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Blind Trust

Page 7

by Peiri Ann

  Thinking about Kyle led me to think about his reaction when he saw me “out of character,” and I instantly blocked it out. Then I realized Kyle was in my house and praise sweet baby Jesus, it was clean. Had it not been for Janet, it wouldn’t have been and realizing that diminished all the anger I had against her.

  I hugged her. “Thank you so much for cleaning my loft this morning. If it wasn’t for you he probably would have thought I was a total slob.”

  She hugged me. “Honey, you are a total slob, but now he probably thinks you’re a clean bitch.”

  “Who is he to you?” I played stupid.

  “Um,” she fumbled over her words for a moment. “I’ve known him for a while,” she said, pushing me away and quickly changing the subject. “You want to change? Maybe we can go out or something. I don’t want you to be by yourself. I can’t believe this stuff just happened to you. You’re having such a shitty day. No, two days! God, Val! I am so sorry. And I just made it worse.” She pulled me to my room and left me standing by the door as she rifled through my closet. “Besides the rip, that dress is amazing. And your legs are amazing and your boobs look great.” She looked at me from over her shoulder. “I wish I had boobs like that.” She dropped her eyes toward her own pair of breasts, turned her back to me, and mumbled, “These could never look like those.”

  Janet pulled a black lace dress from my closet and looked it over. It wasn’t see-through, thanks to the silky dress that was sewn in under the lace. I stared at it and her as they came over to me.

  “What?” she questioned, analyzing my look of misperception.

  “Why are you pulling out dresses? I can’t kick ass in that.”

  She shook her head. “When we leave here I bet that guy—whoever he was—that assaulted you will be lying on the ground outside. Though you were a total bitch to my friend, he wouldn’t leave that guy untouched. And knowing these campus creepers, he would probably still be lurking around here either waiting on you or someone else who looked as good as you do in that dress.” She quickly looked at me and shook her head. “Why do you dress like that”—she pointed to the clothes she had folded this morning, still sitting on my bed—“if you have legs and a body like that?” She threw her pointed finger in my direction. Shaking her head, she said, “I don’t even want to know. Anyway, that guy will be taken care of by the time we leave. My friend’s an asshole to me but a really nice guy to everyone else. So even though you blew him off three times, he’ll still look out for you.”

  “He doesn’t even know me.”

  She shrugged and handed me the dress. “Now change. We can at least go out so we can help you feel better.”

  “No alcohol. That vodka that boned me last night still hasn’t stopped cuddling.” I rubbed my head, feeling the late effects of the hangover.

  She nodded and headed out of my room.

  I really didn’t want to sit in the house. That was the reason for going out in the first place. I’d thought a simple stroll down my street would be fine, but of course not, here comes some jerk destined to make a mark in my life. Fucking asshole!

  I’d kicked him in the balls, given him a quick punch in the face and ran back home. The terrible part about all this was that the asshole knew where I lived. And who knew how long he’d been watching this building. Three other girls lived here. I wondered if they’d ever experienced anything like what I had.

  Kyle… he had to totally think I was a ranting bitch. I felt so bad that I’d lost it. But then again, I couldn’t help but feel completely betrayed. He insisted on breaking this code we had. Granted, he knew nothing about it, but still… He needed to stay the hell away from me. A conversation would only make my job harder. It was hard enough doing this. Killing somebody was never that easy. I couldn’t imagine having the responsibility to kill someone I actually felt something for. And there I was, on a mission to kill my perfect guy; a guy who I was heavily feeling something for.

  I tossed my ripped dress in the trash, showered, and did my best to hide my bruises with make-up. They weren’t bad and I was able to pull it off with curling my hair and letting my layered bangs fall around my face. I still felt like crap on the inside and now I felt even shittier than I did before I went outside, for a number of different reasons.

  “Okay, Janet. I’m ready,” I said dully, looking at her in one of my dresses with my heels on and her hair looking way better than mine. I wasn’t jealous. She just looked really nice and better than me in my own clothes.

  “Great! I have no idea where we’re going yet, but at least we look good wherever it will be.”

  We left and headed downstairs to the door. We opened the door and there was the six-foot-one jerk slumped in the doorway, knocked out with black eyes and a bloody mouth. On his forehead in marker was written: Here’s to you, VAL… You owe me, Janet!

  “What did I tell you?” Janet said as we stepped over the guy’s body. “He would be a nicer guy had it not been for a few instances that happened in his life, but…” she trailed off.

  I chose not to comment. I didn’t want to think any more or any better about Kyle than I already did.

  I got in the passenger seat of Janet’s car. She drove us to some club I preferred to not go to because I was probably going to be around more grabby jerks like the one I just left.

  “Two shots for you, no more. I’ll do more and you can drive us back. I’ll sleep at your house. Deal?” Janet yelled in my ear over the music as we walked through the club.

  I nodded and headed over to the bar. Taking a seat, I came to the conclusion it was going to be a long night.

  “What am I supposed to wear, Nips?” Anna called from the spare room I told her she could sleep in. I had two bedrooms. My other bedroom was my computer room and I put a daybed in there if I happened to have a guest.

  “I’ll get you some of my sweatpants and a tee shirt.”

  “How in the hell am I supposed to fit in your pants?”

  She was really skinny. Standing five-foot-six, she looked under one twenty. Anna should’ve had a medium figure, built more like Mom with hips. But she was a stick and it looked bad on her. “Well, I’ll give you some shorts with a drawstring and a large shirt. Did you put your clothes in the wash like I told you? So you can have underwear.” I was playing this extremely cool. But I was really happy my sister was here and she was staying with me. I worried about her so much and having her under the same roof as me and knowing she was safe was a relief.

  “I did. Can you transfer them into the dryer? I’ll grab something from your drawer to throw on in the meantime.”

  Someone knocked on my door. It was Rick. I knew it had to be him. He was not going to let me live my life without him.

  I dried my hands and headed for the door.

  “Hey!” he said as I pulled it open.

  “Wassup?” He stepped forward and I held my hand out to keep him from coming in.

  “Can I come in?” he asked, motioning past the door.

  I shook my head. “My sister’s here. I don’t want anyone to be around her right now.”

  “What? Is she a hottie?”

  “Never mention hottie in a conversation about my sister ever again in your life.”

  He laughed. I was serious, but I laughed with him because somehow he drew out the happy part of me. He was growing on me.

  “You were supposed to come by. I was dropping off Ron and came up to check on you ’cause you never showed up.”

  “Why are you standing in the door? You don’t have company,” Anna stated, coming around me.

  “Anna?” Rick questioned.

  His mentioning her name made me want to punch him. The way he said it was shocked and surprised, like he could’ve been familiar with her or maybe looking for her. I calmed down looking at Anna. She didn’t look scared or regretful, but shocked too.

  I waited, knowing Rick was going to come out with it soon.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her. “You don’t look okay.” He looke
d at me. “She’s your sister? Small world. Roger—this small-time seller—he used to hang out around here. But doesn’t any longer. I was a few hours away from here. Your sister was at this little party.” His brows knit in confusion as he looked between us. “It was a bad spot. No place for her. She got into it with him and he’s about your size. He was whooping her ass bad. I helped her and after, because she looked hungry and in need of some serious help, Barb and I took her to grab a bite to eat and put her up in a hotel room for the night.”


  I didn’t know what I was expecting him to say, but it wasn’t that. I wanted to hug him. I wouldn’t, but I wanted to. He was a good guy. Did all that for a girl he didn’t know. Barb, whoever she was, probably needed some convincing, but he still helped my baby sister.

  Before I let him in, I looked at Anna to confirm his story.

  With her downcast glance, she mumbled, “Yeah, that’s what happened. But please don’t ask me about anything before or after that moment.”

  I sealed the explosion of questions gurgling in my throat. I wanted to ask so badly, but I was scared I’d run her off. Instead, I hugged her, kissed her clean head, and said, “Okay.” Then I opened the door wider for Rick to step in.

  “Thanks for what you did for her,” I told him.

  He smacked my arm with the back of his hand. “Don’t worry about it.” He walked past me, headed to my living room.

  I hate it when people made me like them. Now I was definitely going to have to start referring to him as a friend.

  I grabbed two beers and a bottled water from the fridge and headed to the living room with Rick and Anna. We sat around until my phone rang.

  “Up, here he goes. Busy man, on the run again,” Rick said when I stood.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I prefer to not talk to people on the phone when I’m in front of others,” I said, sliding the bar to answer the call.

  It was Grimmer.

  “What you got for me, bro?”

  “I couldn’t find out who was on to you. But like I cut off everyone else, I cut them off too. Looks like before yesterday they were listening in on your calls, tracking your locations. On your tail heavily. I took care of it. Scrambled your networks. They can’t get anything anymore. You’re clear.”

  “Thanks. You get the money?”

  “Yes, and the bonus. Thanks, I needed it.”

  My other line beeped. “Reagan’s on the other line. Call me if you need something.”


  I answered the other line, “What, Tulip?”

  “I thought you were going to give me six-fifty.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Hell, no. Stop being so damn greedy. You don’t need six damn fifty. Take what I gave you.”

  “No, I’m at your door. I want the rest of my money.”

  A knock sounded from the door, echoing in the phone. This is some bullshit! “What the fuck, Reagan,” I cursed, leaving my room. “What the hell are you doing here?” I hung up when I got to the door. She was knocking again as I opened it. “You’re no—”

  She silenced me, opening her trench coat and revealing the nothing that rested on her body beneath it.

  “Not going to stand out in your cold hallway.” She tried to finish my sentence.

  I took my bottom lip between my teeth and bit down on it. I looked over her head, doing a math equation to calm myself down. Most guys couldn’t deny a girl that looked as good as Reagan. Especially with her body, exposing it like this, offering herself to me. But no matter how good she looked—and she looked throw her against the nearest wall and fuck her brains out good—I hated her. And I wasn’t going to fuck her and then cuddle up with her tonight so she could leave me in the morning and be with the next guy tomorrow.

  “I’ve got company. Get out of here,” I said, trying to keep my eyes off her curves.

  “I’ll go to your room.” She flipped her long curls, blinked her amber eyes, and straightened her smooth neck that I wanted to press my lips against.

  I shook my head and pulled her coat closed. “Fuck, Reagan. Get the hell out of here,” I forced myself to say. I was battling, brain against balls.

  She licked her lips that I knew tasted like a submissive poison. She softly knocked on the door. “Kyle,” she droned. “Let me in,” she sang.

  Rick came to my side and she tied her coat as she eyed him, impressed.

  She is so fucking disrespectful! She’s checking him out in front of me!

  He didn’t take a second look at her but turned to me, saying, “I can go if you want to have your spot.”

  “Hi!” Reagan said. She outstretched her hand to him.

  It was the third time today I wanted to punch a girl. “Tulip. Don’t get punished,” I warned, glaring at her through narrowed eyes.

  She gasped softly, aroused. “Hmm.”

  She’s doing it all on purpose, I tried to tell myself. She knew if she pressed the right “wrong” button, she was going to make it in here and I was going to give her the best damn sex she’d ever had. She’d be weak for me but it’d only last a couple days before she was out doing the same shit that got me to leave her in the first place.

  She winked at me. “Ignore him,” she said to Rick. “I’m Reagan Skye.” She let the belt go to her coat.

  “Un-hun,” Rick said, not sparing her an interest. “So stay or go?” he asked me.

  Reagan smacked her lips and looked down the hall as her coat started opening.

  My arm shot out and I clutched her coat in my hand, keeping it closed. She squealed as I yanked her to me and whispered in her ear, “Make me kill you.” I pulled her in the house and closed the door. “Go. And close the door.” I pointed to my bedroom and she hurried down the hall. “Stay,” I told Rick, walking back to the couch and sat next to Anna. She shook in her sleep, looking extremely uncomfortable. She needed a hit bad but I wouldn’t let her see my phone so she could call whoever it was to bring it to her. If she stayed, I was going to get her clean and keep her that way.

  “You sure you don’t want me to go?” Rick asked, sitting back down on the couch. “I can give you and your lady some alone time.”

  “She’s not my lady. And I don’t need any alone time with her.”

  “Okay, well, knowing that.” He smiled. “You’re not going to get in a body looking like that?” he questioned, like my rejection of Reagan was out of the ordinary.

  I shook my head, not moved, disgusted, or pissed about his admiring Reagan. “Nope. She’s my ex and the sexiest slut, gold digger, and back stabber you’d ever meet. If you have enough money available for her to steal, she’ll sleep with you.”

  Rick shook his head. “Nah, you’re more of my type than she is.”

  “‘Cause you like guys. I only let her in here because she wouldn’t leave and I wasn’t going to have her standing in that hallway naked. When she realizes I’m not coming in after her, she’ll grab a pair of my sweats and a shirt and leave.” I stood and stretched. “You want another beer? I’m going to get Juniper a blanket.”

  “Don’t think of me as disrespectful. And yes, I would like another beer. But, your sister… she’s…” He paused and thought. I assumed he was thinking of a way to talk about Anna and not make it sound too bad.

  To relieve the discomfort that began to creep over his face as he thought and came up with nothing, I said, “She ran away a long time ago. This is the first time I’ve seen her in over a year. And usually when I see her, she’s leaving the next second.” I walked to the hall closet. “I don’t know what’s happened different or why she hasn’t started pressuring me about letting her go, but I’m not going to bring it up.” I walked back to the living room and laid the blanket over her. “She looks horrible,” I said, running my hand over her dampened hair. “She’s never come back looking this bad.” I left her for the kitchen. I grabbed a beer for Rick and poured me a shot of something stronger. “You’ll tell me everything you know about what happened to her?” I asked, hand
ing him the beer bottle.

  “Thanks. She didn’t talk. She gave me a nod or a shake. She wouldn’t tell us anything.”

  “Where’s your folks?” I sat next to him, letting Anna keep the couch. I’d carry her to the spare room after I kicked out Reagan.

  “My mom is in San Diego. My dad died from cancer six years ago. That’s where I’m from, San Diego.”

  “Why’d you move here?”

  He shrugged. “Got a full ride. I’m a party-boy but I’m a genius and damn good at football.”

  I laughed. “I don’t meet too many of you.”

  “Yeah, not all geniuses look as good as me.”

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “I thought you didn’t have friends,” Rick said.

  “Shit, I didn’t. ‘Til I added you.”

  “Yes,” he said, balling his hand into a fist and pumping it. “I made the cut!” he cheered, throwing both fists in the air.

  I laughed, heading to the door. “You are so weird, dude.”

  I pulled the door open and quickly closed it again.

  “Sorry, wrong door,” I said through the door.

  Spirit knocked again and I could hear her loudly grump in frustration.

  I opened the door. “What?”

  She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

  Seriously, she was knocking on my door and rolling her eyes at me. I did nothing, nothing to this woman and she acted like I murdered her cat.

  She stared at me for a second and I took the same second to look her over. The moment my eyes hit her chest, I looked away. She had changed and was looking better in black than she did in pink. Women really can appear like different people with those hair wands, make-up, and dresses.

  She blinked, giving me a fixed look. “Can you get Janet out of the car? She’s wasted and I can’t move her. I’ll come get her in the morning and drop off her car.”


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