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A Thousand Li Books 1-3: An Omnibus Collection for a Xianxia Cultivation Series (A Thousand Li Omnibus)

Page 32

by Tao Wong

Wu Ying blinked, Xi Qi’s words seeming to resound deep within him. For a moment, Wu Ying stood still, the whisper of enlightenment dancing across his soul. But no matter how still Wu Ying held, the whisper never rose and eventually faded away. Still, a half-remembered resonance stayed.

  Through all this, Xi Qi sat silent, stroking his beard. When Wu Ying came to himself, he bowed low to the gatekeeper while mouthing his thanks.

  “Eh. Go. You are holding up traffic,” Xi Qi said, waving Wu Ying away.

  “Thank you, Elder,” Wu Ying once again replied.

  As he left, Xi Qi called out behind him, “And if you can, stop by the tobacco shop. You know the one!”


  The town beneath the Verdant Green Waters sect was small in comparison to some of the cities Wu Ying had seen on his most recent travels. It barely consisted of a hundred thousand inhabitants, a number that would have staggered Wu Ying before. Now, Wu Ying knew it was small. Thankfully, his numerous trips into town to pick up rice sacks had inured Wu Ying to the size of the city and given him significant familiarity with its layout.

  Wu Ying’s first stop was the tobacco shop to pick up a roll of tobacco for the Elder. Wu Ying grimaced as he handed over the coin for the tobacco, knowing he would never see the money back. But the Elder had helped him by providing advice when not asked, and this was only coin. It was not as if Wu Ying worked for the stipend the sect paid him. Or at least, that was the way Wu Ying consoled himself.

  Next stop was the bookstore. Wu Ying had to get directions and a recommendation from the tobacco store owner, never having had to buy a book before. The store was off the main eastern road on a side street. Right outside the store were bins of books, some in scroll form and others in wrapped book format. All were tattered and used. Wu Ying looked over the scrolls and books for a moment as he idly noted the names. Judge Wu and the Three Red Doors, about five books of the Spring and Autumn Annals, the Dream of the Red Chamber, King Yan and the Sixteen Candles[40]. Wu Ying’s fingers danced across the books and scrolls as he perused them.

  “All books in bin. Ten coins,” the proprietor called, smiling at Wu Ying. “Don’t be shy. If you’re looking for more like that”—a finger touched the Dream of the Red Chamber—“I have more in back.”

  Wu Ying flushed, shaking his head. “No. No. I was not looking for that.”

  “No shame. No shame. Lonely cultivating unless you found your dao companion,” the proprietor said with a smile. He rubbed the balding spot on his head. “And sometimes, even then.”

  “Sir!” Wu Ying protested, backing off.

  “Okay, okay. Sorry. I should not be so forward. My wife says that. Let me discount the bin for you. Five coins!” the proprietor said.

  “Five coins?” Wu Ying glanced at the bin. That was a very good deal. Then he shook his head, reminding himself why he came. “No. I’m sorry, but I’m here to buy something else. The Principles and Species of Roots and Herbs. A used copy would be fine.”

  “Used, he says,” the proprietor said with a snort. “Lucky I have one copy.”

  “But you do have one.”

  “Do you think Uncle Bu would not?” Bu said and sniffed. “If I don’t, no one else has. But more expensive. Half a string.[41]”

  “Half!” Wu Ying yelped. “That’s impossible. Too expensive.”

  “Half best I can do,” Bu said. “Only copy left in town.”

  “I don’t believe that,” Wu Ying said, crossing his arms. “There are obviously more copies coming in all the time. I can always order from another bookstore.”

  “Ah, but they have waitlists,” Bu said, crowing in delight. “They never bring enough. You might be waiting a month. Maybe two.”

  “I can wait.”

  “Can you? Because Elder Wei started her lectures,” Bu challenged. “What were you doing? Writing on paper? How much paper you need? And mine has drawings.”

  Wu Ying glared at Bu, knowing he had been caught out. He did want the book, but at half a tael, it was at least five times as expensive as it should be. Even if the Principles was a thick book, it should not cost that much. Half a tael was the equivalent of his entire month’s stipend from the sect as an inner sect member, which meant he would have to dig into his meager savings to cover it.

  Then again, it was not as if Wu Ying did not have the money. The rewarded gifts and his savings from before would cover the cost. But it hurt to be cheated so blatantly.

  As he hesitated, a noise from within the store caught both their attentions.

  “Ah Bu! I’m done. Send the bins up the usual way.” The voice was querulous and high, showcasing both the age and feminine nature of the speaker. “Are you trying to cheat another of Wei’s students?”

  Emerging from the shadowed interior, a bent older lady clad in the Sect’s robes, marking her as an Elder, walked out. She had a rustic wooden cane in one hand, though Wu Ying noted that she did not use it for movement. Long white hair that had thinned somewhat was tied off in a simple knot at the base of her skull. Bent as she was, the Elder stood but chest high on the proprietor and barely that with Wu Ying.

  “Mmm… you’re one of the new inner sect recruits, aren’t you?” the woman said.

  “Yes Elder. I am Long Wu Ying,” Wu Ying said after he straightened up from his bow.

  “No need for those formalities. I dislike them,” the Elder said.

  “Of course. May I know how to address the Elder?”

  “I am Elder Li Qiu Xia,” Elder Li said. “You are one of Wei’s new students?”

  “I am but a listening-in student[42] for the beginning lectures,” Wu Ying said. In such a circumstance, Wu Ying could not really be considered a student to Elder Wei. But neither could he not be said to owe Elder Wei some of the respect a teacher was due. As such, Elder Wei was a half-teacher to Wu Ying.

  “Of course. Wei never takes anyone till they have achieved at least their first level as a refiner,” Elder Li said. “Study well then.”

  “Yes, Elder.”

  Elder Li nodded curtly to the pair and left, her cane tapping against the ground.

  “So. Half a tael. You taking it?” Bu said.

  “But the Elder—”

  “Asked if I was fleecing you. Did she say I should stop?” Bu pointed out.

  Wu Ying blinked, turning to where the disappearing form of Elder Li could be seen. Wu Ying opened his mouth then shut it, realizing that he did not dare question the Elder. Irritating Elders was something that Wu Ying had grown a deep and abiding fear of.

  “Are you taking it?”

  “I…” Wu Ying sighed in defeat. “I’m going to need more paper too. And I don’t expect to be cheated on that!”

  “Of course, of course,” Bu said, grinning at Wu Ying.

  A short while later, Wu Ying walked out of the bookstore with his new Principles, a large and empty handbound book, and a free book. That Ah Bu had winked suggestively at Wu Ying when he stuffed the book into the brown paper package told Wu Ying exactly what was within.

  Really, Wu Ying was entirely uncertain how he felt about the entire experience. There were two distinct thoughts on the entire area of pleasuring oneself, both of which were well-documented with styles that benefited from either. The first recommended total abstinence. The belief was that any extraction of innate chi was detrimental to the final achievement of immortality. This was because each individual had an innate amount of vital chi that they were born with, a kind of chi that was different and more intrinsic to humanity. Expelling this chi via self-pleasure or male orgasms was detrimental to the entire cultivation process.

  The second belief paradigm recommended a more ecological viewpoint toward self-pleasure and orgasms. It believed that the process was natural and that, undertook in moderation as the Dao dictated, it was not detrimental. As such, it was no worse than breathing, bathing, or defecating. Within that belief paradigm, others took the viewpoint that the finding of a dao companion was required—even necessary—to the final step to ac
hieving immortality.

  Like most things with the Dao, there were successful immortal examples of both beliefs. Unsurprisingly, the arguments between the two camps could become quite heated, even leading to blows. That the abstinence-only paradigm had fewer adherents often led to the second group of believers crowing victory. If not for the fact that there were a higher number of successful immortals who were abstinent during their ascension, the gloating would not have been as contained.

  Wu Ying mused about this strange dichotomy to help him ignore his growling stomach. Unfortunately, the higher-than-expected cost of the Principles had scuppered Wu Ying’s plans of eating in town. While he could still afford it, the cost-conscious farmer in him refused to stop pointing out that he had free food awaiting him. Even if it was up the mountain.

  Running, Wu Ying waved and greeted the various coolies he saw on the way. There were even a few outer sect members he knew, working their way up the mountain with bags on their backs to feed the voracious crowd that were the cultivators. Cultivating—at least at the Body Cleansing and Energy Storage phase—was a hungry, hungry occupation. It was probably also why few farmers pushed further than the bottom levels of cultivation. Having to feed themselves three to four times the “usual” rate was likely to cause more significant problems, especially during the hungry months.

  “Brother Long!” one of the coolies called to Wu Ying as the cultivator almost rushed past him.

  “Yes, uhhh, Liu Chin, right?” Wu Ying said.

  “Liu Chan,” the coolie corrected. “I am bringing up the letters and I saw one was for you. Did you want to get it now?”

  “Of course,” Wu Ying said, smiling.

  A few seconds of scrambling later, Wu Ying was holding the letter with his mother’s impeccable calligraphy on it. When it was stuffed into his shirt, Wu Ying thanked and tipped his acquaintance before taking off at a faster speed, eager to read the letter.


  Plans were easily spoiled by reality. Wu Ying had barely taken off his shoes in his house before Ah Yee appeared.

  “Senior Liu is waiting for you in the tea room,” Ah Yee informed Wu Ying.

  “Oh! Thank you. Can you put this in my room?” Wu Ying handed over his bag, keeping only his parents’ letter with him.

  Wu Ying quickly made his way to the tea room and spotted Liu Tsong seated elegantly in a chair, a scroll spread across the table in front of her.

  “Senior Liu,” Wu Ying greeted her upon entering. “I am sorry for the wait.”

  “No need.” Liu Tsong rolled up the scroll and made it disappear, placing it within the storage ring that shone on her finger. “I did not inform you I was coming.”

  “Still, thank you for waiting. How can I help you?” Wu Ying said as he walked in.

  “How did I do?” Liu Tsong said abruptly, looking shy.


  “At the lecture, you idiot!”

  “Very good.” When Liu Tsong looked increasingly unhappy, Wu Ying added, “I’m not being polite. You were very good. You spoke clearly and knowledgably. I can’t say I remember it all, but that is not your fault.”

  “Oh, good.” Liu Tsong smiled and relaxed before she made a small stone appear in her hand. She pitched it directly at Wu Ying’s head. The action so surprised Wu Ying that he did not dodge the stone, catching it only when it fell into his hand.

  “Ow! What was that for?”

  “You didn’t buy the Principles.”

  “Oh. My apologies. I was busy.”


  “Yes, Senior,” Wu Ying admitted.

  “Bah! Be careful about those idiots. They like to talk about growing strong because all cultivators must protect the sect, but in reality, they’re battle maniacs. All of them,” Liu Tsong said. “Hang out with them too long and they’ll start inviting you on expeditions to get demon stones. Then you’ll end up getting eaten.”

  “Thank you, Senior, for your advice,” Wu Ying said.

  Liu Tsong bestowed a smile on Wu Ying. It was not as if Wu Ying had not realized this fact already, so his words were not mocking. “Good. Now, did you have questions about what I taught?”

  “Questions?” Wu Ying blinked then scratched his head. Well… “Actually, I did. The jingo leaf you mentioned, it’s not like the one I’m used to seeing…”


  Hours later, Wu Ying found himself alone in his bedroom, mentally exhausted. He sat on his chair with a thump as the conversation with Liu Tsong played through his mind. After a few moments of laziness, Wu Ying sorted his purchases before he turned to the letter and parted the wax seal. Wu Ying blinked as the memory of the simple, exquisitely crafted jade seal that sat in his father’s bedside table drawer came back to him. The times he had sneaked in to run his fingers over the seal, and the one time he had been caned when his father had found him playing with it, sealing mud on the ground. It was one of the few relatively expensive items that the family owned after their fall from semi-respectability to farm life.

  Wu Ying shook his head, banishing the memories, and stared at the letter within. Both his parents had taken the time to write, though the majority of the letter was filled with his mother’s beautiful calligraphy. His father’s was much shorter and tighter. For a superb swordsman, his father had never learned to transfer his skill with the blade to the pen.

  Ah Ying,

  Thank you for the letter and the money. You do not need to send so much. Even after the additional taxes for the war, we have enough to last the winter. The funds will go to buying more meat and some fish. Prices have gone up again, with the war and the loss at Yuna. We also shared part of this year’s rice harvest with the Lohs. Their eldest son came back injured. He lost his arm and is still recovering, but we are all happy to see him.

  The war continues, though we are grateful to know that the army that threatened the village has been defeated and retreated to Wei for the winter. This year, they came within a hundred li of the village. Ah Hui did very well in the army and has been promoted to squad commander. His lieutenant spoke highly of his actions and the way he uses his size. Your Auntie Peng is very worried that Ah Hui won’t come home after they release him. If you can write to Fa Hui, maybe you can convince him not to stay. You know he always listened to you.

  As for the village, because of the money you sent to us, we were able to contribute more to the village fund this year. Rather than sell the foal that was born to elder Qiu’s horse, we intend to raise it. In time, we should have two plow horses that can be used, which will speed up the ploughing. Of course, Su Chin complained about the extra cost of the feed, but you know how he is.

  Your Auntie Pu’s chickens…

  Wu Ying read through the rest of his mother’s letter quietly, enjoying the reminders of village life, of the community he had left behind but still managed to contribute to as a sect member. It warmed his heart, knowing that the money he sent back was being put to good use. The small politics and everyday tribulations of farm life grounded Wu Ying, making him relax and smile.

  The next portion of the letter was less heartwarming, though Wu Ying knew that was his father’s way.

  It seems even though you have grasped the Sense of the Sword, you still miss the Heart of it. That is to be expected at your age, and striving for understanding without proper enlightenment will fail you. I understand you have acquired numerous swords. If you have not done so, change which sword you wear and practice with each day. This will strengthen your Sense of the jian and force you to search for its true heart. Remember, it is fine to be cut, but to fear the cut is not the swordsman’s way.

  As for your question about the transition between the Dragon’s Embrace to the Dragon’s Teeth, you may find the following four exercises to be of particular use. Each starts at the end of the embrace, with your jian positioned above your bottommost floating rib. Of course, you should attempt these exercises at differing heights after you have grown comfortable with them. Firstly, …

p; Wu Ying read over the exercises once quickly, then again more slowly. After that, the cultivator stood, drawing his sword from sheath, and repeated the motions as described. Wu Ying’s movements were slow the first couple of times before he sped it up, memorizing each motion in full before he tested the other exercises. Each repetition helped commit the exercise to his memory. Before long, Wu Ying grabbed the letter and headed out to his courtyard.

  Dark or not, tired or not, Wu Ying found himself filled with energy. These exercises might give him the insight he needed to progress. Thus far, his father had yet to steer him wrong. If he managed to grasp the motion, he would have another powerful tool at his disposal.

  Chapter 6

  Wu Ying finally made his way to the front of the queue in the assignment hall after standing in line for twenty minutes. Early morning or not, the hall was filled with cultivators as always. Still filled with energy, Wu Ying offered the stiff-faced attendant a smile. The attendant returned a flat stare, waiting for Wu Ying to hand over his sect seal, then the attendant passed the seal over the spirit stone tablet. A few minutes later, having confirmed Wu Ying’s name and position, he left to get Wu Ying’s file.

  Unlike in the outer sect, where each attendant’s desk had a specific number of assignments they needed to fill—meaning that sometimes, it was a matter of luck if a cultivator could find a good posting—in the inner sect, everything was individualized. It was another minor benefit offered to inner sect members. Wu Ying knew that the benefit was as much for the sect’s sake as his. No one wanted a promising pill refiner sent to the painters’ guild.

  “Long Wu Ying. You have about a week before your promotion exemption is over. Taken your time, have you?” the attendant said, a slight trace of scorn in his voice.

  “I was told that so long as I arrived before my exemption ended, it was not a matter of concern?” Wu Ying said, concern bubbling up.

  “There are no official repercussions. But your sponsor should have informed you that we allocate tasks on a first-come, first-serve basis. That is why most newcomers come by and begin their assignments immediately, even if it is part-time. That way they get the postings they desire. Or, at least, least hate,” the attendant explained. “Now I’m going to have find you something you won’t hate too much from these slim pickings.”


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