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Second Down (First and Ten Book 2)

Page 6

by Lea Hart

  “I have a gun, and as soon as I find it, I will be fully protected. I do not need some old football player in my home, making me crazy.”

  “I’m not trying to make you crazy…I’m trying to get you to fall for me.” He waited for her reaction, and she was eerily calm. Which scared the hell out of him. “Is it working yet?”

  “No! It’s not working.”

  “I’m taking you on vacation to the Keys. Gerald and I planned it all out. He’s packed your suitcase and we’re leaving in the morning.”

  Rubbing her head, she felt a big headache coming on. Why her? Had she behaved so horribly in her past life…was this her price to pay? “I think you’ve lost your ever lovin’ mind, and it’s not coming back. Clearly you’ve had a brain injury and your delusional thinking is a permanent condition.” Standing, she cleared her plates and moved to the sink. She felt him staring at her, and she chose to ignore it. Just the same way she ignored his body and the way he smelled. He should smell bad, but he didn’t. “I’m going to work, and I don’t expect to see you when I get home tonight.”

  “So is that no to a vacation?”

  “I’m going on vacation, but not with you. You can leave the details, and I will go by myself, because Lord knows I need one. The last year has been crazy, and I should probably take a break.”

  “Exactly. Except we can go together and enjoy each other’s company.” He stepped forward and took her hand. “Please give me a chance. If you decide that you don’t like me after the weekend, then I promise to leave you alone. It’s Valentine’s weekend, and you don’t want to go to a resort and be all alone…surrounded by couples.”

  “I completely forgot about Valentine’s day.” Leaning against the counter, she tried to pull her hand out of his, but he wouldn’t let her. He held tight and stared into her eyes with a pleading look. It was so sad and pitiful that she found herself wanting to give him a chance. She was such a sap. “I’m not sharing a room with you.”

  “I know. I booked a bungalow. It’s bound to have two beds. It’s right on the beach, and it’s beautiful. Gerald chose all of your spa treatments, and all you have to do is relax and be pampered.” Lifting her hand to his mouth, he kissed it gently. “Thanks, honey, for giving me an opportunity.”

  “What kind of opportunity do you desire?”

  “The kind that allows me to prove that I’m the man for you. I made a mistake, and I’ve learned from it, and I will show you that every day.”

  “Big talk, Chase. I’m not real interested in your words. I’m more interested in your actions, so like I said before…let’s see what you’re capable of.”

  Bending down, he kissed her on the cheek and then let out a loud whoop. “Ronnie DuMond, you will not regret this.”

  “Let’s hope I don’t. Because if I do, there is a bullet with your name on it. Well, there will be as soon as I can find my gun.”

  “You are a bloodthirsty woman. Can you even shoot a gun?”

  “I’m from the South. Of course I can shoot a gun.” She patted his shoulder and smiled sweetly. “I’m an excellent shot, and you would do well to remember that.”


  Sitting at her conference table, Ronnie studied her two best friends and awaited their feedback. She’d called them on her way into the office and requested an emergency meeting. “I’m either going to punch him in the face or have his babies. It could go either way at this point, and I would appreciate some input. Because if I’m going to end up in prison stripes, I want it to be worth it.”

  Ana studied her carefully and then finally responded. “You don’t go to prison for punching someone.”

  “I know that. I would go to jail for shooting him, which would happen after I punched him.” Ronnie fumed.

  Ella, the most rational of three, decided to weigh in. “You like him, and it’s making you crazy. I’ve never seen you display this much emotion toward a man…not even Brian. He’s gotten to you, and it’s tipping you over the edge.” Crossing her legs, she stared at the two of them and nodded her head. “I’ve seen it before, and if you don’t get yourself under control, then you are going to end up like one of those women on that show. Orange is the New Blue or something like that.” Tapping her fingers on the table, she studied Ronnie. “How did he get into your house in the first place?”

  “Orange is the New Black. That’s the name of the show,” Ronnie responded. “Gerald let him in and apparently gave him his blessing, as well as a key to the front door.” Shaking her head, she let out a big breath. “Gerald has the best instincts in the world when it comes to people, and obviously, he see’s something in Chase that I don’t. The only reason that I’m even considering this ludicrous idea of going away with him is because Gerald planned it. That and my embarrassing curiosity about whether that first kiss was a fluke.”

  Ana patted her hand and grinned. “I think Ella may be right; it looks like having his babies is going to be a better option. Just think of how attractive your children are going to be. Chase Bedford is handsome, and he’s going to give you whatever you want. Babies, love…sex. Speaking of, have you tried him out yet?”

  “No! What is wrong with you people?” Shaking her head, she resumed eating her lunch. “Neither of you are turning out to be much help.”

  “We’re helping. You just don’t like hearing the truth,” Ella stated flatly. “I’ve given into my feelings for Clark, so I have a much different perspective about things now. You can no longer count on me for advising you to run for the hills. I blame that big man who sleeps next to me every night.” Patting her curls down, she smiled at both of her friends. “Now that I’ve admitted what’s in my heart, I feel a lot better. All that resisting just made me tired.”

  “Fine,” Ronnie stated flatly. Both of her best friends beamed at her in approval. It seemed that they wanted for her what they had for themselves. Which was happy, blissed out love or lust or whatever it was. She just hoped like hell that Chase was going to be the man to give it to her. If not, then she was going to go back to kissing as many men as she could get her hands on until she found one that she felt like keeping for longer than ten minutes.

  Her assistant, Amanda, called from the other room that Scott Clemin needed to see her. “Tell him I’m not available.”

  “Now, Ronnie. Why are you trying to avoid me?” In strode the man himself. All six feet two inches of quarterback glory. “I came to check on you.”

  “You are a traitor, and I have no time for you.”

  Sitting in the only empty seat available, he beamed at the women. They all stared at him and nothing happened. It was strange, because none of them reacted the way women usually did when he smiled. “Hi.”

  “They’re not interested either. Ana is engaged to Jack Ellis, and Ella is dating Clark Matson.”

  “Oh…that explains it. I thought I was losing my touch.” Sitting back, he realized that they could become his friends, which at this point in his life meant more than anything. “You all are too smart for me, anyway.”

  Ella looked him up and down. “Truer words were never said.” Leaning forward, she studied him. “If you’re nice to me, then I’ll tell my boyfriend to protect you, but if not…” She motioned her hand across her throat. “All bets are off. Apparently, I’m really good in bed, so he pretty much does what I want.” Smiling, she picked up her fork and resumed eating her meal.

  Scott studied the other two women to see if this was anything that he needed to pay attention to. They both shrugged and went back to eating. Crazy times three, well, it wouldn’t be boring. He sat back and waited, because whatever was coming next was sure to be to be good.

  “Scott, what are you doing here? I would think that you would have enough sense not to show up here today. After all, you crossed to the enemy camp last night. How late did you stay, by the way?” Ronnie asked.

  “I didn’t cross to the enemy camp. In fact, you used to me to make the man you’re in love with jealous. I’m feeling really bad about my

  Leaning over, she hit him in the arm and laughed. “You spent the whole night chatting up your idol, so I’m not real interested in your whining. And…you said you liked the kiss.”

  “I did. But I don’t need to take what isn’t mine. Chase thinks that you are his, and I do not feel like getting in the middle of whatever is happening between the two of you.”

  “Well, to be honest, I’m not sure what’s happening. But I should probably find out before I kiss anyone else.” Ronnie sighed.

  “I think that you need to take me on as a client. I kissed you last night and risked bodily injury. So the right thing to do would be to make sure that my wealth is managed properly.”

  “That is cheap and underhanded.” Ronnie stared at her two friends to see if they were going to back her up, and all they did was smile and eat their lunch. “Fine. But you are the last one. I’m going to be having some children soon, and I’m not going to have time for any more clients.”

  Scott studied her and wondered if everything he heard about her was true. People couldn’t say enough about her ability to make money for them and her ethics and her loyalty. The woman in front of him didn’t seem like that person. She seemed a little crazy. “When are the babies coming?”

  “Soon. I’m searching for a baby daddy, and as soon as I find one, it’s all systems go.”

  Scott sat up and stared at the woman who he was considering entrusting his fortune to. “So…no marriage. Just a baby daddy?”

  “Yes. I have more money than God, I have Gerald, and I have good friends. A husband is completely superfluous. I have no desire to wash a man’s clothes, make his dinner, and tend to his needs when I don’t have to. Wake up and smell reality. There isn’t a whole lot of use for men anymore.” Smiling, she returned to her lunch.

  He should call Chase right away and warn him. Maybe he had no idea about the crazy that was wrapped up inside of Ronnie. Perhaps he thought she was completely different. “What about Chase. You’re crazy for the man?”

  “That’s true. But he couldn’t call me back after one date, so my hopes are not real high for him. I think this latest push is about the conquest and not about me. Maybe he could be my baby daddy.”

  “What if he wants to be more?” Scott sputtered.

  Calmly, she wiped her mouth and then rested her hands in her lap before responding. “Before a man loves you forever and ever—‘til death do you part—and brags to his friends about how smart you are and becomes the father of your children, he has to call you back. So far, Chase hasn’t been able to do that. So…I’m reserving judgement. Ana said that he would give me some good-looking children, and I’m open to that, in case the whole love thing doesn’t work out.”

  “Lord have mercy on the soul of the men who dare to come in contact with you,” Scott stammered.

  “From your mouth to God’s ears.” Ronnie smiled.

  “I’d like to change the subject and put a question forth,” Ana said.

  “Go ahead, because I’m ready to move on,” Ella replied.

  “Do you think that I’m insatiable?” Ana asked.

  “In what context?” Ronnie replied.

  “Well…Jack said that he needed to add another fifteen hundred calories to his daily intake to keep up with me. And that seems like a lot. I explained to him that I felt it was important to take advantage of the fact that I’m engaged to an underwear model. In a couple of years, we’re going to be having babies and our lives are going to be filled with spit-up and poop. So I need to enjoy the time I have now as much as I can.”

  “I agree with your strategy,” Ella answered. “I could run up a spreadsheet if that would make him feel better. What’s happening now is like putting a deposit in the bank for later. Because there’re going to be about ten years where the sight of him is going to do nothing for you. I’ll have some time this weekend, and I’ll run some stats.”

  Ana leaned over and squeezed Ella’s hand. “Thanks. I think it will make him feel better.”

  Scott stood, because this was more than he could process in one sitting. His brain was about to explode, and he couldn’t decide which comment was responsible for it. “I’m out. I need to go work out.”

  Patting his arm, Ronnie smirked. “Did you just go into estrogen overload?”

  “Is that what they call this?”

  “I believe so. I understand if you would like someone else to manage your finances.” Ronnie grinned.

  Giving the table of women a faint smile, he moved toward the door. “I’ll let you know.”

  Waving to him, Ronnie smiled. “I don’t have time for any more clients, and if he can’t make it through one little lunch, then I’m not interested.”

  “Wimp,” they all said at once.



  Ronnie walked out of her bathroom with her hair up in a towel and was greeted by Chase knocking on her door and then immediately walking in. “It’s customary to wait until you are invited into a room before entering.”

  “Now what fun would that be? I wouldn’t want to miss out on the sight of you in your fuzzy robe, glasses, and towel on your head. I’m guessing there are few people in the world who’ve had the privilege of seeing you in such a state.”

  Looking around, she tried to find something to throw at his head and saw nothing that she was willing to part with. “If you speak of this to any of my clients, then I’ll have to get rid of you, and it won’t be pretty.”

  “Why are you always trying to harm me?” Taking slow steps in her direction, he desired nothing more than to wrap her up in his arms and hug her tightly. For the next…rest of his life.

  “Because you’ve inserted yourself into my life and home.” She unwrapped her towel. Her hair fell out and exploded down her back. She had a ton of it, and it was only through careful ministrations that it ever behaved. “Now leave, because I’m going to get ready for our trip.”

  “Are you going to let me drive?”

  “Of course. I have no interest in driving. I like being the passenger, because I can sleep when I want, eat snacks, and gaze out the window. As far as I’m concerned, you can chauffer us wherever we need to go.”

  Stepping forward, he kissed her head and felt her fragrance envelope him. Magnolias…that was the scent that filled his senses. If he was lucky, it would be with him for the rest of his life. “I’ll drive you wherever you need to go, honey.” Releasing her, he stepped back and grinned. “I’ll wait for you downstairs.”


  Chase sat in the living room studying his email and wondered what he should do with the rest of his life. Negotiations with the current owner for his contract next year were not going well. Hell, he didn’t know if it was the job for him, and mostly likely, that’s why negotiations were going the way they were. All the talk of moving the club to England made him feel like there was no real future with the team. He always thought he’d be better suited to coaching high school or a small college team anyway. Perhaps he was done with the NFL, for now anyway. He watched Ronnie walk down the stairs in a pair of jeans, T-shirt, and flip flops, and that felt like a more promising future than anything else. “Hi, honey.”

  “I’m ready to start my vacation. Where are you taking me to breakfast?”

  “I thought we could go to the Wagon West Restaurant. They have great food, and it’s on our way.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Glancing around, she couldn’t locate her suitcase. “Did you pack the car already?”

  “I did. I’m ready to get started on our weekend away.” Walking toward her, he stared into her pretty face and wondered if the time was right. “I haven’t kissed you since our first date, and I was hoping to have a chance now?” He ran his hand up her arm and over shoulder and let it rest there. Her skin felt like satin under his fingers, and he wanted nothing more than to see if the kiss in his memory lived up to reality.

  “Well, I guess. It might be a good idea to see if there’s any chemistry be
tween us. Maybe that one kiss was a fluke.” Smiling to herself, she ran her hand up his huge forearm and admired his ropy muscles. His skin was warm under her fingers, and she wondered if there was anything between them or if all they had was their sparring. His head gradually moved closer, and a small sweet smile creased his mouth. It was a surprise to see a hint of shyness on his face, because he always seemed so sure of himself and full of bluster. She never considered that perhaps it was covering his insecurity.

  His big warm hand cupped her face, and he slowly pressed his mouth to hers in a kiss that was sweeter and richer than anything she’d ever experienced in her life. Closing her eyes against the sensation, she fell into Chase in a way that felt sacred. He lifted his mouth, too soon, and she held onto his arm, because the last thing she wanted to do was fall over. Gently opening her eyes, she wondered why she felt so lightheaded. It couldn’t be anything more than missing breakfast…at least, she hoped that was what it was. Because if it wasn’t, she’d just kissed the man who was going to own her heart.

  “No fluke, Ronnie. That was better than the first time.” Leaning his head against hers, he waited. Waited for what, he didn’t know. Maybe for angels to sing or a marching band to begin playing or some fireworks. There had to be something that marked this moment.

  “I need some French toast.”

  All right, not what he had in mind, but it was going to have to do. “Let’s go and get you that French toast, then.”

  As they drove down the highway, the car was filled with the sounds of Miles Davis. Chase loved jazz, and the artists from the fifties and sixties were some of his favorites. Glancing over, he enjoyed the view before him. Ronnie was leaning back against the seat with her head pointed toward the window. She was playing with her hair as she twirled it around a finger and hummed to herself. She appeared more like a college girl than an accomplished business owner who struck the fear of God into her clients. He wanted to win her heart and earn her respect and trust. It was as simple as that. Somehow, she was calling to the king in him and not the fool, and he needed to figure out a way to make her his queen. “I like the way you’re dressed, Ronnie. It tells me that you’re ready to relax and enjoy yourself.”


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