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Without Consequence

Page 8

by Michelle Corchis

  I burst out laughing and looped my arms around his neck as he twirled us in a circle and set me back on my feet. He bent toward me and brushed his lips over mine.

  “Darc,” his deep, gravelly voice sounded like smooth, silky whiskey that drenched my body with an onslaught of tingles. “I can’t live without you,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. “There is something about you. Sure, you piss me off, drive me crazy, make me hard, and the thought of never being with you again makes it tough to breathe.”

  His confession made me woozy, “Elijah Bennett, you infuriate me on a daily, but you also give me something that no one else ever has.”

  His emerald green eyes crinkled at the corners when he flashed a bright smile. “Yeah, I know, all those fucking orgasms, right,” he chuckled as I play punched him in the arm.

  “That’s not what I was going to say, Eli,” I smirked. “But, yeah, that’s also true. I’m talking about love because I love you too, and I knew it earlier,” I admitted. “I was too scared to say it, and I still am,” I whispered, turning my head when he took my chin between his calloused thumb and index finger.

  “Look at me, babe,” he coaxed, “I don’t want to ever be away from you, from this day forward,” he stated, brushing his fingers through my hair. “You are my world, Darcy Fitzwilliam, and as I said earlier, I don’t understand it, but I don’t want to question it either. I’ll love you with all I am, with all I have, and with all that, we will become, together.”

  Okay, this was the part of the fairy tale where I pinched myself to see if this was real.

  Oh yeah, it was.

  Who would have thought that an accidental towel drop, would lead to my very own, Prince Charming?

  Spoiler alert, it did, and it was the best mishap of my life.


  Six Months Later


  “What’s the damn hold up?” Austen cursed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  “Stop being a baby, bro,” Karson told him. “You know how they are.”

  That was an understatement when it came to Eli and me. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. Everyone outside was going to know that we just screwed before our marriage vows. I needed to fix myself, or there was no way I'd be able to leave the pool house.

  “Look at my dress,” I pouted, looking in the full-length mirror in the bedroom. “My hair, too, oh why do I even bother?”

  “You look like you just had a good fuck, babe.” Elijah smiled and was probably high-fiving himself in his head.

  I groaned, “You and those damn magic hands.” He came up behind me and grabbed my hips, “No, Eli, we can’t be late for our own wedding!”

  He burst out laughing and shook his head, “I hate to break it to you, babe, but we already are.”

  There was a loud knock just before the door opened, “Darcy, what the hell?” It was Charlee, she was my maid of honor for this overly lavish Wedding my parents spent a small fortune on.

  I asked to keep it simple, huh, The Fitzwilliam’s didn’t do simple. That and my dad had to make up for being a Class-A ass.

  “Hey,” I muttered, and Charlee burst out laughing as I came into the living room. “Oh, come on, is it that bad?”

  “Girl, you are so lucky we’re BFF’s, I’ll fix you right up.” Then she turned to Elijah, “You get out of here and stall as long as you can. We’re going to need at least thirty minutes.” She hurried me into the bedroom and looked over her shoulder, “Better fix your suit and brush your hair, Loverboy.”

  “Now you’re a comedian?” he chuckled.

  “Better that, then Joel Fitzwilliam serving your balls on a platter.”

  “Woah, that’s a blatant dick threat,” he objected while brushing his suit off with a lint brush. “I see Jon has been teaching you some of his ways,” he muttered with a smirk, clearing his throat then rubbing his index finger over his wrist.

  “We don’t have time for this, you guys,” I huffed and threw my hands up in the air. “If you don’t get out there soon, Elijah, they’re going to think we are having an orgy in here.”


  Forty-five minutes later, we stood under the lattice arch decorated with blossoming lilacs, while a string quartet played and my father walked me down the aisle where he gave over to Eli. I shed a few tears when he recited his vows. He placed the ring on my finger, and now it was my turn to say mine.

  “Elijah Bennett, you are an amazing person who brought love to my life and joy to my heart. There is no one for me, but you and the love we share will always be the most valuable part of my life.” I placed the ring on his finger, and right there, in front of everyone, we were declared husband and wife.

  It was a moment that I’d never forget as I looked up into my husband’s eyes and saw forever.


  There is nothing that prepares a person for falling in love, but when it happens, it’s a hell of a trip.

  From the first moment I laid eyes on Darcy, I knew she was something besides just a hot as fuck Princess.

  After that night at Lefties, it was a done deal, well, almost. Took a bit to get here, but there is no other place I’d ever want to be or with any other woman. Darcy is a bit high-strung, but she’s a good girl and puts up with my crazy damn brothers!

  We can be louder than a football game when there’s a touchdown.

  Darcy Fitzwilliam-Bennett was my forever, the love of my life and the person who I’ll love from now to the end of time. Her parents still had their heads up their butts, but they were a work in progress.

  All I could say about that was I was patient because of the woman I loved.

  So, you take some good and bad, with the rest you make a life. If you’re lucky, you get to make a life with someone who challenges you and makes you a better person.

  Now, I sound like a sap, love, it’ll rock your foundation. As Carol King sang, ‘You make the earth move, under my feet,’ and I can’t wait to rock Darcy’s world later tonight.

  ‘The Beginning of

  Happily Ever After’

  Stalker Links

  Just a note

  I have some amazing people to thank for their support and help.

  Jenny Dillion, you are a fantastic editor and such a sweet person with a kind soul. Thank you, Angela Evans, for all your help.

  My mom, Marilyn, and son, Steven, you’ve both taught me the meaning of unconditional love. To my little Payton, you’re the light in every single day.

  Gerri H, you are all that, girl! A friend like you is a gem!

  Sheila R, nothing else to say, but I love ya!

  Read on for a sneak peek of my new series

  Disciples of Hell MC


  Disciples of Hell MC

  Copyright © 2020 Michelle Corchis

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  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-0993054-6-2

  * * *

  This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. Names, characters, and places are the product of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document by either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.


  Disciples of Hell MC





  My heart crashing against my chest made me bolt upright. I grabbed my cell to check the time, a
nd a droplet from my hair dripped on the face. This fucking recurring nightmare had plagued me for weeks.

  It was an uncertain foreboding that crushed me from the inside out. I was going through the motions of my life, waiting for the goddamned hammer to fall and exact some catastrophe on me.

  I looked over at the club girls beside me and raked my hands over my face. Fuck, my life had become a mess, or was it just me thinking it had? No idea, but this is what it was, and I tried not to dwell on the crap too much.

  I lived like a rock star, a different girl every night, empty liquor bottles and drugs lit up my evenings. My room smelled of sex and liquor, and I had become accustomed to it. I didn’t need or want for an old lady, that shit was for fairy tales, and I didn’t live in a fucking book.

  I grabbed a smoke from the pack off the table next to my bed and lit it. I took a long drag and laid back, propping my head upon my arm, when a warm hand caressed my chest and began a slow journey south. Before she got too far, I grabbed her hand, pushing it away.

  “Carrie, it’s morning, darlin, get out and take your friend with you.” Does she get up? Oh, hell, no. “Hey, get the fuck up and get the fuck out.” I swatted her ass, “You have to the count of ten,” And I started counting.

  “God, you can be such an asshole, Cid,” she mumbles bitterly as I chuckle. That’s me, Hunter ‘Cid’ Reed, Sargent at Arms for my Club, Disciples of Hell. I got my name because I’ve always had a love affair with drugs. Acid was my kryptonite, and that’s how I got my road name.

  That little number with Carrie, she’s a new club whore and needs some breaking in. A few of the brothers and I are going to find out just how ‘Tati’ handles when we all want in at once. Could be some fun evening festivities, then again, it was the weekend and for heavy-duty partying, big fucking shindigs, with hangers-on, club bitches, and all the extras a man needs.

  Did I mention that I’m a dirty bastard—I fuck, and I like it rough. I make sure what girl is with me gets off, then they get out. There’s no room in my bed for love or forever. More often than not, they leave happy, if not a bit sore. I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at in this club. I patched in at twenty-three and already an integral part of this organization.

  Fuck yeah, my life was not what I would have expected, but it has given me a shit-ton of benefits and a bunch of guys I call my family. Here it was, the eve of my twenty-fourth birthday, and they are having one crazy-ass party in my honor tonight.

  Then my cell started going off, and it knocked me out of my thoughts. Fuck, it stopped and began again, I got up and searched for where the sound was coming from. I remember tossing it and had no idea of where it landed.

  Clothes and bottles flew through the air as I dug around for it, with my stomach in knots. Who in the hell would be calling me this early?

  I finally found it under a pile of clothes and hurriedly checked the caller ID. The readout said, Mom. What the hell, I checked the time, it was eight-thirty in the morning, she would be dropping Gage off at school. I called back, and when a woman answers and it is not my mom, I lose my ever-loving mind.

  “Who the fuck is this,” I yelled in the mouthpiece as my insides twisted in knots.

  “This is Mount Saint Joseph Hospital, is this Hunter Reed?” The voice asked.

  “Yeah, why are you calling me on my mother’s phone? Where is she? Where is my brother?” Questions kept leaping from my mouth, and before long, I was on the edge of hysteria. My heart pinged in my chest, and then my bedroom door crashed open, bouncing off the wall behind it.

  Heat blazed over my face, and I absently ran my hand across my cheek, it was wet. Had I been crying?

  Holly grabbed my phone, “Who is this,” his deep voice boomed. He shook his head at a few brothers that had followed him in my room. “Yes, he’ll be there within a half-hour,” and tossed my cell on the bed.

  “They wouldn’t tell me anything,” I blurted out while all my fears culminated in this one moment. Holly grabbed my shoulders, “Cid, you need to get a grip. Get your ass dressed.”

  Not even my VP was immune to the grim and impending terror that came from getting a call like that. I looked up at him and caught a glimpse of his tight jaw and furrowed brow, “They want you to get to the hospital,” he muttered. “Your old man is out of town, so you’re the one that has to be there.”

  “Why wouldn’t they just tell me what was going on?”

  Holly rubbed his hand over the back of his neck before bending down, “Listen to me, kid, we need to get down there, okay.” He blew out a breath and stood up, “I’m going to have a couple of the girls come and help you get ready.” I knew he was talking, but everything sounded as if hearing it through a long tunnel, and nothing was computing in my brain.

  There was something so wrong that they couldn’t tell me over the phone. I held my head in my hands for a few minutes, then pulled myself up off the bed. Sweat beaded down my face and stung my eyes as an unknown demon bared down on my chest.

  I tried to breathe, realizing too late that this fear was taking a toll on my psyche. It ripped into the deep recesses of my mind and stomped on everything sacred.

  “Snap the fuck out of it, Kid,” Holly ordered. “Whatever is waiting, we’ll deal with it as a family,” then he walked out and ushered in Carrie with a few club girls.

  She handed me a t-shirt, and I pulled it over my head and smiled at her. Carrie gave me a sad, half-assed gaze that pissed me off. “You know I’m here for you, Cid, just remember that, okay.”

  Her eyes teared up, and I didn’t want, nor did I need her pity, besides I had my own shit to deal with right now.

  “Sure, now you and your girls can get the fuck out of my room,” I ordered while pulling on a pair of jeans and sliding on my boots. I grabbed my cut and leather as I walked out and locked the door behind me.

  At this point, I was just going through the motions. I had no idea of what I’d be walking into, and every nerve ending was heightened. My brain was still trying to cope, hoping that things weren’t as dire as the clenching in my chest. Somehow, I knew this day was going to change my life forever.


  “Okay, kid, we’re here,” Holly’s deep gravelly voice boomed in the truck cab. “Let’s go and find out what is going on.” Then I heard him tell Axl to stay close because he didn’t know what we’d find once inside.

  I walked ahead of them, now that I was here I felt an urgency to find out what they called me. Yeah, this was going to be one of those life-altering moments, and in my hurried rush, I hadn’t noticed that the door was open as I walked head-on into the frame of the glass door.

  I hit it so hard that stars flashed in my eyes as I bent over. Then someone came barreling out, and I fell backward as my head bounced off the sidewalk. Son of a fucking bitch. A nurse and security guard came out with a wheelchair, as they got me into it.

  “I can walk,” I groaned.

  “Shut it,” Holly ordered. “If you had been watching where you were going, you wouldn’t be bleeding.”

  “I don’t fucking care, I need to see about my mom!” The pain that engulfed my head was like the drums beating from a death metal song. This was driving me crazy as it kept pounding, harder, and louder, drowning out everything else.

  I was on a gurney in emergency when a bright light flashed into my eyes. Of course, I swatted at it when a soft, melodic voice cut through the fog. “Hey, Hunter, I’m Doctor Jenny McKinley,” the voice introduced herself.

  Jenny, yeah, I liked that name, I thought to myself.

  My eyes popped open and saw a beautiful heartshaped face with dancing eyes and my chest constricted. The beauty smiled at me, and a dimple popped up on her cheek. She looked like an angel, dressed in white with long blonde hair cascading around her shoulders.

  “I’m just checking that bump on the back of your head.” Her eyes were like windows into her soul, and I wanted to get lost in them, no, I need to get lost in them.

  She held up her fingers, huh,
no wedding ring. “How many am I holding up?” she asked with a serious tone. “Two,” I muttered. Her ocean-blue eyes had me mesmerized as I tried to be calm, I mean I didn’t get all crazy over women. I’d grown up in the MC life, women were easy come and easy go.

  Well, not ones like Dr. McKinley, and it was doubtful at best as my mind conjured up images of her thick, luscious golden tresses wound around my hand. Then she moved closer, and I caught a hint of her vanilla perfume. The scent itself was orgasmic, and I moaned, yeah, I was fucked.

  “You okay, Cid?” Axl smirked, standing behind my goddess and way too fucking close. I must have hit my head pretty fucking hard because I was delusional.

  Shit, I shook my head, “My mom, where’s my mom?” I tried to get off the bed, only to have Holly and Axl hold me down. “Did you see my mom?” Neither said a word, but I caught the look that passed between them.

  “Fuck, what the hell is going on? Where the fuck is my mom?” I swung my fist and connected with Holly’s nose as I jumped off the table.

  “Mr. Reed,” that melodic tone said, “You’re going to have to calm down.” She grabbed my arm, and even though she was much smaller than me, I could not move.


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