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Of Gods and Wolves (The Godhunter, Book 2)

Page 4

by Amy Sumida

  I inhaled sharply. “There’s a goddess smell?” Someone should bottle that.

  “Of course,” he frowned thoughtfully. “I can smell it still but the witch is there now too. It was like the goddess scent masked the witch earlier.”

  Well didn’t that just make perfect sense? “The power I came into belonged to a goddess originally.”

  “You stole a goddess’ power?” If his eyes got any bigger they’d pop out and go rolling across the table.

  “She was trying to whip me to death at the time,” I gave him innocent-eyes and lifted my hands, making a give me a break gesture. “It called for desperate measures, okay?”

  “Okay, okay,” he laughed and looked up over my head.

  “What are you two whispering about?” I turned and found Fenrir looking at us with a small smile.

  “Vervain was telling me about stealing a goddess’ power… umph.” I cut off TryggulfR with a swift elbow in the ribs but he just laughed.

  Fenrir’s face got serious and then his jaw went slack. “Aphrodite,” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I stared at him intently, waiting for further reaction.

  “Once,” his eyes looked distant for a second, “she wielded it like you but her nature corrupted it and the magic was poisoned. You’ve cleansed it and made it true again.”

  “I did?” That was so not what I was expecting to hear.

  Fenrir smiled warmly and shook his head. “You’ve saved many from heartache. Did you kill her?”

  “Yes,” I looked away. “I had no choice.”

  “You don’t need to defend yourself here, little Frami,” he brushed my hair back over my shoulder. “At least not any more. We’ve accepted you and that's forever. We will defend you.”

  “What does frami mean?” I asked after I'd taken a moment to process.

  “Courage,” he chucked me under the chin. “It means courage.”

  “Vervain,” Teharon, the Mohawk God of Healing, who didn't actually have a mohawk, was suddenly behind me. “Let me see to your wounds before you eat.”

  “What would I do without you?”

  “Bleed a lot,” he actually said it with a straight face, “and die horribly.”

  “Most likely,” I chuckled as he helped me up. “I'd definitely have a lot more scars.”

  I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten I was hurt. The warm welcome of the wolves had drowned out the pain but when Teharon had drawn my attention back to it, my body began to ache and throb. I let him lead me to a corridor and then into an unoccupied room. Before I left the hall, I saw Thor get up to follow us. So I wasn't surprised when, shortly after Teharon closed the bedroom door, Thor came in and closed it again.

  “Are you hurt badly?” Thor asked as he strode over to the bed Teharon had sat me on.

  “Nah,” I put on my best British accent. “It’s only a flesh wound.” Both of them stared at me blankly. “Monty Python? Come on people.” I sighed and laid back. “I’m dying here.”

  “What?” Thor took my hand. “Is it that bad?”

  “No,” I groaned. “I mean you guys are killing me. It’s an expression, Thor.” He frowned again and I looked at Teharon. “Just shoot me.”

  “Vervain,” Thor spoke sternly. “I don’t like this joking about death. You’ll stop it now…please.”

  “Since you asked so nice,” I smiled and played with his shiny braid as he bent over me but I ruined the magic moment with a loud hiss of pain, when Teharon prodded my wound. I tried to recover it with, “I love you.” I was happy I could say it aloud to him finally.

  His smile was radiant. “I know. You showed me in some pretty graphic ways. Thank you for that.” I blushed as I wondered exactly what he’d seen in my head. He laughed and kissed me sweetly. “I enjoyed every detail, darling,” he whispered.

  Teharon cleared his throat, pushing the blood-tipped feather he wore in his hair, over his shoulder. “You’re all healed up, darling,” he smiled at me, then Thor.

  I groaned and threw a pillow at him. “Damn gods and their super senses.” I sat up and looked myself over. Everything was closed up and shiny pink. “Nice job.”

  “Of course,” Teharon spread his hands. “I’ll see you two back in the hall.” He left with a secret grin.

  “What have I got myself into?” I asked Thor as Teharon closed the door.

  “Haven’t they explained everything yet?”

  “I understand I’m like family now but I’m kinda getting the impression I’ve gained status as well.”

  “You think?” Thor lifted a brow and gave me a sarcastic smile.

  “What’s a Rouva?” I recalled the title Fenrir had given me.

  “The word means Queen but I think it’s got a lot to do with politics. You’ll have to ask Trevor.”

  “It’s a title for the highest ranking royal female of the Froekn. It will be yours until Father chooses a mate,” Trevor had come in silently so both Thor and I jumped a little. He shrugged and smiled. “Sorry, Dad’s asking for you.”

  “I’m the highest ranking royal woman?” I shook my head. “I’m not even a werewolf. Won’t I be stepping on a few toes?”

  “You may have not been born a wolf but you’ve a part of me inside you now,” Trevor stroked my arm and I felt that piece of him shift and rise to greet him.

  “Werewolf by injection, eh?” I waggled my brows at him.

  “Vervain,” Thor groaned.

  “You are Froekn and no one resents your position,” Trevor continued after a secret smile to me that made my heart speed up just a little. “Well I don’t know about UnnúlfR yet. He came in right after you left and let’s just say, I’m glad he’s sitting next to me and not you.”

  “Great,” I lamented. “I don’t suppose we could just kiss and make up?”

  “He’s a little grumpy right now,” Trevor laughed. “The teasing he's getting isn't helping either but he’ll get over it.”

  I just made enemies wherever I went. “Alright, we better go back.” I kissed Thor quickly before I took Trevor’s arm and let him escort me out.

  Chapter Three

  I didn’t remember my gloves and hair sticks until the meal was over.

  “Oh shit,” I grimaced and Fenrir looked over with a raised brow. “I left my gloves in the pit.”

  “The pit?” He looked at me like I was a walking comedy routine.

  “Sorry,” I gave him my oops face, “I mean, the arena.”

  “Your pretty claws?” He stood up and lifted me to my feet. “Let’s go get them.”

  Fenrir led me back through the tunnel and into the pit. I found my hair sticks and wrapped my hair back up, tucking them in as I continued to look around. The gloves however, were gone.

  “What the hell?”

  “What’s wrong?” Thor had followed us down.

  “My gloves are gone,” I looked at Fenrir.

  “None of our wolves would take your weapons, little Frami,” his expression was reproving.

  “I know, Dad,” I blinked, wide-eyed when the words came out but he just beamed at me. I cleared my throat and tried not to notice Thor’s shocked expression. What the hell had made me say that? “But who would want my gloves?” As I asked the question I remembered the comment made early on in the trial. “Loki!” I screamed.

  A round of curses flew out of Thor's mouth and he ran off down the tunnel. I looked back at Fenrir. He had a rueful smile and was shaking his head.

  “My father has a thieving nature,” he laughed softly. “Don’t worry, we’ll get your gloves back.”

  “That’s right,” I snorted, “I forgot he was your father. Does that mean he’s like my Grandpa now?”

  Fenrir howled in laughter. “Don’t say that to him, I think he likes you for the time being. It would be best to keep it that way.” He took my arm and started leading me back to the hall.

  “He likes me, so he steals my gloves?” I squished my lips up in distaste. “What is this, the fifth grade?”

  “He stol
e Thor’s iron belt and gloves before too,” Fenrir gestured toward Thor who was approaching us with a grim expression.

  “He’s gone,” Thor reported. “That thieving trickster is gone.”

  “We’ll return her gloves, Thunderer.” Fenrir patted Thor’s shoulder. “Don’t get so upset. Come on, it’s time for the dancing.”

  The rest of the night was spent in music and laughter. I didn’t know wolves were such good dancers. They all wanted to dance with their new Rouva and man after man asked to accompany me. They were so exuberant. I was lifted and swung about more than a few times. When Trevor finally got a chance with me, I was flushed and a little sweaty.

  “You look like you’re having fun, Minn Elska,” he swung me around, higher than the others had. Men always have something to prove.

  “I am,” I felt like I was shiny with happiness. Pure happiness is rare for me so when it comes along, I try to fully enjoy it.

  “You also look beautiful,” his eyes started to warm, then glow.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” and sweet furry wolf god it was true, he looked magnificent.

  Trevor had on black leather pants which molded to his perfect ass and a saffron sleeveless tunic with gold embroidery down the sides that brought out the gold in his eyes. It wasn’t half bad at showing off his biceps either.

  “Thank you, Rouva,” he gave a little bow. “It’s nice to know my appearance doesn’t disappoint you.”

  “Disappoint?” I snorted, “Not possible. Especially after you so gallantly defended me earlier.”

  “I couldn't exactly sit back and watch as my father killed you.”

  “You sat back and watched me fight your brothers,” I lifted an eyebrow.

  “I knew you could handle my brothers,” he shook his head like it was a given and I have to admit that it felt pretty good to have his confidence in my ability. Why couldn't Thor have that kind of faith in me?

  “Your father is pretty intimidating,” I laughed.

  “Intimidating?” His laughter joined mine. “He probably would have killed us both if you hadn't done whatever it was you did. I think you actually saved my life again.”

  “I never saved it the first time,” I shook my head. Trevor had just done one of the most romantic things anyone had ever done for me, he'd risked his life to save mine, and he was blowing it off like it was nothing. “You stood up to your father for me, risking death and disgrace in the eyes of your family...and after meeting your family, I'm not sure which would have been worse for you.”

  He wavered his head like it was a toss up.

  “Don't make light of it,” I touched the tip of his nose with my finger. “Thank you, you gave me enough time to use my magic.”

  “You're welcome,” he said seriously, then he got a mischievous look and I narrowed my eyes on him.

  He swung me out and when he pulled me back, he did it hard enough that I fell hard against his chest. I could feel his heart pounding through his shirt and when I looked up at him, I felt mine start to beat faster too. Spicy musk surrounded me as if scent could have substance. I wanted to roll around in it, wrap myself in his smell like a warm blanket. A Trevor scented blanket I could take home with me. Or maybe I could just coat myself in it till it was in my skin, till his scent became mine.

  “I…” Trevor looked a little lost. He swallowed hard and wet his lips. “I wish…,” he shook his head and smiled ruefully.

  “What?” The scent thickened, fogging my thoughts, but one thing was clear. I needed to hear the rest.“You wish what?”

  The skin around his eyes tightened, his jaw clenched, and he looked away.

  “I wish I could dance with you all night,” his smile seemed brittle. If I brushed my hand across his lips, they might break, “but the dance is over.” He bowed over my hand and before I could protest, Thor swept me up and as far away from Trevor as he could get me.

  I smiled up at Thor, instantly horrified that I’d felt such a strong attraction to Trevor. I looked over my shoulder and saw him talking to a group of men. He glanced up like he’d known the exact moment my attention had turned to him. His eyes looked shiny, feverish, and a little sad. I looked away quickly. I couldn’t afford to contemplate the meaning of Trevor’s stare. So when my eyes began to prickle, I hid my face in Thor's chest and blinked rapidly as I tried to still the shaking deep in my belly. What was wrong with me?

  “You’re quite a hit,” Thor rubbed my back, pulling me in closer.

  “They do seem to like me well enough,” I snuggled into his arms and tried to concentrate on how much I loved him and only him.

  “Yes,” he spoke into my hair quietly, “some more than others.”

  Chapter Four

  “But that doesn't mean you have to go home,” Thor was still arguing with me when we arrived in the living room of my little house in Kaneohe, Hawaii.

  “I'm perfectly safe now, babe,” I sighed and dropped my suitcase on the floor before letting Nick, my gray tabby, out of his cat carrier. “With the Froekn as my allies now, and Aphrodite dead, I'm probably safer than I've ever been.”

  “So you're saying they can protect you better than I,” he glowered at me.

  “No, I...” I'd finally taken a good look around my living room and saw Jackson standing in the middle of it with a shocked expression. “Ah, hi, Jackson.”

  “Hey,” he breathed.

  “Who the hell is this?” Thor roared. I guess he'd reached his limit, what with Trevor bonding me, Fenrir fighting me, and now me moving back home. A gorgeous man standing in my living room, like he belonged there, was just too much for the Viking to take.

  “This is Jackson,” I jumped in front of my friend, who knew nothing of my secret godhunting life. “Remember how I told you about having a friend who came over to check on Nick occasionally? This is him. Jackson, this is Thor.”

  “You guys just,” Jackson waved distractedly at the place we traced in, “you just...”

  “Yeah, um,” I looked at Thor for help but he was still staring furiously at Jackson. “Thor! Jackson is one of my best friends. He's also in a committed relationship... with my friend Tristan.”

  “Tristan?” Thor blinked like he was coming out of a daze.

  “Yeah, Tristan,” I sighed. Sheesh, with the jealousy already. “Um Jackson, yeah, you know how I'm a witch?”

  “Uh huh,” Jackson was staring at Thor now, taking in the wild hair, the muscles, the Nordic features.

  “So, I uh, oh hell,” I looked at Thor again. He was starting to relax, as it finally occurred to him that Jackson had absolutely no sexual interest in me. “Help me out here, baby.”

  “What?” He frowned and then realized he'd just traced, in front of a human. “Oh, I'm a god. Thor. Nice to meet you,” he extended his hand and Jackson stared at it as if he'd never seen one before.

  “Great, Thor, very subtle,” I smacked his hand back.

  “What I say?”

  “Jackson, have a seat,” I settled us on one sofa while Thor took the other one and I started explaining what I'd really been doing with most of my time.

  Jackson sat quietly through it all and when I was finished, he blinked and seemed to surface from his shock. He looked over at Thor again, this time with utter fascination. A wrinkle marred his forehead as things started to really process and I just waited, Nick curling around my feet, purring. He was so happy to be home.

  “What about the lwa?” Jackson burst out.

  Jackson was a practitioner of Voodoo, being introduced to it at a young age by his grandmother. In Voodoo they believed that God was too busy to interact with humans so he'd created the lwa. The lwa were supposed to have once been living people who had accomplished great works and so, upon death, were elevated to an almost angelic status. They helped humanity, and their devotees served them with offerings and deeds that were supposed to feed the lwa and keep them strong. Practitioners devoted themselves to one lwa in particular and served them for life. Jackson's was Erzulei-Fred
a, the lwa of love, beauty, and wealth.

  “They're ours as well,” Thor answered for me.

  “Have you met her?” Jackson looked to me eagerly.

  I smiled, I should have known he'd take it so well. He probably suspected a lot of what I'd told him already. I also should have known that his first thought would be for Erzulie. I mean, who wouldn't immediately wonder what their version of Diety was really like? I guess it was a perfectly normal response for an incredibly unusual situation.

  “I haven't met her,” I patted his hand when his face fell. “But I've met Yemanja. Thor dated her.”

  “You what?” I could see all his preconceived ideas of the lwas start to crumble. “Have you met Erzulie-Freda?”

  “I have,” Thor said simply and I turned sharply to face him. “She's lovely.”

  “Is she?” I felt my brow rising. “Did you date her too?”

  “No, she cries too much for my taste,” Thor shrugged. “She's very sensitive. I'm uncomfortable around weepy women.”

  “What else is she like?” Jackson was absorbing every word.

  “She's,” Thor sighed and spread his hands, “dramatic and very particular about things. Oh and she has a thing for birds.”

  “Birds?” Jackson asked. “You mean doves? That's the animal associated with her.”

  “No, just birds,” Thor snorted. “It's another reason we never dated. I hated having to constantly be on guard for falling bird shit. I hate birds.”

  “Can you introduce me?” Jackson sat on the edge of the sofa, leaning toward Thor.

  “Sure,” Thor shrugged. “If I see her again. We don't cross paths often. The lwa don't have the same problems a lot of the other gods have. Their followers still believe and they give the lwas energy aplenty but if I do see her, I'll try and work out an introduction.”

  “That would amazing.”

  “Yes, amazing,” I stood. “But I'm kinda beat guys and I still have to unpack. Can we catch up more later?”

  “Of course,” Jackson jumped up.

  “You know,” Thor mused, “you could ask her to come speak with you. Let her know that you know the truth and she won't have a reason to hide. She may be pleased to have a follower she could show herself to without having to go through that whole possession thing.”


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