Book Read Free

Wait For Me

Page 15

by K. L. Grayson

  He laughs. “It’ll definitely be hard, but I’ll try not to maul you in public. Let’s get out of here.”

  Grayson leads me out of the loft. I lock up and follow him down the stairs.

  “Now you’re just showing off,” I say, dragging my finger along the hood of another muscle car. “Where’s the Challenger?”

  “In the garage. You have a thing for Mustangs, so I thought we’d take the Shelby.”

  Grayson opens the door, and I slide into the car. My body melts against the soft leather seats. The inside looks pristine.

  “By the looks of it, I’m guessing you don’t drive this car much.”

  “You guessed right.” He puts the key in the ignition and cranks it over. The Mustang roars to life. “Dad and I restored this car together when I was a kid.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Ten when he bought it. Sixteen when it was finished. I don’t get to drive it much because there isn’t a ton of room, and with three kids, I need room. Also, I don’t trust them not to destroy it.”

  “Speaking of kids, where are they? I thought we’d have to drop them off.”

  “I did that before I came to get you. Emma was mad at me because she didn’t get to see you all dressed up.”

  “She’s so sweet.”

  Grayson puts the car in drive, pulls down his lane, and makes a right turn.

  “What did you tell the kids?” I ask.

  “The truth. I don’t ever want to lie to them. I told them I was taking you out to dinner. Henry just babbled.”

  “Of course he did.” I chuckle.

  “Jack wanted to come with us, and Emma wanted to see your outfit. I told her we’d take a picture and send it to Jessa.”

  “I think we can make that happen. Now, tell me where we’re going.”

  “I made dinner reservations at Fontana’s, and then we’re going ax throwing.” He glances at me and grins. His dimples pop out beneath the stubble on his jaw, and I can’t help but run my finger along it.

  “Ax throwing? I didn’t know that was a thing.”

  “Neither did I until I started researching date ideas.” Grayson takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.

  “You researched where to take me?”

  “Is that weird?”

  “I think it’s sweet.”

  “In that case, yes, yes I did.” We laugh, and he continues. “I wanted to do something where we could interact and spend time together.”

  “It sounds like fun. I can’t wait.”

  The drive to Fontana’s is short, and when we pull in, the lot is full.

  “Wow, it’s packed here.”

  “Don’t worry, I made reservations.” Grayson walks around the car to open my door, takes my hand, and we walk to the front of the restaurant.

  Brightly colored lights are strewn about, and soft music wafts through the air.

  “Welcome to Fontana’s,” says a waitress with bright blue eyes and equally bright red lipstick. She smiles at Grayson first, giving him an appreciative glance before looking at me. “Do you have a reservation tonight?”

  “We have a table for two for Calhoun.”

  “Ah, yes, right this way.” She grabs two menus and leads us through the dimly lit restaurant to a corner booth in the back. “Will this work for you, sir?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Grayson motions for me to enter first, and I slide all the way to the corner. He slides in beside me until our thighs are touching and then hands me a menu as he takes one for himself.

  “There are so many options. How am I supposed to choose? Do you have a recommendation?” I ask.

  “I haven’t been here for a few years, but I used to love the pasta three-way.”

  “I was looking at that. I was also thinking of trying the garlic chicken.”

  “I’ve never had it. We could order both and share.”

  “Sold!” I close the menu and set it aside just as a waiter approaches the table.

  “Good evening. My name is Justin, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

  “I’ll have a sweet tea with lemon.”

  “I’ll have a sweet tea without lemon,” Grayson says. “And we’re ready to order.”

  Justin smiles. “Look at you two, making my job easy. Go ahead, sugar,” he says, looking at Grayson.

  “I’m going to have the pasta three-way with garlic bread, and my date is going to have the garlic chicken.”

  “What kind of potatoes would you like with your chicken?” Justin asks, looking at me.

  “Mashed, please.”

  “You got it. Is there anything else I can get you right now?”

  Grayson and I shake our heads, and our waiter walks away with an exaggerated strut. I’m not sure if it’s for Grayson’s benefit or mine.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look?”

  I scoot as close to Grayson as I can get and smile up at him. “Yes, but you can tell me again.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  He kisses me softly and curls his hand around mine under the table. It’s sweet and romantic and everything I could’ve hoped for.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” I whisper.


  “I’m nervous.”

  He blinks and tilts his head. “Of what?”

  “You. Me. This. Apparently, I can get on stage in front of thousands of people, but when a handsome single dad takes me on a date, my nerves go crazy.”

  “You think I’m handsome?”

  I chuckle and nudge his elbow with mine. “You know you are.”

  “Don’t be nervous.” He leans in and brushes his nose against mine before taking my lips in another kiss.

  “Grayson Calhoun, is that you?”

  The feminine voice cuts through our quiet moment, and Grayson pulls back. His eyes light up when he sees the woman standing next to the table.

  “Lacey?” He scoots out of the booth and hugs the beautiful brunette. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in town?”

  “It was a last-minute work thing; you know how that stuff goes.” Her eyes move to me and then back to Grayson. The glance is so quick it almost didn’t happen, yet it makes me uncomfortable.

  “How long are you in town?” Grayson asks. “I’ll be around tomorrow if you want to come over.”

  My jaw drops. Is he serious right now? Making plans while on a date with me?

  “I wish. I’m only in town for tonight. Just a dinner meeting and then I’ll head back to the city in the morning. I’ve missed you. I didn’t expect to see you out tonight. Where are the kids?”

  “With Nick and Jessa.”

  Lacey nods and holds him at arm’s length, and then her eyes slide to me once more. There’s a crestfallen look on her face that has me squirming in my seat.

  Is she upset that I’m here with Grayson? Has she figured out who I am? And if she has, will she call the paps? I’ve been lucky enough to avoid that so far, and I’m hoping something tonight doesn’t set that in motion.

  Grayson still hasn’t looked at me, even though this woman—whoever she is—can’t seem to stop.

  She doesn’t seem unkind, just curious more than anything, and I can’t decide if she’s trying to figure out if it’s really me sitting with Grayson, or if she simply hasn’t a clue who I am.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Grayson says.

  I straighten my back, an attempt to appear calm and unaffected, but it’s getting harder by the second.

  Finally, Lacey steps to the side and gives me her full attention. “And who’s this?”

  I open my mouth to respond, but Grayson beats me to it. “This is…my friend, Nora,” he says in a rush. “She’s Jessa’s sister-in-law, and she’s helping me with the kids this summer.”

  My stomach free falls, and I reach for the water glass on table and take a drink. Uncomfortable doesn’t come close to describing the atmosphere right now, and I take another drink just to
keep myself busy.

  I can’t believe he introduced me as Jessa’s sister-in-law and the sitter. I’m not sure what I expected him to say, but it wasn’t that, and he didn’t have to look so darn anxious when he said it.

  “Oh my gosh, the kids!” Lacey looks to Grayson and frowns. “I miss them so much. When can I see them again?”

  “Anytime. You know you’re always welcome at the house.”

  “I’m going to take you up on that.”

  When our gazes meet for the umpteenth time, a thick tension falls over the able, and while I don’t believe she and Grayson are romantically involved, it’s easy to tell she isn’t a fan of me.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Nora. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again soon.”

  “That sounds lovely. And who did you say you are again?”

  She laughs and touches Grayson’s arm. “I’m Lorelei’s sister—Grayson’s sister-in-law.”

  Doesn’t she mean ex-sister-in-law?



  Dinner is quiet, a complete one-eighty from the way things were when we first got here. I think it’s safe to say that Lacey’s interruption has had quite the impact on this first date.


  Seeing her here tonight was a complete shock to my system—one I wasn’t expecting, and I didn’t handle it well.

  When I first caught a glimpse of her, I would’ve sworn it was Lorelei standing there.

  Now that she’s gone, it doesn’t matter how much small talk I make with Nora. I can’t seem to get us back on the same page, and that’s a huge disappointment. It’s also entirely my fault.

  “Keep the change.” I hand Justin some twenties and our bill, stuffing my wallet into my back pocket.

  “Thank you.” He winks. “Have a good night.”

  “We will.” I slide from the booth and hold a hand out for Nora. She stares at it, and for a second I think she’s going to dismiss the offer, but she doesn’t.

  She attempts a smile and slips her hand in mine. I grip it tightly as we weave through the restaurant, because I don’t want her to pull away.

  “Ready to go ax throwing?” I say, opening the car door for her.

  “If it’s all right with you, I think I’d like to go home.”

  “Nora.” Damn it, this isn’t at all how things are supposed to go. We’re supposed to be having fun and laughing while getting to know each other.

  I rush around the front of the car and get in.

  “Can we please talk about this?”

  Nora sighs and looks at her hands. “There’s nothing to talk about. It was a great dinner, but I’m just ready to go home.”

  “If that’s how you feel after I try to explain myself, I will take you home. But I’m hoping if you give me a chance, I can make this right.”

  “I don’t know, Grayson…” She bites her lip, and I reach for her hand and pull it into my lap.

  “I screwed up tonight. I hurt you—not intentionally, but I hurt you nonetheless, and I hate myself for it.”

  “You introduced me as your sitter.” Nora shakes her head, seeming confused by the entire situation, and my stomach turns. Are those tears in her eyes? “And she introduced herself as your sister-in-law. Are you and Lorelei divorced, or just separated?”

  Oh hell, I didn’t even realize that. “Divorced. Definitely divorced. And I’m so sorry, Nora. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, and I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Seeing Lacey was a shock, and Christ, it threw me for a loop.”

  My chest tightens as images of holding Lacey as she fell apart in my arms at the hospital after Lorelei’s drug overdose flash through my head like a slideshow. My ex-wife’s drug use was just as hard on her sister as it was on me.

  “Lacey and Lorelei were really close. They were best friends. She didn’t handle it well when she found out about Lorelei’s drug use, and right after my divorce, things with Lacey and me were strained. She thought I was walking away from my marriage too soon, that I wasn’t giving Lorelei a chance, but she didn’t know half of what Lorelei had put us through.”

  I pause and suck in a breath.

  Nora tightens her grip on my hand. “Keep going.”

  “Over time, things got better between me and Lacey, but she still holds out hope that her sister will get clean and we’ll get back together.”

  “Is there any chance of that happening?”

  “Of her getting clean? I hope so. But of us getting back together?” I shake my head. “It’s never going to happen.”

  Nora nods. “And you were worried about how Lacey would react if she knew we were there on a date?”

  “Yes and no.” God, why is this so hard to explain? “I love Lacey, and I don’t want to hurt her—”

  “Is that why you didn’t introduce me as your date?”

  “Partly. I didn’t know how she would handle it, and that’s not a conversation I wanted to have with her in the middle of a restaurant on our first date. But mostly it’s because I wasn’t thinking. Running into her was a shock, and I stupidly blurted the first thing that came to mind.”

  “I understand.”

  The tightness in my chest releases, and I feel like I can breathe again. “You do?”

  “Yes. It’s a difficult situation, and I think you handled it well.”

  “I hurt your feelings. I’d hardly call that handling it well.” She’s being so understanding about all of this. She’s almost too good to be true. “I promise I won’t make that mistake again. You’re the first real thing I’ve let myself have in over two years, and I don’t want to lose it before it even starts.”



  “Can we go throw axes now?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Nora’s hand rests on my upper thigh as I make the two-minute drive to the venue. We step out of the car and meet by the hood.

  I slide my hand behind Nora’s neck. The weight of her hair hangs over my arm, and I breathe in her fresh scent. “Does this mean you forgive me?”

  “I forgive you. But next time, introduce me as your date or your girlfriend. I’m good with either one. But don’t introduce me as Jessa’s sister-in-law or your sitter.”

  My cheeks heat up. What an ass. I can’t believe I did that. “Never again.”

  “I do have one more question.”

  “I’ll answer as many as you’ve got.”

  “Does Lacey see your kids often? Because I don’t think she likes me very much.”

  “No. She lives in the city. She wasn’t in their life much before Lorelei left, so not much has changed. It’s the same with Lorelei’s parents.”

  “I can’t imagine that. When Nick and Jessa have a kid, I’m going to be over there all the time.”

  “Because you’re wonderful. Lorelei and Lacey grew up in a cold home where money meant more than love.”

  “Most days, when I think of Lorelei and what she put you and the kids through, I want to throttle her, but that makes me feel sorry for her.”

  “It’s the same way for me. That’s why I’ve vowed to give my kids a different life, one filled with love and laughter.”

  “You’re doing a great job, Grayson. Your kids are wonderful, and that’s a testament to good parenting.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to hear someone thinks I’m doing an okay job.”

  “More than okay.” Nora wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. “You’re doing wonderfully.”

  “I appreciate that. And as for Lacey not liking you, I don’t give a damn. I like you, and my kids like you, and that’s all that matters.”

  Nora answers by placing a chaste kiss on my lips, and then she pulls her phone out. “Should we send Emma that picture you promised her?”

  I nod. Nora holds the phone up. We cuddle in close, and she takes a few pictures. “I’ll send them to Jessa to show to Emma.”

  “Send them to me too.”

  “Oh my gosh
, that was so much fun.” Nora leans into me as we run from my car to my front door, dodging giant, cold raindrops.

  Jessa texted twenty minutes ago that the kids fell asleep at her house and rather than wake them, she suggested I leave them and pick them up tomorrow morning. I wasn’t about to pass up the chance to spend a little extra time alone with Nora.

  “Except when you almost took my head off,” I point out.

  That makes her laugh harder. “I didn’t mean to let go of the ax; it just flew out of my hands.”

  I unlock the front door, and we dash inside.

  “Backwards. You literally threw it behind you. I could be in a morgue right now,” I tease.

  “Oh, hush.” She pokes my side. “You’re being dramatic.”

  It turns out throwing axes is much harder than it sounds. We used the lightest-weight option for Nora, and she still had a hard time flinging the ax at the target. Hence the backwards throwing.

  Lesson learned. Don’t stand behind Nora when she’s holding an ax. Scratch that, the lesson should be don’t ever, under any circumstances, give Nora an ax.

  Nora shivers. I grab a blanket from the back of the couch and drape it around her shoulders, rubbing her arms.


  “Almost.” She tilts her head up and taps her lips with her finger.

  I grab the edges of the blanket and pull her to me. Her sweet, warm breath fans across my face. Our noses brush together, and I press my lips to hers.

  Nora moans. The sound is smothered by our beating hearts and the raindrops as they slap against the roof.

  After several long, glorious moments, we pull apart. Nora’s forehead rests against mine.

  “I should go home.”


  “But I don’t want to,” she adds softly.

  Thank fuck.

  “Unless you want me to go.”

  “Stay.” My fingers brush her cheek, and she leans into my touch.

  “Grayson,” she murmurs.

  Then she does what I’ve been waiting her to do: she makes her move.

  Nora’s hands slide up my chest, curl around my neck, and dive into my hair, bringing me closer until our lips are a breath apart. “Touch me.”

  She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I hold onto her waist. “Tell me what you want.”


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