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Beyond Orion

Page 4

by Laura D. Bastian

  “Perhaps you should wait until you are more composed before you continue this discussion with him.” Ryad’s hand relaxed on my arm and he stroked it as if to calm me.

  I shook him off. “You think I need to calm down? Tell me, Ryad, what would you do if you were in my situation? Would you accept this? Would you be able to speak calmly and rationally? I have had enough of people trying to manipulate me.”

  Marcus took a step around the desk as if to approach me. I raised my hand. “No. Both of you go away. This is still my father’s office. I will stay here and decide what is to be done.”

  “Amira.” Marcus narrowed his brows at me.

  “Go,” I said.

  “But—” Ryad said.


  Wise enough to realize I meant it, the two of them turned away. They looked each other up and down as they left the room. It was obvious they were acquainted, and part of me wondered if it was on good terms or ill. I pushed that concern out of my mind and turned the document back to the first page. I would read every word and find a way out of this horrid mess.

  Each word blended with the next as my mind wandered to the different ways I would torture Shander for putting me in this situation.

  After three false starts reading the document, I stood up and wandered the room for a moment. I looked at the picture of my father behind the desk. The way he was posed meant his eyes looked off into the distance. I couldn’t get an answer from him. I turned and stared at the photo of the council members. Why hadn’t they told me about this marriage right away?

  They would not rule me. I didn’t want to rule them either, but I had been raised my entire life learning what to do for the good of my country. If it meant I had to rule by the side of someone, then so be it. But it wouldn’t be a marriage. It would be a contract. We could be partners, but never husband and wife. Who cared if he was handsome and dreamy? No man would ever force me to be his.

  I turned back to the blasted pages and read through them, forcing myself to focus on each clause. Each word. When I finally closed the file I knew it was airtight. I could not get out of the marriage by any loophole. But if I wanted a divorce, would the people support me after all the mess of getting Marcus officially crowned king?

  I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to be married. I hardly knew Marcus. Sure, he had sworn an unbreakable oath to my father and then again to me, but I didn’t know if he would really be a good match for me. He seemed to think he could help me gain my crown, but was that because he knew it would still belong to him as well through marriage? There had been cases through the years where two rulers worked together. Their strengths and abilities meshing as one. Would that ever be us?

  My stomach growled and I wandered over to the tray Marcus had sent for. There were a few pieces of bread and some warm cheese. I picked up the bread and nibbled on the corner. My eyes felt dry and I wanted to rub them but instead lifted my chin and moved to the door. It was past midnight and my exhaustion was catching up with me. I would go to my rooms and to bed then solve the mess in the morning. I hadn’t slept since Earth and it was wearing on me.

  The door opened easily and I saw the guards had been changed sometime while I was in there. I shouldn’t have been surprised Marcus and Ryad were both still waiting. Ryad paced and Marcus leaned against the wall as if he’d been there quite some time. I hadn’t heard them talking at all while I studied the document, but the little I knew of Marcus was enough to know he wasn’t the type to leave Ryad alone. I held myself up to my full height and looked at each in turn. Sleep would have to wait.

  “What did you discover?” Ryad asked.

  “It’s official, and I could see no loopholes.”

  Marcus rolled his eyes. “I could have told you that.”

  I ignored him and looked at Ryad. “I will speak to you in private.”

  Marcus pushed himself away from the wall. “I will not allow that.”

  “You have no say on what I can and can’t do. Especially with one of my oath bound.”

  “He’s the one you were speaking of?” Marcus turned to glare at Ryad. “You neglected to mention that.”

  “You didn’t ask.” Ryad spoke over his shoulder as he entered my father’s office.

  I closed the doors behind us and motioned for Ryad to sit on the couch Marcus had occupied earlier. I eased myself onto my father’s chair at his desk. I needed to stop referring to this place as his, but I wasn’t ready to call it mine, and it certainly wasn’t Marcus’s.

  “How do you know him?”

  Ryad looked back at the door. “We were in school together.”

  “Tell me about him.”

  Ryad rubbed the back of his neck as if trying to work out some tension. “Marcus was blessed with the Talent of perfect memory. He knew everything he had read and would be able to quote obscure things from the strangest sources, and even explain where he’d been and what he’d been doing when he read it.”

  “I’ve heard of that Talent. There aren’t many of them.”

  Ryad nodded. “He’s the only one I know personally that could do it. He knew more about all the subjects we studied than even the professors. Yet he wasn’t a jerk about it. He held leadership positions through school, and even into the university.”

  “How old is he?” I asked.

  “My age,” Ryad said. “Twenty-one.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I hate to admit it, but he is one of the best men I have ever known.”

  “Do you think he will be a good king?”

  Ryad nodded. “Unfortunately.”

  “Why unfortunately?”

  “Because if he were horrid, you would be able to get the people to see it and let you out of the agreement. Or I could dispose of him.” Ryad winked.

  I shook my head in exasperation.

  “There is no loophole to get you out of this forced marriage?” Ryad eyed the thick document on the desk. Though he attempted to look only mildly curious, I could tell he was hoping for good news.

  I rubbed my eyes and mumbled my answer.

  What will you do? Ryad’s thought was so soft I wasn’t sure I heard his question.

  I don’t know.

  What would you have me do?

  I looked up at him and studied his expression. Was he asking me to let him take care of things? Did I want him to? I’d thought I had feelings for him when we were on Earth, but they weren’t strong enough to warrant me getting rid of an unwanted husband.

  When Ryad had sworn his true oath to me, I felt the power of it. I knew he would obey my instructions. I knew he would keep me safe and protect me when needed. But it hadn’t felt as strong as the oath Marcus had given me. Was that because I hadn’t been queen yet or because Earth couldn’t bind it the same way Rommader did?

  “For now, you will do nothing. You will serve me. You will protect me. You are promoted to my bodyguard. As someone who can assimilate another’s Talent, you are the best choice out there to keep me safe. I will put my life in your hands.”

  “You would give me such a high honor?” Ryad looked uncomfortable. “What about Jai? I know he didn’t trust me completely.”

  “I can do nothing about that. If you turn traitor then you will die at your own hand. I know that to be true. If you betray me and hand the kingdom over to Marcus, it will be the same as if I never returned. I will not live in fear. You have me at your mercy right now. Decide how it will be.”

  Ryad rose from the sofa and strode confidently to me. He knelt down before me and placed his hand over his heart in the royal salute. “Queen Amira, I pledge my life to you. I will serve you to my dying breath. I will uphold your honor and fight for you. I will never betray you, and if I fail you, my life is forfeit and I will end it in the time-honored way.”

  He took his hand and placed it on my left hand resting on my knee. I took my right hand and placed it on the back of his neck, feeling the ridge of his spine. The same sealing power I’d felt with Marcus flowed from my hands into him. It wa
s done. The oath had doubled and I was certain of his loyalty.

  I pulled my hand away and felt the loss of the connection immediately. I wished I could stay in here with him forever, just the two of us, but it wasn’t possible. I had to tell my husband I held two men in my power.

  Chapter Five


  I stood slowly and moved forward, but Ryad must have sensed my intention because he passed me and opened the door. Marcus stopped mid-pacing and turned to face me.

  “Please join us,” I said.

  Marcus looked at Ryad a moment before turning to the guards. “No one is to disturb us.” The guard nearest him saluted Marcus as he marched past them into the office. “Well?”

  I returned to my father’s chair and sat down. I watched the two men in front of me, hoping to have some clue as to what to do or how to act with them. I had feelings for the one who could never be mine, and the one I was married to, I was too angry to look at.

  Not that he wasn’t pleasant to see. I let my gaze travel over his body. Not for the first time, I admired the perfection of his physique. I closed my eyes and tried to force those unwanted thoughts from my mind. I couldn’t afford to look at him as a man. He was my husband, but not my companion. It was a business arrangement and no more. I would not let it progress to anything else.

  We would get things sorted out in the government and then look into ways to dissolve our marriage after things were solid and sure in my world.

  I opened my eyes and looked directly at Marcus. “Though the marriage is binding, there is nothing that says we have to live together. I will maintain my apartments. You will have your own. This room can be ours for official business, but there will be no impromptu visits between us.”

  Marcus’s mouth dropped open as if offended, and maybe I was making assumptions, but I plowed ahead. I had to get out the rest of my demands before he could stop me.

  “Ryad is my bodyguard. He will obey me, not you.”

  Marcus sat up straight and glared at Ryad. “How did this happen?” He looked back at me. “How did you two even meet?”

  I blinked then looked at Ryad. “You didn’t talk while I was in here?”

  “No.” Ryad didn’t look at Marcus.

  “He wouldn’t say a word. Only told me you would tell him when you were ready.” Marcus looked at me. I could see he hoped I would share the information. A small part of me wanted to keep it to myself, but I knew I would have to be open and honest with him. He needed to know how things were. I didn’t want to run the risk of upsetting the one person who had the power to make my rule difficult or easy.

  “He found me on Earth.”

  Marcus’s head whipped back to Ryad. “You Traveled?”

  “Shander sent him after me. We were able to convince him of Shander’s deceit and he vowed to serve me. He has sworn a second oath just now.”

  Marcus crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t like this.”

  “I’m sorry you aren’t pleased with everything, Marcus.” I couldn’t help the next words. “But maybe you should have thought of how difficult a wife could be before you allowed yourself to be married.”

  Marcus pushed out his chin. “Well, dear wife, I suppose I’ll have to show you exactly what happens when you upset your husband.”

  I shoved my hands on my hips, ready to tell him off, but Ryad flexed his hands, making his knuckles pop. “As your wife’s bodyguard, I might have something to say about that.” Marcus growled his annoyance and Ryad winked at me.

  “I knew it was a good idea to keep you around, Ryad.” I smiled wide and then stared Marcus down. “Well, my husband. I suppose we should call a truce, but understand this. You will not order me around. You will not touch me without my express permission. You will treat me with respect and honor and in return I will do the same for you. We are in this mess together and we will solve this together. I suggest you get over whatever it is about Ryad that’s bothering you and we’ll get down to business.”

  Ryad nodded and smiled at me. “My Queen, you are absolutely marvelous. It will be a pleasure to serve you. I will be right here if you need me.” He bowed to me then moved over to the door.

  Marcus followed his movements with his gaze then turned to me. He brought a chair closer to the desk and sat down resting his elbows on the surface. His eyes met mine.

  “So what are your plans, wife?”

  I tried not to cringe at his title for me. It would take some time to get used to it. It wasn’t the way I wanted to hear it said to me, but if I could convince him to treat me as an equal and a business partner, it was much better than what Shander would have done.

  “First off, we need to decide what we will say to the people when we go before them at sunrise,” I said.

  “You want to approach them so soon?”

  “It will be best to get it over with. We need to let them know I have returned if they don’t know already. Show them we can work together for the good of the planet and there will be no disruption to their normal lives. Things must move on as smoothly as before.”

  Marcus nodded and I sighed with relief that he agreed. “Do you have the time scheduled for your appearance?”

  “No. I was on my way to the broadcast studio when I ran into you,” I said.

  “You were going to go before the people right then?”

  I nodded, feeling embarrassed for my haste. “I didn’t know what had happened. All I knew was that my father was dead and the mantle had been passed to me.”

  “You weren’t even going to accept the counsel of the Grand Council?” Marcus asked.

  “Counsel? They didn’t advise me on anything. They basically told me they had picked a replacement for me and the ordination performed by my father on his death bed was nothing.”

  Marcus shook his head. “They are rather brusque.”

  “Ha. That doesn’t quite describe them. The only thing they may have done right was pick you as my father’s successor.”

  Marcus grinned and took my hand in his. “Why, dearest,” he brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckle gently. The warmth of his breath sent gooseflesh up my arm. “I do believe that is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  I pulled my hand away from him and wiped it on the front of my dress. The friction didn’t wipe away the warmth I felt. I pushed my chair and stepped back. “Are you ready to go before them?”

  “I could have used a night’s sleep, but you’re right. We should get this taken care of immediately. The sooner the people know and can bless our union, the easier our rule will be.”

  I tried to suppress a yawn, but short of covering my mouth with my hands I could do nothing. I was a fool to be in such a rush, but I was already dressed in the ceremonial robes after meeting with the council. There would be no better time than the present to start my new life. I only hoped the last few hours would be the worst of things.

  Chapter Six

  The People

  My stomach felt twisted and I wished for a bathroom to puke in. I shouldn’t have had that piece of dried toast. An empty stomach when faced with possible public humiliation was much better than a full one. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I could sense Ryad near me. Ever since he’d sworn that second oath, I almost felt like I could point him out with my eyes closed.

  Marcus was also in the room, but I felt him in a different way than Ryad. Marcus almost vibrated with his presence. I wondered if it was because I was so keyed up with this whole forced marriage thing, or if he would actually draw my attention if we’d met on more friendly terms.

  The door opened and I heard someone enter. I turned to see the man in charge of broadcasting our message to the people. He bowed to Marcus, then to me, and I did my best to hide my annoyance. I would have to get used to sharing the position of ruler.

  The producer came to meet us personally. “My name is Daniel. I will be ready in a few minutes. Are there any questions you have of me, Your Majesties?”

I shook my head, but Marcus said, “Do you have anyone in makeup that could see to her?”

  I scowled at Marcus, but he ignored me. Daniel looked me over more closely and nodded. “I’ll send for someone immediately.”

  Before I could say anything, Marcus took me by the arm and led me over to a seat near a desk with a mirror on it. He flipped a switch and my face was illuminated with more lights. My pale skin and the dark circles under my green eyes needed some obvious attention. My nose was still red and blotchy from having cried recently. Marcus had insisted on talking about Father on the drive to the broadcast station.

  “There is no shame in showing you are in mourning, but you need to also appear healthy and vibrant and well. Your father’s illness has taken its toll on the people. They will want to know you can handle the strains of ruling the nation.”

  I blinked back the tears again. “If you would all stop reminding me of his death, I wouldn’t have such a face anyway.”

  Marcus turned to me and gently placed his hand on my arm. “Do not snap at me, my dear. You and I are in this together.” I hated the way my body reacted to his touch. Too much like it was out of my control. Too much like what Shander had done with his persuasive powers.

  I pursed my lips, knowing if I said anything, it wouldn’t be nice. A woman rushed over with a dark bag. She unwrapped it in a flurry and started pulling out all kinds of bottles and brushes.

  Marcus held his hand up for her to wait as she raised a brush to me. “She will need to still look as if she is in mourning. Don’t hide everything, but make her appear less miserable, Marie.”

  Marie nodded and turned to me. She examined me with a critical eye then grabbed a sponge and a jar of concealer and started to dab at my face just under my eyes. I wanted to glare at Marcus, but instead decided the best way to irritate him would be to ignore him. Pretend he wasn’t there. That I didn’t need him at all. I closed my eyes and let the woman have her way.

  I listened to the murmured conversations around me. Mostly it involved the logistics of getting ready to broadcast, but I could hear Marcus speaking with someone I didn’t know. I refused to open my eyes and peek at who was there. It was easier to hear their words without the visual distractions anyway. Some thoughts were audible because of the Densinne. Not everyone was trained enough to isolate the telepathic communication to only the person they wanted to speak with. I would have to relearn that skill now that I was back.


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