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Of Gods and Wolves (The Godhunter, Book 2)

Page 7

by Amy Sumida

  I felt a trickle of anxiety go through me. This was one of the bad ones, known to be untrustworthy even by his friends. They called him Oathbreaker and I was instantly wary of him. It was said that he'd undergone strange rituals to gain magical abilities. Oh, and the eye he was missing, he reputedly gave it up willingly, so he could drink from a well of knowledge. He was supposed to be very cunning and very lethal. It's why I'd never attempted to assassinate him.

  “Thank you for allowing me to attend,” I knew the celebration was a truce among the Viking gods but I was hoping for some confirmation that I was included as well. I slipped my hand into the one he extended and he kissed it gallantly.

  “You’ve caused quite a stir but allay your fears. You’re welcome here, Rouva,” his smile grew, “for tonight.”

  I laughed low and long and saw heads turn to stare. “Thank you for that. I always appreciate honesty.”

  “As do I, Vervain,” I had a feeling that his use of my given name was meant as a compliment, although it put me on edge. “I don’t know if you’ve heard but I hold a great fascination for the occult and I’ve been told you read the cards. Maybe we could talk later?”

  “I’d be honored, of course.” What the hell else could I say; I’d rather chew bricks?

  “Great,” he smiled at me but it didn't reach his eye. His beautiful eye was haunted, focused constantly on a ghost instead of the living. I understood why it was hard for Thor to be around him.

  “Father,” Thor clasped arms with his dad and I saw a sliver of warmth creep into Odin's face before it was replaced by ice once more.

  “It's good to see you, Thor,” Odin sighed. “I wish you would visit more often.”

  “You know why I don't.”

  “We all have our roles to play,” he looked out at his guests. “And now I have to play mine. If you would excuse me?” He smiled wanly at me again and I nodded. “I have to greet my guests. The Froekn are arriving, perhaps you should play your role too, Rouva. Fenrir will want his Queen at his side.” For a second, the peacock eye twinkled but then it was doused by pain once again.

  “I'm here with Thor tonight,” I lifted my chin. “But I'll see to my family as well. I know my role too, Odin.”

  The one-eyed god smirked and turned away, descending the steps and melding into the throng.

  “Well, he's a delight,” I took my bag of gifts from Thor. “You wanna come with me to see the Froekn?”

  “Like I'd let you face the wolves alone?” Thor smiled but his smile was lacking, an imitation of his father's.

  “Don't carry his pain,” I laid a hand on his lapel and he looked down at me. “It's bad enough that he must bear it. There's no reason for you to join him.”

  “I would carry it for him if I could,” Thor frowned. “It's funny that you say that. I've always had this strange feeling that it would be mine one day. I think it's part of the reason I don't come around much.”

  “Heartache isn't catching, and it's not meant to be carried,” I reached up and rubbed at his frown lines. “It's meant to be tossed about like a hot roll until its cooled enough to eat. Then you consume it and use its nourishment to make you stronger. You don't sit with it in your hands, staring at it till it turns moldy and gross.”

  “A hot roll, eh?” Thor's lips were quirking up. “Are you perhaps getting hungry, darling?”

  “Oh, holy hand-grenades, yes!” I laughed and knew sweet success when he laughed back.

  “Maybe we should feed you before we go greet the Froekn,” he looked over his shoulder at the long table the wolves were settling into.

  “No, I can wait,” I saw Trevor look over at us expectantly. “Besides, there's only appetizers out now.” I reached over and grabbed a stuffed mushroom before heading down the dais.

  I surreptitiously admired the grandeur of the hall as I munched on my snack. It was huge. The hall not the snack. The myths I’d read had described it as being wide enough for eight-hundred warriors to walk through it abreast. I tried to imagine it and I was pretty sure it was possible. Wooden trestle tables ran down the center of the room, three rows to either side before the high table. Open space stretched between the tables and the walls, filled with islands of lush carpets, on which comfortable but apparently ancient seating waited in an assortment of styles.

  Gods milled around, holding cocktails served by the largest, meanest looking waiters I’d ever seen. I took a glass from one warily, eying his missing ear, as we passed through the crowd. The guests wore an interesting mix of varied ethnic dress and modern wear. They were beautiful and fascinating but it was the walls of Valhalla that held the greatest fascination for me.

  They were solid gold, with curving Viking designs carved into them, and hung with gold shields. They glowed intensely in the bright lights, I could even make out a glimmer of the walls to either side in the far distance. God technology, not electricity, lit the hall with no discernible source and made the shields glow even brighter. In fact, it almost looked as if the light came from the gold.

  I wasn't so fascinated by my surroundings that I missed all the attention I was getting though. By the time we reached the Froekn, I was a little irritated by the stares and heated whispers that followed us. Most of these gods were my enemies. They tolerated my presence merely because it was a holy day and I was accompanied by Thor. Otherwise, I got the impression they'd happily tear me to pieces.

  “Fenrir,” Thor held out a hand to my new adopted father. “It's good to see you.”

  “Thor,” Fenrir looked incredible in a black on black suit, his dark hair hanging in silky waves down his back. He had a gold torque with wolf heads on either end, gleaming at his throat. He shook Thor's hand. “I'm happy to see you're well.”

  “Fenrir,” I smiled and reached both arms out to him.

  “Little Frami,” he chided as he scooped me up and kissed my cheek, “call me Dad.”

  “Okay,” I laughed, “just put me down.”

  “You outshine them all tonight,” he whispered as he lowered me to the floor.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I winked and turned to Trevor. “Happy Yule, VѐulfR.”

  “Happy Yule, Rouva,” he enveloped me in a hug.

  I closed my eyes and let the scent of him wash over me. Inside me, I felt the wolf shake off slumber and come running forward to greet its other half. I shivered as it rubbed against Trevor through my skin, nuzzling and nudging. I felt Trevor sigh deeply, his own wolf rubbing against me through his skin. It was the oddest, most sensual feeling I'd ever experienced, being stroked beneath and above my skin all at once. It was as if my nerve endings were trapped between two animals in heat, so that every sensation I felt was magnified by their fur and lust. It was then I knew that although Trevor had given me a part of himself, it had changed when it rooted in me. It was my wolf now and it was all bitch. Go ahead and giggle.

  Thor cleared his throat and reminded me of where I was. I pulled back from Trevor, sure my face was as red as my dress, and bit my lip as the Froekn laughed knowingly. Trevor's eyes were all honey heat and I felt caught in them. I shivered like a fly struggling in the sweet death. Then my embarrassment flowed away with the honey and I smiled at my wolf.

  “I have something for you, little Frami,” Fenrir saved me from making an even bigger fool of myself. “TryggulfR,” he turned as TryggulfR came forward with a large, blue velvet box.

  Fenrir opened it to reveal a heavy torque of gold with a wolf head on each end. He took it out reverently and slipped it on my neck. The weight of it felt comforting but there was also a tingle of something more. Something that felt a lot like magic, wild magic.

  “It’s beautiful,” I touched it, then looked at the matching one Fenrir was wearing.

  “This is the symbol of your status,” Fenrir held me by the shoulders. “The Rouva torque is yours until I find my own mate.” He smiled like he didn’t think I’d be wearing it long.

  “I’m honored to wear it until you find your Rouva,” I kissed his cheek. “I�
��ve something for you as well,” I reached towards Thor and he pulled a painting from the bag of gifts for me. I handed it to Fenrir. It was a portrait of him, smiling his I’m too sexy smile and looking magnificent. Wolves surrounded him, sprawling, sitting, howling. “This is the first piece I've painted in a long time. I've lacked inspiration, I guess. I want you to have it so you can see what I see when I look at you. In case you ever doubt how incredible you are.”

  He took the painting from me and his jaw clenched. He swallowed hard, his throat convulsing. There was a sudden sheen to his eyes and he took a deep breath before he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “You make me envy my own son, little Rouva,” he whispered into my ear. I shivered as I met his eyes and saw a hint of what might have been. Whoever snagged him was going to be one lucky woman.

  “I have a gift for you as well,” Trevor reclaimed my attention. He reached behind him and pulled out a small gold box with a big red bow on it. “Happy Yule.”

  I smiled and unwrapped the box with shaking fingers. Inside was a heavy gold bracelet in the shape of a wolf. The body of the wolf formed a circle, like he'd be forever chasing his tail around my wrist. In his mouth was a large diamond. I inhaled and forgot to exhale for a second.

  “Breathe, darling,” Thor patted my back and I exhaled sharply.

  “Thank you,” I said softly to Trevor as I put it on and admired the way the diamond sparkled. “It’s amazing, I love it.”

  “I'm glad,” he flashed a look behind me and I felt Thor's hand tense on my back.

  “I have something for you too,” I had to hit Thor to get his attention, he was focused so strongly on Trevor. “Thor, the gift for Trevor please.”

  He finally fished a box out of the bag and handed it to me. I handed it to Trevor, who smiled grandly and tore through the wrapping like a kid. Paper went flying, shreds of ribbon drifted to the ground. Did I say kid? I meant animal. Finally, the gift was revealed and Trevor made an exuberant whoop.

  “Vibes and the complete season of Firefly,” he held up the dvds. “How did you get Vibes? I've been looking for it forever.”

  “I have my ways,” I smiled delightedly.

  “Have you handled a machine gun before?” He asked with mock seriousness.

  “Sure, lots of times in high school,” I smirked as I gave him the correct quote. “I was captain of the machine gun team.”

  “Yes!” He laughed and punched the air. “And you can just call me Captain Tight Pants.”

  “Now you're switching to Firefly, give a girl some warning,” I laughed. “He's my favorite you know. I love Mal. So sexy.”

  “I'm more a fan of Inara myself,” he waggled his brows at me. “I love me a hot brunette.”

  “If you don't lay off my hot brunette, you're gonna regret it,” Thor glowered.

  “Oh but we can't die. You know why?” Trevor barely spared Thor a glance.

  “Because we are so...” Trevor joined me and together we sang out, “very... pretty!”

  Thor groaned as I laughed. I finally had a partner in my annoying movie quoting.

  “These are the best gifts ever,” Trevor exclaimed. “I've never met anyone who's even heard of Vibes, much less could quote it.”

  “Are you kidding me? I'd give you the finger but I'm too refined,” I said in my best Cyndi Lauper imitation.

  “Oh man, I love you,” Trevor grabbed my face in both hands and planted a quick kiss on me.

  We pulled apart to find everyone staring at us in horrified fascination. Thor took my waist and pulled me into his side as I laughed nervously.

  “It's a movie from the 80s and an old TV series by Joss Whedon,” I shrugged. “I knew Trevor wanted them and they also happen to be favorites of mine, so...”

  “How exactly did you know he wanted them?” Thor frowned down at me.

  “I...” I started to frown as well. How had I known? He never actually mentioned it.

  “It's a Froekn thing,” Fenrir said smugly. “Part of the bond. Trevor has become a part of her. She knows him as well as she knows herself.”

  Thor's entire body tensed next to mine.

  “The only way this can work,” I spoke softly but still had everyone's attention immediately, “is if all of you help me to make it work. I can't do it if I have to constantly mediate between you both. Now Thor has been very understanding, considering the circumstances, and I'd appreciate a little respect and consideration back. I didn't ask to be bonded with Trevor but it happened and I'm not sorry it did. You've all made me feel loved and accepted and I want the Froekn to be a part of my life but not at the expense of Thor's feelings. So please, no more passive aggressive attacks on my boyfriend... Fenrir,” I stared hard at him. “Or any of you,” I looked over at Trevor and his two brothers.

  “Okay, little Frami,” Fenrir sighed, “I concede your point. My apologies, Thunderer.”

  “Accepted,” Thor nodded. He'd begun to relax during my speech, his chest expanding, and a smile playing over his lips. “We all love her, Fenrir.”

  “Yes,” Fenrir smiled resignedly, “we sure do.”

  Chapter Nine

  When the music started, the wolves stood and immediately went to the floor. The Froekn loved to dance and as it turns out, I was no exception. I started with Thor but Trevor claimed the next round. I laughed in delight as he swung me around and passed me from wolf to wolf till I ended up with Fenrir. The Wolf God smiled at me, then something over my shoulder caught his attention and he raised a brow. I followed his gaze and saw Odin approaching the dance floor with a bevy of beautiful women.

  Fenrir laughed at my expression. “They’re his Valkyries,” he whispered and then nodded to some of his male wolves. They flowed through the dancers, stalking the women.

  The Valkyries laughed and twirled away from the wolves, who continued to chase them around the dance floor. It looked as if they’d played the game before. I raised a brow and looked up at Fenrir.

  “My boys are very popular with the fighting ladies,” he waggled his brows at me and I laughed.

  “May I steal your Rouva for one dance, Fenrir?” Odin was standing next to us and reached a hand out to me.

  Fenrir did this sort of tilted nod and released me to Odin. In the next moment, I was in two beefy, Viking arms and staring at a wide chest. He was so much like Thor, except in coloring, it was surreal. I felt like I was dancing with Thor's evil twin.

  This man had caused so much damage in my world. He was a physical representation of what I was fighting against. He was my enemy. The enemy of the entire human race.

  He was also my boyfriend's Daddy.

  “Do I make you uncomfortable?” Odin peered down at me strangely.

  “I don't generally dance with my enemies,” I shrugged, “just a policy.”

  “You name me enemy here, Godhunter?” He spoke in a tired, almost disinterested way. “This is a holy day for us. A day to lay aside grievances.”

  “Hey, you asked.” I sighed. “But you're right, I shouldn't have said that. You welcomed me here and I got lippy with you. I apologize. I'm always saying things I shouldn't. I'm in desperate need of an off switch.”

  Odin’s one eye crinkled at the corner. “You’ve a strange appeal.”

  “Yeah,” I smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, you’ll get over it. I’m sure the Powerpuff Girls over there can help you with that.” I waved a hand at his Valkyries, who’d finally allowed themselves to be caught and were dancing with the wolves. “They give new meaning to the Puff motto of Saving the world before bedtime.”

  He burst into shocked laughter, so exuberant that he had to stop dancing and pull back, so he could lean on his leg to catch his breath. The gods stared at us with horror and amazement. The wolves just smiled and kept dancing. I guess they were already used to their little comedian.

  “Ah, you okay there, buddy?” I patted Odin’s shoulder and smiled at the staring gods. “He’s very ticklish,” I called out to the gods as I wiggl
ed my new manicure at them, “Who would’ve thought?”

  He looked up at me with wide eyes for a second and then started a new bout of laughter. Finally, I gave up and crossed my arms as I waited for him. I was almost missing Mr. Gloomy.

  He calmed down after a bit but instead of going back to the dance, he took my arm and led me off the floor, over to a private table in the cavernous space to the right of the high table. There was actually a massive fireplace over there, freestanding, with the hall continuing on behind it. It goes to show how big the hall was that I hadn't even noticed it.

  There were pillars out there. Placed intermittently to hold the roof, I presumed. The only thing that kept it from looking like the Mines of Moria from Lord of the Rings, was the décor. Odin had gone to a lot of trouble to create some luxurious spaces for people to congregate in. The one he'd brought us to was particularly comfortable, with a thick Persian carpet, wide cushioned chairs, and an inlaid table carrying refreshments.

  “Um…ah,” I looked back at the dance floor and saw Thor frowning over at us but he was soon whisked away by a long-legged goddess.

  “I wanted to have a little chat,” he settled me into a chair and then sat across from me. I looked around a little nervously and caught Thor’s stare again, looking even more concerned. That couldn’t be good.

  “Alright,” I looked at Odin and dropped the polite face. “So talk.”

  “Relax, Godhunter,” he waved and a man was immediately there to pour him a mug of something frothy as well as set a glass of wine in front of me. “I told you, I’m an avid student of the occult and I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of reading my cards?”

  I sighed. I swear, once your friends know you can read the tarot, you became a source of ready entertainment. I felt like a traveling Gypsy attraction sometimes. Now it appeared that even gods weren’t above the draw of the oracle.


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