Texas Kissing
Page 22
I gaped down at him...and then flung my arms around him. It felt as if my whole soul was glowing, lit up by a blinding white light in my heart. We twisted all the way around until his back was against the wall, our soaking bodies pressed hard together. My lips searched for his and then found them, kissing the rain off them, and then our tongues were dancing together.
I ran my hands over his cheeks, feeling the rasp of his wet stubble. I was panting in the scent of him, snuggling my crotch against his—God, I missed him so much! Our kisses became open-mouthed and desperate as we ate each other up.
“I don’t think I can walk anymore,” I gasped when we stopped for air.
“It’s okay. I have my car. Well, Calahan’s car.”
I put a hand on his chest, marveling at the valley of his pecs, the way my hand could nestle between them. “Or,” I said, feeling like a shameless slut, “we could stop in at a hotel. Just while I get my energy back.”
He was panting too. His arms tightened around me. “A hotel?”
“Just while you get your energy back?”
“Exactly that.”
I could feel his cock hardening against me through his jeans. “Good idea.”
He didn’t even bother to put me down. He walked with me still wrapped around him towards the nearest hotel. He didn’t lower me to talk to the desk clerk or to sign the guest register. Nor even when we walked up two flights of stairs because the elevator was out.
Only when we got inside our room did he set me gently down on my feet. The room was tiny—made even smaller by Bull’s huge size—and basic as hell, just a bed, a TV, and a bathroom. It was made for backpackers, not amorous couples. But it was safe and warm and dry and he was there, and that was all that mattered.
He pulled me into the bathroom, wrapped his arms around my soaking body from behind, and said, “Shower or tub?”
He was right—my body was numb with cold and even his big, warm form was chilled. “Tub,” I said decisively. I twisted gently out of his grip and cranked the hot water on full, then dumped in the whole little bottle of bath foam. As the tub filled with steaming water and suds, I started to peel off my clothes, wincing as I pulled the cold, clinging fabric from my skin. Behind me, I heard Bull doing the same. But I didn’t turn around to watch. I wanted to get the full effect.
Only when my panties hit the floor and I was completely naked did I turn around, shivering and wrapping my arms around myself for warmth. Bull was standing there, the top of his hat close to brushing the ceiling, his body damp and hard and perfect.
I glanced down at myself. It was the first time I’d been naked in front of him since the skinny dipping. And for the first time, I wasn’t self-conscious. I didn’t have to wonder if he liked my body. I knew. And, if I needed any confirmation, I saw his cock swell and steadily rise until the tip of it brushed my thigh. A deep, smoldering heat started to throb through me. I towed him over to the tub.
I was so cold that the water felt scalding on my toes. But I bravely stuck my whole foot in and then, wincing, I lowered in my ass and then the rest of me. As I hunkered down, the water closed over my shoulders, I groaned with relief, feeling the heat soak into me and my shivers start to die down.
I allowed myself a few seconds of shameless indulgence with my whole body immersed before I scooched forward and allowed Bull to climb in behind me. He would have stood there waiting for me all morning if I’d wanted him to, too tough to complain about the cold. But when he climbed in and warmed his chilled limbs, he gave the same groan of relief I had.
Bull wrapped his arms around me and slid my ass back along the tub towards him, until my back was against his chest. He scooped up handfuls of water and used them to warm the parts of me that were out of the water, including my hair. Those huge palms smoothed over my chilled scalp again and again, until my brain was drunk on the feel of him, until I had to tear myself from his grip, twist around like an eel on his chest, and kiss him hard.
That started something. My wet breasts were against his pecs, nipples hardening against the firm muscle. My legs were between his powerful thighs and I could feel the hard length of his cock against my stomach. He chewed lightly on my lower lip and I groaned, my hands tracing the shape of his biceps.
He lifted me up his body a little. The shaft of his cock slid down my stomach, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Then it slipped between my thighs.
He pushed me back down his body and I felt the silken head kiss the lips of my sex. I stiffened, looking up at him with huge eyes. “Not here,” I said my voice tight with need. “On the bed.”
He growled in frustration but then nodded. If we tried it in the bath, with Bull’s size and strength, we’d likely break the tub. Or make it fall through the ceiling to land in the lobby.
We climbed out and almost ran to the bed. I hurled a few towels down just before we got there, because I’m practical that way. Then we were diving onto the bed, our wet bodies leaving damp imprints on the towels, me giggling and him panting with need as he rolled me over onto my back.
He buried his head in the side of my neck, nuzzling and kissing and tickling me there all at the same time and I descended into giggles again. Then it changed as he moved lower, his mouth following the shape of my breasts, his lips closing hard on my nipples until I arched and moaned under him.
He used his hands to squeeze my breasts together and pushed his face between them, licking the soft valley, his thumbs working over my hardened nipples. Then he worked his way lower: down over my stomach, down through the little curls of dark hair, down to—
I grasped the sheets with both hands, gathering them and twisting them as he kissed me there. He nudged my thighs apart and ran the very tip of his tongue along the dark line where my lips met. He went slow, my whole body became still as I focused entirely on his movements. I had to breathe in time with his licks, it was so intense. I thought I’d never see him again!
I closed my eyes and gave myself up to it. The heat of his breath on my moistened flesh. The touch and then press and then entry of his tongue. The way his lips brushed and then captured my super-sensitive clit. The size of him, hulking between my thighs, only made his gentleness more intense.
And then it became not gentle. As I started to writhe and thrash under him, he used his arms to lock me down to the bed, forcing me to accept the pleasure. His lips and tongue moved faster, working up to a rhythm I couldn’t hope to fight. I threw back my head, eyes closed and mouth open, panting out my ecstasy as he fucked me with his mouth, stroking my throbbing bud again and again and—
I came, arching my back so hard that all my weight was on my shoulders and feet, my groin pressed hard against his mouth. Waves of pleasure rippled down me as I rocked against him. When my legs started to tremble and give way, he shoved his hands under my ass and held me there, licking and teasing me through a second peak and a third.
When I collapsed on the bed I was as weak and limp as a newborn foal. He brushed the hair from my damp forehead and smiled down at me. It was some seconds before I could get enough air into my lungs to kiss him. But when I did, it was sweet and wonderful, without any of the fear and tension that had been in the background before. We were going to be together forever. Nothing could part us, now.
It was only when I’d recovered that I became aware of the hot press of his cock against my inner thigh. A new throb of heat started up. I slowly opened my legs for him….
But he shook his head. “Turn over,” he growled, a wicked look in his eye.
I gazed up at him. I wasn’t entirely sure what he wanted, but all of the possibilities sent dark tendrils of heat twisting up to my brain.
I turned over. My breathing, which had been slowing down, started to speed up again.
He got between my legs, put his hands on my waist, and lifted me onto my hands and knees. His hands moved up to my shoulders and then ran all the way down my back to my ass, tracing
its shape. I drew in a long, shuddering breath and squeezed my thighs together for a second, circling them unconsciously at the building heat within. I could feel his eyes watching my ass sway and move. “Now that’s a beautiful sight,” he said in a voice thick with lust.
I heard the bed creak as he leaned forward and planted a kiss in the center of each cheek. Then his hand wrapped around the crease of my thigh, his fingers brushing my clit, and the thumb of his other hand was stroking down the length of my lips. He worked me like that for long minutes, deftly but agonizingly slowly, as I got steadily hotter and hotter. My hips began to churn and buck as my pleasure rose and rose.
My breasts started to swing and bob beneath me. My ass was thrust right back towards him. I’ve never felt more aware of the shape of my body—or prouder of it. Because as he continued, he started to whisper in my ear.
“I am going to fuck you,” he growled, the vibrations echoing out to every part of me. “I am going to fuck you until these beautiful breasts slap against my hands. I am going to fuck you until the gorgeous soft ass feels like it’s getting a spanking. I am going to fuck you until you cry out my name and then carry on until you forget yours.”
The heat was throbbing out from somewhere deep inside me now, as if the whole center of me was full of molten rock, lighting me up from the inside. I nodded weakly.
“But I’m not gonna do any of that...” he said.
Why not?! My addled brain was slow to catch on.
“...until you ask for it.”
The heat took on a new dimension. I twisted my hips again, rocking back towards him, but his fingers and thumb didn’t change their maddening pace. I nodded again.
“Not good enough.” He removed his thumb and then I felt it—the warm, throbbing press of what could only be his cock, naked against me. He teased it against my lips, brushing up and down but not quite entering me. “Say it.”
My face flared, but the heat only added to what was going on inside me. We were in a cheap border hotel and this felt right, somehow. He was behind me, huge and powerful, his knees spreading my thighs, and I was going to beg him to—
I swallowed. “F—Fuck me,” I said.
His cock advanced a delicious few millimeters, then stopped. “How do you want it?” He leaned over me and planted a kiss on my shoulder, making me twist and gasp. “Soft and delicate?”
The blood was rushing in my ears. No. I didn’t want it soft and delicate. I shook my head.
He leaned over me again and licked my back. I could feel his body pressing against the inside of my legs, against my ass, against my back. The muscled hugeness of him was mind-blowing.
He slid into me, filling me, and my lids fluttered closed again at how good it felt. He went slow but deep, until I felt the press of his hips against my ass and gasped at the hardness of him right up inside me.
His hands moved to my ass and he began to move—long, slow strokes, at first, getting me used to how deeply he could go in this position. There was no pain, just the glorious sensation of us being completely connected and the hot thrill of being so filled.
Then he started to speed up and the heat began to twist and thrash inside me like a living thing. I could see the two of us in my mind’s eye—the tanned, muscled man kneeling on the bed, his body huge and hard, towering over the paler, softer woman before him. Taking her. Mounting her. The image lit a fuse in my brain, burning and sparking along a trail that led all the way down to my groin. Just as Bull sped up again, the pleasure exploded in my groin and I groaned, throwing my head back.
He started to really pound me, each hard thrust making my hanging breasts sway. He put his hands under me, not cupping them but letting them slap lightly against his palms with each swing, releasing bursts of silver, sparking pleasure with each contact. He wrapped himself against me for a second, licking the back of my neck where my hair had slid away to reveal a sensitive spot. Then he knelt up again and took me even harder.
The silken stroke of him inside me, so big and powerful, was sending cascades of little explosions rippling through my body, chain reactions that were building towards something bigger and bigger. My arms couldn’t support me any longer. I sank down onto my forearms and then my shoulders, turning my face to the side so that I could breathe.
That presented my ass to him even more completely and I groaned as he found a new, even better angle. His hips were slapping against me hard, now, brutally—just what I wanted. My ass began to throb deliciously from the slaps, the heat radiating out and adding to the pleasure.
His hands scooped underneath me and he palmed my breasts, his thumbs rubbing my nipples. Then he caught each one between thumb and forefinger and squeezed. “Bull,” I gasped. “Bull!”
He kept going, just as he’d promised, his thrusts building to fever pitch. The pleasure was throbbing so hot inside that the bed and the room and the whole hotel seemed to melt away, until it was just us in the darkness of my closed lids, my body flexing and writhing and pushing lewdly back against my lover as he thrust into me again and again. I could feel him hot and hard, naked and the thought of it made the pleasure fold back on itself, twisting and growing—
I was Lily. I remembered that much. But Tessa, that girl who’d always filled my mind with fear and suspicion? I forgot her and let her go forever.
I cried out and pushed back just as he pressed forward and then we were both groaning, locked as tight together as two people can be. The pleasure contracted and then exploded, washing every other sensation away except for the hot rush of him inside me.
We rocked like that, grinding against each other as we rode out our climaxes, and then collapsed onto our sides with him spooning me from behind.
Both of us had been awake all night. I’d walked for miles and Bull had been frantically driving around with Calahan. I nestled back against his chest...and slept.
It was nearly noon when we woke, but there was just time to catch the hotel breakfast. Both of us ordered creaking platefuls of bacon, eggs and toast, washed down with orange juice and coffee. The food made me feel a hell of a lot better...but as we got ready to drive back to Gold Lake, the scale of what we were about to do began to sink in.
“We need to say our goodbyes,” I said. “Once the FBI takes us off somewhere, there’s no going back.” I looked at him seriously over the rim of my coffee cup. “You know that, right? No going back ever.”
“I know.”
I heard the edge of panic in my voice. “It’s easier for me, I don’t have family. But you’re going to have to—”
He put a hand on mine. “I know.”
Our eyes met and my chest contracted with the enormity of it. God, he was willing to give up his whole life for me, even after knowing me such a short time. Even though I’d lied to him. My eyes teared up. “What did I—I don’t know what I did to deserve someone—”
He put one huge hand on my cheek and wiped away the first tear with his thumb, catching it just as it started to fall. “I don’t know what I did,” he told me, “to deserve you.”
“What are you even going to do for work? We don’t know where they’ll send us! It could be...Detroit or Miami or Illinois.” The panic was taking hold, now. “There are no horses in Illinois!”
“We’ll figure something out,” he said. And he said it so firmly I couldn’t help but believe him.
“And what about me? I’ll have to get a proper job. I’ve never had a proper job. I can’t keep doing what I’m doing, with the government looking over my shoulder!”
Bull grinned. “I can see you in an office.”
I gave him an incredulous look.
“In one of those skirts like they used to wear in the sixties, all tight on your ass. And a tight blouse with lots of buttons undone.”
I kicked him under the table. His jokey, I-don’t-take-anything-seriously attitude was infuriating...and exactly what I needed.
“And maybe we could get you some of them glasses with the little horns
—the big black ones?” He made a noise that was halfway between mmm and a growl. “And you could put your hair up in a bun—”
I crossed my arms. “Oh, you’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?”
“And stockings and heels. Big heels. And you can introduce me to all the city folk you work with.”
“And how am I going to explain a cowboy?”
“I won’t be a cowboy, by then. I’ll be something else.”
“I don’t know. Something physical. Construction, maybe? A construction worker.”
I imagined him in a hard hat and—what did construction workers wear? I couldn’t picture the clothes, so I just imagined him stripped to the waist. Mmm. I took a deep breath, feeling a little calmer. “Thank you.”
He stared right back at me and squeezed my hand. “You’re welcome.”
It was mid-afternoon by the time we arrived back at Gold Lake and pulled up outside Calahan’s motel, The Stallion Inn. His car was plastered with road dust. “He’s going to be pissed,” muttered Bull as we got out.
On the other hand, getting me as a witness would be a coup for Calahan. If it meant my uncle went to jail, that was the sort of thing careers were made of. I figured he’d forgive the borrowing of his car. We strolled inside. There was a white horse in the field next to the parking lot—presumably, the stallion they’d named the place after. It ambled over as we passed by it. I stopped to let it nuzzle my palm. Funny, how I’d gotten to like horses.
When we got to Calahan’s room, the door was ajar. That set off a warning bell in my mind, but my whole body was feeling warm and slack with happiness. I’d lost my edge.
Bull pushed the door wide and walked right in. I walked in behind him and almost collided with him when he suddenly stopped. It was at about that point that I wondered why the door was open, but by then it was far too late.