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Endings & Beginnings: Book Three of The New Mafia Trilogy

Page 20

by E. J. Fechenda

  “Gio likes Natalie too and he owed her for taking care of me, but don’t worry, we got eyes on him and if surfer boy slips up, he’s fucking toast.”

  “Well, let’s hope for Natalie’s sake he keeps his mouth shut,” Grant said.

  “I’ll keep you guys informed if anything changes when Natalie gets back. How long is she planning on staying out here?”

  I looked over at Grant and Miranda. Since Natalie had been staying with them, they would know more.

  “She hasn’t said, but I’m almost healed and we don’t really need her help here anymore.”

  Eventually Natalie was going to have to make a decision. She knew I wanted her to stay, but I wasn’t going to pressure her into staying. She had already been given an ultimatum once by Uncle Marco and I refused to apply the same tactic.

  Chapter 28


  Jillian and Danny were always notoriously late so I didn’t wait for them and ordered a drink. I busied myself by looking over the menu while I waited for the bartender to return. It was fairly early in the evening for a Thursday night, but the bar was already crowded. An occasional elbow would jab into my back as people standing behind me pressed in closer.

  “Natalie!” I heard over the hum of conversation. Turning on my stool, I saw a hand, the fingernails painted black, waving above the crowd. Seconds later, Danny appeared, his spiked purple hair demanding attention. Wearing black skinny jeans and a tight purple shirt, he tugged a person along behind him. This man was the total opposite of Danny, wearing chinos and a light blue button down shirt. His brown hair was combed and gelled into obedience. Where Danny had gauges in both ear lobes and a hoop through his lower lip, his boyfriend didn’t have any. It was alternative meets Abercrombie.

  “Nat, this is my man, Tyler. Tyler, this hooker here is my friend, Natalie, who disappeared off of the planet and didn’t let anyone know she was still alive for like six fucking months. Ohhh, what are you drinking?” Danny snagged my drink and took a long sip. Tyler laughed and shook my now vacant hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Natalie,” he said and retrieved my drink from Danny, handing it back to me. It was now only half full of the bubbly light blue beverage.

  “This drink, Danny, is called an Adios Motherfucker,” I said with a grin. This was a popular drink at one of the Mexican fusion restaurants by my apartment in L.A. The combination of gin, vodka, rum, tequila, and blue curacao should have been illegal.

  “I am so getting one of those!” he said, smacking his lips together.

  Tyler and Danny wedged themselves up against the bar and placed their orders. Our arms were raised and poised for a toast when Jillian practically crashed into us.

  “Natalie! I’ve missed you!” She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug. Since I was sitting, she basically shoved my face in her tits. Jillian smelled like a mixture of vanilla scented body lotion and clove cigarettes. The last time I saw Jillian, her long hair was dyed black. This time it was a scarlet red and hung in long waves halfway down her back. She was wearing a strapless leopard print top, putting the vine tattoo that ran the length of her left arm on full display and a short black mini skirt with black platform heels that showcased her long legs. I noticed several guys checking her out. Jillian quickly hugged Danny and Tyler who kissed her cheek then she turned back to me.

  “Okay, Nat, you’ve been back in the city how long and this is the first we’re hanging out?” she asked, her hands on her hips.

  “I know, I’m sorry, but with the wedding and the shooting,” I shivered at the memory. “Well, it’s been crazy.”

  The bartender came leaned over to take Jillian’s drink order, his eyes scanning her cleavage that was on display. “I can’t believe you were there at the mall when that shit happened. How’s Grant?” Jillian’s tone had softened.

  “Good.” I filled her in on his recovery and Miranda’s pregnancy.

  “So how’s L.A.? I really need to get out there and visit.”

  We spent the next couple of hours catching up and drinking. We ordered spring rolls and kimchee fried rice along with chicken satay that came with a series of dipping sauces. Danny ordered a round of Fireball shots followed by a round of tequila. My skin was flushed and my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. It took all of five minutes for my friends to forgive me from leaving Philadelphia the way I did.

  I don’t know how long we ate and drank, but the constant buzzing of my phone against the surface of the bar became impossible to ignore. Scrolling down I saw I had missed texts from Dominic. The first one was asking me to meet him at Crimson as he was taking Victor and Jimmy there. He sent a follow up text letting me know they had arrived at the club and were sitting in VIP.

  “Hey guys, do you want to go to Crimson? Dom is over there with some friends from L.A.”

  “You mean go hang out with your ex-boyfriend, the one you ran away from?” Jillian asked, arching one of her perfectly groomed eyebrows.

  “It was complicated and intense. That’s why I left. You know I don’t do relationships well.”

  “So are you guys together again?” Danny asked, asserting himself into the conversation to diffuse the tension.

  “No. We’re, um, well I guess we’re friends. So you guys wanna go? Jillian, wait until you meet Victor. He owns his own tattoo shop.” I had her attention then and she was on board after that. We paid our tab and pushed through a traffic jam of people to the exit. The air wasn’t much cooler outside, but at least we could walk without bumping into someone. Tyler hailed a cab and took the front seat while Danny, Jillian and I piled into the back. I cracked the window for air and pressed my forehead against the cool glass. We were stopped at a red light and I looked around at the neighborhood, recognizing the building right in front of me.

  “Hey Jill, see that space?” I said pointing at a dark and vacant storefront, the emergency lighting above the emergency exit at the back of the store provided the only light.

  “Yeah. What about it?”

  “Dominic bought it for me. He thought it would be a great location for a gallery.”

  Jillian and Danny stared at me with their mouths hanging open. “Wait, he bought you real estate?” Taylor asked, twisting around in the front seat to face us. “He must really like you.”

  “I’m with Tyler on this and it’s a fantastic location,” Jillian said, recovering from her speechlessness. “Let me guess you freaked out and didn’t accept. Am I right?”

  “I told Dom I’d think about it.”

  “Oh thank God you didn’t turn him down!” Jillian snatched up my hand and squeezed. “This is perfect. You move back, open the gallery and hire me to help run it! Did you get the notice from the University about the new grant program for alumni?”

  “Whoa, slow down. It’s more complicated than me accepting a freakin’ store from Dom. What grant program are you talking about?”

  “They want to encourage alumni to stick around in the city and give back. So there are two grants available per year, valued at $50,000 each. You need to go talk to your old advisor. Starting a gallery and featuring UofA students’ work will be brilliant!”

  “That’s sounds amazing and all, but I can’t accept such a big gift from Dom, I’ll be indebted to him forever.”

  Jillian sighed and squeezed my hand again. “I get it, Nat, but I don’t think that’s what Dom had in mind. Besides, you’ve accepted other extravagant gifts from him before.” She looked at my chest where the diamond pendant Dom had given me for graduation sparkled against my skin. “If it really bothers you, why don’t you work out a lease agreement with him? Make it a business deal.”

  “Yeah, with zero income and zero business management skills; I’d be setting myself up to fail.”

  “I can offer accounting assistance,” Tyler spoke up. He was still twisted around in the front seat. “I’m a junior CPA and you’re a friend of Danny’s, so I’d do it for free.”

  “Awwww, honey,” Danny blew kisses to his bo

  “And I have retail management experience from working at Barnes and Noble and with the grant money, you can totally do this. Plus, I can feature some of my work there!”

  I sat back and stared at the blur of pedestrians, traffic and storefronts as the cab approached Crimson my mind going a hundred miles an hour processing Jillian’s ideas. I pictured the gallery as sunlight bathed the walls in a brilliant glow, highlighting murals and colorful paintings; splashes of color against a stark white canvas. I had done a little bit of research before the mall shooting and knew the condos being built in the building started at $500,000 and over half of them had been sold already. The residents would be on the market to decorate their new space. But could I do it? Could I move back here? Just the very thought of going back to California and leaving everyone behind again made me uneasy.

  “Nat, we’re here,” Danny called, pulling me out of my head.

  I looked up to see Tyler holding the door open for me. I scrambled out to stand in front of Crimson. It looked different since the last time I’d been here. The entire front of the building was bathed in red light, giving it an eerie glow. A new awning, all black, had been installed and it extended from the entrance to run the length of the building. People stood under the awning in a line that slowly inched forward as the bouncer at the door checked identification. With arms the size of beer kegs, it was easy to recognize the man working the door.

  “Hey Anthony,” I said as we approached. Jillian, Danny and Tyler letting me take the lead. “We’re meeting Dominic.”

  “Yeah, I know. Good to see ya, Nat. How’s Grant?”

  “He’s getting better every day,” I replied and started to move forward, but froze when I saw the metal detectors. I had completely forgotten about them and really didn’t want to have to explain the gun in my bag. Fortunately Anthony “The Giant” held a side door open for us and this entrance bypassed the metal detector. Crisis averted, we proceeded into the pulsating and sticky atmosphere.

  “Hey, don’t say anything about the gallery in front of Dom, okay?” I asked Jillian, Danny and Tyler. They all agreed and we continued on.

  Another bouncer, who was also one of Dom’s soldiers, met us at the top of a set of three stairs. He paved a way through the crowd for us and we followed him right to the VIP section. It was surreal being back at Crimson after being away for so long and hanging out as a customer, not employee. I remembered my first day on the job like it was yesterday and not over a year ago. Pushing through the crowds in a short skirt with a tray weighted down with drinks was a challenge. How my hormones kicked in when I first caught a glimpse of Dominic behind his bar. As we approached Dom’s table I had to take a few deep breaths. Memories of Marco’s beady eyes taking in my body and his hands groping my ass, when I used to work this section, tumbled forth. Recall of Mr. Genovese’s cigarette smoke laden breath as he held me close to his side with bony fingers made me swallow back a wave of nausea. Memories, both good and bad would forever be associated with this place. I took a final deep breath and held a hand against my abdomen. Feeling the slight bump of my diamond belly button stud further calmed me as I remembered it was in an alcove not too far from where I was standing, where Dominic gave it to me. He had kneeled in front and traced a trail of kisses along my abdomen, before he secured the stud and looked up at me with those mossy green eyes. Those same eyes were staring at me now, his dark brows slightly pinched together with concern as I came to stand next to the table.

  After quickly introducing my friends to everyone, I sat down next to Dominic.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s just weird being back – a lot to process, you know? I like the lighting and awning out front. When did Miranda put that in?”

  “About three months ago and you’re not changing the subject so quickly.” I flushed at being caught. He knew me too well. “Are you really okay?”

  “I am. Do you want to know what I last remembered?” Leaning over, I whispered in his ear and watched as he swallowed hard, his nostrils flaring slightly.

  “You know I can’t pass that alcove without thinking of you,” he whispered, his breath on my neck sending shivers down my back. I pulled away, breaking the spell. I’d had a few drinks and didn’t trust myself to stay strong around him. It wasn’t right for me to flirt and lead Dom on since we were no longer together. I glanced over Victor, expecting him to be smirking at me, but was surprised to find him completely focused on Jillian. He had a tattooed arm stretched out along the back of the booth behind Jillian and she was leaning into him, talking animatedly about something. Then she twisted and pointed to a tattoo on her back. Victor curled around to look and responded by lifting the bottom of his shirt to reveal a fierce red and black dragon on his side. Jimmy and Dante were sitting on the far end of the booth that overlooked the dance floor and they were busy taking in the sights.

  Danny and Tyler sat across from me and their heads were touching as they carried on a private conversation. Feeling the need to move, I got Danny’s attention.

  “Let’s go dance!” I said, sliding out of my seat and grabbing his hand.

  “Wait up hooker, you’re not going dancing without me,” Jillian announced. She shoved against Tyler so he would hurry up and move. Leaving my bag on the table with my drink, I told Dom we’d be back and filed out after my friends.

  Joey D. was getting ready to enter the VIP section as we were leaving. He stopped me on the steps and gave me a hug where I felt swallowed up by his biceps.

  “When did you get here?” he asked, shouting over the loud music.

  “Not too long ago. I’ll see you later – I gotta go dance!”

  I caught up to my friends who had pushed their way to the center of the packed dance floor. For a straight laced accountant, Tyler possessed some skills as he and Danny danced close together. Jillian moved up to me and draped her arms around my neck.

  “Victor is fucking yummy! Do you mind if I take him home with me?” She batted her thick lashes and pouted, making me laugh.

  “Why are you asking me? I don’t own him. Besides, I think he’s staying in a hotel so you should probably go to his place.”

  “Mmmm good idea. Come on, let’s give him a show.” Jillian swung her hips to the beat and inched closer so our bodies were almost pressed together. This was one of our classic moves from college and always earned us a lot of attention. Usually Chelsea would join in and one of us would be sandwiched. With Joey D. on patrol and Dominic, Dante, Jimmy, and Victor watching I felt safe knowing that if any creepers approached, they wouldn’t last long.

  It was such a different experience feeling safe at Crimson. I didn’t have to worry about Marco and unwittingly encouraging his interest. All of that fear was gone and I was able to relax. With my eyes closed and hands gently placed on Jillian’s waist, I let the music’s hypnotic pulse takeover. Minutes later the song changed and I felt someone press up against me from behind. I flashed back to the night at Dirty when a persistent asshole manhandled me and I practically broke a heel on my shoe when I jammed it into his foot. Immediately tensing, I tried to pull away, but the hands on my hips tightened. Jillian, sensing something was wrong, looked behind me and shook her head, letting me know this wasn’t someone we knew. I attempted to move away again and the guy wasn’t getting the hint. Turning round to face him was preparing to kick him in the nuts when he was literally picked up by Joey D. and carried off. Dominic, Dante and Victor formed a protective circle around me and my friends.

  “Woo, you guys are scary sexy!” Danny giggled and fanned himself. Tyler rolled his eyes and took Danny’s hand, leading him back towards the table.

  “Why the hell do guys think they can just touch us? Jillian and I were minding our own business…” I trailed off when I noticed Victor was laughing. “What?”

  “Oh Princess, you honestly didn’t think the two of you grinding up on each other wasn’t going to attract attention? You were basically sending an invitation.”
r />   “Yeah, I know, but if a girl pulls away, said douchebag needs to take the hint and let go.”

  Victor’s body shook when he laughed. We were yelling at each other at this point since the music was so loud. “So you dance with us,” Jillian said with a smile and stepped into Victor’s space, looking up at him with her big blue eyes. He smiled back and snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her flush with his body. I had yet to see Victor dance and was curious to see how he did, but Dominic came up and distracted me with his own moves. Everything else was forgotten.

  “It drives me fucking nuts to see another man touch you,” Dominic breathed in my ear, pulling me close. “I know I’m not your boyfriend anymore, but that possessiveness hasn’t gone away.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Let me take care of you.” His eyes met mine and we didn’t break apart until the song ended when I looked away. Sweat had bloomed across my skin making my clothes clingy and uncomfortable so I turned to head back to the table and away from so much body heat. Dom followed close behind and I stood aside so he could slide into the booth. In the process he knocked my bag off the table sending the contents spilling all over the floor, including my gun.

  Chapter 29

  “Holy shit, Natalie is that yours?” Jillian gasped as I scrambled to pick everything up, but Dominic was closer and faster. Keeping the gun below the table and out of sight of anyone passing by, he looked at me.

  “Since when did you start carrying?” he asked.

  “Not long. I asked Miranda for one after the mall. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you or Grant. It’s just…I hated feeling so helpless and could have helped that day if I’d been armed.”

  “You need to know how to shoot first.” Dominic smiled and placed the gun back in my bag and handed it to me, which surprised me. I thought for sure he’d confiscate it.

  “Nat’s a great shot. I taught her,” Victor chimed in and I groaned, closing my eyes. The fact Victor took me to a range and showed me how to shoot was supposed to be my secret, but he didn’t know that. When I opened my eyes, everyone was staring at me. Dom didn’t look that pissed off, but there was a wariness surrounding him that hadn’t been there before. Danny and Tyler’s mouth hung open in shock. Dante and Jimmy kept glancing between me and Dominic. Then there was Jillian, standing by me with her mouth twisted up into a grin.


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