Wilder: The Guardian Series

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Wilder: The Guardian Series Page 16

by G. K. DeRosa

  “I think that’s enough for today,” he said. “How do you feel?”

  “Exhausted. But I’m better, I think.”

  “Good. You will see that it will get easier every day.”

  Before Stellan released her, she let the wall come back up in her mind. To her pleasant surprise, she found it wasn’t necessary to build it quite so high this time.

  Celeste sat on the squeaky porch swing staring out into the quiet woods behind Stellan’s house. She was thinking about what he had said to her about her father, how he didn’t want her to have anything to do with supernaturals.

  Well it’s a little late for that…

  “Penny for your thoughts,” said Roman as he came out onto the porch.

  “With all the thoughts I have going on in my head right now, you’d need to give me much more than a penny,” Celeste joked.

  He smiled at her ruefully and joined her on the swing, which creaked in protest at his additional weight. “So did you have a good talk with Stellan earlier?”

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that. He knew my father too, Roman.”

  “I had a feeling he might have. I knew he had been on the Council so I figured he must have crossed paths with him at some point.”

  “No, but he really knew my dad; he said they were very close. Stellan is going to train me. He’s the one my dad was talking about in the video. He promised him that he would.”

  “That’s great news Celeste. Stellan will be a wonderful mentor for you—kind, patient, wise and above all powerful, as you have seen. He will make sure that you are prepared for what’s to come.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, resting his arm around her shoulders.

  “So much is wrong! I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Celeste, everything is going to work out. The fact that you will have Stellan at your side is wonderful news. Between him and Nico and me, you’re going to have the best trainers in the world.”


  Celeste couldn’t bear the thought of telling Roman that Stellan didn’t want them to be a part of her life. She was pretty sure that he wouldn’t take it well either. But is Stellan right?

  “Come on, let’s go for a walk. It’s really beautiful out there. I love coming out here and getting lost in the woods. It’s so peaceful.”

  “I could definitely use some peace,” she said.

  As they strolled through the tranquil forest, Celeste did begin to feel more at ease with every step, taking in deep cleansing breaths. She admired the lush green evergreens and focused on the melodic chirping of birds perched in the branches above. Crunching through the fallen leaves, she missed a step and tripped over a fallen branch. Roman reached out for her and thanks to his quick vampire reflexes caught her just before she hit the ground. And this time when his arms came around her, she didn’t feel that ominous sensation when they touched. She let herself fall into his strong arms, and she looked up into his intensely smoldering eyes as he held her tightly.

  “I got you.”

  “I know,” she said, gazing breathlessly into his bottomless blue eyes.

  As he helped her stand back up, she got up on her tiptoes and ever so lightly brushed her lips against his. The reaction she got back was more than she had hoped for. Roman pulled her closer to him, arms enveloping her, and kissed her feverishly. She felt his need for her, the hunger burning inside him. The intensity of the moment startled her, and half-consciously she pulled away.

  “Sorry,” he said looking embarrassed. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “No, don’t,” she said, reaching out to caress his face. “I wanted you to.” She looked away feeling the redness creeping up into her face. “I think we should probably head back though.”

  Walking back in a contented silence their hands clasped together, Celeste couldn’t help but smile as she thought about the thrilling, spine-tingling kiss.

  Now that is what it’s like in the movies!

  Chapter 13

  “Celeste, your phone has been blowing up,” said Nico, as she and Roman came in. Celeste hurried off to find her purse and Roman joined the others in the kitchen.

  “You see how I keep up with the slang of my contemporaries?” he said to Stellan with a wink.

  “You really are a wonder, little brother,” quipped Roman.

  All of a sudden Celeste came running into the kitchen with a look of sheer panic on her face. All three men froze.

  “It’s my mom! The vampire from my birthday—I think he has her!” Celeste’s eyes were wide with panic, and her voice had begun to shake.

  “What did he say?” asked Roman, rushing to her side.

  “He said that if I don’t meet him in an hour at the Oak Bluffs cemetery by our family plot, I’ll find her buried in it.”

  “We’ll never make it back in time,” said Nico.

  “Maybe you can’t, but I can get you there,” said Stellan. “Now before I send you into a trap, we need to take a moment and make a plan.”

  “Hurry Stellan please, it’s my mom,” she said, her voice rising in panic.

  “Based on what the boys told me, I am quite sure that your mystery vampire is Magnus. He is an ancient and treacherous vampire who is frequently sent as a mercenary to do other’s dirty work. He does not have a shred of humanity in him, and he kills for the pure pleasure of it. He is certainly stronger than the two of you, I’m afraid.” Stellan had begun pacing and was waving his arms animatedly.

  “But he doesn’t know about me, right?” asked Celeste.

  “I hope not, but in any event Celeste, you are not ready to fight. I am not sending you into a battle that you have no chance in winning,” he said.

  “Agreed,” said Roman and Nico in unison.

  “Anyway, it’s us he wants, so we will go and trade ourselves for your mother,” said Roman.

  “No, I won’t let you!” said Celeste.

  “We’ll be fine, don’t worry about us,” said Nico.

  “Good, it’s settled. I will open a portal to transport Roman and Nico to the cemetery, and Celeste will stay here with me. We will be able to watch what is happening, and I can track you if necessary.”

  Celeste walked away with arms folded obstinately across her chest. When Roman approached her she said, “I am not okay with this.”

  “I promise that no harm will come to your mother. I will get her back to you safely, believe me,” Roman promised.

  “And what about you and Nico? Who’s going to get you back to me safely?”

  “Nico and I can take care of ourselves. We are a lot tougher than we look, and we defeated him last time so this time should be all the easier.”

  “What if you are all right and this is about Fabian? Stellan pretty much confirmed that this Magnus is just hired help. He killed your parents – what does he want with the two of you?”

  “I don’t know Celeste, but I’m tired of spending my life running. It’s been over a hundred years, maybe it’s time we finally confront him.”

  “I can’t lose you,” she said, tugging on his shirt.

  “You won’t,” he said as he pulled her into his arms.

  Stellan pulled out a thick leather-bound book with frayed, yellowing pages that reminded Celeste of the spell book the Halliwell sisters used in Charmed. After mumbling a few words, the air in front of them began to shimmer and swirl and a portal large enough for a full-grown man to walk through appeared. Celeste stared in awe at it, wondering what it would feel like to pass through. She held out her hand, penetrating the swirling air in front of her and her fingers disappeared right before her eyes. She quickly pulled it back and was relieved to see all of her fingers were still intact.

  “Roman, Nico – are you ready?” asked Stellan.

  They both nodded in agreement.

  “The portal will drop you at the entrance of the cemetery just about one hundred yards from the Wilder family tomb, which will hopefully provide you the element of
surprise. Good luck boys!”

  Roman squeezed Celeste’s hand, and she responded with an encouraging smile. Nico jumped first with a “Whoohoo!” then Roman leapt through the whirling vortex. Before Celeste knew what she was doing, she lunged at Roman’s shirttail and plunged in after them, gleaming sword in hand.

  Seconds later, Celeste landed with a thud on the hard gravel entryway of the Oak Bluffs Cemetery. “Ouch!” cried Celeste. She examined her elbow and carefully removed a few pieces of gravel that were encrusted in her skin.

  “Celeste! What did you do?” asked Roman angrily.

  She got to her feet and brushed the dirt off of her jeans. “I’m not letting you two do this alone. She’s my mom and I’m the Guardian, and I should be protecting her,” she said resolutely.

  “But we can’t protect you and fight him,” said Nico.

  “I don’t need to be protected; I brought my sword,” she said raising it up as it glimmered in the sunlight.

  “Stellan is going to kill us,” said Nico.

  “We don’t have time to argue,” said Roman, “it’s almost time. Celeste, you stay behind me at all times, and please don’t try anything stupid.”

  The threesome crept up the path, weaving between headstones and flowers for loved ones placed with the utmost of care. The sun was just beginning to set and an eerie stillness blanketed the graveyard. Ahead Celeste could see a tall dark figure huddled over a woman slumped on the ground.

  “Mom!” she murmured.

  Roman gesticulated for Nico to go around the other side, and he and Celeste approached Magnus head on. This strategy had worked last time, and though it was unlikely it would work twice, it seemed the only possible course of action. As they marched towards Magnus, panic alarms sounded throughout Celeste’s body. She tried to do as Stellan had taught her and allowed the feelings to wash over her.

  “Ah, well if it isn’t the lovely Celeste come to rescue her mother with her handsome vampire boyfriend,” said Magnus smugly. “What, no costumes today?”

  “Let her go, Magnus. You can take me instead,” said Roman.

  “Very clever boy, I see you have discovered my name. Let me assure you that everything that people say is true. There is no point trying to fight, since I always win.”

  “No one is going to put up a fight. I am surrendering to you. My life for hers,” said Roman pointing at Mrs. Wilder, who lay unconscious on the grass.

  A muffled “No!” came involuntarily out of Celeste’s mouth. “My, my, she really does care about you Roman. She should be scared to death, but instead she stands here, willful and defiant. This is no ordinary human.” He took a step toward Celeste, his black eyes gleaming.

  “Leave her out of this,” Roman advised, moving swiftly in between him and Celeste. “I told you from the beginning, it is me that you want, and here I am. Release her mother and let Celeste leave unharmed. I will go with you wherever you want.”

  Roman recognized a disturbing twinkle in Magnus’ eye. He scanned the area looking for Nico, hoping he was nearby.

  “This is quite a predicament we are in now isn’t it? I was sent here to bring you and your brother back, but now I find this girl to be of more interest to me.”

  Celeste’s heart dropped.

  “Why would she be of interest to you? She is nothing, just an ordinary human girl --”

  “Whose life you seem to value immensely,” Magnus finished.

  “No, you are wrong. She means nothing to me,” muttered Roman unconvincingly.

  Magnus’ face glowed bright red, and his black eyes narrowed. “Do you think I’m stupid Roman Constantin? I’ve lived for over a thousand years, and if there is one thing I am certain of, a vampire would never give up his life for an ordinary girl, even one as beautiful as this one.”

  “This has nothing to do with her Magnus,” growled Roman, his fangs fully extended and a chilling gleam in his eye. “Do you think I am stupid? I know exactly who sent you - it was that coward Fabian. He thinks he can hide behind despicable beings like you, but I am tired of hiding, tired of running. Take me to him and let’s end this.” Roman took a step toward Magnus, daring him to make a move.

  Celeste had never seen Roman like this, and it frightened her.

  “And what, the second I make a move towards you your brother will plunge a stake into my back?” Magnus countered. “You underestimate me. I know very well that Nico is lurking nearby. No matter, I could easily take you both down if I wanted, but I am far more intrigued by your friend Celeste.” Celeste looked at him defiantly.

  Addressing her he said, “As a gesture of good will, I will release your mother. All I ask is that you come with me in her place.”

  “Fine,” she said.

  “No!” snarled Roman as he lunged at Magnus.

  Nico darted out of the foliage and joined the fray, the three vampires rolling into a tangled mess of snarling and biting. Roman and Nico were young and fast, but Magnus had a lifetime of experience on his side. He quickly broke away from them and disappeared into a mausoleum.

  The brothers followed him into the foreboding structure. “Are you sure he came in here?” whispered Nico.

  “Yes!” hissed Roman as he peered into the dark tomb.

  Magnus sprang up from the shadows and with one well-timed punch sent Nico sprawling across the room. Roman reacted quickly, grabbing Magnus by the throat and almost succeeded in snapping his neck, but Magnus was too strong and in seconds had Roman pinned against the wall. Nico, recovering from the blow to his head, rushed to his brother’s aid and yanked Magnus off of him.

  As the fight ensued in the mausoleum, Celeste ran to her mother’s side and picked up her wrist frantically checking for a pulse. She was relieved to see that she was alive and breathing, but still unconscious. She quickly untied the thick ropes around her mom’s wrists and ankles and when Celeste realized there was no waking her, she picked her mother up and started running. As she reached the entrance of the cemetery, she saw a glimmer of air, and the portal opened in front of her. Stellan stepped through it appearing in a whirling cloud of matter. With a stern expression on his face, he held out his arms and took her mother’s limp body.

  “Please Stellan, take her with you. I have to go back,” she said with determination in her eyes.

  “Celeste, you are going to get yourself killed, and your father will haunt me from the grave for the rest of my days,” he said, handing Mrs. Wilder back over to her. “Take your mother through the portal, and I will go help Roman and Nico. We will be right behind you. Now go!” he said, pushing her through the entrance.

  Stellan could hear the snarling, vicious animal sounds as he approached the Wilder family tomb. Magnus had Nico in a chokehold, trying to snap his neck, but Roman quickly thrust a fallen tree branch into his back, missing his heart by inches. Although Magnus was easily able to pull it out of his back, it provided enough of a distraction to release Nico from his grasp. Roman and Nico stood in front of a wild-eyed Magnus ready to strike again, pausing only momentarily from the frenzied fighting at the sight of Stellan’s approach.

  “Enough!” he said. A blast of lightning shot out of his outstretched hand, sending all three vampires scrambling for cover.

  “I was wondering when you would show your face,” said Magnus picking himself up off the ground.

  “You are meddling in affairs that do not concern you Magnus. Believe me, if you choose to come after Celeste again, you will have me to deal with.”

  “Well, now I am more convinced than ever. There is something special about that girl, and I will find out what it is. Fabian can come after these two himself.”

  Roman thrust himself at Magnus but he slipped through his grasp and took off into the darkening sky.

  Celeste hovered worriedly over her mother as she laid breathing slowly on the worn leather couch in Stellan’s living room. She ran her fingers through her mother’s fine hair and wiped away a smudge of dirt from her cheek. The deep creases at the corners of her ey
es and mouth were smooth now – she looked so peaceful. Suddenly, the room lit up with a bright white flash as the portal opened in the middle of the kitchen and Stellan, Roman and Nico came hurtling through.

  “Thank God you’re all right!” Celeste said as she jumped up, trying to get her arms around all three of them. “You’re covered in blood…”

  “We’re fine. We’re already beginning to heal, see? A nice hot shower and we’ll be good as new,” assured Nico.

  “How is she doing?” asked Roman.

  “I don’t know. She won’t wake up. I’ve tried everything, but it’s no use.” “Maybe it’s magic?” suggested Roman.

  “Yes, that is what I was thinking as well,” said Stellan. “Let me take a look at her.”

  Roman put a comforting arm around Celeste as she watched nervously while Stellan examined her mother.

  “It appears that Roman was correct. Mrs. Wilder is in fact under a sleeping spell, but no need to fret my dear. It will wear off soon. And the best part is that she won’t remember any of this dreadfulness.”

  “Thank goodness!” she said, rushing over to hug Stellan. The look of awkwardness on Stellan’s blushing face coupled with the tension of the day was more than Nico could handle. He burst into a giggle and his contagious chuckling spread to the entire room as the relief set in.


  Roman carried a still sleeping Mrs. Wilder up to her room as Celeste made sure that all the windows and doors of their home were securely locked. When he came back down the stairs, he found her sprawled on the couch.

  “So are you ready for your big day tomorrow?” he asked.

  Yawning, she answered, “I guess so. Graduation hasn’t really been my top priority what with my mom being held hostage and all.”


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