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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

Page 12

by Jacklyn Daher

  Luxor removed the paper and opened it up. She scanned the scribbled words written in blunt lettering as if a five-year-old wrote it, and re-read it a couple of times to understand it. She could tell he had great difficulty in writing it.

  eat t̸o̸g̸e̸ t̸o̸g̸e̸t̸h̸ both same time

  She passed the note onto Evie. "What does this mean?"

  "That’s what I’d like to know,” Ayla said, sipping her camomile tea.

  "It’s a little experiment, or riddle, really," Evie said. She eyed the Skittles hungrily, and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table. "Want me to be the guinea pig?"

  Luxor’s stomach grumbled but now out of hunger. She stared at the items and wondered what the point of it was. Why would Hunter resume to play a game? Weren't they over them? "Sure."

  Not skipping a beat, she opened her mouth wide, and cocked her head back, pouring half the packet of the rainbow candies. She chewed a couple of times and munched into the apple. With each chew her face contorted from scrunching up her nose, to repulsion. She scattered off the chair and knelt over the sink, spitting out the mash-up, followed by with a series of coughs and splatters.

  Luxor quickly moved beside her and rubbed her back, before pouring her a glass of water. Each time Evie coughed, it led her to ponder the question why Hunter would do this. It was aimed for her to eat it, did he want to punish her somehow, make her hate him?

  Ayla giggled. "This is too good."

  Luxor gritted her teeth together, the stirrings of anger prickling her skin, and her veins burned up. She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. “Why are you being such a bitch?”

  Calm down, calm down, calm down.

  "Are you going to explain or will this be another weird joke to yourself?" Evie wiped her mouth with the edge of the tea towel.

  “Why is everybody being mean tonight? I think you all need to leave. Don’t you think Luxor?” Pandora said.

  Luxor wanted to hurt Ayla until she screamed, but she feared she would go too far. The real anger was directed at another person. She re-filled Evie’s glass who then gargled to remove the taste and helped her up, giving her a few minutes to gather herself. "I don't understand any of this."

  "It's easy. Apples are pure, Skittles are manufactured lollies with so much bad stuff in them isn't it any wonder people get a bad sugar rush. Makes you wonder why would you want to mix them?" Ayla asked. "Quite smart and metaphoric really."

  She rolled her eyes. The aftereffects from the kickboxing session continued to plummet, and now she was being subjected to Ayla’s psychobabble. "Well since Ayla is being well herself, I'm going to bed to forget whatever subliminal message the asshole has sent.”

  Evie raised a hand, and jumped up. "I second that."

  "Don't you want the answer?"

  Luxor sighed. "What is the almighty answer?"

  "Look at the evidence." She pointed to the sink where the masticated mashup of the apple and Skittles concoction had been flushed. "They don't belong together."

  "Of course they don't belong together, Hunter's an idiot to get you to taste two random things together." Evie stuck out her tongue in a gag motion.

  Except they aren't random.

  It might not have been clear to Evie, but to Luxor, it was a clear message. She was the apple and he was the Skittles and in his short hiatus, he had decided it would be fun to change his mind. She'd have to confront him and ask him why.

  "Maybe it would taste different to you. Who knows it'll be an orgasm explosion for your taste buds.” Evie imitated a bomb exploding in her hands. "Poof. Bam. Yep, they belong."

  "Ugh, I swear you and Hunter have one-track minds."

  "It was a metaphor jeez. You can try it out for yourself, what's yummy for one can be bleugh for another, like our music taste. Just taste the rainbow," Evie urged.

  Luxor grabbed an apple. "You realise this is stupid, right?" she said an took a bite, and polished off the remaining Skittles.

  Salted caramel was popular, a great fusion of both tastes, why should sour and sweet be any different?

  At first, the sweetness wasn't prominent, merely a hint, but the more she chewed, the juices from the combined flavours of the Skittles oozed in and overtook the natural goodness of the apple. The juices trickled down her throat, the gag reflexes kicking in. Luxor held her jaw as a twinge of pain set it. She couldn't handle it anymore, and spat the brown goop in the sink, doubling over with tears streaming down her cheeks as a coughing fit started up. Evie returned the favour and rubbed her back, passing her a glass of water. Luxor gulped and gargled before spitting.

  "That is the foulest thing I have ever put in my mouth," Luxor rasped out, moving her hair from her face. "Oh my God, why didn't you tell me?"

  "Umm couldn't you tell by my vomit reaction? I guess we could pretty much come to the conclusion the mixture should never, ever, under no circumstances be together," Evie stated adamantly.

  Luxor hoped it would've been different, but it wasn't meant to be.

  “They don’t belong together.”

  Ayla’s words circled around Luxor’s mind for the following night like a hamster wheel and well into the next day. In Spirituality she mindlessly slumped into a chair where she was surrounded by Evie on the one side, and Pandora on the other.

  “Morning Snow,” Evie said.

  “Morning.” She pulled out an exercise book and opened it up, setting out pens to for the commencement of class.

  “Wonder what atrocities Principal Wright has for us today? If his mood this morning is anything to go by…well, we’re screwed.”

  "It's kind of deserved, I’m kind of a pain.” Luxor attributed it to her recent behaviour, especially dousing Hunter in apple and Skittles which ended up in the Infirmary.

  As it turned out when Principal Wright arrived, he was in a sore mood.

  “Called it, Principal Wright is a walking chick on her reds."

  Luxor screwed up her nose and slapped Evie's arm. "That's disgusting! Like yuck." She shuddered at the mental image.

  "Oh, get over it. Unless you are a child, pre-pubescent girl, menopausal, or elderly woman, you are exempt from the bitch making a monthly unwanted visit, bringing gifts of cramps and cravings."

  I fit in none of those categories. What's my excuse?

  “Morning class. For today’s session we will be going to the very beginning, where the end of paradise and the conception of evil began. On each desk I have provided a copy of Paradise Lost by Milton Greene. Please open up to page one.”

  Luxor picked up the book, where on the cover a naked woman reaching for a piece of fruit whilst a snake stood up beside the tree. She flicked the page over.

  Ughhh seriously?

  “Of Man's First Disobedience, and the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste Brought Death into the World, and all our woe," he quoted. “What do you think this means?”

  “I hate this book, we are in for a real treat,” Evie whispered.

  “Miss Cooper, you appear to be chatty, I assume it has to do with the lesson. Can you please explain to the class what this quote means?”

  “From what I understand, it’s when you don’t learn lesson you are punished.”

  “Thank you for the vague summary,” he deadpanned. “Anybody else?”

  The class remained silent. “Very well. Since you have all decided to become mute, here’s a little clip before the class will resume.” He switched on the projector and left without as much a word.

  “Woo hoo,” Evie cheered. “Another free period, I’m loving this year.”

  Luxor cusped her chin in her palm and twirled a pen within her fingers. The imagery of the book sent a shiver up her spine. She averted to her attention to the door and wished she could have fled.

  Ayla leaned forward against the door way, the reflection of the television illuminating her features, and emitted a soft ethereal glow. A broad-shouldered silhouette of a tall male figure lingered close by, and he surveyed the ro

  Luxor choked on a gasp. Time froze when their gazes collided, locked in like magnets. Even in the poorly lit room, there was no mistaking those pale blue eyes had been tattooed on her brain.

  He took a sharp intake of breath, the recognition crystal clear as he gave small upturn of his lips. Without a cap on like their previous encounters, she got a clear view of his light blonde hair. He slipped his hands in the back pocket of his tan cargo shorts, before fixing his grey polo shirt.

  Ayla leaned up on her toes, a dwarf compared to his six-foot three stature, and cupped her hand over his ear, letting out a whisper.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

  "Psst. Televisions at the front." Evie nudged her.

  She scooted over and fixated on him, wanting to be the one close to him. "It's the guy from the mall. Near the door," she squealed.

  "Who?" Evie whispered, her eyes glued to the television.

  "With Ayla."

  Evie squinted her eyes towards the door. An action scene occurred, and reverted her attention back. Tilting her chair backwards on two legs, she propped her legs up on the desk.

  For twenty minutes Luxor tried to conceal her excitement, desperate for an introduction. For now, all she wanted was a name. When she thought about him, mall guy didn't have the same ring as an actual name.

  Principal Wright re-entered and switched off the television and the lights on. He sat on the edge of his desk and picked up a red, shiny apple, tossing and flicking it repeatedly in the air. "Who likes apples?"

  “Not me after last night.” Luxor said.

  “Or me,” Evie said. “But I hate fruit anyway.”

  A few students put up their hand. Principal Wright pointed near the window at a dark-skinned girl with almond shaped eyes. "Rebecca, tell me why you don't like them?"

  "They taste bland," Rebecca replied softly. Under the table she flicked a switch blade. Open. Closed. Open. Closed. And so it continued.

  "That's because they're not dipped in chocolate," Scarlett snickered. "Or toffee."

  Luxor glanced over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes, as she noticed Rebecca bite her lip and she hoped she wouldn't cry, it would only give Scarlett greater power. If Luxor thought she couldn't hate her any more than she did, again she was proved her wrong.


  If only Luxor could burn her again, and make her cry. Or better make it worse.

  “Hey who’s that?” she asked.

  Evie craned her neck. “Becky Tan.”

  “How come I’ve never seen her?”

  “Ummm, she’s in history class,” Evie said. And then it clicked. The knife wielding girl who sat next to the Robby the goth. “Count yourself lucky. She’s Brighton Falls prime weirdo.”

  “You know for somebody who hates Scarlett for teasing, you sure aren’t afraid to call another person names,” Luxor said, hoping she hadn’t got Evie all wrong.

  Could she indeed be a bully?

  “Believe me on this, she’s cray cray. Harley Quinn plays with baseball bats, Becky loves knives.”

  “Harley Quinn is a bad ass, and didn’t put up with any crap.” The rhythmic flicking of the knife quickened. Becky whipped her head around and caught her looking, and scowled.

  "But they're good for you. Ironic don't you think?" Principal Wright continued, oblivious to Scarlett's taunts.

  "Do you get it?" she whispered, and nudged Evie.

  "Nope." Evie's forehead furrowed, her finger scrolling through her Facebook.

  "What are you doing?" She continued to draw, stars lining every corner of the page. If Evie was occupying herself so should she, this class was becoming a complete and utter snooze fest.

  "Trying to set up a page, but it's not working," Evie grunted, frantically pressing buttons with her thumb. Her violet hair hung over her eyes and with a swipe she tucked it behind her ear.

  "Like wh—"

  Before she could reply Principal Wright cleared his throat, his stern voice intruding on her conversation.

  "Luxor, Hunter can you please come join me?"

  Jesus Christ, what now!

  Luxor dropped her pen and glanced at Evie, who raised her eyebrows and attempted to suppress a smile. She couldn't catch a break away from Hunter. She lifted her butt off the chair and hesitantly obeyed, and joined them both.

  "I see you both didn't put your hands up. Any reason?" Principal Wright said.

  For a few seconds neither of them said anything, their eyes locked in a silent conversation to see who would reply.

  "That was a serious question?" Luxor finally said.

  "Do you think I enjoy asking rhetorical questions? Hmmm."

  Her face reddened, and she bowed her head. She didn't have the guts to see anybody's reaction, although Scarlett's snicker was noticeable.

  "I'll try another way." He passed her the apple, and scooped it within her palm. "Now bite it."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Bite the apple. Unless you have a secret allergy to them which will cause you to go into anaphylactic shock, I require you to bite the apple."

  Luxor was mortified. This class was ten times, no a hundred times worse than history and Ms. Suarez. Beside her, Hunter suppressed his amusement, which only added to the humiliation. The apple was cradled in her palm, red and glistened, as if she was Snow White and the wicked witch urged her to take a bite.

  "Principal Wright, this isn't sanitary."

  He just glared at her, his voice firm. "And yet young people exchanged bodily fluids all the time." He crossed his arms over his chest.

  What the fuck?

  Luxor debated throwing the apple at the principal's face, but expulsion or assault wouldn't help with her list of anger issues. To get it over and done with, she slightly opened her mouth, and took a small bite. The crunchy sound echoed within the classroom, and instantly the sweet citrus taste tingled on her taste buds.

  "Taste good?" he asked. Luxor was too stunned to answer. Despite the size of the portion the piece lodged in her mouth and it made it hard to swallow it. "Now pass it to Hunter."

  Luxor almost choked. She expected Evie would jump in at the ridiculous of the situation, or Melita would interject, but she merely scowled, her jade eyes setting into slits. The only thing she could hang on to was the fact Hunter would suffer the same humiliation, and everybody could witness it.

  Hunter retrieved the apple without hesitation, opened his mouth wide, and took a great portion of the apple. The crunching every time he chewed was slow and steady as he savoured the juices, all the while maintaining contact. Those toffee coloured eyes, bore straight into hers, a glint of satisfaction. Again, Luxor was denied pleasure from his humiliation.

  "There you have it everybody. Irony. How something so good, an apple, pure in nature, changed the course of history forever. And all because of two naïve people, broke the rules. The story of Adam and Eve. Thank you for your cooperation."

  Luxor return to her seat and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I need to sanitise my mouth."

  "You have all the luck. I didn't put my hand up and yet you get to swap saliva with Hunter."

  You’ve kissed him before, what’s the difference?

  Hunter’s reaction made his enjoyment clear, which made her stomach churn. She didn’t want anything to do with him, and dousing him in apple and Skittles should have been a clue.

  “Does your principal have a brain injury? That little demonstration was whacked,” Pandora said.

  Luxor agreed, the whole apple experiment did not make sense, she understood the concept but what was he insinuating? Why would he get Luxor and Hunter re-enacted a warped version of Adam and Eve? There would have been a better approach than humiliating her.

  "It's always the way, the female tempts the male, destruction follows, and she is left to pick up the pieces," Evie murmured.

  "Are you okay?" Luxor said.

  "Yep, just an observation." She sighed, and slumped her shoulders in defeat.

  The bell r
ang and Luxor packed up her belongings except for her exercise book which she held onto. The class quickly emptied out, which mirrored her thoughts of getting the hell out of there. Pandora stayed behind, but Evie said she had to go to Locker Block to swap her books.

  “Luxor, can I have a minute please?” Principal Wright said, and she returned back. “I wanted to touch base on the happenings of a couple weeks ago.”

  “You mean when I find out you’re an Angel, Ayla is my guardian angel, I’m surrounded by Nephilims and my father is Lucifer? I think more than a minute is needed.”

  “Indeed. How are you holding up?” he said, with the utmost sincerity.

  “How do you think?” Pandora said, frowning.

  “I’ll survive, what else can I do?” She gave a half-shrug.

  “You do know you will be protected,” he said with the utmost sincerity.

  “Why do you think I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to her,” Pandora said, and squeezed her hand.

  Hunter had promised protection but at the first opportunity he had left, but having Pandora by her side made her feel safer, and she couldn’t imagine a time without her.

  Principal Wright nodded and left with a small smile.

  Luxor calmed herself down and loosened the grip on her exercise book, and smoothed the crease. Her fingers tingled and she flipped to the front page, and gasped at the picture she had drawn. Stars surrounded the existence of a thick, black snake with aqua eyes, the scales intricately drawn, the body covering half the entire page. But the most disturbing part of it was its tongue. A jade cobra with a darting tongue, blood red, and thin, raised up high to the middle of the page. Split into two parts, it wrapped around the one lone shining star. On one side the letter L on the other the letter S.

  She shivered and rolled up her notebook and shoved it to the bottom of her bag, wanting the disturbing image to disappear. But no matter what she knew for the rest of the day, the black snake would be lingered in her mind.

  Luxor left the classroom and hovered outside the classroom, and didn’t have to wait long for Evie’s re-appearance. But she had another reason. Mall guy.

  "What are we waiting for?" Evie sang, making room for the other students to pass. She rattled her lunchbox, a clear indication that she and Evie were hangry. Luxor knew all too well if she was denied food, her feral side would come out, and it wasn't a pretty sight.


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