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Wait For Me

Page 22

by K. L. Grayson

  He kisses me deeply, playing with my breast. Each time he pinches my nipple, a zap shoots straight to my clit, causing my pussy to pulse around his cock.

  “Love that feeling, baby.”

  I love you.

  “Me too.”

  Grayson rolls to his side, tucks me against him, and pulls the blanket over our naked bodies. I’m overwhelmed with emotions and love for this man, and I want so badly to tell him how I feel, but right after sex doesn’t seem appropriate.

  “What’s wrong? You just went tense in my arms.”

  “I’m great. Better than great. So great, in fact, that I’m afraid if I blink, you’ll disappear.

  He cups my chin and lifts my face. “I’m not going anywhere, except maybe the bathroom.”

  I laugh, and Grayson kisses my head.

  “I’ll be out by the pool if you ladies need me for anything.”

  The next morning Grayson kisses me, nods at Marnie, and walks out the back door.

  I sigh, and Marnie chuckles.

  “Ahhh, young love. Sometimes I forget what it’s like to be in love for the first time.”

  “It’s my first time. Not his though.”

  “Well, with the way he looks at you, no one would ever know. That boy is lost over you. I’m happy for you, Nora.”

  “Thank you. So…” I say, trying to regain my focus. “Where should we start?”

  “How about we start with you? Obviously I’ve followed your career over the years. I know your ups and downs, and you’ve filled me in on everything that has happened most recently. What I really want to know is how you want to move forward. What do you want for your career? Where do you see yourself in five, ten, or fifteen years?”

  Gray and the kids are the first thing that pop into my head.

  Not sold-out stadiums and screaming fans. Nope, what I picture are screaming kids, evenings spent playing tag in the yard, and nights wrapped in Grayson’s arms.

  “Your face says it all.”

  “I’m that transparent, huh?”

  “Pretty much.” Marnie laughs. “But that’s not a bad thing. Do you want my opinion?”

  “Very much so.”

  “You’ve spent your entire life working your tail off. It’s okay if you need a break.”

  I nod. “That’s how I feel. Lately, since I’ve been spending time with my family and Grayson, it’s become increasingly clear just how short and precious this life is. We get one shot. We don’t get do-overs. There are no retakes like there are in the recording studio.”

  “You’re right; there aren’t.”

  “Sometimes I feel like this life—” I motion to the opulent house surrounding me. “—isn’t enough. That probably sounds awful of me since I have more money than I’ll ever be able to spend, and a celebrity status most actors and performers hope for, but it’s not enough. What good is any of this if I have no one to share it with at the end of the day?”

  “You’re right. You need to be happy, Nora. No one is forcing you to go on tour after tour and spend your nights jumping from hotel room to hotel room.”

  “Well, actually, yes, I was sort of being forced.”

  “Not anymore. I work for you, not the other way around. There are many things we can do to keep your name and your career relevant while still giving you time to have a life and explore your relationship with Grayson.”


  “Yes. Celebrities do it all the time. Whichever way you decide to go, we’ll make it work. If you want to take a step back, we can keep your tours scheduled for summers only when the kids are out of school, or space them out with plenty of time in between so you can be at home more. Or, if you want to keep pushing your career forward at full force, I can make that happen too. But whatever we do, it has to be your decision.”

  My eyes drift out to the back to where Grayson is lounging by the pool. He’s holding up his phone and I can tell he’s FaceTiming the kids.

  “I guess I have some tough decisions to make.”

  “I guess you do, and while you mull that over, let’s talk about how we can shed this innocent-girl routine and get people to see you in a different light. Although, I think you did a pretty good job of that last night at the premiere. Showing up in that dress with that man was a pretty bold statement from someone who doesn’t normally make statements.”

  “That was the whole point.”

  “Well, let’s keep it rolling.”

  Marnie and I talk in detail about my next album. It’ll be one-hundred-percent songs I’ve written, and I’ll have complete say in which ones make the cut.

  “I don’t want to completely lose the audience I have now—”

  “You just want to expand it,” she says, finishing my sentence. “I get it. This is all great, Nora. I would like to see some of the songs you’ve got ready.”

  “I’ll send them to you. Most of them I wrote over a year ago. I’ve just been sitting on them. I had plans of doing lots of writing while in Hope Falls, but that hasn’t exactly happened.”

  Marnie busts up laughing. “I can see why. With that man around twenty-four/seven, I don’t know that I would get anything done either.”



  I love you.

  Three simple words I’m dying to say are strong enough to keep me awake.

  Grayson is fast asleep, snoring softly beside me. I keep watching him, wondering what I did to deserve someone like him in my life.

  He hasn’t given me those three words, but I know he feels them or he wouldn’t have let me into his life, into his children’s lives, and into his heart—a heart that has already been broken once.

  I’ve thought a lot about what Marnie and I talked about earlier, and I think I’ve finally come to my decision. I’m ready to take a step back. I’d like to keep my name somewhat prevalent—maybe a summer tour the way she suggested, and a few guest spots on TV shows or movies thrown in here and there. Just enough so people don’t forget who I am, but not so much that it consumes every second of my life.

  I wait for the doubt to creep in, something to tell me I’m making the wrong decision, but all I’m met with is complete and utter contentment.

  Happy with my career and with a dull ache between my legs from hours of lovemaking, I curl up next to Grayson and close my eyes.

  I’m at the edge of sleep when I hear a buzz.

  No, not a buzz. A vibrate. My phone.

  Half asleep, I fumble around on the nightstand until I grab my cell.

  “Hello?” I say, pushing up to my elbow.

  “Nora, it’s Louise, Grayson’s mom. I’m sorry for bothering you, but Grayson isn’t answering his phone.”

  The panic in her voice has my heart beating wildly.

  “What’s wrong? Are the kids okay?”

  Please, please tell me everyone is okay.

  Grayson is still asleep as my lungs constrict so tight, I’m afraid I won’t be able to breathe.

  “Yes, dear, the kids are okay. For now.”

  “What do you mean for now?”

  “Nora?” Grayson shifts, sleep think in his voice.

  “What’s going on, Louise?”

  Grayson shoots up in bed, sleep replaced by fear. “Nora?”

  “The paparazzi found out who Grayson is. They dug up everything in his past. The story of Lorelei and how Jack found her is all over the news, as well as his ties to you. They’re here, Nora. The photographers are all over town. One of them was taking pictures of us earlier at the park, and now they’re staked out around the property. I was going to call you earlier, but I didn’t understand what was going on until I turned on the news. I’m scared, Nora. The kids are scared too.”

  “Stay inside, Louise. Davis is there with you, right?”

  “Yes. He’s pissed, Nora. I wouldn’t put it past him to go deck one of these photographers.”

  “Tell him not to do that. Don’t go outside, and don’t talk to anyone. We’ll be home soon. I promise you I will ge
t this taken care of.”

  I end the call with Louise and pull up Marnie’s number, but Grayson stops me.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “I don’t know how it happened, but the press found out who you are.”

  “Okay…so what does that mean?”

  “They’re at your house, Grayson.”

  “What do you mean they’re at my house?” he roars. “Who the fuck is at my house?”

  I flinch, but refuse to be offended by his tone of voice. He’s upset and rightfully so. “The paparazzi. But you have a long lane, so they can’t get close.”

  “I don’t care how long the damn lane is, if they’re sitting at the end of it, that’s a problem.” Grayson blows out a breath and looks up. “What else did my mother say?”

  “That they’ve dug up everything from your past, including Lorelei. It’s all over the news.”

  Just then my phone vibrates, and Marnie’s name flashes across the screen.

  “I was just getting ready to call you,” I say, answering the phone.

  “Turn on the news. Channel four.”

  “Channel four,” I whisper to Grayson.

  He grabs the remote, finds the channel, and we sit silently as a picture of Grayson and Lorelei flashes across the screen, along with all of the dirty details. Somehow, they even managed to get a photo of Jack…covered in bruises?

  Grayson goes completely still, and then he lifts the remote and powers off the TV.

  “Marnie, I need you to charter me a private plane. We need out of here as soon as possible.”

  “Get packed, and I’ll have you out of the city within the hour.”

  I hang up the phone and turn to Grayson. When I try to touch his arm, he shies away from me.

  “I’m so sorry, Grayson. I knew something like this would happen; I just thought we had more time.”

  He whirls around, his eyes frantic and angry. “You knew this would happen? Because I sure as hell didn’t.”

  Grayson flings his legs over the edge of the bed and tugs on his pants followed by the T-shirt I tossed to the floor before we made love just a few hours ago.

  I watch him, unsure of what to say.

  He blows out a breath and reaches for his suitcase. “I know you’re famous, and I figured people would be curious about me and want to know who I am, but I didn’t think for a second that they would drag my family through the mud. Christ, Nora, did you see Jack’s picture on TV?”


  “Fuck.” He pushes his fingers into his hair and paces the length of the room. “How could I be so stupid? Of course they would do something like this. Isn’t this what you people live for? Drama and gossip?”

  Whoa. That’ll be enough of that. “Excuse me? You people?”

  Grayson grits his teeth. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do, and I also know you’re upset and hurting, which is why I’m going to let that comment slide. I don’t know how the press got ahold of this information, but I promise you we’ll find out. I’ll call the station myself, talk to every reporter if I have to. I promise you I’ll find out how this happened.”

  His jaw clenches, and he focuses on packing his bag. When all of his things are safely tucked away, he sits on the edge of the bed and stares at the wall.

  “How could I let this happen? After everything she put the kids through, I promised myself I wouldn’t let her hurt them any more than she already had. Yet here it is again; the entire story plastered across the TV screen for the entire world to know.”

  He sounds so dejected. So lost. I’d almost rather him yell and scream than see this empty look in his eyes.

  “I let them down.”

  “No, you didn’t. This is my fault. I never should’ve asked you to come with me.”

  “I could’ve told you no, but I was so wrapped up in all of the feelings I have for you that I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  His words churn like acid in my stomach.

  I’ve never hated myself like I do now. I did this. Grayson and his kids were doing just fine until I came along, until I pushed my way into their lives. This is my fault, and I have to find a way to make it right.

  “I’m sorry, Grayson.” I pull a shirt over my head, shove my legs into a pair of capris, and sit beside him on the bed. I loop my arm through his, wanting nothing more than to touch him and comfort him and take away this pain I’ve inadvertently caused.

  When I go to rest my head on his shoulder, Grayson eases me off of him and stands up.

  “Will you call Marnie and find out when we can leave?”

  “Yes. Of course.”



  How did everything go so wrong in such a short amount of time? One minute we were making love, falling asleep in each other’s arms, and now we’re on our way home.

  I’m sitting at the back of the plane by myself, staring out the window while Nora paces up and down the aisle. She’s been on her phone almost constantly since Bo picked us up to drive us to the airport.

  We’re not laughing and talking the way we did on the flight to LA. Instead, I’m wondering why I thought it was a good idea to leave the kids and go to a movie premiere.

  Me at a movie premiere. It even sounds ridiculous. That might be Nora’s life, but it sure as hell isn’t mine.

  I was so anxious to get some alone time with Nora, and some time to myself, away from the kids, and now all I want to do is be with them. I barely even thought about them over the last thirty-six hours. What does that say about me as a father?

  And poor Jack. He’s worked so hard to overcome what happened. I can only pray that he hasn’t seen or heard what’s being said on TV, because if he does, I’m afraid it’ll set him back.

  “Yes, that’s right.” Nora listens to the person on the other end of the line. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  I listen to her end the call, and there’s complete silence. Nothing but the sound of the plane engine. I don’t have to look up to know she’s watching me. I can feel the weight of her eyes.

  When the seat beside me dips, I take a breath and remind myself this isn’t her fault. As much as I want someone to blame, Nora isn’t that person. The only problem; my brain can’t seem to separate her from this mess, no matter how hard I try.

  “Hey,” she whispers.

  “Hey.” I look at her—really look at her—for the first time since my mother called almost three hours ago. Her clothes are rumpled, hair a mess from running her fingers through it, and dark circles mar her tired eyes. She looks about as bad as I feel.

  “I talked to the reporter who broke the story about who you are.”

  My heart speeds up. “And?”

  Nora looks at her hands, studies them for a few seconds, and then looks back up. “It was Lorelei.”


  “She sold the story, as well as those photos, to a reporter.”

  “Wh—how?” I shake my head trying to wrap my brain around it. “How did she even know we were together?” I think about it for a second and then curse. “Lacey.”

  Nora shakes her head. “I don’t think so. According to the reporter, Lorelei saw pictures of us online and reached out to him. At first he didn’t believe her, said she sounded drunk or high, but then she produced some photos. He compared those photos to pictures of you he had taken at the premiere and knew she was telling the truth.”

  My ex-wife sold a juicy story and pictures of our son to the press. Drug money, if I had to guess. I grit my teeth. “How much?”

  Nora looks at me funny.

  “How much did she sell the story for? How much was this worth to her?”

  “One hundred thousand.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss. My legs shake with pent-up energy. I stand up and squeeze past Nora. I need to move, need to think.

  “I paid them double to stop running the story.”

  Her words stop me cold. “You what?”

  “It’s not going to fix the
problem. The story is already out there, but if this is the main source, I wanted to shut it down.”

  “Thank you.”

  Nora looks like she’s about to cry, which makes me feel like even more of an asshole. I want to hold her, tell her I’m sorry, and that this is just a rough patch we’ll get through. But I can’t. Not yet.

  “I’ve also got my lawyer looking into the situation to see what we can do legally. His guess is probably not much, but maybe we can scare her enough that she’ll keep her mouth shut.”

  “It’s no use. She’s a drug addict. All she cares about is her next fix. I wouldn’t put it past her to milk this for everything she can.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  A thick silence engulfs us. Finally, the pilot makes an announcement to prepare for landing, and I take the seat beside Nora and buckle up.


  I drop my head against the seat and roll it to the side. “Yeah?”

  “That picture of Jack…the one with the bruises… Will you tell me what happened?”

  I swallow past the lump. “I was giving Jack a bath one night, and I found bruises on his back and thighs. At first, when I asked him about them, he told me he fell, but something in his eyes didn’t sit well with me, so I pressed him a little more. That’s when he told me Lorelei’s boyfriend was smacking him around. I saw red, Nora. I thought I was going to murder the guy.”

  I tell her about showing up at Lorelei’s and the bruises I found on her face and getting arrested. I tell her the same story I told Bo, and by the time I’m done, she’s crying.

  “I had no idea. God, what a bitch. And Jack…it makes me sick to even think of someone laying a hand on him.”

  This time, I can’t help but pull Nora into my arms. Maybe we can absorb each other’s pain.

  “We’re gonna get through this,” she vows against my chest. “I promise you we’ll get through this. It’ll pass, just like everything else.”

  I wish I was as confident as she is. “I hope you’re right.”


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