gracefully on her natural waist. The deep purple of the fabric went well with her light skin tone and dark hair. He smiled at her, “Are you ready?”

  “I think so.” She fought the urge to bite her lip. It would mess up the makeup Tim had worked so hard on.

  “Good. Our plane leaves in an hour.”

  Chapter 5: Business Trip

  “You didn’t say anything about a plane earlier.” Elizabeth was half sulking and half awed. On one hand, how was she supposed to get her furniture delivered? On the other, she was flying on a business trip to a photoshoot after just having the makeover of a lifetime. Right now, she preferred to be the glass-half-full type of girl.

  “You didn’t ask where the photoshoot was.” Derrick leaned back and sipped a glass of water.

  The interior of the plane was ivory leather trimmed with mahogany. Elizabeth peered out the window. Clouds made a misty filter over the sun and the city below. The world looked softer from up here, more pleasant. She smiled, the motion caught her eye. For a second, she jumped. She didn’t recognize her reflection in the window. The realization made her chuckle to herself. This was real. This was all really happening.

  “Mr. Page, we will be landing in fifteen minutes.” The captain came over the intercom.

  “That was fast,” Elizabeth turned away from the window.

  Derrick raised an eyebrow at her, “I’m not a huge fan of traffic. The shoot is only a state away from the office.”

  A car was waiting for them when the stairs to the plane unfurled. It had just rained. The world outside was dewy and glittering as the sun beamed down on them. Freshness wove its way through every breath she took. Derrick held open the door for her, and she slid inside. The driver waited until he was seated in the back beside her before pulling away.

  “You know, I have a question.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “I have an answer.” A sly smile played along his lips.

  She leaned in closer, and her fingertips brushed against his on the center portion of the seat. “How did you know the combination to turn off my alarm system that night?”

  Derrick resisted caressing her fingers with his own. It would be so easy to reach out. “It’s the address reversed. Most people have some variation of that or their birthday. Since you were new to the house, I figured you hadn’t had time to update to anything personal, so I went with the address.” He pulled away from her and leaned against the door of the car.

  The car came to a stop outside of a tall building with a sliver arch angled over it. Derrick opened the door for her and waited for her to exit before tapping the roof of the car. The driver pulled away. Tall, slender women and men with chiseled jaws were coming and going through the glass double doors.

  “Shall we?” He held out his arm for her, and she took it sheepishly.
br />   Derrick led her into the lobby where a blonde with a French twist and a clipboard rushed to meet them. Her red heels clicked rhythmically across the white tile floor. “Mr. Page, Charlemagne is waiting for you. Follow me, please.” She spun in a pirouette of grace and led them to an elevator.

  When the doors opened again, they were on the top floor of the building. The floors and walls formed a wall of white. Various scenes were set up in different areas. Lighting instruments were meticulously aligned to set the desired moods. A man with blonde hair in a fade cut approached them. His size reminded Elizabeth of a Viking.

  He extended his hand, “Derrick, pleasure to see you again.”

  “You, too, Char.”

  “And who is this lovely creature beside you?” Charlemagne took Elizabeth’s hand in his own and brought it delicately to his lips. Derrick felt a small thorn of jealousy twist in his chest.

  “This is Miss Elizabeth Adams. She is the new girl I told you about.”

  “Well, Miss Adams,” the photographer placed his hand on the small of her back and led her over to a set, “why don’t we get started?”

  Elizabeth stumbled onto the set and stood stiffly, “I’ve never really done this before. I’m not sure what to do.” The set was a faux window overlooking a city with a staircase leading off to the side.

  “Really, I would have thought you were a natural.” Char winked at her, and as she smiled up at him through her lashes, he snapped a picture. “See? A natural.”

  As the camera clicked, she moved into various positions. It became easier as she loosened up in front of her audience of assistants. Derrick watched her blossom from a shy girl into a bold and confident young woman. He found himself smiling in spite of himself.

  “I think we are missing something.” Char stood back from the camera. His eyes seemed to smolder as he thought. “Derrick, why don’t you step up there, too. The ladies need something to look at in these ads, too.”

  “Me?” Derrick looked at him a little surprised. Charlemagne nodded. Letting out a sigh, he stepped up onto the set and put on his business smile.

  “What are you doing? Get closer. She won’t bite.” He motioned for Derrick to stand closer to her.

  Clearing his throat and giving a small glare to the man behind the camera, Derrick stepped up closer to her. He could smell her perfume. It smelled like wild flowers and strawberries. As he came closer, Elizabeth could feel the heat from his skin. She became aware of each breath she took.

  “Beautiful. Now, let me get Derrick on the staircase. Miss Adams, could you just step up in front of him? Great. Now give me a sultry look. Pretend you are making love to the camera.” He took a few snaps then paused. Charlemagne walked around to get another angle, “Derrick, I want you to wrap your arm around her.”

  Elizabeth sucked in a deep breath as his strong arm encircled her waist. Her breath was quick and shallow. She knew he had no choice but to feel the gasps that his touch had incited. Her ears began to ring. For a second she thought she felt him pull her closer to him. His chest pressed into her back.

  “Miss Adams?” Derrick whispered her name.

  “Huh?!” She turned to look at him. He nodded to where the photographer had been trying to get her attention.

  Char smiled at them with the camera up to his face, “Turn and look up at him. You are the woman everyone is going to wish they were. Place your hand on his chest as if pushing him away, but he won’t let you go. Stare into his eyes. Get lost in them.”

  Her hand hesitated in front of his chest. He was still her boss. She hovered just above his shirt, unable to touch him. Sensing her indecision, Derrick grabbed her hand forcefully and pressed it against his chest. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat. Her heart was pounding. His blue eyes pierced any remaining defenses she may have had left. Derrick let his thumb trace across the top of her hand as he held it against him. She shuddered at his touch, and he took pleasure in seeing her melt in front of him. Just the touch of his hand sent goosebumps across her skin. There was something empowering about seeing a woman react in such an involuntary and innocent way.

  The camera snapped, pulling them both out of the moment. “I think that is our money shot.” Charlemagne waved his hand to his assistants, “That’s a wrap!”

  The bright lights flipped off. Elizabeth blinked to try and clear the stars from her eyes. Derrick’s hand fell away from hers. “You can let go now, Lizzie.” His breath tickled her ear as he whispered.

  “Oh. Yes.” She pulled away from him and brushed her hair away from her face. “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?” She laughed nervously and fanned herself, avoiding his eyes.

  Derrick walked over to examine the pictures that Charlemagne was pulling up on his computer. Her hand trembled as she reached out for a bottle of water on a nearby table. She glanced at him over her bottle as she took a small sip. Her heart fluttered again, and butterflies twirled in her stomach. A giddy smile lit up her face. Elizabeth bit her lip and closed her eyes. She could still feel his thumb on her hand.

  Her eyes snapped open. What was wrong with her?! Derrick—no, Mr. Page—was her boss. She couldn’t have these feelings about her boss…could she?

  Chapter 6: Storm Clouds

  A violently loud ringing startled Elizabeth out of her thoughts. Derrick chuckled to himself and sighed as he answered his phone, “Page speaking.” His face darkened, and worry lines wrinkled his forehead. “Let me know if anything changes.” He ended the call and scratched the stubble on his chin.

  “Is everything okay?” She lowered the water bottle from her lips and looked at him with concern thinly veiling the euphoria in her chest.

  “That was the pilot. A severe storm is rolling in, so we can’t fly home right now. He’s supposed to watch the weather and update me if anything changes.” He glanced from his intern to the photographer, “Excuse me for a moment, I need to go make some arrangements.”

  Elizabeth noted his shoulders were drooping slightly as he stepped away from them. They couldn’t fly home? Now what? She was never going to get her furniture delivered at this rate. Not only that, but moving had been expensive. Her first paycheck wouldn’t be in for another week at least. She didn’t have the money right now to stay in a hotel. He had just sprung all of this on her, and now they were stranded away from home. The butterflies in her stomach were joined with angry bumble bees of aggravation.

  “Would you like to see?” Charlemagne swiveled towards her in a computer chair.

  “Hmm?” She had zoned out again.

  “The pictures. Would you like to see them?”

  “Oh! Yes.”

  He pulled up several images to let her see. It was amazing. She had never seen herself look so glamorous. It was hard to believe it was really her. Nervously, her eyes landed on the final image. The way Derrick looked at her could easily be mistaken for desire if you didn’t know any better. She tilted her head to the side and smile wistfully.

  “You two make a handsome couple.”

  Charlemagne’s words caused a small wave of panic to roll over her. “Oh, no. Pssh. No, we don’t. I mean, look he’s got that…” She struggled to find an appropriate insult.

  “Obnoxiously perfect smirk and square jaw?” Char’s eyes sparkled. “How horrible.”

  She groaned inwardly, “Exactly.”

  “Lizzie, gather your things.” Derrick’s voice echoed across the room, breaking into their conversation. He didn’t like how closely she was standing to the photographer. He had other things to worry about right now, and he didn’t need that distraction.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I had our hotel in town set aside some rooms for us.” He held out his hand to give Char a polite hand shake. “Send the images over to my PR department after you finish touching them up. Thank you for fitting us in so quickly. We really need to get this rolling as soon as possible to make the best of her viral internet fan base.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll have them to you tomorro
w at the latest.” He turned to Elizabeth, “It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Adams.”

  “You, too.” She smiled sincerely and followed Derrick into the elevator.

  “You did well today, but don’t go letting this go to your head.”

  She sensed he was upset about something. The air around him felt cold. “I won’t. Mr. Page?” She bit her lip.

  “What is it, Miss Adams?”

  Embarrassment colored her cheeks, and she looked down. “I can’t afford a hotel room right now. Are you sure they can’t just fly us home? Is the weather really that bad?”

  “Lizzie,” he sighed, “it’s my company. You won’t be paying for your room. This is a business trip and a business expense. I wouldn’t make you pay for something like that.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” She hadn’t even thought of that.

  The elevator chimed as they reached the first floor. Derrick walked briskly towards the doors. The sheer amount of tall, beautiful women around them was astonishing, but he didn’t even glance at them. He was distracted by something. Did the upcoming storm make him that upset? Elizabeth fiddled with the fabric of her dress.

  The wind outside bellowed around the buildings. Darkness loomed above them, menacingly. Her hair whipped around her face and caught in her lip gloss. Derrick ushered her inside the car that was waiting for them before running around and getting in himself. As soon as his door was closed, droplets of rain began to pound against the hood of the car. They left behind large splatters that the windshield wipers fought to keep at bay.

  Derrick chuckled at her. Her mouth was gaping open at how quickly the weather had escalated. “Here, let me help you.” He reached up and pulled the strand of hair that had gotten stuck to her lip away from her face. The windswept look wasn’t glamourous like in magazines or movies, but somehow on her it was even more beautiful than that. Her hair was a mangled mess, but it didn’t destroy the illusion for him. The chaos seemed to suit her. He was lucky they had gotten to the photoshoot before the storm hit, or she would have needed some major touch ups.


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