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LUCA: A BBW Romance (Big Hot Alphas Book 3)

Page 3

by Kate Hunt

  “Is it that obvious?” I say, sighing.

  Dani laughs. “Um, yeah? You’ve been in such a good mood all day. I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “A girl can’t just be happy?” I scoff.

  “Not without giving details.”

  I roll my eyes. “Did you come by my desk just to pry about my sex life, or did you have an actual reason?”

  “Oh, fine,” says Dani, giving up. “Yes. I have a real reason. Go to our Instagram page.”

  I pull up a new browser tab and start to type in the address. I haven’t checked the page in a few days, but I seem to recall that we were close to some big milestone number of followers the last time I looked. Maybe that’s what this is about.

  I hit enter and our Instagram page pops up. Immediately, my eyes snap over to the most recent image—which is one of the shots from Luca’s shoot.

  One of the hottest shots, I should say.

  In the photo, which is dark and dramatically lit, he has one big hand wrapped around the handle of the umbrella, while the thumb of his other hand is hooked on the band of his boxers—boxers that do nothing to hide how well-endowed he is. While the rain falls around him, his eyes are intensely focused on the camera lens, his lips subtly turned up in a roguish smile.

  Admittedly, it’s kind of a ridiculous photo. Why the hell would anyone be out in the rain in their underwear?

  And yet it’s so damn sexy, too.

  Memories from last night wash over me. I don’t even know how many rounds we went. Or how many times he made me come. All I know is that it was mind-blowing—and that I was so tempted to play hooky today and spend all day in bed with Luca.

  If not for him having class and me having a bunch of work meetings, we totally would have.

  “I can’t believe that’s who you had in your bed last night,” Dani says.

  I break out of my daydreamy state and groan as I look up at her. “Dani, if you’re just showing me this photo so that I’ll tell you about—”

  “I’m not! I swear.” She gestures toward the screen. “Check out how many likes we got.”

  I click on the photo, which pulls up the individual post, and look at the numbers.

  Over fifty thousand likes.

  And over two thousand comments.

  “That’s…a lot,” I say.

  “Hell yeah, it’s a lot,” says Dani.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Crazy.”

  “Mmhmm. And before you start wondering whether those are just a bunch of spam comments or something…they’re not. Read them.”

  I start to skim the comments. I only intend to read a few of them. But once I start, it’s impossible to stop.

  Yumm. Take those boxers off!!

  omg wow he’s gorgeous

  Daaaaamn boy you hot.


  And on and on it goes.

  I know it shouldn’t affect me. I know they’re just stupid comments. But each one feels like a little stab to the chest.

  I thought I was stronger than this. But the truth is that nothing prepares you for two thousand comments from other women lusting over the guy you’re dating.


  When I look up at Dani, she frowns at me.

  “Hey,” she says. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I say. “I’m glad the photo’s so popular.”

  She squints at me. “No. Something’s up.”

  I close the browser tab and sigh. “I have to get back to work, Dani.”

  “Nope,” says Dani, swiveling my computer chair for me. “Come on. Let’s go get a coffee and talk.”

  Chapter Five


  I’m walking out of a lecture hall with some classmates when my phone goes off.

  “See you guys later,” I say, giving them a quick wave as I part from the group. I press my phone to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Luca?” a voice says. “This is Dani Harlow. The producer from the photoshoot you recently did?”

  “Oh, hey,” I say.

  “Is now an okay time to talk?” she asks.

  “Sure. Everything turn out fine with the photos?”

  “Yeah. The photos are great. I’m actually calling for another reason. A personal one.”

  My footsteps slow. “Is Quinn okay?”

  “She’s fine,” Dani says quickly. “I mean, she’s not hurt or anything. But…look, normally I never get involved in other people’s relationships. But in this case, I feel like I need to say something. Because it’s obvious to me that you and Quinn have something really special.”

  “We do,” I say. I’ve slowed to a complete stop. “What’s going on, Dani?”

  She sighs. “Okay. So. We uploaded one of the photos from your shoot on our company’s Instagram account this morning. And it went viral.”

  “Okay…” I say, unsure where this is going.

  “The photo didn’t just get a bunch of likes. It got a ton of comments, too. And when Quinn started reading those comments…well, it really affected her. She and I had a long talk about it, and I guess the comments made her feel really insecure. I tried to reassure her that what the two of you have is solid, but she just kept spiraling.”

  “Fuck,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

  “I know this is between you two, but…is there anything I can do to help?”

  I look around, feeling at a loss for once in my life.

  Then it comes to me.

  “Actually, there is a way you can help,” I say.

  “Anything at all,” says Dani.

  Dani meets me within the hour with blank pieces of tagboard under her arm and a fat marker in hand.

  “Ready to do this?” she says.

  “Absolutely,” I say.

  For the next two hours, we take photos around the busiest areas of town, Dani using my phone to take the photos while I hold up the signs I’ve written out by hand:


  You’re the most incredible,

  the most beautiful,

  the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.

  And this is what I want the whole world to know:

  You’re the only one I want.

  You’re my everything.

  Quinn, you’re my happily ever after.

  After taking the last shot, Dani and I find a bench to sit down on and we go through the photos. I upload them one at a time to the Instagram account I made right before meeting up with her.

  When I’ve finished uploading the final photo, Dani tags me in the photo of me on their company’s account. Letting out a breath, she looks over at me and nods.

  “Let’s hope it works,” she says.

  “It will,” I say—because it has to. “Thanks for doing this, Dani.”

  “Oh, of course. I’m happy to help.”

  Back at my apartment, the next few hours are a waiting game. I avoid checking the photos for the first hour—instead using the time to get caught up on more reading for class—but then I can’t hold out any longer.

  When I open up the app, every photo I uploaded earlier is flooded with the kind of comments I was hoping for.

  Oh my gosh this is so sweet!!

  Not gonna lie I’m jealous! ;) Enjoy him, girl!

  Whoever Quinn is she is SO DAMN LUCKY.

  I look up from my phone and just sit there on my couch for a long time, doing nothing but thinking of Quinn. Thinking of her sweetness. Her kisses. Her whole beautiful self.

  If this doesn’t work, the girl’s going to break my damn heart.

  Finally, after what feels like a fucking eternity, the text comes from Dani. It says, simply, It’s go time.

  When I check the photos one last time, the number of comments have doubled.

  Love love love…

  So romantic! Hope we get updates??

  Propose already dude!!

  I shove my phone into my pocket and head out.

  Ten minutes later, I walk through the front doors of Quinn’s work. W
hen I tell the receptionist at the front desk who I’m there to see, she smiles knowingly and tells me where to go.

  I follow the receptionist’s directions, walking down the hall and turning right after I pass the second conference room.

  When I see Quinn, she’s sitting in front of a computer, her eyes widened in surprise as she looks at the screen. Dani is standing behind Quinn’s chair, and gives me a little nod when she sees me.

  “Quinn,” I say, slowing as I reach her desk.

  Her eyes rise from her screen. Her mouth gently parts.

  “Luca?” she says. She stands up from her chair and rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around me. “I can’t believe you did that for me. You’re amazing.”

  “No. You are, Quinn,” I say, gently pulling back so I can look her in the eyes.

  She blinks up at me. “I’m sorry I ever doubted us. I shouldn’t have. This has just all happened so fast. Meeting you. Dating you. Falling in love with—”

  Both her hands fly to cover her mouth. Her eyes widen at me. But then her irises shimmer and she drops her hands and laughs.

  “Falling in love with you,” she finishes saying.

  I pull her toward me. “I’ve fallen in love with you, too, Quinn. And you know what? I can’t wait to tell the whole world. But first I need to tell you. I love you, Quinn. I’m crazy in love with you. And I don’t know how I know this, but I do: I’m going to feel that way for the rest of my life. So this is what I want to know. Will you be mine, Quinn? Will you marry me?”

  Chapter Six

  Epilogue – Quinn

  4 Months Later

  “It’s been more than three minutes, Quinn!” Dani calls out.

  The two of us are in the women’s bathroom at work, me locked in one of the stalls and Dani waiting impatiently for me to emerge. I didn’t plan on taking a pregnancy test at work, but this morning I let a comment slip about feeling queasy, and Dani hasn’t stopped pestering me since. I finally gave in and went out to get a test from the drugstore down the street.

  It’s been just over a month since Luca and I got married at City Hall. It was a quick, low-key, perfect ceremony with just our closest friends and family in attendance, followed by a lovely dinner that lasted late into the evening. By the time Luca and I made it home, it was after midnight—but going to sleep was the furthest thing on our minds.

  Leading up to the wedding, we’d talked numerous times about wanting to start a family as soon as we were married. Honestly, though, I never expected that first night to be the night it happened.

  And yet now here I am, a month later, staring down at a little plus sign on a stick I just peed on.

  In shock, I unlock the bathroom door and step out.

  “Well?” Dani says.

  “It’s positive,” I say, holding out the test to show her.

  Dani screams in excitement. When she leaps forward and hugs me, she knocks the shock out of me.

  “I’m so excited for you, Quinn,” says Dani. Then she pulls back to look at me. “Wait. Didn’t you say your sister-in-law is pregnant, too?”

  I grin and nod. “Yep. That’s right.” Madison and Titus told us the news a few weeks ago over video chat.

  “Aw,” says Dani. “That’s so fun.” She gives my arm a squeeze. “So how are you going to tell Luca the big news?”

  “Hmm,” I say, rubbing my chin. “Instagram?”

  “Quinn! No!”

  “I’m just kidding,” I laugh.

  When I look down at the test in my hands again, the little plus sign is even brighter than before.

  I’m barely able to concentrate for the rest of the workday. And when Luca texts me late in the afternoon offering to pick up takeout from our favorite Chinese restaurant on his way home, it’s excruciating to keep the news to myself.

  But no way am I telling him over text.

  Luca and I arrive home at the same time that evening. We greet each other with a kiss, like we always do—tonight, though, I have butterflies in my stomach, just like I did the first day I met him.

  “How was class?” I ask as we get settled in.

  “It was good. I’ll tell you about it later,” Luca says. He takes my hand. “First I have something else to tell you. Something exciting.”

  He has something exciting to tell me?

  “You do?”

  Luca nods. “I found a house.”

  Along with talking about the family we’ve wanted to start, Luca and I have also talked a ton about how amazing it would be to move out to the country. Unlike our baby-making plans, though, it’s felt more like just a thing to daydream about.

  “You found a house?” I say. “For real?”

  “For real.” Luca grins and gets out his phone. When he pulls up the photos, I can’t believe my eyes. The property is gorgeous. Lots of space. An open field. Big, beautiful trees. And in the middle of it all is a pretty two-story house.

  I can totally imagine us raising our kids there.

  “Best part is, it’s only a twenty-minute drive from town. I can’t wait to take you out there, babe. You’re going to love it.”

  “I already do,” I say. I lift my eyes to meet his. “I have news, too, Luca.”

  His expression goes mock-serious for a second. “Don’t tell me you found a house, too.”

  I laugh. “Nope.” I touch his chest. God, I’ll never get over how big and strong he is. “I’m pregnant.”

  Luca’s jaw hangs open. “Seriously?”


  He pulls me into his arms and starts kissing me. “That’s amazing. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. So much.”

  Our kisses quickly grow more heated and more intense until neither of us can take it anymore. Suddenly he’s got me up on the counter, my skirt pushed up and my panties pulled aside, his fingers inside me first before he moves his hand away to free his cock from his pants. When he thrusts into me, a pleasure-filled sob escapes my throat. I gasp for air and dig my fingers into his muscled back as he fills me up over and over again.

  And then we’re both lost in the exquisiteness of the feeling. Our lips crush together as he spills into me and then I come, too, our kiss full of the most intense kind of love.

  I feel so complete with this man.

  My stomach growls, and our kissing turns into laughter. Luca smooths down my skirt and lifts me off the counter.

  “Go sit,” Luca says. “I’ll bring you a plate.”

  “Can’t wait to see what dishes you got,” I say, giving his ass a playful slap.

  “All our favorites, babe,” he says. “Every last one of them.”

  Thank you for reading!

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  Want to find out what Quinn and Luca are up to now?

  * * *

  Download the free bonus epilogue!

  Want to read Dani’s story?

  * * *

  Get your copy of CASH, Big Hot Alphas Book 4!

  About the Author

  Kate Hunt writes short, sexy, feel-good romances about delicious men and the feisty heroines they can’t live without. Kate is married to her high school sweetheart, unapologetically spoils her pets, and always has a song stuck in her head.

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