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Second Down (First and Ten Book 2)

Page 8

by Lea Hart

  Chase stood in front of Ronnie with a grin and a towel draped over his shoulders. “I’ll find out for you.” She felt him lean over and kiss her head and then walk up to the veranda where the food was. “Have fun in New York, and let’s have lunch next week.”

  “You have fun too, Ronnie. Give the man a chance…worst case, you have some great sex. Maybe it doesn’t have to be more than that.”

  “I don’t need it to be more than that. A physical relationship is all I’m interested in right now.”

  “I highly recommend it, because I sure am having fun with the one I have with Jack. Don’t get me wrong, he has a fine mind, a sick sense of humor, and a heart that’s as big as Alaska. But truth be told, he’s is a master in bed, and I’m enjoying him tremendously. Anyway, I’ll call you next week.”

  “Love you. Don’t forget lunch.” She heard the call end and stared out at the waves as they lapped against the shore. Letting out a heavy sigh, she took another sip of coffee as she tried to delay the inevitable.

  Chase leaned over the railing and studied Ronnie. He knew she was having a difficult time with what was happening, and he didn’t want to make it worse, so he played it light with her. “Come on and eat. You have some appointments in the spa, and you can’t go on an empty stomach.” She twisted in his direction and gave him a steady look. “I see you have chosen some sort of spa breakfast, so come and get it over with.”

  “I regret my attempt at making a good choice.” Standing, she brushed the sand off her bottom and mounted the stairs. “I figured that since I was going to suffer, then so were you. So I hope you enjoy your fitness breakfast.” He lifted the lid off his plate and smiled. How could a person smile at a bunch of egg whites and turkey bacon? Either he was hungry beyond caring or he was faking it. Either way—it was annoying.

  “Honey, this is what I used to eat when I was playing. It’s so sweet of you to remind me of those days.” Glancing up, he noticed the scowl on her face. How could someone be crabby in paradise? Maybe it was the healthy breakfast she’d ordered for herself. He glanced at her plate and saw a lot of fruit and a small dish of yogurt. Hell that would make him crabby if that was his breakfast. She stood and stared at her plate. “We’ll have cheeseburgers for lunch.” A bright smile lit up her face. Good to know. “Come and get it over with.”

  Sitting next to him at the table, she pasted a bright smile on her face. “How was your swim?”

  “Do you really care?” Chase laughed.

  “Not really, but I’m being a hostess and pretending that I care about your exercise regimen. How am I doing?”

  He attacked his eggs as she spread butter and jam on his toast, and moved a bunch of fruit to his plate. Stealing half of his bacon, she made herself a sandwich out of it with a piece of his toast. Placing some eggs on her plate, he noticed a faint smile appear on her face. This was painful. He felt like getting someone to bring them a large box of donuts and be done with the torture. “Honey, why don’t we order something that you want?”

  “I’m going to the spa, so I can’t show up with pancakes in my stomach.”

  “Is that a spa rule?”

  “Never mind. Let’s talk about something else…what are you going to do today?”

  “I’m going fishing, and then I’ll wait at the pool until you’re done.”

  “All right. I have to find the person in charge of weddings and get some info for Ana. She’s going to add this to her list of possible wedding locations. One of her good friends got married here a couple of years ago and raves about the place.”

  Looking around, Chase wondered where Ronnie wanted to get married. She didn’t seem like a destination wedding sort of girl. “Where are you going to have your special day?”

  She scooped the eggs onto her fork and put it in her mouth before answering. Why would he ask her that? It was so strange. Wiping her mouth on the napkin in her lap, she took a sip of coffee and stared at the water. “I may not be getting married, but if I ever do, then it will be at the horse farm. In front of the pond in spring.”

  “All right. That seems like a good idea.” He smiled over his coffee cup at her. He could definitely see her walking toward him in a white dress at a horse farm in the middle of Louisiana. Hell, she could walk toward him anywhere wearing anything and he would be happy.

  “That wasn’t an invitation, Chase.”

  “I know. But maybe someday it could be. A man doesn’t become a man until he wins the heart and respect of a good woman.”

  “Is that what you’re trying to do?”

  “I believe…I am. A woman like you, if loved correctly, will warm an entire home. If irritated, you would probably burn it down. I figure, since you haven’t brought up your gun in a couple of days that we’re moving in the right direction. Who knows? Love could be just around the corner.” Leaning toward her, he took her hand and pressed his mouth gently against her skin. Looking up, he noticed the pulse beating in her neck as her eyes grew large. “Now, give me a kiss, and then I’ll walk you over to the spa.” Tugging her hand, he brought her closer. She closed the distance and let her mouth press against his. Ka-boom, that’s what happens when she kisses me. Not willing to leave it at that, he cupped his hand around the back of her head and gave her a kiss that hinted at the desire running through his body. Ka-boom…His heart exploded.


  Walking up to the pool, Chase gazed around and tried to find Ronnie. His fishing trip took longer than he expected, so he figured she would be here. He started to get worried, because he couldn’t spot her…until he heard her laugh. She was in the pool, sitting on the steps and being entertained by some man. She wore a big hat and a red bathing suit, and she seemed to be having the time of her life. A drink was in her hand, and she appeared relaxed. Well, that was going to have to change. He spotted her bag on a chaise lounge, so he dumped his phone and shirt. Walking over to the other end of the pool, he dove in. Sneak attack…that was the only answer. Swimming the length of the pool, he surfaced right next to her. Lifting his head out of the water, he watched her surprised expression as she realized who it was.

  “My goodness, Chase.” She wiped his face and smiled into his eyes. “How was fishing? I hope you caught us something for dinner.”

  Leaning forward, he enveloped her in his arms and kissed her with a note of possession that wouldn’t be mistaken for anything else. Especially by the bozo who was trying to make her laugh. Hell that was his job and no one else’s. Slowly releasing her mouth, he responded. “I didn’t bring anything back, but I can order us some cheeseburgers.”

  Patting his chest, she beamed. “Good enough. I’m starved.” Putting out her hand to the man sitting next to her, she said, “Lovely to meet you.” She stood and made her way out of the pool.

  Chase and the guy stared as she emerged from the pool in a suit that was reminiscent of another time, maybe the forties. There was nothing revealing about its modest design, but it had Chase panting as she walked away from him. Turning toward the guy, he said one word. “Mine.” He quickly got out of the pool and followed Ronnie over to the chair. Signaling a waitress on his way over, she met him as he stepped up to Ronnie. “We’d like two cheeseburgers and fries. Please get Ms. DuMond another drink, and I’ll have a beer. Thank you.”

  Ronnie handed him a towel from the stack on the table and took one for herself. She draped one over her shoulders as she placed two side by side on the double lounge chair. Lying down, she put her glasses on and grabbed a magazine out of her bag. She watched Chase dry off and plop down next to her and lay his hand against her leg.

  “How was the spa?”

  “Heaven. My goodness, the treatments were out of this world. I think they removed a year of stress from my muscles and pores.” She took his wandering hand in hers and squeezed. “I need to start doing that more often.” She noticed his serious appearance, and it wasn’t because of her description of her time at the spa. “What’s going on?”

  He twisted toward her
, “I didn’t call you right after our first date because you scared the hell out of me. I knew that if I started something with you, then it was going to be for the rest of my life. I hid behind my job, because it was easier than admitting to myself that I wondered if I was going to be enough for you. I’m sorry, Ronnie.”

  Running her hand along his arm, she felt his muscles and wondered why it was always the strongest people who had the hardest time giving in to the idea of another person. She wasn’t any better at this than he was; she just got to pretend like she was. “All right, Chase.”

  “Once I got my head screwed on right, I realized that you’re the perfect person for me because you scare the shit out of me. I wouldn’t want it any other way. So…I’m going to remove that wall you have around your heart brick by brick and become the person that protects you.” The waitress chose that moment to deliver their lunch. Sitting up, he took the baskets of food and handed them to Ronnie. “I didn’t bring you any fish, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t get you fed.”

  Her loud laugh filled an empty place in his heart that he didn’t know he had, and a feeling of relief flowed through his body. It was important to him that he told her how he felt, and having done it made him wish that he would have done it sooner. No one got what they desired in life by hiding from the truth. And the truth was Ronnie was always going to be the one for him.


  Ronnie fussed with her hair and finally gave up. There wasn’t much to be done with it at this point, and she couldn’t muster the energy to fight it anymore. Grabbing her wrap from the bed, she walked out of the bedroom and admired the view of the handsome man sitting on the couch reading a book. There wasn’t much that got to her, but seeing a man read was certainly a soft spot. Sliding onto to the couch, she leaned over and read the title of the book. “A little light reading before dinner?”

  He took off his glasses and flipped the book over. “I love history, and I’m no longer embarrassed to admit it. No one cares about me since I’ve retired, so I can do what I want and read without explanation.” Leaning over, he kissed her cheek and let her perfume surround him. “You sure are pretty. I think I may be the luckiest man in the world.” Her smile and pink cheeks made him feel like a million bucks. It was strange how he felt fourteen again, because any sign she gave him that she might like him a little meant everything in the world to him.

  “For a northerner, you sure possess some charm.” Leaning against him, she grinned. “I’m hungry again, so I’m ready.”

  Standing, he held out his hand and waited for her to place her small hand in his. “We have a table on the beach tonight, and then we get to listen to Taj Mahal play at the Sandbar session.”

  “Wow. How did they get someone like him to play here?”

  “I’m not sure, but they seem to attract some fairly accomplished artists.” He noticed that she had given up her high heels for this trip, and he liked seeing how relaxed she was. Taking her hand, he led her out of the bungalow and down the path toward the restaurant. The resort was surrounded by white sand beaches and shorelines with gentle waves. Perhaps the most appealing thing about it, though, was the quiet.

  “How is it that a head coach for an NFL team can take a week off?”

  “You noticed that, did you?” He stopped on the path and stared down at her. “Negotiations are not going well, and my agent is telling me that it might be time to consider some other offers.”

  Ronnie patted his chest and sighed. “Well, you won’t go hungry. I looked at your portfolio, and you have plenty to keep you and a small country in chips for a very long time.”

  Kissing her head, he let out a laugh. “That’s true.” He moved in the direction of the restaurant and let his arm fall over her shoulder as they strolled along the path. “I know that I’m not as appealing as that kid, Scott, that’s been following you around, but I sure would like a chance. An old retired quarterback with no real career direction may not seem like a good option, but it could turn out to be a good thing. Hell, think of all the free time I’ll have. I could be the one driving the kids to school.”

  Leaning into him, she snorted. “Those are seducin’ words, Chase Bedford. Some women dream of diamonds and furs. Me? I dream of a man willing to do the morning school run.”

  “I told you I would make your dreams come true.” Walking into the restaurant, Chase spoke with the hostess and found out that it would be about twenty minutes before their beach-side table would be available. “Let’s go get a drink, honey.”

  “Sounds, lovely. I think a martini would be perfect.” She followed Chase into the bar and admired his very fine behind. He may be thirty-five, but she had never seen a better backside on a man before. All the exercising he did certainly paid off…maybe she should consider some sort of fitness routine. Or not…probably not. No need to get crazy.


  Sitting steps away from the ocean enjoying an amazing meal with a charming woman was sure an improvement over last Saturday. He didn’t think that he had a chance in hell, and he may still not, but she was sitting next to him with a smile on her face, so things were definitely looking up. Slipping his hand under the table, he laid his fingers over her hand. “Thanks for spending the weekend with me.”

  Studying him, she tried to figure out why he was working so hard. “Why me?”

  Staring out over the water, he studied the moonlight as it reflected on the surface of the ocean and made it appear black. “Because you speak to the king in me and not the fool. Something about you inspires me to become a better man.”

  “That’s a lovely sentiment, but my instincts are telling me that it’s just the challenge. I have a feeling that if I had turned in your direction, then you would’ve run in the opposite one.”

  “Ronnie, I’m a man and not a boy, so I can tell the difference. I liked you during our first telephone conversation when you were giving me clear instructions about where I could put my questions and concerns about how you were managing my players’ money. I started falling for you before I knew what you looked like…so I have a feeling that this could turn into something real. Plus, I’ll kill any man who looks at you and certainly any man who kisses you. I’ve never felt that before.”

  “I don’t feel like shooting you anymore, so I guess anything’s possible.”

  It was his turn to laugh out loud. There was never going to be a dull moment with Ronnie DuMond in his life, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. “It’s as good a foundation as any. Hell, all that mad you’ve had for me could turn into love…at least, that’s what I’m hoping for.”

  “My thoughts are turning more toward kissing and less toward bodily harm, so you could be right.” Covering his hand with hers, she leaned in and kissed him lightly. “Yes, definitely kissing.”



  “I guess I like sleeping with you.” Her head lay against his chest, and her leg was thrown over his with his hand inside of her nightgown. Apparently, she had migrated during the night, because they had started out on opposite sides of the bed, and she woke up decidedly on his…draped on top of him. Her kissing feelings were definitely turning into something else entirely. It must be because it had been so long since she’d with a man…at least, that was the story she was telling herself. Maybe Chase was right and her mad was a cover for all of the desire she was feeling. Her mind, usually so well-ordered, was skittering from one scenario to the next, and she couldn’t form a plan that lasted for more than five seconds. Desire trailed through her body, along with distrust, excitement, and longing. Maybe the best strategy was not having one. His big warm hand moved slowly along her skin, leaving a path of need in its wake. If he rolled on top of her, she might never let him go and embarrass herself completely. So much for all of her big talk about sex being meaningless. Sex had always meant something to her, and Chase probably wasn’t going to be the exception.

  “I definitely like sleeping with you.” Feeling herself relax under his t
ouch, he smiled to himself and wondered how he was going to keep himself in check. Desire swamped his limbs, and the last thing he wanted was to go after her like a rabid dog, so he slowly slipped his hand out of her nightgown. Rolling over, he grabbed the phone and ordered them breakfast as a distraction. This thing between them was going to be more than a quick shag, so he was going to wait and make sure that she desired it as much as he did, because the last thing he needed was for her to have regrets about what happened between them. It didn’t matter what she was saying about keeping things casual, because he knew that wasn’t true about her. It was just a story she was telling herself, because she was scared.

  “Pancakes or waffles, honey?” He didn’t hear anything, so he twisted around. The expression on her face was one of disbelief and disappointment. Maybe she wanted him, too, and not just for a quickie. “Right, why make a choice? I’ll order both.” A pillow hit the back of his head as laughter spilled out of the woman next to him. He ordered them a huge breakfast with lots of different options, and perhaps they could feed the desire between them with food…at least for now. He had big plans for Valentine’s dinner, and he hoped it would show her that he was serious about her and she should be serious about him. He really did want to win her heart and respect, and not just her body. Leaning over, he grabbed a quick kiss before getting off the bed. “I’m going for a quick swim before we eat.” Better to cool off in the ocean and work off some energy than lose control.

  Ronnie watched an almost naked Chase stalk to the bedroom and felt like yelling. Clearly sexual frustration was making her crazy. First, she was attracted to him. Then she was mad at him and wanted to kill him, and now she wanted to have at him. Never before had her feelings been so erratic. Sitting up, she adjusted her nightgown and decided to make some coffee. Caffeine was as good an answer as any. She moved into the living room and turned on the coffee pot and stared out the window at the perfect day. It was hovering around eighty degrees, and there were big fluffy clouds dotting the sky. The water appeared like glass and shimmered with the color of the uniforms of the Sharks. That perfect turquoise blue that didn’t seem real. Hearing footsteps, she watched Chase emerge from the bedroom in a pair of red swim trunks. How very Valentine appropriate. He kissed her shoulder as he passed. “I like your swim trunks,” she called out to his retreating back. He waved behind his head as he strode toward their private beach. He was a man on a mission and didn’t slow down at all. Apparently, his fitness regimen was important.


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