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Portal Wars 1: Gehenna Dawn

Page 20

by Jay Allan

  “I’ve got the 213th and the 173rd dug in on the heights.” Black was out of breath. He’d positioned the two strikeforces himself; then he’d run back the 3 klicks to HQ.

  “Well done, Blackie.” Taylor’s voice betrayed an odd combination of emotions…determination, anger, confidence. He was fighting hard to keep his other feelings hidden. For all the anger and bravado about destroying any who stood in his way, Taylor dreaded firing on other units from Erastus. It was one thing to call for a crusade, to declare all who oppose you as enemy…but these were his brothers in arms. They had suffered the same injustice he had…their only difference from him was ignorance about what had been done to them. They were only here following orders, and they had no reason to doubt those commands. He was about to start a civil war…soon his soldiers would be killing men they’d fought beside. He was about to set brother against brother.

  Taylor looked out over the terrain and sighed. He didn’t fear defeat…he was certain he could win this fight. He’d set a trap, one he was sure would work. The approaching force was commanded by Major Simms. Taylor knew Simms well. He was a moderately capable officer, but nothing more, and he’d been promoted beyond his natural competency level. At best he would effectively, but unimaginably, manage his forces. But his chances of defeating a tactician of Taylor’s ability were nil. Still, he was a good man, and Taylor was sick at the prospect of having to destroy him…and all the men serving with him.

  “Jake, they’re coming through the valley, just like you said they would.” Young’s voice was a little tense but, compared to his norm, it was downright calm. Like every soldier on Erastus, Young had been forced into the army. More than any of the inner circle other than Taylor, Young also wanted vengeance. He didn’t relish the idea of fighting other Erastus units any more than Jake, but if they chose to stand with UN Central, Frantic was ready to send them all to hell. “I’ve got two drones up. Looks like 3 battalions…maybe 3,200 total strength.”

  “Thanks, Frantic.” Taylor was having trouble keeping the lingering sadness out of his voice. “Keep me posted as you get new data.” He wouldn’t get much more info, Taylor thought…those 2 drones won’t last. His forces had to preserve their equipment, at least until they found some source of resupply. So, unless something unexpected happened when the battle started, there weren’t going to be any more drone launches.

  Taylor stood silently for a few minutes, staring out in the direction of the approaching enemy. He couldn’t see them yet, but it wouldn’t be long. His own people were dug into a makeshift trenchline…all except the ambushing force up on the hills. He’d considered marching out of his defensive zone to begin the pacification of Erastus, but he knew UN Central would go ballistic at his rebellion, and he decided to take advantage of the predictability of their response. As expected, they’d thrown the first force they could assemble at him prematurely. He was anxious to get the war for Erastus over, but he wasn’t about to interrupt when his enemy was making a mistake.

  He started walking forward. “I’m going up to the line, Blackie. I want to get a closer look.”

  “Jake, this rebellion is over if we lose you. You know that.”

  “I’ll be careful.” Taylor was lying. He had something in mind, a bold move that was anything but safe. He’d rejected it when it first came to his mind, but the closer he got to having to start shooting at fellow-Erastus men, the better an idea it seemed. Now he’d decided. If it worked, he’d save thousands of lives and advance the cause. If it didn’t, he’d be dead in half an hour.

  Taylor peered over the trench. Here they come, he thought…it could be a diagram from the training manual. Major Simms didn’t disappoint. His men were perfectly – and predictably – arrayed for an attack. They were going to march right into the ambush Taylor had set for them. And they were going to get massacred.

  “Jake…” It was Blackie on the com. “…Lieutenant Davison is asking if he should commence fire.” Davison commanded the heavy mortars…and the enemy was starting to move into effective range.

  Taylor was silent, staring out at the approaching forces. He closed his eyes tightly, longing to shed the tears he was no longer able to produce. He’d been grappling with a choice. Should he give the orders…and watch his men slaughter their old brothers in arms? No…he’d decided on another option.

  “Negative, Blackie.” Taylor’s response was tentative, uncertain. “Tell him to hold fire. All units are to hold fire until I order otherwise.”

  “Jake?” Blackie sounded confused. He was going to argue, but he just sighed and replied, “Yes, sir.”

  Taylor stared out for another few minutes. It’s now or never, he thought…Simms’ people will start firing any second. “Once it starts, I’ll never stop it,” he whispered to himself.

  He directed a thought to his implanted com, opening a channel to Major Simms. The com units were hardwired to link with each other, and neither side was able to shut out the other’s communications. “Don, this is Jake Taylor. Are you reading me?”

  He climbed up over the trench, the soldiers around him watching in horror as he stood straight up and started walking toward the enemy. Taylor’s heart was pounding, but he kept his pace steady. To any onlooker, he was as calm as a man out for a pleasant stroll.

  “I read you, Colonel.” There was suspicion in Simms’ voice, but curiosity too. “What do you want? Hurry it up. My orders are clear.”

  Taylor felt like a card player, shoving all his chips into the center of the table. He didn’t know if he had a good hand or if this was a bluff, but he was damned sure it was the biggest gamble of his life.

  Now, he thought…directing his com to expand the channel to every soldier present, on both sides. “We are not enemies, Major.” Taylor’s voice was firm, but friendly. “There is no reason for us to fight each other…today or any other day.” He kept walking forward as he spoke. He was 50 meters ahead of his line now. Blackie was calling frantically on the com, but Taylor ignored it, remaining on the open line.

  “Colonel Taylor, this is pointless. As I said, my orders are clear. Unless you are planning to surrender yourself along with your entire force, we have nothing to discuss.” Simms didn’t realize at first that Taylor was broadcasting to his entire army. “What is this, Taylor?” There was anger in Simms’ voice now. “If you wish to communicate you will do so with me and me alone. Is that understood?”

  “What I have to say is for every man here.” Taylor’s tone remained calm, friendly. He refused to take any bait…losing his temper would be disastrous now. “Many of you know me, have served under me. And the rest of you are familiar with me…with my reputation.” Jake paused, taking a deep breath, trying to stay cool as he continued walking forward.

  “I am no traitor. Certainly not to anyone on this battlefield today.”

  “Colonel Taylor…this is pointless. We have our…”

  “Major Simms, allow me to finish. I am walking alone toward your lines. If what I say does not convince you, I will be exposed to your forces. You can end this fight before it begins.”

  Taylor was almost 200 meters from his own troops, and moving into effective assault rifle range of the opposing forces. He was making himself a sitting duck, risking all to make his entreaty.

  “I did not take the actions I did for no reason. My officers and the men facing you here today did not take the actions they did for no reason.” Taylor took a deep breath. OK, he thought, here goes.

  “I was recently captured by the Tegeri.” He continued to step forward, moving well into firing range now. He slowly slid his rifle off his back and let it fall to the ground. “I discovered something terrible…something that changes everything.”

  “Colonel, that’s enough.” Simms was getting annoyed, that much was obvious from his voice. “None of this has any bearing on why we are here. Now, are you going to surrend…”

  “To the contrary, Major, it has tremendous bearing, and it is something everyone here must know before deci
ding how to proceed. But first, I will demonstrate my sincerity.”

  Taylor paused again. “Attention 213th and 173rd Strikeforces. Every man is to fire five shots straight up at the sky. Now!” There was a short pause before the fire started. It was sporadic, increasing with each second before peaking and tailing off. The whole thing took ten, perhaps twelve seconds.

  “You all know what your orders were. Your entire force was going to assault my trench line…and you would have been attacked on the flank by those hidden strike forces.” Taylor was practically screaming now. He’d gone all in, and he was working it with everything he had. “You would have been defeated, destroyed. You all know this now. I could have won this battle…but I sacrificed my advantage. I have done this to prove my sincerity to all of you. Because I did not want to harm any of you.”

  Taylor kept moving forward. He could make out individual soldiers now. A thousand assault rifles were aimed in his direction. He felt a shiver in his body as he took each step. All it would take was one soldier…one shot could end Taylor’s rebellion before it even started. Keep going, he thought, forcing his feet forward.

  “The Tegeri and the Machines did not attack the first colonies, as all of you were told.” He shouted as loudly as his strained voice could manage. “It was a UN force that destroyed the settlements. It was done to create a crisis…one that would compel the remaining nations to yield to UN Central’s control.”

  Taylor’s hand moved to his neck, fingering the talisman T’arza had given him. He touched it as he spoke. “I will…”

  “This is enough, Colonel.” Simms was angry, though Taylor could hear the uncertainty in his voice as well. “This is my last warning. Surrender now.”

  Taylor pressed the button on the talisman. “See for yourself…this was given to me by the Tegeri, who then departed from this world as they promised me they would.” The images appeared behind him, the same ones he had seen in T’arza’s lair…the ones he’d shown his own people. The image expanded, towered 30 meter over Taylor’s head...scenes of murder and destruction, carried out not by Machines or Tegeri…but by other humans.

  “This is what truly happened to the first colonies.” There was silence, save for Taylor’s voice, every eye riveted to the video projected behind him. “These soldiers you see are pre-Consolidation UN special forces…troops the Tegeri should never have seen. This war is a terrible fraud…a lie perpetrated by a small group of people so they could make themselves rulers over us all.”

  Taylor stared out at the entrenched forces deployed before him, eyes still focused on the graphic images behind. “It is corruption, deceit…murder. Your brothers who poured their lifeblood into the sands of Erastus, your families left behind, the thousands of men who will follow us through the Portals to their deaths…all for lies. For the base greed and lust for power of those who would be our masters.”

  Now, Taylor thought…make your play. “It must stop! This unholy evil must be destroyed.” He was shouting into the com, struggling to keep him voice firm, confident. “My forces have sacrificed their surprise, their guarantee of victory because you are all our brothers.” He took a deep breath and balled his fists in a mighty scream. “Join us, my brothers. Stand up with me, with all of us…” He held his arms outstretched, gesturing toward the forces deployed before him. “You are our brothers, all of you. You have shared hell with us, and now we will march out together.”

  Taylor took a few steps forward, flipping the latches on his armor and letting his breastplate and exos fall to the ground. “Join us!” He held his arms out, exposing his unarmored chest. “Or shoot me now…kill your brother and serve those who have made you slaves.”

  Taylor stood stone still, staring at the helmets peering out over the trenches in front of him. There wasn’t a sound…nothing. All Taylor could think about was Blackie going crazy back at the command post.

  The silence continued, seconds feeling like hours. Then he heard it…a scream, and the glimpse of an assault rifle flying through the air as a single soldier climbed up over the trench and ran toward Taylor. The whole thing was surreal, slow motion. Taylor was transfixed on the solitary figure moving toward him. Then, slowly, another…and another. Then hundreds…a tumultuous surging mass running toward him, cheering, screaming. “Taylor…Taylor…Taylor!”

  Chapter 21

  From the Journal of Jake Taylor:

  I hated the Tegeri…at least I thought I did. They had attacked us for no reason, murdered my people in cold blood. Destroying them was a cleansing, the one thing that made my consignment to hell bearable. Until my encounter with T’arza, my hatred was resolute. Whatever gripes I had against UN Central were subordinated to the crusade against the alien enemy.

  Still, now that I look back, I realize there was always a sliver of doubt. They are aliens, I told myself in my most introspective moments…their perceptions are different from ours. Perhaps we unknowingly offended them. Could we have destroyed sacred religious sites or hidden nesting grounds? They had been there before us, after all. How would humans have reacted if an alien raced swarmed onto worlds they had long occupied? Could there be a reason for the hostility, one more justifiable than pure xenocide?

  Such meanderings tended to end abruptly for me, usually accompanied by the scenes of dying colonists. No, I would say to myself. There is nothing that could justify what they did. Nothing. And yet that tiny doubt remained, surfacing again every so often.

  Now I know it was all a lie, that the Tegeri were blameless. In their place I have a new enemy to hate…and for them there is no doubt, however small. The men who ordered the deaths of the colonists – who lied to the world and sent me and thousands like me here to fight and die on an alien hell far from home – there is no misunderstanding about them. They are human monsters, hideous creatures devoid of morality. They crave only power and dominion over others. No lie, no atrocity, is too much for them to employ in their foul and base schemes.

  They are men who consider themselves above me, more worthy than the soldiers who fight at my side and the families we left at home. The suffering they cause is of no concern to them as long at their lust for power is satiated. There is no sacrifice too great, in their estimation, to demand of the people to sustain their grotesque, self-proclaimed elite.

  Yes, I have a new enemy, and one who will see no weakness from me, not even those few doubts I afforded the Tegeri. I will not listen to their lies, to their schemes, to their frauds. I will be blind to their pleas for mercy. I have only one purpose…to visit death upon them. To hunt them down to the last, down whatever rathole they may seek refuge. I will kill them all. Every one of them, so help me God.

  Keita slammed his fist hard onto the dark walnut desk. “Do you have any idea of the problem we have on Erastus now, Kazan?”

  Kazan was standing in front of the desk, noting Keita’s lack of an invitation to sit. He’d been named Under-Secretary just days before all hell broke loose on Erastus. Admittedly, that was considerably better timing than a few days later would have been, but he didn’t fool himself. Keita could strip him of his position in a heartbeat if he wished. And if making Gregor Kazan a scapegoat for what was already being called Taylor’s Rebellion was expedient, that is exactly what would happen. Kazan knew he could find himself shuffling papers in some clerk’s office at any moment…or worse. Maybe even a reeducation camp. And he knew exactly what went on in those facilities.

  Kazan nodded, keeping his mouth shut. He knew Keita wasn’t even close to finished yet. The longer Keita ranted and the more he said, the better a chance Kazan was going to get some kind of chance to deal with the situation. If Keita – or the Secretariat – had already decided to scapegoat him, he’d be in shackles by now.

  “The Supersoldier program brought you to the Under-Secretary’s chair, and you allow this to happen?” Keita normally controlled his emotions like a razor, but this time his anger was getting the better of him. “You allow a soldier, one who had already proved to be insubord
inate, to rally support and raise a rebellion…a challenge to UN Central itself!”

  Kazan could see the large vein bulging on Keita’s head. He began to wonder if he was going to get another chance after all, or if Keita just wanted to slap him around a little before he was dragged away. He struggled to hold himself upright, but he could feel his legs slowly buckling. Kazan was a bully and, like most, he was a coward at heart.

  “Then you sent other Erastus army units to face this man…the most famous soldier on Erastus, the first Supersoldier…with no support, no external supervision?” He stared right into Kazan’s eyes. “So, of course, he sweet talks them and they spread their legs for him. He doubles his strength in a few minutes, thanks to you.” He paused. “What kind of fool are you?”

  Kazan parted his lips, still unsure what to say. “Mr. Secretary, I assure you, I had no idea that General Hammon was planning precipitate action against Colonel Taylor.” That wasn’t true…Hammon had asked for Kazan’s orders before sending Major Simms against Taylor. But Kazan was pretty sure he’d erased all records of that communication or his subsequent instructions. It had been his stupid mistake, but General Hammon would hang for it in his place…he’d make sure of that much, at least.

  “So, your defense is merely that you were neglecting your duties and General Hammon is the fool? That you are simply a lazy imbecile and not criminally negligent?”

  Kazan took a breath. “I assure you, Secretary Keita, that if you allow me, I will take full control of the situation and deal with this crisis.”

  Keita looked back, undisguised disgust on his face. What a spineless creature, he thought…he will take any abuse I hurl at him and then kiss my feet for another chance. It didn’t occur to Keita that this was how the entire system functioned, with officials groveling to their superiors and scapegoating their subordinates. The battle cry in UN Central headquarters was, “It’s not my fault.” And Anan Keita was no different than any other. His anger was fueled not because he demanded excellence from his subordinates. He didn’t care how much of a fuck up they made of things, as long as it didn’t blow back on him…and this mess was splattered all over the place.


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