Book Read Free

Blind Trust

Page 32

by Peiri Ann

I held up the stuff she’d asked me to get. “My hands were full.”

  She stepped aside. “Can I tell you about my night?” she asked as I walked in.

  “It must be bad. That’s why you’re dressed like that instead of in baggy sweats. You want me to be distracted, hoping we can get finished talking so I’ll do some serious damage to your body,” I said, setting everything on the table.

  “Okay, that’s one way to look at it.” The door closed. “But no, I figured you’d like it.”

  “I do. You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine. And remember to be honest.”

  She came over to where I stood by the table. I opened the bottle for her and she grabbed a glass, dropped some ice in it, and I poured her a shot. She downed it like water.

  “Oh, my God. I needed that.” She breathed heavy, wiping her mouth.

  “Crazy night?”

  “You have no idea. Hit me again.” She stuck out her glass and I poured her another shot with a little less. “Don’t be stingy with it.” I let another drop fall in. She downed it. “I was auctioned. And I must be incredibly hot because this man paid five point nine million dollars for me.” She attacked the sandwich.

  “Seriously?” I asked surprised and curious about how she wound up being auctioned and if this happened on the yacht.

  “Oh, wait,” she said, chewing. “Before I get that far—don’t freak out but I made out with Rick.”

  I blinked and stared at her. I was nowhere near expecting her to say that. Rick told me they hadn’t. I grabbed my phone and she snatched it from me.

  “Let me explain further before you go yelling at Rick for cheating on you. First let me say we did not sleep together, so get that out of your head.” She sat in one of the chairs provided with the table and threw her legs up on the other one. “And I need you to keep an open mind about everything I’m going to tell you.”

  I sat, moving her feet onto my lap so I could use the chair. I hated tequila, but I poured myself a double and turned my attention to her.

  “I kissed Rick, but only as a distraction to the driver of our limo. It wasn’t like we were into it or anything. Just so we could take the driver’s attention from our conversation. I was auctioned like I said. For five point nine million. That was the highlight of my night.” She smiled, but it quickly was overshadowed with confusion. “I was auctioned off to Denis Reynolds and I had to get searched. I was searched wearing less than what I have on now by this redhead Russian. Kyle…” Her head fell. It was a hard truth to tell. “She… you know… and I got really confused about my sexuality for a brief second. Not that I was attracted to her because she was behind me but… I don’t know. I’m not going any further into that part. Pour me another shot.”

  I poured her half of one, wishing she’d tell me more about the red-haired Russian and what she did to her.

  “Denis Reynolds came in,” she went on, “and I killed him quickly. I left with Rick and we ran into this woman. She was homeless. She looked so down. The dress I had on was worth over fifty thousand dollars, courtesy of some dark-skinned man with nice white teeth, and my shoes were about ten thousand. I gave them to her. The dress and the shoes, my earrings which had to be worth over ten thousand, and this necklace that has acquainted itself with too many lips tonight. I walked to the hotel in a black thong and Rick’s jacket. Well, we didn’t walk, but it was still really embarrassing and awkward.” She took the glass and threw back the half a shot I poured for her. She looked at me, then back to the empty glass.

  I shook my head. “I think you should slow down.”

  She shrugged, taking another bite of the sandwich. “I can’t understand why everyone wants me to kill everyone else,” she said with a mouth full of food.

  “You must be good at your job.”

  “Damn right.” She rolled her eyes. “Rick and I got back to the hotel room.” They’re sharing a room…? “And a message was waiting for us on this laptop with time limits next to names. More time limits, more pressure, same names,” she complained and repeated that three times. “All I want to do is to just not.” Huh? “Just not.” She moved her legs from my lap, stood, and sat on me. She hugged me, long and hard. I didn’t return her hug. “But I can’t,” she said. I was putting the missing words into her incomplete sentences. “And I love you so much.”

  “But not more than you love yourself,” I finished for her.

  She leaned back and hopeful hazel eyes looked at me. “That’s the way it’s supposed to be, right?” she asked.

  I tipped the corners of my mouth down and then back up as I shrugged. “For some people.”

  “You’ll let me cry on you?”

  I snorted and softly replied, “No. But I will help you feel better. And tequila is not the answer. Get up.” She stood and then sat back down in her chair. “But before I do, you ready for me to one up you?”

  She nodded. “Shoot.”

  “My dad’s not dead.” Her eyes widened. “And Anna’s not kidnapped or in danger.” Her eyebrows rose a little, in question for what was coming next. “And I found out who Melor is.”

  She sat forward.

  “And Cunningham.”

  She got closer and I leaned back. “Kyle, tell me. I have to know this,” she said with her hand moving around.

  “No. You have your secrets and I have mine. I want to level out the playing field.”

  She sat back in the chair and narrowed her eyes. “Pour me another shot.”

  “No. You’re done for the night.”

  “You don’t tell me when I’m done.”

  I rolled my eyes, throwing my head back. “Spirit, why do you always want to argue with me?”

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Are you ever going to tell me who they are?”

  The time limits she was talking about I assumed had Nixon, the bug, and me tagged to them. So it was going to be a while before I told her. “Yes, I’ll tell you in seven days.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Why seven days?”

  “Because,” I said.

  I wanted to also tell her about the bullets, but before I did, I needed to see if she was going to tell me she was going to kill me. I wanted her to admit it to my face.

  It was the alcohol that had me frustrated with Kyle. I wasn’t going to blame it on him. He had a right to withhold information. So I wasn’t going to grow frustrated with him, but frustrated with the tequila that made me frustrated with him.

  I put my feet back in his lap and stared.

  “You have anything else you want to tell me, Val?”

  My name sent a shiver over my skin. “My name is Spirit to you, buddy. Don’t call me Val.”

  “Tequila makes you feisty. That was a little aggressive for you, Val,” he mocked.

  I tapped my toe against his stomach. “Whatever…”

  “Tell me about the Russian redhead. What did she do to you?”

  I leaned my head back, looking up at the ceiling. Tequila made me kinky and I wanted to piss him off for playing with me. “She made me feel better than you do. And triggered a reaction faster than you ever could.” I smirked and hitched my left brow, then let it fall.

  He grabbed my foot that tapped his stomach. “Really?”

  “Yes,” I said, looking from his hands to his face.

  “You liked it?”

  To myself I said no, but to him I said, “Yes.”

  “That’s free-spirited of you, Spirit. I never thought I’d hear it. Was it a first?” he asked slyly.


  “You sure there isn’t anything else you want to tell me?” he questioned directly, intense green eyes tearing me apart.

  I hesitated to respond, caught up on his pensive stare. “There is nothing else I want to tell you,” I finally said, looking away from him.

  “I see,” he said, leaving me for the lounge chair.

  I looked for the tequila bottle. It had walked away. “Did you stash the booze?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he r
esponded roughly, with a rasp in his voice. “You don’t need any more. You’re toasted enough.”

  As long as I can have coherent thoughts, I’m fine.

  Giving up on my mission to find the bottle, I left the table for Kyle’s chair. He was flipping through the channels on the TV.

  Why does liquor make people look even better than they already look?



  I straddled his lap, pulling his eyes from the TV. “We never finished our talk.”

  “Which one?”

  My brows creased in question. “Have there been that many?”


  “I’m referring to the one where you tell me you love me.”

  He sucked in a deep breath. A clear indication this wasn’t a comfortable talk for him. “If I tell you… if I did… what would it change?” he asked softly, full of emotion.

  “Who knows? It could change the world for me.”

  “Do you want me to love you?”

  “God, I wish you did. It would make a lot of decisions a lot easier.” And it would. Knowing that Kyle had the slightest bit of love for me would make me reconsider this. But if he didn’t, then it didn’t matter. I was left alone either way. I wasn’t going to continue to fight or work things out, or be patient. That’s what I was supposed to do. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to know if this was as deep for him as it was for me.

  “Maybe you should get some sleep, Spirit.”

  “You can tell me, Kyle. If you don’t. I’m hard as bricks. I can take it.”

  “Spirit. Break the walls down. You don’t need them up with me. I’ve told you over and over, I see you. I know all your secrets. I know all your feelings. You spill them out like overflowing tears.” He grasped my waist, under his shirt. “Look up.” I did. “And a little to the right.” I did. “Right there, Val. Right there.” He ran a finger over my jawline to my chin and took it between his fingers. “Every truth you hold is right there.” I looked back at him and his green eyes darkened. “I wanted to love you. And I’ve told you that. I wanted to give you a love that you could feel as you slept, that you feel when you’re away from me, one that stays with you for days when I’m gone… but you don’t deserve that. You don’t deserve to have that kind of love from me. Maybe from someone else. But not from me.”

  My eyes burned and I squinted to keep a tear from falling as they welled. I swallowed hard, then cleared my throat. “Thanks anyway.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I tried to move from his lap, but he held me still. “You don’t have to try to make me feel better. I told you. I could take it.”

  He turned his head and pressed his ear to my chest. “Say that one more time.”

  I repeated it.

  He moved back, shaking his head. “No, you can’t. It hurt you more to hear than it did for me to say it.”

  “What are you? A human lie detector?” I tried to joke but got choked up.

  “I have many talents, Spirit.”

  “I’ve noticed.” He patted my thigh, letting me know I could get up.

  I rose and walked over to the bed. “You look amazing in my shirt by the way. And I love your ass in hot pink.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, climbing on top of the bed.

  “You done answering questions? Are you done asking them?”

  I pulled his sheets back, casually replying, “Yep, and you hid my bottle so I can’t get high.”

  He released an eased breath through his nose, and with his head turned a little toward me, he said, “I do, though, have a strong admiration for you and can easily have my heart broken if you ever betrayed me.” He stood and stretched those thick arms behind his back. “I’m going to shower. Don’t fall asleep. Or… I don’t know… join me. It’s completely up to you.”

  I giggled, watching him walk to the bathroom, dropping clothes on his way there.

  “When is the last time you talked to Janet?” I asked.

  “I sent her home that day. I don’t talk to Janet,” he called from the bathroom, followed by the water cutting on.

  I lay in the bed, listening to the water, listening to the sound of the droplets pounding against the tub. At times, it was heavy, others it was soft, and I assumed then he was standing right under the sprayer, water rolling over his bare body like a freshly waxed car. I avoided showering with Kyle, not because it was bad, but because it was too good. We’d start off standing, kisses passionate and longing, and then somehow end up on the floor of the tub, surfboarding, water from the showerhead pounding us as we enjoyed each other’s essence. It was something close to love, full of compassion, and we’d be immersed, soaking in each other’s affection but never filling up.

  I knew what my next move was. I’d wanted Kyle one more time before I terminated him and Nixon tomorrow. It was a plan I came up with on my own. I thought about telling him the truth, but it wasn’t worth it, knowing his real feelings. I was going to listen to Rick and warn him. But for what? Why would I risk getting slaughtered when I could walk away with a free pass? I’d regret it…but my options were limited.

  Kyle came out of the shower. Dried. Clean. Bare. “Spirit, can you grab my bag?”

  I shook my head.

  His right brow slowly rose. “No?”

  “Un un.”

  “I need my clothes.”

  I pulled his shirt off. “Here, you have a shirt.” I tossed it to him and he caught it.

  He chuckled deep in his throat. A tight smirk stole the corner of his mouth. “Don’t you think you’ve cum enough today?” He threw the shirt to the side and reached across the bed, grabbing my leg. “First Rick, then a redheaded Russian woman, now you’re on to your vacuous boyfriend.”

  He yanked me across the bed to him, pulling my legs on either side of his waist. “I’m saving the best for last. And you are not vacuous.”

  He shrugged a shoulder, half-rolling his eyes. “I’m supposed to be the only one. The first and the last.”

  “Come here, my sublime boyfriend.”

  He shook his head. No. And reached for my bra, popping the front clasp. “Rick saw these?” he asked.

  “It’s possible.”

  He stood in front of me, sliding down my panties. “Did the redhead taste this?”

  I wanted to laugh, thinking about the answer to his question. But that wasn’t the question he was asking, so I answered the question he asked. “No.”

  “She touched it?”

  I smirked. “Yes, and licked her fingers clean of me.”

  “That’s nasty and turns me on at the same time.”

  “Yeah… that’s the same thing I thought when I watched.”

  “Tell me what you and Rick did.”

  “Kyle, I’m naked, you’re naked…” My eyes fell to his cock, hard, large, and aimed at me. I pulled my eyes away from it, and skimmed over his body up to his eyes. He hitched a brow. God he looked good. “…Let’s get to business.”

  “Just because we’re naked, that means nothing.”

  I raised my arms over my head, giving in. “Rick touched my right thigh.” Kyle touched my thigh. A gratifying sensation came along with his caress, awakening a shrill. “He grabbed my ass.” So did Kyle. “He kissed my neck.” Kyle reenacted each move, feeling better than Rick, and if he’d stop asking me about him, Rick would’ve become a distant memory. “My mouth—” I was cut off until Kyle stopped kissing me. “My tits and a little nudge.”

  Leaning up, Kyle grumbled, upset.

  “That was it.”

  “And exactly what did the redhead do?” He asked, slowly sliding his hands from my neck, between my breasts just letting his pinkies brush my nipples. Feeling me under his touch, he traveled down over my stomach setting my skin a blaze.

  I took slow deep breaths. “She touched me.”

  His thumb slid over my lips, they throbbed and tingled, growing impatient. “Like this?” He brushed from the top to the bottom, rubbing her, tantalizing me.

  I licked my lips, shaking my head. “Sliding inside me.” He did and I sighed.

  “One?” His finger slid in. “Two?” and another. “Three?”


  “And what else?”

  Trying to keep calm, I exhaled as I said, “She stroked inside, she massaged my pearl and kissed my…” I took in as much oxygen as my lungs would allow. Kyle glided in and out of me, aggressively massaging my pearl with his thumb. He was so much better at it than she was.

  “Your what?”

  “My neck,” I drawled.

  “How long?”

  “Three minutes.”

  He stilled for a second and then continued.

  “I know. I was shocked too.”

  “Dammit,” he whispered. “Okay. I’ll one up her.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “Kyle, I don’t want to play this game,” I said with a sigh, tightening the muscles in my legs to suppress the shake. “I just want to get to the good part.”

  “This is the good part.” A heated breath brushed over me before his lips replaced his thumb. He sucked my pearl as he dug deep within me, stroking and massaging my oh so sensitive spot. He lapped, flicked, lapped, sucked, flicked, and dipped his tongue deep inside. I moaned, rolling my hips, mind clouded with a storm of erogenous pulsations charging through my body, starting in the curl of my toes.

  Lips against me, he said, “Cum for me, Val.”

  And without a second thought, my back arched in as I cried, “Aah!” cumming and panting, trying to find the absent oxygen.

  He kissed it, once, twice, three times. “I counted, much less than three minutes.”

  “That’s not fair to the redhead. You have a secret weapon.” I leaned forward as he stood. I kissed his chest and touched over his back. He was smooth, skin warm, body hard. I skipped over his abs, dropping down to my knees.

  I was going to feel Kyle everywhere. I had to and I wanted to make him feel good. The last time for him—I wanted it to be better than the first.

  I wrapped my hands around his cock and brought it to my mouth. Kyle liked to watch. I didn’t, but I did it because he wanted it, and watching him enjoy me turned me on.

  I tilted my head back so I could look up at him as I took him in my mouth.


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