Wilder: The Guardian Series

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Wilder: The Guardian Series Page 17

by G. K. DeRosa

  Roman’s face with filled with remorse. “I’m so sorry about all of this Celeste. It’s all my fault. Nico and I should have never come back to Oak Bluffs. All of this could have been avoided.”

  “No, it’s not true. I was destined for this, I’m the Guardian. I would have had to deal with this whether you had come into my life or not. And I’m so happy you did. I don’t think I could have gotten through any of this without you,” she said, reaching out her hand to his.

  “Of course you would have. You don’t need Nico or me. You have Stellan to guide and protect you. We are actually just making it worse for you.”

  “Don’t say that Roman. The best part of all of this has been meeting you.” She pulled him down to the couch and kissed him whole-heartedly.

  His lips were soft and gentle as they moved over hers, seemingly testing the waters. Celeste waited for that ominous feeling to overwhelm her again, but instead she felt only the lively sparks where his skin touched hers. She relaxed a bit, and could feel Roman becoming more comfortable as the fiery kiss deepened. His hands ran through her long wild hair as she held on tightly to his well-defined arms, gradually letting all of the madness of the day melt away. For a moment, she was able to fully let herself go and think of nothing except enjoying the intense feelings that were spreading over every inch of her body. Finally, breathlessly, she pulled away, all the while maintaining his gaze hoping that he would not back away as he had so often before. He looked guiltily at her as she inched away, but said nothing.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “That I don’t deserve you,” he said, averting his eyes. She took both of his hands in hers, and forced him to look at her.

  “How can you say that when you have saved my life so many times already?”

  “Your life would never have been in jeopardy in the first place if it wasn’t for me.”

  “Roman, I am not having this conversation with you again. This is my life too, and with or without you in it, it would be dangerous.”

  “I just couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you because of me, but for the life of me, I just can’t walk away from you either. I know that I should. I heard what Stellan said to you at his house, and he’s right. It would be best for you to keep away from us – to keep away from me.”

  “No, he’s wrong. He doesn’t know what’s best for me. He doesn’t know me at all. As terrible as this past week has been, I’ve never felt so alive. Something inside of me has been awoken, and a large part of that is because of you. I’ve never been so terrified or so happy as when I’m with you.”

  Roman’s blue eyes filled with emotion. “Celeste, in over a hundred years I have never met anyone like you. The feelings that you have stirred in me, I thought had long since disappeared. What I feel for you is indescribable, and it frightens me that I may not be able to control it.”

  “Everything will be all right, Roman. I know you, and I know how strong you are. You can control it, and you can protect me. We will get through this together.”

  “Celeste, Celeste sweetie, are you down there?”

  At the sound of Mrs. Wilder’s voice, Celeste and Roman quickly pulled apart. She ran up the stairs, and when she saw her mother sitting up in her bed, tears of joy began falling from her cheeks.

  “Mom, I was so worried about you!”

  “What happened? The last thing I remember was getting a page at the hospital, and then I woke up here in my bed.”

  “Nothing Mom, everything’s fine. You’re all right and that’s all that matters.”

  “I can’t believe I missed out on all the excitement last night.”

  “Trust me Mom, it’s better that you did,” said Celeste. She was rummaging through her closet trying to find something suitable to wear under her graduation gown.

  “How about this one?” said her mom, holding up a linen powder blue sundress. Celeste crinkled her nose and shook her head.

  “So I take it the handsome stranger that was in our home last night was Roman,” her mom scolded. “He looks quite a bit older than you Celeste – how old did you say he was?”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry Mom. With everything that was going on I totally forgot to introduce you,” she responded, purposely avoiding her question.

  “I could tell who he was by the way you looked at him. And from how he couldn’t keep his gorgeous blue eyes off of you, I imagine he feels the same way.”

  Celeste blushed, hiding her face in the closet. “I wish it were that easy Mom. Things are pretty complicated between Roman and me.”

  “Because of our family ‘legacy’ you mean?”

  “Yes, that and he’s a vampire,” she murmured, burying her face in the closet.

  “No Celeste! Please don’t tell me that you are in love with a vampire? They are evil cruel creatures that our family has fought against for centuries. And are you forgetting that it was a vampire that took your father away from us?”

  Celeste spun around in a rage. “I know that Mom, don’t you think I know all of that? But he and Nico are different; they are not like the others. They still have their humanity, and they are good.”

  “So they don’t drink human blood?”

  “Well yes they do, but not directly from people! And they’ve saved my life more than once already.”

  “Your life has been in danger?” Celeste’s mom asked incredulously.

  “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” There was no way she was going to tell her mother about Patrick, Magnus and especially not about Fabian.

  “Just because you’re the Guardian now, it doesn’t mean that you’re not still my daughter. I’m still in charge around here,” Mrs. Wilder said, her voice rising.

  “I know, Mom.”

  “I don’t like this one bit,” she continued.

  “Well there’s not much that you can do about it.”

  “Look, I know this is a big day for you, so I’m going to let it go for now, but this discussion is not over.”

  “Right,” said Celeste obstinately.

  Her mother took a breath and walked over to her. “Are you all right?”

  “It’s just graduation. I’m sure I’ll survive,” whined Celeste.

  “You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “Yes, Mom I do, but there is nothing I can do about it. I was chosen, I am the Guardian and now I have to live up to those responsibilities. I was going to tell you after the ceremony today, but I guess there’s no time like the present.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Stellan has offered to let me stay with him for the summer so that he can train me, and I will be safe with him in the meantime. I think it’s the best idea for everyone.”

  “I don’t think I like the idea of you spending the summer with a complete stranger.”

  “He’s not a complete stranger. He was dad’s trusted friend. And if dad believed in him enough to train me, then you should too.”

  “Are you sure about this? Is that really how you want to spend your last summer before college?”

  “Well, it’s not backpacking across Europe, but I don’t think that’s in my future anytime soon,” she countered sarcastically.

  “Oh Celeste…”

  “Yes Mom, it’s what I want, and it will be for the best.”

  Chapter 14

  Hundreds of white folding chairs had been arranged neatly in rows on the green turf of the St. Alice High School football field, all facing a stage with a table covered by stacks of diplomas. The graduating seniors, donning navy blue caps and gowns, were beginning to file in as the A/V guy completed a last-minute sound check. Celeste had left her mother with the Kennedys, and she and Brian went to look for their assigned seats.

  “Hey! There you guys are!” shouted Natalie.

  “Yup, we made it,” said Celeste. “I can hardly believe it.”

  “This is so exciting! In less than an hour, we will be official graduates, and then we will have the entire sum
mer to enjoy together!”

  Celeste thought wistfully about a lazy summer where she could lie out in the backyard reading her books and spend evenings hanging out with Natalie and Brian at Ralph’s, maybe even go on a real date with Roman. She knew, though, that wasn’t what the future held in store for her.

  “Hello beautiful ladies, and Brian of course,” said Nico as he sauntered over with two colorful bouquets of flowers.

  “They’re gorgeous!” said Natalie, giving Nico a kiss on the cheek.

  “Yes, they really are. Thank you Nico,” said Celeste with a warm embrace.

  “Not as gorgeous as you two stunning graduates.”

  Both girls beamed and Brian rolled his eyes. “Laying it on pretty thick, huh Nico?”

  “Why Brian I have no idea what you are talking about,” said Nico smirking.

  Looking around, Celeste asked, “Where’s Roman?”

  “I don’t think he’s coming Celeste, I’m sorry. But he wanted me to congratulate you on his behalf.”

  “Thanks,” she said weakly, her heart plummeting. She thought everything had been all right between her and Roman when he had left last night. “I’m going to go find my seat.”

  “Celeste don’t forget the graduation after party at Dani Lynn’s!” Natalie yelled after her.

  Celeste sat still, lulled into drowsiness by the warm summer day, watching her classmates pass one by one to receive their diplomas. Suddenly, a throbbing pain pierced through her head. She clenched her teeth and buried her head in her lap to keep from screaming. A flash of pictures raced through her mind, and she struggled to keep conscious. She saw an image of a large group of people at what looked like a party, then she saw Magnus with blood dripping from his fangs, and then Dani Lynn pale with eyes as red as burning coals. A surge of panic gripped Celeste as the images continued to flash through her mind on repeat. Then without warning, just as quickly as they had started, the images stopped. She looked around nervously, hoping that no one had seen her. Apparently there were some benefits to being the last one in the last row, she thought ruefully.

  What in the world was that?

  The rest of the ceremony flew by for Celeste, and before she knew it the majority of her class had received their diploma, making it her turn to walk up on stage. As she marched up to the front, she plastered a fake smile across her face and attempted to enjoy the moment. As she walked, she heard loud whistling coming from the audience and turned back to see Nico jumping up and down, clapping and making a general fool of himself. A real smile pulled at the corner of her lips, and as she spun back around, she caught a glimpse of Roman watching from behind the bleachers.

  “What a beautiful ceremony,” said Celeste’s mom. “I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up.”

  “Oh Mom, don’t you start crying on me,” Celeste said.

  “I can’t make any promises,” she said with a smile. “What are you kids planning on doing for the rest of the day?”

  “Jessica’s sister, Dani Lynn is having a graduation party at her place,” said Brian, “and we’re all invited.”

  “Sounds like some good normal high school fun,” said Mrs. Wilder, shooting Celeste a reproachful look.

  “Yes Mom, I’m sure it will be, so no need to worry about me or wait up. I’ll be home later.”

  Her mom gave Brian a hug goodbye and said, “Watch over my girl, okay?”

  “I always do.”

  Dani Lynn cheerfully greeted Brian and Celeste as they walked into the party which was already well under way. They found Natalie and Jessica, talking and laughing flirtatiously, surrounded by a group of freshman boys from Oak Bluffs Community College.

  “Come on Celeste, it looks like you could use a drink,” said Brian.

  “You read my mind - lead the way.”

  At the keg, they found Nico chatting up one of Natalie’s friends from the cheerleading squad. When he saw Celeste approach, he ran up to her with a big smile, abandoning altogether the conversation with one clearly disappointed girl.

  “Can I steal you away for a second, Celeste?” Nico asked.

  “Sure,” she said. “Brian, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Nico led Celeste out to the courtyard of the apartment away from the noise where they could actually hear themselves speak.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he said.

  “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? I just graduated high school; I’m at a party with all my friends. I should be ecstatic, right?”

  “Look, I know you’ve been through a lot lately, and Roman told me what Stellan said about keeping away from us, but I don’t think he’s right. I wanted you to know that you can’t get rid of me that easily! Unless you want to of course… I don’t want to get on a Guardian’s bad side,” he said with a grin.

  She giggled. “You always know what to say to make me smile.”

  “It’s a natural talent,” he said, pinching her cheek teasingly.

  “Of course I don’t want to stay away from you or Roman. This whole Guardian thing is just so new to me, and I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong anymore.”

  “You’ll figure it out. I have no doubts about you. But do me a favor, don’t give up on Roman, okay?”

  “Me? He’s the one who is giving up on us. Every time I think we are making progress, he pulls back. He thinks he should stay away from me.”

  “That may be what he says, but I know that’s not how he feels. Trust me, I’ve known my brother for a long time, and I’ve never seen him like this before. What you two have is worth fighting for.”

  “I just feel like that is all my life is ever going to be – fighting for Roman, fighting with my mom about being a Guardian, fighting for the good of all mankind against the forces of evil. It’s all so overwhelming.”

  “It won’t always be. When I was first turned, I felt the same way. I was constantly fighting my bloodlust, my darkest urges, but our mother helped us through all the bad, so that with time we learned to control it. You will too. Stellan might be wrong about not wanting you around us, but he has your best interests at heart, and he will make an excellent Guardian out of you yet.”

  “I hope so,” she said, not entirely convinced.

  “Come on, let’s get back to the party. It looks like you could use a refill on that beer.” He put his arm around her and gave her a reassuring squeeze and led her back up to join their friends.

  “Have you guys seen Dani Lynn?” asked Jessica, popping up next to Brian and Celeste.

  “No, not since we first got here,” said Brian.

  “That’s so weird, I can’t find her anywhere,” she said and hurried away to continue the search.

  Brian turned to Celeste, “So, how are you doing Cel?”

  “I’m good. Why?”

  “I don’t know, I mean we kissed again the other day, and now you’re acting like nothing ever happened.”

  Celeste felt her cheeks redden, and she paused to take a sip from her cup hoping it would help. “I’m sorry Brian, I’ve just had so many things on my mind lately.”

  “Things that you can’t tell me, right?”

  “I wish I could, I really do.” Brian turned away, but Celeste held onto his arm insistently. “Wait –”

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Cel. You’ve always told me everything, and now you’re keeping secrets from me and acting all distant. Is this just because I kissed you?”

  “You guys kissed?” asked Natalie, barging in on the conversation.

  “Shhhh!” said Celeste nervously.

  “Oh nice, Cel. Wow, now I get it. Are you embarrassed about this? That kiss obviously meant way more to me than it did to you,” said Brian, walking away angrily.

  “Brian, don’t go!” she shouted after him, but he didn’t even turn around.

  “Whoa, what was that about?” asked Natalie.

  “Ugh! I don’t know, Natalie. I guess you were right abou
t how Brian felt about me, and now I don’t know what to do.”

  “Well how do you feel about him? Was he a good kisser?” she asked, eyes filled with mischief.

  “That’s the problem, I just don’t know how I feel. Obviously I care about Brian a lot. He’s my best friend. I could even say I love him, but I don’t think I’m in love with him. And I refuse to answer the kissing part.”

  “Well then you need to tell him that Celeste. He’s never going to move on if he thinks he still has a chance with you.”

  “I know, I just don’t want to lose him. I need him in my life.”

  “I don’t think you’d ever lose him, but you should probably set him free,” she said.

  “That was a pretty wise thing to say, Natalie.”

  “Thanks! Every once in a while I come up with a good one.”

  Celeste reached out for her arm, “And Natalie, I’m sorry, I know you kind of liked Brian.”

  “Nah, no worries, do you see how many cute guys are at this party? There’s no point in being tied to just one!”

  Celeste knew there was a reason she loved Natalie.

  Celeste started weaving through the crowd of inebriated students looking for Brian. She knew that Natalie was right, and as much as she wished she felt the same way about Brian as he did for her, in her heart she knew that she didn’t. She had searched the entire apartment and Brian was nowhere to be found. She headed outside, taking the emergency stairwell to avoid the rowdy crowd waiting for the elevator. As she rounded the corner of the second floor, she heard a muffled cry coming from the trash room. Celeste’s senses turned on overdrive, and the intense ominous feeling took hold of her like a tidal wave, swallowing her whole. A sharp, metallic odor permeated the air and made her gag. She walked into the trash room, treading lightly trying not to make a sound. In the corner she saw a dark figure huddled over a girl’s motionless body. A small gasp escaped from her mouth, and the figure spun around looking straight at her.

  “Magnus!” she screamed.


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