Loving Kalvin (The Kennedy Boys Book 4)

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Loving Kalvin (The Kennedy Boys Book 4) Page 30

by Siobhan Davis

  We quickly settled into a new routine. I get up at five a.m. and spend a few hours writing outside, before the heat and humidity affect my productivity and before the two men in my life start making welcome demands on my time.

  We eat a leisurely breakfast on the deck before heading to one of the public beaches. We stop in town on our way back, having a late lunch or early dinner. On lazier days, we stay here, using the private beach to chill out, kissing, touching, and making plans, as Hewson makes sandcastles and snoozes under the shade of the umbrella. Kal is teaching him to swim, and we spend hours every day in the water. He’s running all over the place now, and, I swear, you need eyes in the back of your head.

  Nights are filled with sipping wine, snuggling up outside, and making love until the early hours. Kal is adventurous in bed, and I still can’t get enough of him. Barely a minute goes by without us touching in some shape or form, and I’ll never grow tired of it. I crave his touch as much as I need air.

  Strong arms slide around my waist, and a firm, irresistible body lines up behind me. “You doing okay, baby?” Kal asks, brushing my hair aside to kiss my neck.

  I shiver as delicious tremors ghost over my skin. “I’m perfect. Just taking a moment to appreciate everything.” I twist around, looping my arms around his neck. “Where is everyone?”

  “Our moms are clearing up after dinner, and our dads are drinking whiskey in the study. Everyone else is … around.”

  Both our families came out two days ago. I was nervous about it, but so far things are going smoothly. I know it’s strange for my parents to be back here as guests rather than the hired help, but Alex and James are gracious hosts. Even though they are separated, they are a solid unit, and I know all the boys are holding out hope they’ll officially get back together.

  I tense a little in his arms. “Who has Hewson?”

  He smirks. “Who do you think?”

  “We’ll have to check Faye and Ky’s bags before they leave. I wouldn’t put it past either one of them to try and kidnap him,” I joke.

  Kal draws me in flush to his body. “Neither would I. They are going to make awesome parents someday.”

  “I think so, too.”

  His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, and he looks a little green in the face, all of a sudden.

  “Are you okay? You don’t look so hot.” My eyes crinkle in worry as I cup his face.

  Michael Buble’s melodic tones waft through the nighttime air as the sound of “I Believe in You” emits through the outdoor speakers. “Dance with me?” Kal gulps nervously as he extends his hand.

  I place my palm in his, and he pulls me in flush to his body. My heart is thumping as I curl my hands around his neck. His arms encircle my waist. Then we’re moving, softly brushing our bodies as we sway to the music. He’s peering deep into my eyes, with so much emotion radiating from his gaze, telling me everything that’s in his heart. So much love exists between us. It never ceases to blow my mind. To know I could love another person as much as I love him.

  Our eyes remain locked, as we dance, while Michael sings about starting over, how good things come back to you, and about reasons to believe in love. As I listen to the lyrics, it’s as if he wrote the song especially for us.

  Kal starts singing, and then I’m twirling in his arms, spinning around and around, laughing as my heart and soul soar with everything I’m feeling.

  The pitter-patter of little feet has me turning around. Hewson is running on his chubby little legs toward us. Our entire families are lined up at the edge of the patio, watching with happy smiles. Blood thrums through my veins, and a fluttery feeling starts up in my chest. The music quiets until it’s a hum in the background.

  “Come here, buddy,” Kal calls out to Hewson. Hewson runs past me, and I pivot around as he barrels straight into his father’s arms. I gasp. Kal has removed his button-down shirt, and now he’s sporting an identical T-shirt to his son. Both of them are on their knees, peering up at me.

  My eyes fill up automatically as I realize what’s happening.

  “From the moment I met you, my soul came alive,” Kal says, his voice choked with emotion. “Every part of my life has been full of your presence, and I know that I couldn’t exist without you. Your love lifts me up. It makes me a better person, a better man, a better father. You are the reason I believe in love. You are the reason I’m so unbelievably happy. That I get up every day counting my blessings. I’m so grateful you gave me another chance. That you’ve given me this unbelievable life. I don’t want to spend a second without you by my side.”

  He stands up, scooping a wriggling Hewson in his arms. They move in front of me, both my boys wearing matching “Marry Us” shirts. Kal lifts the lid on the little black box. “I love you, baby. Make me the happiest man on the planet and agree to be my wife. Marry me, Lana.”


  I’ve never felt such abject terror as I do in this moment. My hand is outstretched, the massive diamond ring glistening under the glow of the outside lights. Tears flow down Lana’s face, and I can’t tell what she’s thinking. She’s shaking, sobbing, but she still hasn’t said a word, and now I’m petrified. Damn my cocky arrogance. If she rejects me, my brothers will never let me live this down. Why I thought it’d be a great idea to propose in front of both our families fails me now. What the hell was I thinking?

  I know we’re still young, and I’m not suggesting we rush out and get married straightaway, but I want my ring on her finger. I want the commitment. I want the world to know she’s mine. I want her to know she has my heart for eternity. That I’ll always be here for her and Hewson. That I want more kids with her.

  I think I’ve stopped breathing. Hewson is restless in my arms, not understanding the magnitude of the moment.

  “Yes,” she chokes out, finally. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  My relief is immediate, my knees almost buckling. Over my shoulder, I see Faye move forward, and I let Hewson down, nudging him in her direction. Lana flings herself at me, crying and laughing, and I lift her up, spinning us around, my heart full to bursting point. “Thank fuck. You almost gave me a coronary.”

  The music starts up again, and I put her feet on the ground, sliding the ring on her finger. She can hardly see it through her tears. “Oh my God, Kal, it’s beautiful.”

  “Just like you,” I whisper, reeling her into my arms. “I love you, honeybun. So, so much.”

  “I love you, too. You’ve just made me the happiest girl in the world.”

  “My new mission in life is ensuring you’re happy every day of our forever.” I can’t hold back any longer, needing to taste her, to feel her lips moving against mine. I kiss her long and deep and passionately, uncaring that we have an audience. She’s my fiancée now, and I’m going to kiss the shit out of her every second of every day for the rest of our lives.

  A not so subtle tug on my leg has us breaking apart.

  “Up, Daddy,” Hewson demands, not liking to be left out.

  I scoop him up, and he wraps an arm around me and Lana. We dance to the music, laughing and twirling around as our son giggles. In the background, our families are chatting and smiling, and no other moment could be more perfect.

  “Have you any ideas on a date?” Faye asks, a couple of hours later. Hewson is tucked up in bed, and our parents have retired inside for the night. Melissa and Keaton are snuggled up on the loveseat, while Kent, Keanu, Kev, and Kade have wandered down the beach to check out the party, leaving only Lana and me, Ky and Faye, Faye’s Irish friend Rachel, and Brad. Everyone is delighted for us, and this night can’t get any better. Well, it can. Once I get Lana under me later. I can’t wait to make love to her as my fiancée for the first time. I’m already hard thinking about it.

  “We’re in no rush,” Lana says, having already discussed it with me earlier. “We’re thinking just after we graduate.”

nbsp; “I can’t believe you picked this by yourself.” Faye takes Lana’s hand in hers, admiring the ring.

  “I might’ve had some help.” My eyes flick to Ky’s momentarily, and I smile at the secret we’re keeping. I wasn’t the only Kennedy choosing an engagement ring that day.

  Faye’s gaze bounces between me and her boyfriend, frowning a little. Ky pulls her in tighter to his side, pressing a kiss to her temple as he shoots me a warning look.

  “You did good, babe,” Lana says, kissing me softly on the lips.

  I stand up. “Excuse us. We have somewhere we need to be.” Taking her hand, I lead her around the front of the house.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  I open the car door, nudging her inside. I’ve only had one beer on purpose. She slides in, staring at me in confusion. “Where—”

  I silence her with a drugging kiss. When I pull away, I place one finger against her lips. “No questions. A surprise is only a surprise if you don’t know.”

  I’m smug as I drive away from the house, heading southbound.

  Ten minutes later, I stop at the high wrought iron gates, punching the code into the keypad. I feel Lana’s eyes on me as I drive up the small entranceway, stopping in front of the one-story Spanish-style property. It’s painted in contrasting shades of terracotta and cream, which are a bit gauche, but it was the stunning architectural design that caught my eye.

  I hope she likes it.

  That she isn’t mad I purchased it without consulting her.

  I was too afraid she’d say no.

  She’s a bit funny when it comes to money, but she’s going to have to get over it. As my wife, she’ll share everything that’s mine.

  I run around to open her door, taking her hand and helping her out of the car. “Why are we here?” I spot the nervous look in her eyes.

  “I wanted to show you our new vacation home.” My heart is in my mouth. “Surprise, baby. Happy engagement.”

  Her eyes are out on stalks. “You bought us a house?”

  Carefully, I draw her into my arms. “I know how much you love it here, Lana, and I love it too. I wanted us to have our own home. For Hewson to spend every summer here with us.” She’s crying again. “Don’t cry, babe. Please. On a scale of one to ten, how mad are you?”

  She laughs, playfully slapping my chest. “Stupid, crazy, Stinky. Why would I be mad?” She presses her body against mine, her eyes darkening. “I can’t ever be mad at you. Not when you love me as well as you do. You love me good, Kal. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you, but I won’t ever take you for granted. I promise.”

  She presses her mouth to mine in a feather-soft kiss that unravels every part of me. “I love it, and you. I love you so much.” Then her mouth is on mine again; this time it’s hot and intense and hungry. We devour one another, and my hand creeps under her dress, tracing soft caresses up and down her thigh. Ripping her mouth from mine, panting with the same desire I feel, she grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the front door. “I have an idea.” Her eyes glisten mischievously, and the bulge in my pants strains to the point of pain. “We need to christen our new home, and I can’t think of a better time to start.”

  And as she pulls me into our new house, there isn’t a single part of my anatomy that disagrees.


  I’m surrounded by fawning, lovesick couples, and it’s souring my stomach. Melissa and Keaton are kissing innocently on the loveseat while Faye and Kyler are kissing not so innocently on the couch across from me. Kal has taken his new fiancée off to show her the house he bought her. I’m happy for my friends, honestly, I am, but it only serves to highlight what an epic clusterfuck my life has become.

  Everyone is moving on but me.

  I knock back the remainder of my beer, reaching out to grab a fresh one from the ice bucket. Rachel eyes me over the rim of her bottle, and I stare back at her. Her eyes look as pained as mine. I only found out at the last minute that Faye’s Irish friend was coming. Apparently, she’s spending a few weeks on vacation in the States with her bestie. If I’d known she was visiting, I most definitely wouldn’t have come here. I avert my gaze, not able to witness her agony. I can scarcely tolerate my own.

  Why the fuck did I agree to come here? It’s bad enough I’ve had to endure this intense yearning in my chest all year, without subjecting myself to it during summer break. I feel instantly guilty at my uncharitable thoughts. I’m a fucking shitty friend. The worst kind. The one that skulks in the shadows, bitter and seething, coveting the one girl he can’t have.

  I’ve tried everything to forget Faye, but nothing’s working.

  Every girl I’ve fucked in an effort to forget her has only served to remind me more of her. Every girl morphs into the Faye of my imagination while underneath me, and the guilt ratchets up a few notches. By the time we’re done, I can’t get the girl out of my bed fast enough.

  I’m a mess, and I’ve no one to blame but myself.

  I should never have allowed my heart to become invested.

  I’m ruining everything, and there doesn’t seem to be a Goddamned thing I can do to stop it.

  Nothing is working. The only relief I get is when I’m numb from an alcoholic high and I’m too drunk to think coherently. Then my head is a blissful Faye-free zone. At least for a few hours, until reality comes crashing back down, reminding me I’m in love with my best friend’s girl.

  My gaze has drifted to Faye unknowingly. They’ve stopped kissing, and now Ky is glaring at me like he’s seconds away from ripping into me. I wouldn’t blame him, and I’d deserve everything he dished out.

  I look away, inwardly cursing myself as I knock back my beer. The seat dips beside me, and a sensual fragrance tickles my nostrils, evoking memories I’ve long since buried.

  “She’s never going to leave him. He’s it for her,” Rachel says quietly.

  “You think I don’t know that?” I snap.

  Fiery eyes meet mine. “Still an asshole I see.”

  I snort. “You didn’t seem to mind last time.”

  Her eyes narrow. “I don’t tend to discriminate much when it’s a drunken fuck.”

  “Or at all,” I reply nastily.

  “You don’t know me, so don’t pretend like you do,” she clips out.

  My eyes roam her sexy body, remembering how good it felt being inside her. “That’s where you’re wrong,” I reply, spotting the anguish and the pain lingering at the back of her eyes. “I know you’re hurting and that you’ll do anything, try anything, to blank the pain.”

  She glares at me, but there’s a hint of fleeting vulnerability behind the heat. “You should know. Found anything that works?” Her tone is taunting.

  I bark out a bitter laugh. “Nope, but I’ve only made my way around a fifth of the campus. There’s plenty more girls to fuck next year.”

  She shakes her head sadly. “It’s not the solution. You’ve got to change things up.”

  “Like you have?” I throw back at her, pissed for all sorts of reasons.

  “I’m trying.” She rests her hands in her lap, biting her lip, and damn if my cock doesn’t twitch to life.

  “How?” I ask, my mouth dry and hungry at the same time. I’m in desperate need of a lifeline, and if she’s got ideas, I’m all ears.

  “Didn’t Faye tell you?” she inquires, arching a beautifully curved brow. She tosses her hair over her shoulder, and my mind conjures up memories of twisting my hands in the thick, silky strands as I thrust into her. Her long tresses are dark brown now, not the garish red she was sporting the first, and last, time we met. The first and last time we fucked.

  She jerks her chin up. “I’m moving here permanently.”

  I sit up straighter. “What?”

  She nods. “Alex helped me secure a place on the fashion
design degree program at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Faye and I are going to share an apartment off campus this year.” Her eyes sparkle with relief and expectation, and it’s a different look on her.

  Well, shit. That means another year of sharing living space with Ky. I had prayed and hoped that he would move in with his girlfriend this year and spare me the agony. I guess I’m in for a second year of absolute torture. I take an angry swipe of my beer. I could tell him I want to room on campus this year, but I’m not leaving my best bud high and dry. That would just be another shitty act to add to the list.

  God, this situation is unbearable, and I feel like I’m walking on eggshells all the time.

  “You know,” she says, turning toward me, a softer expression on her pretty face. Her beautiful brown eyes light up, and her face semi-glows, enhancing her hotness. Rachel is stunning, and there’s no doubt the guys will be lining up for a sample. “I’ll need all the friends I can get, and maybe we can help each other. I … I know what it’s like to hurt so much that you can hardly breathe.”

  The look she gives me is the most honest one she’s shared with me yet. I’m not sure why she’s let her guard down, but this shit can’t happen.

  I stare at her as if she’s insane.

  I can’t be friends with her.

  One, she’s Faye’s best friend and an additional complication I don’t need in my life.

  Two, she’s hot as all fuck, and I don’t trust myself around her. Especially when I already know what a great lay she is.

  And three, she’s even more messed up than I am. I don’t know what demons lurk underneath her skin, but I’ve enough of my own without adding hers to the mix.

  Rachel and I can’t be friends.

  Rachel and I can’t be anything.

  I need to make that abundantly clear.

  Sighing, I plant my feet on the table, working out how to do this.


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