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Second Down (First and Ten Book 2)

Page 2

by Lea Hart

  Laughing, she walked away from him. “Charming.”

  He winced as he followed her into the kitchen. What a dumb thing to say. It was like a fourteen year old boy had inhabited his body. Where was the smooth, charming man he usually was? Evidently being in the company of this woman was robbing him of his usual charisma. “It sounded much better in my head. I apologize for the remark.”

  “No apology necessary.” She checked the pot Gerald had left on the stove and turned on a low flame. Opening the fridge, she noticed he’d left her the fixings for a salad in bags. She pulled everything out and set it on the big island. “Would you like a glass of wine or would you like another drink?”

  “I’ll have a glass of wine with you.” She moved toward the cupboard to pull out placemats and plates for dinner. Her relaxed and happy demeanor made him realize this is what she wanted all along. She obviously wasn’t interested in a fancy dinner and clearly didn’t need his money or fame. Watching her putter around the kitchen gave him hope that his dream of finding someone might actually be possible. He couldn’t remember if a woman had ever cooked for him. They had often seduced him, but no one ever made him food.

  “The wine closet is down the hall. Just make a left out of the kitchen; it’s the first door on your right. As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, we are still working on the house, so the wine is stored in a closet. We’re pretty classy here in Florida.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.” She smiled and went back to setting the table. “I’ll go find us a bottle.” As he stepped out of the kitchen, he was hit with a picture of the two of them years from now having a similar conversation. Maybe it was deja vu or maybe it was wishful thinking. Either way, it was a hell of a picture.


  “Are you sure you don’t want more?” Ronnie asked.

  Chase leaned back in his chair at the kitchen table and smiled at the woman sitting across from him. “That’s one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time. I’ll have to thank Gerald the next time I see him.”

  Ronnie refilled his glass and studied him. “Why did you drive over five hours to come and have a meal with me? Most of our conversations have been contentious, and I can’t figure you out.” She took a sip from her glass and stared into his dark eyes. He wasn’t conventionally good-looking, but he sure was devastating. Attraction simmered under their conversation during the meal, and it felt like an electric current that could arc at any moment. All it would take was one of them leaning in the direction of the other. Who would submit first?

  “I didn’t drive. I flew down in my plane, so it only took me two hours. And I wanted to meet the woman who’s given me a run for my money every time we’ve had a conversation. I resisted the temptation to Google you, and I had no idea what you looked like or your age. I’ve never been this intrigued by a person before in my life, so I had to come down and see what you’re all about.” The woman who had intrigued him was now seducing him with her quick wit and beauty.

  Taking the wine bottle, she refilled her glass and took a sip. “I will give you the short version of my bio. I’m twenty-seven years old. As you know, I went to Stanford for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I then went to Tulane for law school. I have my JD, and I passed the bar and can practice law in the fine state of Louisiana. I started managing athletes’ finances after one of my best-friends from college asked me to take care of his. I’m good at making money grow, so I’ve stuck with it. I have a unique approach to business, and it’s not for everyone, but it works for me and my clients. I may choose to practice law instead, but I haven’t decided yet. I bought this broken down old house because I love to decorate and restore homes almost as much as I love making money. I also love jazz, Doris Day movies, chocolate, wine, and good shoes. I’m a simple girl.”

  Leaning forward, he took her hand and traced her elegant fingers. “Ronnie, you are anything but simple.” He admired her sparkling eyes and aspired to know everything about her. “I thought you were older. You are terrifyingly smart and accomplished, and I’m way too old for you.”

  Moving her thumb over his, she studied the scars on his skin. “How old are you?”

  “I’m thirty-five.”

  Slipping her hand out of his, she covered her face. “I can’t believe they let you out of the retirement home for the night.” She let out a giggle and covered her mouth. “You should probably leave before you miss curfew.”

  He watched her laugh at her own joke and waited until she was done enjoying herself. As she wiped her eyes, he leaned forward and placed his hand gently against her cheek and let his mouth cover hers. As their lips met, he felt a sharp jolt of pleasure run over his skin. He wanted to dive into the desire that pulsed through his veins, but knew it wouldn’t be his best choice. They needed time to get to know one another, because there was no way this wasn’t going to turn into something serious. Reluctantly, he released her mouth and slowly opened his eyes and noticed a smile play across her mouth. “I’m sure glad you decided to have a meal with me.”

  Slowly opening her eyes, she stared into his and wondered where he learned to kiss like that. Maybe his age had something to do with it. “You sure can kiss, even though you’re past your prime.” Running her hand over his cheek, she studied him and attempted to figure out what was happening. Lust, electricity, and something else that was completely new. One kiss and she was ready to give it up.

  Moving his chair closer, he took her face in his hands. “Let me show you what past your prime feels like.” He took her mouth in his possession and tasted her sweet flavor. Letting go of the desire that had built up over the evening, he ate at her lips and swept his tongue against hers. Tasting something dark and desirable, he knew she was the one for him. At least he hoped she was…because he couldn’t imagine a better kiss.

  Pulling away, she ran her finger over her mouth and stared at him. Shakily, she admitted, “You might have a little left in you after all.” Sitting back, she moved her mass of hair away from her neck. The room suddenly felt warm, and she knew the man sitting across from her was the one responsible for the temperature. “I have profiteroles for dessert.” She stood up and cleared their plates; she needed some space to get herself under control. It had been over a year since she’d been intimate with a man, and she didn’t intend to embarrass herself by throwing her body at the first one who showed the slightest interest. She carefully stacked the plates and then moved to the other counter to start on the dessert. Pretending that this was her life’s work, she concentrated on the task at hand. She had to calm down before he got close again. At least, that was her plan.

  “Who would’ve eaten all this food if we didn’t stay home to eat?” Chase studied her as he cleared the rest of the dishes from the table. He watched her put a pitcher of chocolate in the microwave.

  “Gerald and I would have eaten it or I would have taken it over to Alex’s tomorrow.” She split the pastries and scooped small globes of ice cream into them and then placed them in a bowl. “He cooks all the time, and unfortunately, I don’t always have time to enjoy his efforts.”

  “Who is Alex?” He studied her and wondered how many men were stacked up and waiting to get a chance at her. There had to be quite a few, because there was no way the men of Florida were blind and willing to leave her alone.

  “Alex Martinez. He’s the pitcher for the Piranhas and the person responsible for my current career track.” She carefully pulled the pitcher out of the microwave and let it cool on the counter. She finished assembling the dessert and handed him the two bowls. “Do you want coffee?”

  “Are you dating Alex?”

  She picked up the spoons and the chocolate and nudged him in the direction of the table. “Who I’m dating is none of your business, so don’t be rude and spoil this perfect dessert by being obnoxious and overbearing.”

  He sat down at the table and placed the bowls in front of her. “I was just wondering.”

  She poured the warm chocolate sauc
e over the pastries filled with ice cream and handed him a bowl. “This is one of the most wonderful things on the planet. So eat and behave.”

  She repeated the process with her own bowl and then dug her spoon into the dessert. As soon as the warm chocolate and cold ice cream hit her tongue, she closed her eyes against the perfection and moaned. Ice cream and hot chocolate—hardly anything in life ever topped it. She opened her eyes and felt Chase’s boring a hole into her. “Staring at me is not going to get you what you desire, so you better come up with something else…fast.”

  “What do you think that is?”

  She finished her dessert and then carefully wiped her mouth. “Actually, I’m not sure.”

  “I want another date to start with and then another one after that.”

  “You are a handsome man, charming and interesting. But you live too far away, and I’m busy building an empire. You are also geographically undesirable, and I know you don’t have much time, so I’m not sure how it’s going to work. How much free time does a head coach for an NFL team have these days?”

  “Why don’t you leave the how up to me?”

  “All right, Chase Bedford. I look forward to seeing what you’re capable of.”



  NFL Honors Awards

  San Francisco, California

  Ronnie and Ana walked down the hall toward the reception and felt the excitement running through the crowd. It was a combination of end of the season revelry, the awards, and the Super Bowl tomorrow. It was the Oscar night for people who dedicated their lives to the game. “Do you think we’ll see Jack again tonight or is he lost to his admirers?” Ronnie asked.

  Ana glanced over her shoulder and quickly spotted her fiancé. “He’s not going to let me get out of his sight. He’s still paranoid after all of the nonsense that happened last year.” They continued to make their way through the crowd and were stopped by a large group in the hallway. A lot of people had the same idea they did and wanted to get to the drinks and buffet. “So have you run into Chase yet?”

  “No. You don’t see him, do you?” She tried to glance around without being obvious. “I’m hoping we don’t, and we can just pretend like that date several months ago never happened.” Straightening her dress, she tried to pretend like it all didn’t matter. Stupid, handsome men, they were going to be the bane of her existence.

  Ana heard her name being called and turned to see Jack giving her hand signals. He wanted them to wait for him; she tugged on Ronnie’s arm so they could move away from the people trying to get past them. “Is he still leaving messages for you?”

  Ronnie leaned against the wall and waved to a client as he walked past them. “I have no idea. I gave strict instructions to Gerald and Amanda not to put his calls through. I also blocked his number on my cell phone.”

  “I thought you might consider giving him another chance after he put so much effort in trying to reconnect.”

  “Giving a man a second chance is like giving him an extra bullet for his gun because he missed you the first time. I learned my lesson with Brian, and I do not feel the need to have that particular piano fall on my head again.”

  Ana dug into her purse and pulled out her lip gloss and nodded in agreement. “The fact it took him a month to call you after your first date tells you everything you need to know.”

  “Exactly.” She regarded her friend and smiled. “Love agrees with you because I’ve never seen you happier or more beautiful. I’m so happy that it’s worked out with you and Jack.”

  Ana glanced down the hall and watched Jack accept congratulations from his peers. “Me, too. I never would have guessed that I would end up with a big, handsome football player, but it turns out he’s just as boring as me. We’re perfectly suited for one another.” She caught his eye and couldn’t believe he was hers to keep. “I can’t imagine my life without him. We jumped on the bed last night in our underwear and sang along to the radio. Who else would be willing to act like an idiot with me and enjoy it?” He moved through the crowd and she felt her heart flip over. “I still can’t believe he likes me. I look at him, and my breath catches.”

  Ronnie pulled up her hand, and they both stared at the big ring on her hand. “I think the hardware on your finger tells you he does, and if you’re not convinced, then look at the smile he’s giving you right now. He’s ready to devour you in front of God and everyone.”

  Jack finally made it over and stepped up to them. “Hi, ladies. Thanks for waiting. It’s a little crazy tonight.”

  Ronnie patted his arm and winked. “That’s what happens when you’re named Defensive Player of the Year. Everyone wants to congratulate you. Enjoy it, because you’ve worked hard all season.”

  He held up the award and stared at it. “It’s nice to get the recognition, but the best reward is standing right next to me.” He slipped his arm around Ana, leaned down, and kissed her. “This woman right here is the only award I’m ever going to need.”

  Ronnie put up her hands and stepped back. “Please stop, because I don’t want to drown in the mushy love that is flowing all around me.” She gazed down at the ground just to make sure that none it was getting on her shoes.

  Ana laughed and patted his chest. “Don’t listen to her. You just keep saying sweet things, Jack Ellis.”

  “I need a drink and some food. I’ll leave you two to kiss here in the hall. Come find me later on.” Ronnie moved away from the love-birds and headed to the bar. She stood in line and decided to check the emails that had piled up. Hearing her name, she spun and stared at an enormous chest that she unfortunately recognized. “Hello, Brian.”

  “Hi, Ronnie.”

  “Congratulations on your award.” She stared into the eyes of the man who’d broken her heart and let out a breath of relief when she felt nothing as their eyes locked. Not mad, sad, or embarrassed. Somehow, all of it had finally seeped away, and she was left with nothing. A minor miracle, if ever there was one. “Are you looking forward to the off-season?” Flashing a happy debutante smile, she wished Gerald was here to see her behaving well. She was the very picture of civility and good manners. It wasn’t as hard as she thought it would be.

  “After tonight, I sure am.” The line had moved forward, so he placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her forward. She stiffened when he touched her. “The line just moved,” he muttered. A long time ago, she would have welcomed his touch, and the fact that she didn’t anymore made him incredibly sad. This was the first time he’d seen her in person in over a year, and she was more beautiful than he remembered. The pain he’d caused himself by his stupidity didn’t seem to diminish as time passed. In fact, it sharpened with having her so near. It seemed like karma was going to be a constant companion for a while longer, because he deserved everything that came his way.

  Turning, she placed an order with the bartender. She felt Brian move behind her to place his as well. It appeared she wasn’t going to make a quick escape, so she fixed a smile on her face and pretended like she didn’t mind. She busied herself with opening her wallet and getting cash out for a tip.

  “Ronnie, allow me.” She watched Brian put some money in the tip jar and then hand her the drink. He took his own and tipped his head in the direction of some chairs. “Can I take five minutes of your time?”

  “I suppose so.” She took a sip of her drink and then followed him over to the chairs. He stood until she was seated and then sat across from her. Smiling, she waited for him to speak. This was his show, and it was up to him to start. She hadn’t seen his face since he broke her heart and cheated on her. As she stared into his charcoal gray eyes, she wondered why she’d ever found him attractive.

  “I never meant to hurt you, and I’m sorry for what happened between us.” Steeling his nerves, he went on. “I never told you in person, and I’ve always wanted the opportunity to look you in the eye and say I’m sorry.”

  She took a sip of her drink and felt like she heard a door
slam close. The door to the chapter that had haunted her for so long was finally nailed shut. “I accept your apology, but I wonder what you’re sorry for? Do you regret lying to me or that you got caught? If you can’t keep your pants zipped up, then you should warn the women you’re with. It’s only fair.” She stood and put her hand out. “Have a nice life, Brian.” He took her hand and shook it slowly. She nodded and twirled toward the party, feeling lighter than she had in a long time. Finally, she had her say, and now she was completely free. Time to find her clients who had won awards, congratulate them, and then get the heck out of there. She needed a bubble bath, some dinner, and a big glass of wine.


  Chase stood next to a table with his best friend and wondered if Ronnie was going to acknowledge his existence. He’d been tracking her since the end of the award show and hoped to have a moment alone with her. He glanced over at the doors again and finally spotted her walking in. His heart beat against his rib cage in a hard rhythm. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman in his life and knew it would take a miracle for her to give him another chance. Somehow he’d let several weeks pass before he contacted her after their date, and the response she’d given him was absolute and nonnegotiable. He’d screwed up, and she wasn’t going to allow him to waste her time. That much was clear. She had been polite in her refusal for a second date, but firm. After their conversation in December, she kept her word and never took another one of his calls.

  The ballroom was packed with players and their invited guests, so the noise level was starting to match that of a stadium on game day. His head pounded as he watched her stand at the entrance to scan the room, looking as fierce and beautiful as ever. He felt like something sad lay underneath her smile. He hoped like hell he wasn’t responsible, but somehow felt like he was. He watched the dress she wore move against her curves and realized she wasn’t dressed; she was fucking gift wrapped. He almost choked on the scotch he was drinking and felt Reese pound him on the back as he tried to pull himself together. “She’s here.”


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