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Betting On His Mate

Page 15

by M. L. Briers

  “Please be certain, because once I claim you there is no going back for me. You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours until the day I die.” He warned.

  “Then I guess that makes you mine.”Kiera heard the long, deep growl, still gentle, but different from the others.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast answered her declaration.

  “Mine.” Callum placed his forehead against her until they were nose to nose and then he swooped in for another heady kiss. When he broke away this time he waited for her to open her eyes again. Kiera noted that he was more serious this time.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to mark you. I need to gently press my fangs into your shoulder…”He reached down and yanked the top from her body. His body immediately caging in around hers, replacing the warmth she had lost and protecting her. His fingers traced over her shoulder. “This is different to bonding, when we bond I will have to bite, and it will hurt, but it will be over quickly and it will heal fast…”

  “You’re going to become a wolf?”Her eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.

  “Not a wolf, like a vampire, like earlier, I can call forth my fangs. You don’t have to see me like that, and I will wait until you’re in the throes of bliss…”

  “Throes of bliss?”She couldn’t help but giggle. It just sounded like an old romance novel.

  “You don’t think I can give you satisfaction?”He looked insulted, more than insulted, maybe challenged, or not… she wasn’t entirely sure what he feeling.

  “No…”She shook her head and heard him growl long and hard. “I mean no, that’s not it, and yes, I think you can give me….”He kissed her again, a half kiss-half grin. “Tell me about the fangs and the biting…”He was already nibbling on her lower lip, her chin, her shoulder. If that’s anything like the biting, bring it on…

  “To mark you, I bite just here…”He covered the skin on her shoulder with his lips, just before the curve up to her neck, and bit gently with blunt teeth. Her body immediately responded to his dominance. He felt her legs fall away from his, felt her body relax and open to him, her head rolled to the side, allowing him access, and she sighed, long and hard. “You’re so ready for me…”He growled against her neck, his tongue ran the length of her vein until he nipped against the lobe of her ear.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” She traced her fingertips down over the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen, loving the way his muscles tensed under her touch. When she found the waistband of his jeans she made quick work of undoing them, pushing the material down over his hips as he brought his gaze to hers and watched her. His breathing was hard and fast as his heart danced within his chest.

  Kiera was torn between looking back into his dark eyes, watching them turn jet black under her gaze, and looking down his near naked body to the length of him. Was it considered rude to look? She couldn’t help herself a moment longer as her hand brushed against the satin and steel, and she had to catch her breath when she saw him. Hard and proud, slanted outwards away from the muscled physique and pointing right up at her. Was it rude to stare?

  Kiera took a long steadying breath through her newly parted lips and swallowed down hard. Maybe it was just the angle, but he looked big, bigger than big, maybe huge. Maybe too big?

  Callum saw her eyes widen and felt the rush of pride within him. His mate liked what she saw, and then he felt her anxiety and wondered at it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s… impressive…”She swallowed again. She wanted to drag her eyes up to his but she just couldn’t seem to manage to make them move. When he reached for her cheek the damn thing swayed and stared back at her. The one eyed monster… Now she knew what that meant.

  “Fate made us to be together…”He tipped her head back and still she didn’t look at him, so he ducked into her line of vision.

  “Do you think fate might have been working metric and imperial at the same time?” She met his eyes and saw the amusement there. “It’s not funny. That could do some damage…”She hissed up at him and heard his throaty chuckle.

  “Only if I miss…”He assured her and she twisted her head and stared back at him for a long moment. She couldn’t help the smile that spread her lips, and then the giggle that followed. “I promise not to miss.”He offered, snatching a small kiss from her.

  “Well, it might be like being impaled on a gate post, but I’m more than willing to give it a try…”He was kissing her again, this time with more passion, more desire, more need and she responded in kind. Her curiosity got the better of her and she reached down for him. Fisting his shaft as best she could, but her fingers and thumb didn’t meet around the girth of it as they probably should have.

  “We’ll go slowly. I’ll make sure you’re very ready for me…”He started to move down her body. His fingers were already working over her jeans and he had them open, down and off before she could blink.

  “So much for slowly…”She giggled, but not for long, not when his lips touched the dip beside her hip bone. His fingers were on an exploration of their own, everywhere. She watched his progress as he moved slowly over her body. Then he reached out and flipped her over onto her stomach and she couldn’t see him anymore. Oh, but she could feel him, exploring her with care with his lips, his tongue, and nipping her with his teeth.

  “Slowly…”He breathed against her ear as his fingers slipped up her inner thigh and she caught her breath as he found her sex. There was just a brush of his fingertips. “Very, very slowly…” He breathed against her neck as he nuzzled into her.

  “Maybe a little faster…”She pleaded. She’d already waited too long for him. Her body was literally quivering with anticipation of having him inside her. Her channel wept for him. He could scent how aroused she was, but when he pushed a long, thick finger inside her, he growled with more force than before at how she wanted him.

  Kiera felt the bed move around her, felt the loss of the heat of his body from over hers, but when his hands locked on her hips, his fingers digging into the flesh as he lifted her to her knees, she didn’t give a damn. There was one long moment when she felt his breath against her sex and her stomach flipped in anticipation. Then his tongue claimed the length of her sex and she closed her eyes and revelled in the feeling.

  Callum’s pleasured growl rumbled against her as he waited no longer to devour her sex, to enjoy the scent, the taste and the feel of her under his tongue. He savoured everything and consigned it all to his memory. Even the way she moved against him, responding to every flick of his tongue, every nip of his blunt teeth, until he had to hold her still as she climbed towards her first release.

  “Callum, wait I want to feel you inside…”She pleaded against the covers. Rolling her forehead back and forth against the sheets, she fisted them into tight balls within her white knuckled hands. It was akin to a torture like she had never known, but this torture was exquisite. His fingers within her, curled against that special spot that was normally so elusive to men. His mouth fevered around the swollen nub of sensitive nerves, and that damn rumble of a growl was getting harder and louder over her flesh.

  Kiera didn’t think she was going to get there. He’d been teasing and releasing her, over and over. Her mind took flight as her body slammed into the most amazing orgasm she had ever experienced. Powerful bolts of electric seared through her body, pulsing from deep within to every part of her. The hard clenching spasms of her channel around his fingers made her long for him inside her, but even his fingers slipped out and left her empty. His tongue thrust into her, lapping and curling against the sensitive nerves as he tasted her female essence, and then even that was gone.

  Kiera slowly came back to the feel of his body curling around hers. The warmth of his chest over her back excited her as he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her back against him. His lips closed over the hard pulse of her neck and he sucked hard, making her moan as a flash of pleasure shot through her.

  Callum angled his body again
st hers and she felt the tip of his hardness press against the wet heat of her channel. Slowly he pressed into her. Opening her up to inch after inch of his hard length as the silken, muscled walls tightly sheathed him. Kiera didn’t know how much more her body could stretch around him, around the girth or the length, but he growled long and hard when he was finally seated deep within her to the hilt.

  “I told you that Fate made you for me.”He growled against her ear and she shivered at the caress of his breath against her skin. His arm tightened possessively around her waist as he held still inside her, allowing her body to get used to the feel of him.

  “Then what are you waiting for, mate?”She teased, biting down on her lower lip as she pushed up off her knees and felt his hand loosen around her. The feel of the pull of his length against her inner muscles was exquisite. When he was almost out of her she pushed back down, taking him to the hilt inside her as he had done moments earlier.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast was eager to claim her. Damn, he was eager to claim her, and yet he never wanted this first time with her to end.

  “Slowly, remember…?”He teased as she raised up on him again and before she could push back down he locked her in place, keeping her there with just the tip of him. He felt her squirm, looking for more, needing more, and when he heard her curse, he pushed his hips up to meet hers and heard the gentle purr that came from her lips.

  “Too slow.”

  “You want… more?”He nipped against her shoulder.

  “I want everything…”He pulled his hips back and then took her to the hilt in another slow push.

  “Everything…?”He breathed against her skin, circling his tongue over her skin and tasting her.

  “Bite…”She breathed out as he took her deeply again. His beast roared within him, but he held a tight rein on him still.

  “You mean…”He nipped against her neck and ran his tongue up to her ear. “Mark…”He nipped her lobe.

  “No. Bite…”He hadn’t meant to thrust into her, but she caught her breath and moaned her pleasure anyway, as his heart lurched inside his chest. He held inside her. Reaching up with one hand, he cupped her chin and turned her head so he could see her face.

  “It would be too rough for you, you’re not ready…”He warned her, although his heart was singing just at the knowledge that it was what she wanted.

  “Now or later, it’s going to hurt. But one thing you’ll learn about me, Callum, when I make up my mind about something, I don’t change it. You’re mine…”Kiera heard the hard growl that came from his lips. “Mine.”She said again and felt his body tense against hers. “Mine.”She felt him pull back. Then he thrust deep inside her. Her body responded, her inner muscles clenched around his hardness and he growled again. “Mine.”

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf was adamant. Their mate had bid him forward. She wanted to be bonded, and the beast would see it no other way.

  “Kiera…”He breathed out, barely able to contain the beast within at her baying of him.

  “Mine. Callum. Mine.”She heard the low roar that left his lips. Felt his arm tighten around her waist again as he started to move inside her. Long, deep thrusts that took her from the hilt to the tip and back again, over and over, his body moving faster and faster against hers. The sound of breathing filled the room, of flesh on flesh as he took her fast towards her second orgasm.

  Kiera’s body had already surrendered to the feel of him, but when his blunt teeth bit down onto her shoulder, she found that she opened even more, accepted every thrust, as he became wilder and wilder against her. She heard his breathing change, he was almost panting out growl after growl, and each growl became deeper, longer and more feral.

  His knees nudged hers open further as he angled against her. Every thrust ran back and forth over that damn sweet spot and she could feel her body tensing with the pending orgasm that was about to take her. For one second she thought she felt a slight sting against her shoulder a moment before he thrust her over the edge.

  Callum’s fangs scratched against her skin as the wild movements of his hips against her backside made him catch her, but a moment later he felt the hard grip of her inner muscles and knew he needed to bite. He sunk his fangs deep and hard into her shoulder and heard her cry out with the pain and the pleasure of his actions. He felt her body try to pull away from his, but he had her locked tightly against his chest. There was nowhere to go.

  Callum sought her mind, sought a connection between them. She was human, she wouldn’t have the same connection with him, with his pack that a Lycan or even Fae could achieve, but still he found her there. Emotions, raw and powerful hit him like a wave, his, hers, they rolled over him. His beast howled within him. The connection was formed between mates.

  Callum withdrew his fangs and ran his tongue quickly over her wound to clean and seal it. She was starting to come back to him, but his body was in desperate need of the final act of bonding with her, completion, placing his seed deep within her body, the final act of claiming her as his mate. His beast might have been sated, but the man was ravenous for the feel of her body as he pounded inside her.

  Callum shifted her again, putting her onto her hands and knees in front of him. His hands grasped her hips, his fingers digging into the softness of her body as he took his pleasure. Thrusting hard and deeply inside her, he was like a wild thing, and she was responding in kind. Welcoming him deep inside her with muscles that clenched around him, as if she never wanted him to pull back from her, she tried to rock back onto him but he held her firm.

  He heard her breathing hitch as she white knuckled the covers and felt her body tense once more as he pounded his hips against her backside. When he thrust her back into the abyss of another orgasm, her muscles clenched and released hard around him, massaging his orgasm from his body, and he buried himself deep against the neck of her womb and spilled his seed, over and over until he felt it coming to an end. But the constant, hard throbbing of her muscles made the tingling in his spine shoot through him once more and he roared as he felt the second wave hit him harder than the first.

  By the time he was sated, she had already collapsed down onto her elbows beneath him, unable to hold up their combined body weight as he lay over her back. He pushed his body up, circling her waist and bringing her back against his chest. Her breathing was ragged at best as he tried to sooth her back to him.

  “I have you, sweetheart. Breathe.” He ran his tongue gently over the spot where he had placed his bite and she gasped in the air around her. Her body jolted against his and he held her tighter. “I have you…”He soothed her as her head lulled back against his shoulder.

  “You-were-right-it-hurt…”She tried to chuckle, and he felt her amusement in her emotions, but she was still trying to even out her breathing and it didn’t sound much like a chuckle, more a series of gasps.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, it never has to be that rough between us again…”He promised her, an edge of guilt in his voice as he cradled her in his arms.

  “Not-that-that-good-bite-hurt…”Her hand rested against his thigh. He couldn’t help but smile.

  “You like it rough?”He shook his head in disbelief. Lycans were always worried about having sexual relations with human females in case they damaged them by being too rough, and here was his mate telling him that she had enjoyed him allowing his beast to push to the forefront of his personality. She really was made just for him.

  “I-liked-I-so-tired…”She gave up trying to hold herself against him. Her hand slipped from his thigh and he felt her body melt into his. He gently eased his half mast out of her and heard her give a slight whimper, whether she was that sore, or whether she was mourning the loss of him, he couldn’t tell. But he lifted her into his arms and moved up the bed with her. Gently laying her head against the pillow, he yanked the cover up over them and settled beside her.

  Kiera snuggled in further against him. It felt as if his whole body was somehow curled around hers protectively as she rested her palm over
his heart. The gentle growl rumbled through him as his hand stroked down her back and sent her to sleep.

  “That was a roar…”Caren stood up and listened harder.

  “That was the mating roar of a Lycan male.” Cyrus announced it as if he was a wildlife presenter in the midst of a jungle on a TV show.

  “Looks like I won my bet, one pair of diamond stud earrings are mine.”Teri stretched her neck up with glee. She even did a little dance upon the kitchen stool. But stopped when Cyrus eyed her with an amused curiosity.

  “So, I wasn’t the only one who had a wager then?” Cyrus felt slightly vindicated after his mates tongue lashing from earlier.

  “The difference is; I didn’t try to brain wash her into losing.” Teri climbed up onto her imaginary lofty steed and gazed down at him with an air of superiority.

  “So, I’m the only one with a moral compass, good to know.”Caren bit out as she unceremoniously dropped back down onto the stool beside her friend and gave her a knowing look.

  “And the only one without a mate.”Teri shot back and Caren couldn’t help but scoff at that.

  “That’s not a bad thing either.”She informed her friend as the back door opened and a large frame filled the door.

  Cyrus turned to acknowledge the Beta. Both men nodding at each other as Mike shook the snow from his body, in much the same manner his wolf would have used.

  “Heard the mating cry of the alpha?”Cyrus offered on a grin and Mike’s eyes sparkled as he grinned back. Mating was a source of amusement for the pack as a whole, but a celebration when it was finally completed.

  “I think the whole valley might have heard that.” Mike assured him. “I came by to tell you that there’s a damn blizzard outside and none of you are getting out of here tonight. I’ve had my sister make up a couple of cabins for you…”He motioned towards Cyrus’s mate and then his eyes fell on Caren and his gaze narrowed.

  Caren flicked him a quick look and started to turn away, but there was something about the way he was looking at her that caused her to give him a double take. Then he sniffed the air as if he was looking for breakfast and she didn’t move a muscle. When he growled low and hard her eyes flared in understanding and she went to open her mouth, but he frowned hard and started stalking across the kitchen towards her.


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