The Ocean Between Us (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 1)

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The Ocean Between Us (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 1) Page 17

by Michelle Heard

Silence follows his suggestion. I should tell him I’m going home, but instead, I agree, “Okay.”

  I’ll get to spend time with Aiden before I leave.

  I’ll pretend I’m fine for three days.

  It’s better than facing my reality.



  Last night, when I saw the bite mark on Emma’s breast, and all the bruising around her neck, over her ribs and on her legs, my mind started going down a dark path.

  She keeps saying she’s fine, but I know she’s hiding something from me. Fuck, I can see something happened to her. Something really fucking bad. It’s ripping a hole through my gut, not knowing what they did to her.

  If Emma confides in me, it might just fucking kill me, but I’ll have to remain strong for her. Right now it doesn’t look like she’s going to talk about her experience.

  She’s been quiet during the drive to Lyman. We’re minutes away from reaching my place. I thought it would be good if we stopped here first before we drive to the hospital.

  We haven’t talked about my having to return home, which is an added worry on top of my concern for Emma’s emotional and mental state.

  “Things won’t change, Emma.” I break the silence that’s suffocating me. “I’ll visit every weekend. I don’t like the idea of you being alone durin’ the week, but, for now, we have to make do.”

  She only nods, not taking her eyes away from where she’s staring out the window at the passing landscape.

  Pulling into the driveway, Emma’s eyes dart to me, and I see the worry.

  “It’s my place. We’re stoppin’ here first before headin’ to the hospital.” I try to set her at ease.

  “Yours?” she whispers as her eyes go back to the house.

  I get out and walk around the car to open her door. When I do, she gets out slowly and steps away from me.

  I hate that she’s distant. I wish she would talk to me so I can understand what she’s been through. I’ll be able to better help her then.

  I want to reach for her, but she takes another step away, keeping her eyes on the house. It’s a two-story I’ve been fixing up whenever I have some time off from work.

  When I open the front door, Emma forces a smile to her lips, but I can see it doesn’t reach her eyes.

  It feels like I’ve lost her, and my heart clenches painfully.

  Emma steps inside, her body tense as she glances around the foyer, and up at the stairs.

  I hate that she’s uncomfortable in my home.

  Having little to no strength left after the nightmare of a week, it feels like I’m about to break.

  “Emma.” I close the door and take a step closer to her. “Tell me what happened. What you’re feelin’ and thinkin’? Let me help you.”

  My eyes get stuck on the purple discoloration around her neck.

  I know from experience what causes marks like that. Emma was choked. It explains why her voice is practically gone.

  Rage makes me bite the words out, “What happened to your neck?”

  When she presses her lips firmly together, refusing to talk, I take a step closer to her. Her body instantly goes tense, and she clenches her hands.

  Fuck, not that.

  “Emma, what did they do to you?” My voice is low with fear.

  “Nothing,” she whispers.

  I can’t stand the distance between us and I take the few steps separating us. I take hold of Emma’s clenched hands and pin them to my chest. She won’t open them or look at me.

  “Please, Em. Let me share the pain. Let me help you through this.” She shakes her head, her breath catching in her throat. I brush my fingers over her cheek and lean closer. “Who hit you?”

  She opens her mouth, and at first, only a rasp of air comes out.

  It hurts like hell to see her like this.

  Then she presses her forehead against my chest and finally whispers, “Colton.”

  Fucking bastard. I wish I’d killed him when I had the chance.

  I wrap my arms around her, wishing I could give her all of the strength I have left. I’m used to being in control, to being able to handle everything, but all my power has been stripped away from me.

  Pressing a kiss to her temple, I softly say, “Tell me what they did so I can make them pay.”

  She pushes against my chest, and I take a step back.

  Her face is tight with anger. “You think you can actually do something about it?”

  I frame her face and make her look at me. “Emma, I can. I’m not your dad. I’ll prosecute them with everything I have.”

  “This is not about my fucking dad,” she screams, her voice breaking over the words. “You can’t do anything about it, Aiden. It fucking happened. It’s done. Nothing you do will change that.”

  Her arms wrap around her waist, and hunching over, a broken cry tears from her. My heart shatters at the sight of her crumbling right before my eyes.

  I move forward, but she sags to the floor, whimpering, “Don’t touch me.”

  Feeling helpless as fuck, I watch the woman I love with every single beat of my heart, fall apart.

  I sit down beside her, needing to let her know I’m not going anywhere.

  Emma’s been sitting in a curled ball, tightly hugging her knees to her chest, for the longest time.

  With my elbows resting on my knees, and my head leaning back against the wall, I close my eyes.

  “I fought so hard.”

  Hearing the soft whisper my eyes snap open.

  I’m just starting to think I imagined it, when Emma continues, “They were so much stronger than me.”

  A new wave of rage rips through my chest. Emma is finally talking, and I don’t want her to stop. I want her to purge herself.

  “I couldn’t stop them.”

  I hate the silence that follows her words. I steel myself for what’s to come.

  “Stop what?” My voice sounds strained to the point of breaking. “What did they do?”

  “He restrained me.”

  I know how strong Colton is. There’s no way Emma could’ve fought him off.

  “The marks on your neck, was that Colton?”

  She only nods. “I couldn’t stop them.”

  My gut feels like it’s been shredded. My girl’s been hurt in ways I can’t begin to process.

  “Can I hold you?” I almost beg, needing to touch her.

  Slowly, she lifts her head. Seeing her tears, I’m unable to hold myself back. I turn to her and wrapping my arms around her trembling body, I pull her onto my lap. I tuck her head into my chest and press kisses to her hair, as my own tears begin to fall.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.” It’s all I can say even though it sounds hollow in my ears.

  After a while, Emma pulls back and her eyes finally meet mine. “I need to tell you something.”

  “You know you can tell me anythin’,” I encourage her.

  She stands up, and I quickly climb to my feet.

  “You’ve been amazing.” A breath shudders through her as she takes a step away from me. “I’ll never be able to tell you how much the past few weeks with you meant to me.”

  Fear ripples through me as I realize what she’s saying. I move forward and framing her face, I lift it, so she has to look at me.

  “Don’t say it.” My voice is hoarse as my heart breaks all over again.

  “Chloe’s mom died. I have to go to her.”

  Pressing my forehead to hers, my gut twists in anguish.

  I have to get her to stay. I can’t let her go back.

  “You can’t go back, not to your mother.” I’m a second away from begging her. I can’t protect her if there’s an ocean between us.

  “I’ll be staying with Chloe,” she whispers. “We weren’t meant to last, Aiden. You’re way ahead of me, and the gap between us is too big. Your life is here. You have a house, a career, a family. Chloe is my family. I have to start working as well. I can’t keep studying and hiding from life.”
  “We’ll find a way to bridge the gap.”

  It’s starting to sink in. She’s really doing this.

  Emma’s leaving me.

  “How do we bridge this gap? My visa should’ve been revoked the second my Mom cut me off. One of the requirements for a visa is finances, another is me actually studying. I’ve missed two weeks of school. I won’t be able to catch up before exams start.” Her voice starts to tremble, and I move in as close as I can. I feel her breaths rush over my lips.

  “I can’t lose you,” I whisper. “It’s all things I can take care of if you’d just let me.”

  “And Chloe? I can’t turn my back on her.”

  In my desperation, I haven’t thought about that. Knowing I can’t be selfish, I say, “You need to be there for Chloe. I get that. But come back afterward.”

  For a moment she just looks at me with eyes swimming in sorrow, but then she nods.

  It doesn’t make me any feel better because her eyes are still telling me goodbye.

  I watch her every move as we walk through the house. She stops in the den and glances up at the high ceiling. It’s my favorite room. I hardly use the rest of the house.

  Emma walks over to the fireplace and brushes her fingers over a photo of me that was taken while I was serving as a marine.

  She turns around, and her eyes fall on the stairs.

  “What’s up there?” It’s the first question she’s asked about my home.

  “My office.”

  I watch her walk up the stairs, and reaching the top she must’ve seen the shelves at the back of the room because she glances back at me. “You have books. I didn’t know you liked to read.”

  “Most of them belonged to Laurie,” I say, as I climb the stairs. “Zac isn’t much of a book lover, so I took them. She loved books. You would’ve liked her.”

  Emma trails her hand over the spines, then whispers, “Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. I love Edgar Allan Poe.” She pulls a book out and pages through it. “Laurie had great taste.”

  She puts the book back, then turns to me.

  “Laurie and Zac were married right?”

  “Yes, for four years. They met at the station. Laurie was going up the stairs, and he was coming down when he stopped her. It was the first time he ever saw her, and right there he told her he was going to marry her.” I watch Emma’s eyes as she starts to blink faster. “They got married three weeks later.”

  “It’s so sad,” she says.

  “No, if they hadn’t eloped, they wouldn’t have had their four years together, and Zac wouldn’t have his memories now. Laurie wouldn’t have died happy. They taught me how precious time is, and how quickly it can be gone.”

  I take a deep breath as I slowly walk toward her.

  “I almost lost you once, Emma. Please don’t make me lose you again. Give me a chance.”

  “We still have a couple of days together. One way or another, I have to go back. Even if I can find work here, I still need to go back for Chloe.”

  “I’m scared,” I admit, and it takes a lot for me to utter the words. I hold her eyes with my own, willing her to see all my fear. “I’m so scared you’ll go back and that you’ll learn to survive on your own, without me, because I’ve fallen, and I don’t know how to get up without you.”

  “No,” she whimpers as she rushes forward, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist.

  “For the longest time, half of me was missin’. Then you-” I push Emma back so I can see her face, “you walked into my life with your beautiful smile and unbreakable will, and the hole was gone. I need to take care of you. I need to touch you. I need to see you. You have to give us a chance,” I beg. “You’re my heaven, Emma.”

  I don’t know what else to do. I’ve said everything there is left to be said.



  Aiden broke my heart yesterday. I wanted nothing more than to tell him that I’d stay, but I have to go back for Chloe.

  We left his house soon after and stopped at the hospital, but Cole was asleep so we couldn’t see him. The nurses said he will heal quickly, that the bullet didn’t do a lot of damage. It was a big relief to hear.

  Getting back to the flat, I didn’t sleep last night, even though I’m miserably tired. I just laid in Aiden’s arms wondering how I was going to go on living without him.

  Taking a sip of coffee, I almost choke as Aiden comes out of his room all dressed for work. By dressed, I mean holster, gun, and badge, too.

  Damn, he’s never looked so hot before. He looks intimidating and drop-dead handsome all at once. I’m so shocked by the fluttering feeling in my stomach that I can only stare as he pulls a jacket on and comes over to me, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  Shit, this is it.

  Aiden is going to walk out the door and go to work.

  “I’m meetin’ Zac at the office,” he says, his eyes searching my face for answers I can’t give him. “We need to complete the paperwork here in North Carolina before headin’ home to Lyman.”


  There’s nowhere on this earth I can call home.

  Except for Aiden.

  I put the cup down, and standing on my toes, I press my mouth to his. I close my eyes as he wraps his arms around me. The kiss is filled with our heartache, our broken dreams and scattered wishes.

  Pulling back, I force a smile to my lips. “Have a good day at the office.”

  It looks like he wants to say something, his eyes locked on mine, but then he lets me go and leaves.

  While Aiden’s at the office, I go to the university to explain what happened. They understand, but yes, I’ve missed too much. I should start fresh the next semester, but there won’t be a next semester for me.

  When I get back to the flat, I call Chloe to see how she’s doing.

  “Hello,” Chloe rasps. Her voice must be raw from all the crying.

  “Hey, how are you holding up?”

  “I’m not,” she answers honestly. We made a promise not to lie to each other. I broke mine when I didn’t tell her about the kidnapping.

  Chloe continues, “I managed to get a flight for Wednesday. I’ll fetch you from the airport.”

  “Thanks. When’s the funeral?” I ask.

  “This afternoon.” She starts to cry, and all I can do is listen.

  “I wish I could hug you right now.” My words only make her cry harder. “I’ll see you soon, okay.”

  “Okay,” she whispers.

  After the call, I try to sleep a little, but only manage to doze off for a few minutes before jerking awake.

  I hear the front door open, and get up from the bed. Straightening my shirt, I walk out into the living room.

  Aiden starts to remove his holster, gun, and badge while walking to his room. Glancing up he sees me and stops. “How was your day?” he asks.

  “Okay,” I answer and walk closer when he quickly darts into his room to lock his gun in a small safe.

  “I went to the university,” I continue when he turns back to me. “They agreed with me. I’ve missed too much. They were very nice about it, but they recommend that I start over next semester.” I try to keep my tone light.

  “That’s good, isn’t it?” he says as he closes the distance between us. I lift my face to him as he leans down to press a quick kiss to my lips. “Then you just need an extension,” he says, looking somewhat relieved.

  “Yeah,” I smile. “How was your day?”

  Aiden doesn’t answer and stares at me until I lower my eyes to his neck, not being able to meet his searching eyes any longer. I know what he wants me to say, but it’s the one thing I can’t give him. I have to go home.

  Eventually, he says, “I missed you today. I just want to hold you for however long we have left together.”

  I nod, knowing that if I tried to talk, I’d cry.

  Aiden’s lips graze my bruised cheek, and moving up to my forehead, he pres
ses a firmer kiss there.

  I’ve created this little box of memories deep inside me, and I’m stuffing it full of Aiden.

  There is one more memory I’d like before we go our separate ways.

  Just one.

  After I’ve showered, I find Aiden standing in the dark lounge, staring out the window.

  “Hey,” I whisper. I don’t want to disturb the night.

  “Hey,” he whispers back, turning to face me.

  “What time will you be leaving?” I ask, needing to know just how long we have left together.

  “At five am,” he answers.

  Oh, that’s really early.

  He reaches forward, and taking hold of my hand, he tugs me toward him.

  “When are you leavin’?” he asks as he wraps his arms around me.

  “Wednesday,” I answer, then quickly add, “I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

  “I’m not stupid, Emma. I feel the goodbye when it’s hittin’ me right in the gut. You’re not plannin’ on comin’ back, are you?”

  I drop my head to his chest, and I can’t keep the tears from falling because this is killing me. He holds me, but he offers no words of comfort. There are none for how much it hurts to say goodbye to him.

  When the last broken sigh shudders through me, he frames my blotched face, and I almost start up again.

  “Please Emma, will you let me make love to you?” his voice cracks and I watch as a tear rolls down his cheek.

  I nod because I want my last memory of my time here to be of Aiden and not everything else.

  He lifts me to him, and walk us to his room. Placing me gently on my back, he lies down on top of me and kisses me with an unwavering passion.

  Needing him to remove Katia’s touch from my skin, I break the kiss and pull my shirt over my head, before shoving my slacks off. My eyes never leave Aiden as he strips out of his own clothes.

  When he rolls a condom on, it’s a reminder that I’ll have to go for tests once I’m home. Just to be safe.

  Shoving the awful thought to the back of my mind, I reach for Aiden. I wrap an arm around his neck as he takes hold of my hips, and pushes me back down.


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