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The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan

Page 114

by Rick Perlstein

  “American Revolutionary Army,” 207

  American Rifleman, 551

  Americans for Democratic Action, 312, 652, 738

  “Americans for the Presidency,” 257

  American University, 277

  American Veterans Committee, 355, 357

  “America the Beautiful” (song), 167, 322

  Ames, Iowa, 588

  Amoco, 729

  Amtrak, 708

  Anaheim, Calif., 203, 446

  Anderson, Bill, 121

  Anderson, Jack, 462, 509, 777

  Anderson, John, 75

  Anderson, Martin, 91, 759, 768

  Anderson, Patrick, 589–92, 609, 611

  Andrews Air Force Base, 11, 577

  Andrews Sisters, 167

  Androcles, 450

  Andy Griffith Show, The (TV show), 463, 522

  Angleton, James Jesus, 511

  Angola, 557–59, 597, 601, 612–13, 630, 634–35, 705

  Annapolis, Md., 584, 589

  Annenberg, Lee, 398

  Annenberg, Walter, 222, 398

  Annenberg estate, 446

  Anson, Robert Sam, 513

  Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 485

  Apollo space program, 197

  Appalachia, 299

  Apple, R. W., 273

  “Aquarius” (psychic), 176

  Arabia, 505

  Arab-Israeli war (1967), 191

  Arab oil embargo, xiii

  Arabs, 333, 478, 749, 781

  Aramco, 183

  Arbuckle, Fatty, 392

  Archery, Ga., 584, 662

  Aristotle, 206, 469, 685

  Arizona, 270, 450, 550, 589, 651, 682, 724, 753, 786–87, 795

  Arizona Biltmore, 379

  Arizona Republic, 618–19, 702

  Arizona State University, 544

  Arkansas, 53, 311, 415, 426, 432, 522, 586, 625, 686, 691, 704, 784, 786

  Arlington, Tex., 230

  Arlington National Cemetery, 203, 430, 577

  Armed Forces Journal, 11

  Armed Forces Staff College, 323

  Armistice Day, 26, 32

  “Arm of the Arab Revolution,” 567

  Armstrong, Neil, xix

  Army, U.S., 40, 65, 67, 70, 146, 348, 350, 415, 425, 473

  Army Air Corps, 350, 358

  Army-McCarthy hearings, 65, 123, 385

  Arnold, Benedict, 255

  Arrow, Kenneth, 483

  Arthur, Chester Alan, 620

  ARVN 1st Division, 422

  Hac Bao “Black Panther” unit of, 421

  Ashbrook, John, 741–42

  Askew, Reuben, 160

  Aspin, Les, 600

  Associated Milk Producers, 199

  Associated Press (AP), 28, 65, 68, 80, 84, 99, 102, 172, 189, 193, 216, 278, 312, 328, 354–55, 373, 421, 431, 443, 456, 474, 499, 502, 504, 521, 534, 596, 639, 649, 663–64, 676, 695, 713, 717, 720, 743, 764

  Association of Retired Intelligence Officers, 578

  Astaire, Fred, 424

  Astoria, Queens, 120

  Astrodome, 208

  Athens, 203, 576

  Atlanta, Ga., 22–23, 61, 202, 227–28, 474, 486, 526, 540, 580, 612, 629–30, 653, 655, 663, 693, 721, 732, 758

  Atlanta Braves, 225, 227–30

  Atlanta Constitution, 207, 585–86

  Atlanta Hawks, 609–10

  Atlanta Journal, 612

  Atlantic City, N.J., 145, 331

  Atlantic Richfield Oil Company, 729

  Atlantis, 175

  Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 111

  Attica prison riots, 319

  Auletta, Ken, 517

  Austria, 466, 532

  Autobiography of Malcolm X, The, 293

  Autry, Gene, 134, 340

  Aykroyd, Dan, 657–58, 667

  Ayres, Lew, 368

  Bacall, Lauren, 352, 372

  Bad News Bears, The (film), 688–89

  Baez, Joan, 66

  Bailey, F. Lee, 616–18

  Baker, Howard, 97, 126, 129, 131, 133, 143–44, 156, 186–87, 331, 519, 583, 765, 790

  Baker, James A., III, 704, 741–42, 778, 786, 789, 794

  Baker, Joy, 790

  “Balanced Growth and Economic Planning Act,” 334

  Balboa Naval hospital, 8

  Ball, Lucille, 372

  Ballantine, 128

  Ball State University, 319

  Baltimore, Md., 189, 329, 505, 709

  Baltimore County, Md., 157

  Baltimore Sun, 142, 417, 549, 614, 619

  Baltimore/Washington International Airport, 265

  the Band, 612

  Bangladesh, 7

  Bankers Trust, 480

  Bank of America, 90

  Ban Me Thuot, 420–21

  Bantam Books, 234, 252

  Baptists, 236, 301, 324–25, 494, 513, 641, 650, 716, 729, 745, 775

  Barbara Jean (char.), 582

  Barber, Mrs. Laird, 314

  Barbour, Haley, 775–76, 778–79

  Barker, Bernard, 101–2

  Barnett, Juanita, 457

  Barnhart, Ray, 772, 778, 783, 785–86, 794

  Baroody, William, 306

  Barron’s, 481

  Barrymore, Lionel, 392

  Bartholomay, Bill, 229

  Bartlett, Charles, 758–59

  Barton, Bruce, 387–88, 395

  Basinger, Jeanine, 342–43

  Battista, Vito, 735

  Battistella, Annabelle, 312

  “Battle of Jacksonville,” 630

  Bauman, Robert, 309, 441, 787, 795–96

  Bayh, Birch, 208, 301, 550, 578–80, 589, 593, 611, 613, 620–21, 628, 680, 724

  Bayh, Evan, 208

  Bay of Pigs invasion, 471, 633

  Bayonne military base, 751

  BBC, 416, 582

  Beame, Abe, 474, 476–78, 480–82, 492, 500, 502, 516, 525–26, 680, 724

  Beatty, Warren, 275–76, 425, 626

  Beaver, HMS, 255

  Bedford, N.H., 546

  Bedtime for Bonzo (film), 82, 375, 602

  Before the Storm (Perlstein), xix

  Behavioral Neuropsychiatry, 176

  Beirut, 702

  Belgrade, 491

  Bell, Daniel, 334–35

  Bell, Harold Wright, 36, 38

  Bell, Jeff, 337

  Belleville, Ill., 314

  Belushi, John, 657, 667

  Bend, Oreg., 9, 686–87

  Ben Gurion Airport, 253

  Benny, Jack, 59, 164–65, 366, 398

  Benton, Nelson, 234

  Bentsen, Lloyd, 550, 586, 593, 700

  Bergen, Edgar, 759

  Bergman, Ingrid, 424

  Berkeley, Calif., 127, 208–9, 456, 500, 509–10, 524, 656

  Berkeley Barb, 617

  Berkowitz, David, 743

  Berkshire Eagle, 202

  Berlin, 182, 184, 423

  Berlin, Irving, 796

  Bermuda, 702

  Bermuda Triangle, The (Berlitz), 175

  Bernays, Edward, 387

  Bernstein, Carl, 15, 51–52, 56, 140, 223, 225, 267, 275, 335, 657–59, 707

  Bernstein, Leonard, 141

  Bethesda, Md., 118, 379

  Bethesda Naval Hospital, 148

  Between You, Me, and the Gatepost (Boone), 104

  Beverly Hills, Calif., 333, 397

  Beverly Hills Hotel, 566

  Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 21

  Bible, 29, 125, 129, 152, 239, 292–93, 295, 450–51, 494, 545, 651–52, 705–6, 738, 797

  Bicentennial (1976), xiv–xv, 254–55, 428, 497, 568–70, 581, 583, 594, 606, 614, 633, 638, 651, 689, 700–702, 708–14, 717, 723, 747, 749, 762

  Wagon Train of, 638, 712

  Bicentennial Administration, 710

  Biden, Joe, 481

  Bien Hoa air base, 428

  Bill of Rights, 657

  Biltmore Bowl, 341

  Biltmore Hotel, 367

  Bioff, Willie, 360

  BioScience, 470
br />   Birmingham News, 714, 786

  Birth of a Nation, The (film), 552

  Bischoff, Douglas, 785

  Black, Charlie, 456

  Black, Hugo, 300

  Black Panthers, 88, 292, 297, 551, 652, 685

  Black September, 62, 203

  Black Sox Scandal, 247

  Black Sunday (book), 333

  Blackwell, Morton, 692, 703

  Blair, Linda, 205–7

  Blanchard, James, 321

  Blanton, A. L., 729

  Blatty, William Peter, 235

  Blood in My Eye (Jackson), 617

  Bloomingdale, Alfred, 397–98, 545

  Bloomingdale, Betsy, 397–98, 545, 793

  Bloomington Country Club, 156

  Blue Bonnet margarine, 382

  Blue Ridge, USS, 430

  Blume, Judy, 103, 261

  Blythe, Calif., 207

  Board of Regents (University of California), 88–89, 210, 685

  Boca Raton, Fla., 339, 486

  Bogart, Humphrey, 345, 351–52, 372

  Boggs, Lindy, 569

  Bolivia, 224

  Bolsheviks, 403

  Bonanno, Joe, Jr., 544

  Bonanno, Joe, Sr., 544

  Bonanno crime family, 544

  Bonanza (TV show), 21

  Bond, Christopher “Kit,” 702

  Bond, Julian, 610

  Boner’s Arc, 149

  Bonnie and Clyde (film), 7

  Bono, Sonny, 4, 771

  Book of Common Prayer, 448

  Book of est, The (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston), 574

  Boone, Pat, 104, 651, 771, 776

  Bork, Robert, 188, 788–89

  Born Again (Colson), 649

  Born on the Fourth of July (Kovic), 715

  Born Yesterday (film), 525–26

  Boro, Harlod Eugene, 499

  Bosch, Hieronymus, 431, 573

  Boss (Royko), 295

  Boston, Mass., 1, 198, 206, 227, 293, 297–98, 300, 308, 326, 458, 500, 571, 590, 625–29, 672, 701, 710, 713, 743

  Faneuil Hall in, 627, 712

  school busing crisis in, 287–92, 307, 322–23, 443–44, 459–60, 669–70

  Tobin Bridge in, 167

  Boston College Law School, 227

  Boston Globe, 98, 290, 405, 493, 531–32, 604–5, 635, 670, 761

  Boston Marathon, 761

  Boston Pops, 713

  Boston Tea Party, 255, 299, 701

  Boston University, 712

  Botswana, 7

  Boulware, Lemuel, 389–91, 398–99, 401–2, 478, 691

  Bowen, Otis, 160

  boxing, 40

  Boyatt, Thomas, 523–24

  Boyd, Charles, 65

  Boys and Girls Book About Divorce, The (Gardner), 104

  Boy Scouts of America, 255

  Bracero program, 408

  Braden, Tom, 428

  Bradlee, Ben, 462

  Bradley, Tom, 113–14, 317, 684, 719

  Brahmins, 287–88

  Branch, Michael, 102

  Brando, Marlon, 62, 165

  Brandt, Willy, 183

  Brauham, Mrs. Robert, 118

  Brazil, 470

  Breach of Faith (White), 659

  Brecksville, Ohio, 500

  “Brendan” (“est” trainer), 571–73

  Breslin, Jimmy, 251, 291, 659

  Brewer, John, 369

  Brewer, Roy, 360–61, 363

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 51, 100, 122, 133–34, 254, 484–85

  Brill, Steve, 609–11

  Brinkley, David, 6, 82, 430–31, 557

  British Petroleum, 184, 422–23

  Broadway, 380

  Brock, Bill, 764

  Broder, David, 159, 167, 318–19, 407, 646, 704, 735

  Brokaw, Tom, 115, 241, 250, 414

  Brolin, James, 646

  Bronson, Charles, 274–75

  Bronx, N.Y., 615, 700, 711, 743

  Brooke, Edward, 516, 647, 670, 764

  Brookings Institution, 137, 147

  Brooklyn, N.Y., 62, 202, 300, 415, 474, 508

  Brooklyn Bridge, 475, 481, 483

  Brooks, Jack, 260

  Brookside, Ky., 298

  Brothers, Joyce, 266

  Browder, Earl, 357–58

  Brown, Edmund G. “Jerry,” Jr., 163, 168, 286, 318, 321, 335, 412, 432, 593, 630, 654, 681, 683–87, 690, 695, 699–700, 715, 717, 719, 722, 724

  Brown, Elaine, 685

  Brown, H. Rap, 304

  Brown, James, 332, 520

  Brown, Pat, 88, 684, 686

  Brown, Rita Mae, 617

  Brown, Sam, 715

  Browne, George, 360

  Browne, Jackson, 717

  Brown of Harvard, 35, 83

  Brown v. Board of Education, 288, 642, 733

  Brudno, Edward A., 109–10

  Bruner, Jerome, 449–50

  Brunson, Veronica, 208

  Bryan, William Jennings, 304, 407, 646

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 585

  Buchanan, Patrick J., 117, 157, 170–73, 222, 337, 453, 555, 595, 669, 742, 757

  Buchwald, Art, 142, 238, 279

  Buckley, James, 57, 189, 219, 443, 521, 601, 645, 759–60, 764, 771

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 57, 119, 142, 189, 192–93, 394, 517, 647, 757, 795

  Buckley v. Valeo, 601–2, 660

  Budapest, 288

  Buddhists, Buddhism, 427, 572, 684, 686–87

  Buena Park, Calif., 325

  Buffham, Benson, 523

  “Bug, The” (torturer), 66

  Bugliosi, Vincent, 498

  Bulger, William, 288

  Bumpers, Dale, 586

  Bunker, Archie (char.), 200

  Bunker, Ellsworth, 665–66

  Bunker Hill Monument (Boston), 626

  Burch, Dean, 239, 489

  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, 51, 95

  Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 339

  Bureau of Printing and Engraving, 211

  Burger, Warren, 272

  Burlington, Vt., 113

  Burlington Free Press, 118–19

  Burnham, Dean, 614

  Burns, Arthur, 516

  Burns, Frank (char.), 305

  Burns, George, 398

  Burr, Aaron, 150, 255

  Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 33

  Burroughs, Jeff, 230

  Burstyn, Ellen, 205

  Burton, Dewey, 302, 681

  Burton, Phillip, 327, 425

  Bush, George H. W., 216, 268, 308, 322, 527, 704

  Bush, Prescott, 131

  business, lobbying by, 479–80

  Business Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC), 480

  BusinessWeek, 333

  Butterfield, Alexander, 148–51

  Butz, Earl, 734

  Buzhardt, Fred, 143, 192, 199

  Byck, Samuel, 265

  Byrd, Robert, 188, 586, 700

  “Byrd Amendment,” 672

  Caesar’s Palace (Las Vegas), 283

  Cagney, James, 342, 349, 366, 391

  Cairo, 189, 252

  Califano, Joseph, 730

  California, xvi–xvii, 20–22, 53, 56–57, 80, 88, 90–92, 108, 114–15, 125, 131, 143, 159, 165–66, 191, 194, 199, 207, 209, 211–12, 220, 250, 254, 256, 270, 274, 286, 300, 303, 308, 321, 338, 353, 361, 363, 379, 382, 406–12, 432, 440–41, 445, 456, 484, 497, 503–4, 509–11, 547, 549, 551, 561, 571, 597, 637, 654, 656, 682, 684–86, 693–94, 696–99, 705, 719, 740, 761, 773, 784, 786–87, 792, 794

  Mental Hygiene Department of, 411

  no-fault divorce law in, 103

  Proposition 1 in, 160–63, 168–69, 195–96, 410

  Proposition 13 in, 286

  Travis Air Force Base in, 3, 9, 21

  California, University of, 88, 169, 371

  at Berkeley, 82–84, 88–90, 371, 804

  Board of Regents, 88–89, 210, 685

  at Santa Barbara, 88, 90

  California, University of, at Los Angeles (UCLA), 167, 651

ychiatric Institute at, 176

  California, University of Southern (USC), 307, 543

  California, Ways and Means Committee of, 161

  California Fertilizer Association, 400

  “California Here I Come” (song), 782, 791, 799

  California League of Cities, 114

  California Republican Party, 490, 804

  California Split (film), 274

  Callaway, Howard “Bo,” 489, 493, 527, 530, 595–96, 660

  Calley, William “Rusty,” 248, 687

  Cambodia, 12, 14, 74, 109, 133, 158–59, 221, 260–61, 264, 266, 420, 427, 463–65, 481, 524, 548, 635, 723

  Camden, N.J., 168

  Cameron Station (Alexandria, Va.), 461

  Campaign Finance Reform Act (1974), 675

  Campbell, W. Glenn, 455

  Campbell Creek, 322

  Camp David, 51, 134, 231

  Camp Dodge, 246

  Camp Pendleton, 5, 432, 685

  Campus Crusade for Christ, 652

  Cam Ranh Bay, 421

  Camus, Albert, 335

  Canal Zone, 487, 631–34, 665–66, 758

  Canby, Vincent, 505

  Candidate, The (film), 685

  Cannon, Lou, 271, 731

  Cansino, Margarita Carmen (Rita Hayworth), 343

  Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 582

  Cantrell, Bob, 314

  Capitol Building, 265, 443, 569–70

  Capitol Hill Club, 329

  Capone, Al, 360

  Capricorn Records, 716

  Captive Nations movement, 739

  Caravana de la Muerte (“Caravan of Death”), 174

  Carey, Hugh, 481, 494, 516, 525, 593

  Caribbean, 112

  Carlin, George, 164, 782

  “Carlos the Jackal” (terrorist), 567

  Carlyle Hotel, 566

  “Carnation Revolution,” 557–58

  Carnegie, Andrew, 304

  “Caroline” (private plane), 566

  Carpenter, Smith L., 373

  Carpentersville, Ill., 113

  Carruthers, Bill, 783, 803

  Carson, Johnny, 57, 104, 176, 268, 439–41

  Carter, Amy, 590, 717, 719, 728

  Carter, Billy, 584, 728–31

  Carter, Earl, 583, 662

  Carter, Gloria, 584

  Carter, Harlon, 551

  Carter, Hugh, 608

  Carter, James Earl “Jimmy,” 59, 80, 114, 230, 236, 320, 491, 550, 580–81, 583–93, 607–14, 620–23, 625–30, 649–55, 661–64, 676, 679–81, 683–84, 686–87, 690–91, 693–96, 699–700, 702, 715–17, 719–31, 735, 741, 744, 754, 759, 771, 774, 776, 786, 790, 797, 803

  “ethnic purity” remark of, 662–63

  “Peanut Brigade” of, 608, 617, 624–25, 630

  “Power of Love” speech of, 694–95

  Carter, Jason, 719

  Carter, John (char.), 35

  Carter, Lillian, 583, 592, 723

  Carter, Rosalynn, 588, 590, 717, 719, 721–22

  Carter, Ruth, see Stapleton, Ruth Carter

  Carter family, 583–84, 608

  Casablanca (film), 351

  Case, Clifford, 497, 558

  Casey, Pat, 363–64

  Cash, Johnny, 772

  “Cask of Amontillado, The” (Poe), 295


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